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The Sims Wiki
Marcel Gattus
MarcelGattus Portrait
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Marcel intends to make the military his career, meaning he isn't too happy with his assignment to this small town on the edge of nowhere. However, together with his loyal dog, Austin, he plans to make the best of it… and maybe find a girlfriend while he is at it!
Education and employment
Career W military career Squad Leader
Family Gattus family
Marital status Single
Pets Austin Gattus
Traits Trait Good Sense of Humor small Good Sense of Humor
Trait Friendly small Friendly
Trait Good small Good
Trait Dog Person small Dog Person
Trait Brave small Brave
Lifetime wish LTW Become an Astronaut Become an Astronaut
Favorites Fav Country Music Country
Fav Lobster Thermidor Lobster Thermidor
Fav Irish Green Irish Green
Hair color Haircolor5-TS3 Black
Eye color Eye-brown Brown
Skin color Dark skin-TS3 Dark
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Pets (console)
Playability Unplayable
Neighborhood Sugar Maple Coast

Marcel Gattus is a pre-made, yet unplayable Sim residing in Sugar Maple Coast from The Sims 3: Pets for console. He was sent there by the military, much like Erin Kennedy in Sunset Valley, but not much else is known about him. He owns a dog named Austin. He can be made playable by befriending and asking him to move in.


W athletic skill Athletic 3
Handiness skill icon Handiness 3

