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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Handheld) The Sims 2 (PSP)
Mambo Loa
Mambo Loa Urbz
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Mystic sage Mambo Loa always has some wisdom to share with the aimless traveler in times of great confusion.
Marital status Single
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Fat Fat
Social standing
Rep group N/A
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis
Mambo Loa
Mambo Loa
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Runs the 'Curio Shoppe' over at the service station.
Family Loa family
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Light Blue
Skin color Skin-dark Dark
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (PSP)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Strangetown
Hello, my name is Mambo Loa. I foresaw your visiting me many months ago, and while I see that my prophecy has come true, I must admit that you are much shorter than the person in my visions.

Mambo Loa is an Urb featured in The Urbz: Sims in the City for handheld and an NPC Sim featured The Sims 2 for PlayStation Portable. She is a psychic and knows quite a lot about paranormal activities.


Life leading up to The Urbz: Sims in the City[]

Mambo first appears when the Sim Quarter is unlocked. During The Ballad Of Pepper Pete, she tells the player that she saw a vision of Daddy Bigbucks' plans to buy the Riverboat from Olde Salty. She then helps the player's Urb disguise themselves as Olde Salty's brother Pepper Pete to try and convince Olde Salty not to sell the riverboat.

The plan turns out to be successful, but Daddy Bigbucks immediately throws the player into the river after he finds out that they were responsible.

Mambo is later involved in Interview With A Cajun Vampire, when the player asks her about a cure after Bayou Boo is turned into a vampire: the cure is stated as a helping of chocolate.

Mambo can be found in the Fortune Teller's Shop most of the time, or occasionally by the gate to the Cemetery. She is one of a few characters who never appear in Club Xizzle.

Life leading up to The Sims 2 (PSP)[]

Mambo is found on the Service Station in her little store, Curio Shoppe. After talking to Oscar Del Fuego in his garage, where the game begins, he will send the player's Sim to talk to Mambo. Once met, Mambo will offer to give the Sim the 'reading', which is a personality test based on which aspiration and personality will be chosen.

She will also teach the player how to fulfill wants, take care of their Sim's needs, etc. She is an important part of the game in the beginning.

Later on in the game, the player will need to return to her to find a cure for vampirism. She will tell the player they need some garlic, plasma, cooking skill, and a crafting bench. There are two available crafting benches in Strangetown; one in Isaac Rossum's home and the other opposite Pita Florica's store in Deadtree.

The player can always return to Curio Shoppe even if not needed for a mission, though, to purchase food and other items, or to speak to Mambo or Bella Goth, which are both in the store. Mambo is interested in secrets about Magic, the Supernatural, and Deputy Duncan's Intimate Secret.

Mambo Loa's secrets from The Sims 2 (PSP):

  • Personal (Personal): Mambo Loa uses mild head-shrinking techniques to keep her hair in line.
  • Intimate (Intimate): When she gets that thousand-mile stare in her eyes, you know she's in love. Or insane.
  • Dark (Dark): Mambo's got a voodoo doll of everyone in town... just in case they mess with the Mambo.
  • Secret (Trash Donuts): Mambo Loa hides her donuts in the trash can in the restroom. Gross!
Personality type
This Sim has an Air personality type in The Sims 2 for PSP.


Interest Dialogue
Urbz Interest Aliens Talk about Aliens There is one who walks this city pretending to be from another planet! Do not be fooled! +1
Urbz Interest Art Talk about Art I foresee great value in collecting and donating precious works of art to those who would care for them! +2
Urbz Interest Bayou Talk about the Bayou A strange and tragic fate awaits you out there! Unless it's already happened, in which case... welcome back! +1
Urbz Interest Books Talk about Books Within books you shall find the seeds of useful knowledge. Study well <player>, and know happiness! +2
Urbz Interest Carnival Talk about the Carnival She who runs the carnival with a magical sense of wonder also rules the Artsie crew. +1
Urbz Interest Cars Talk about Cars My vision is clouded on this matter. I see no four wheeled automobiles in your future. Other things perhaps, but no cars. -1
Urbz Interest TheLounge Talk about the Lounge In this place you shall find the most challenging card game to all human- and animal-kind. +1
Urbz Interest Miniopolis Talk about Miniopolis Miniopolis is not what it seems, <player>, unless you think it seems to be not what it seems. -2
Urbz Interest CoffeeShop Talk about the Coffee Shop The unofficial rule is this: "Coffee tomorrow and coffee yesterday, but never coffee today." -3
Urbz Interest Computers Talk about Computers Look to she with big words and bigger eyeglasses for tips on how to charm the socially timid members of Miniopolis. +1
Urbz Interest Construction Talk about Construction He who wields a hammer and nails can be trusted with carpentry jobs of great importance! +2
Urbz Interest Cooking Talk about Cooking A good chef raises her skill, mixes her ingredients carefully, bakes the mix quickly, and sells the food immediately! +1
Urbz Interest Cosmos Talk about Cosmos There are more things in Heaven and Earth, <player>, than are dreamt of on your sofa. +1
Urbz Interest Crime Talk about Crime My advice to you is this: Always find a bathroom and don't sleep in public. -1
Urbz Interest Dancing Talk about Dancing Look to he of large build who guards the secret entrance to the disco for tips on how to walk, talk, and act tough. +1
Urbz Interest BadPun Tell a Bad Pun Watch your mouth buster! -3
Urbz Interest Exercize Talk about Excercise Jogging will not help! For best results seek the aid of large, expensive machinery. -1
Urbz Interest Market Talk about the Market This is the center of all cultural activity, and therefore, the coolest place in town. +3
Urbz Interest HomeDecor Talk about Home Decor I have lost my lucky bauble. If you happen to find it, handle with caution. -2
Urbz Interest Games Talk about Games As my mentor once told me: though you may finish the game, life will continue forever! +3
Urbz Interest Graveyard Talk about Graveyard A grave secret rests amongst the tombs! A portal from here to there! But why and where? +2
Urbz Interest Hobbies Talk about Hobbies There is more to life than reaching goals! Distract yourself with a side project or two. +2
Urbz Interest Health Talk about Health If you've been down so long everything looks like up, know that the hospital will always help. +1
Urbz Interest Home Talk about Home There are more things in Heaven and Earth, <player>, than are dreamt of on your sofa. +1
Urbz Interest Hygiene Talk about Hygiene Wash your hands and scrub your feet for goodness sake! Otherwise you'll never catch the ear of anyone! -2
Urbz Interest Jail Talk about Jail The jailer is stern but fair. Pay your debts or answer his questions and you may see the light of day. +1
Urbz Interest Law Talk about the Law Money over mind is the rule! A great many laws in Miniopolis will change before the end. -3
Urbz Interest Jobs Talk about Jobs Perfect your skills to pay your bills, and earn respect all the while. 0
Urbz Interest Simoleons Talk about Simoleons Look to him who carries his father's big name for tips on how to get rich without working or caring. -2
Urbz Interest Movies Talk about Movies Watching a finely crafted film is a pleasant and quick way to have fun. +2
Urbz Interest Museum Talk about the Museum There will come a time when donating decorative objects to the museum will be a profitable venture. +1
Urbz Interest Music Talk about Music Look to the one named after an instrument of war for aid with music, poetry, and ultra-hipness. +2
Urbz Interest Nature Talk about Nature There are many natural mysteries in Miniopolis, most of them helpful. Do not be shy. +2
Urbz Interest Newspaper Talk about the Newspaper Visit the newspaper office often for scraps of random wisdom. 0
Urbz Interest Ninjas Talk about Ninjas Discover the Ninja's secret identity and rescue the world from certain doom! -1
Urbz Interest Politics Talk about Politics I see... I see a great wad of money pushed by a fat hand into a politician's pocket! -3
Urbz Interest River Talk about the River Once the gullible lawyer is driven out, I foresee a great resurgence of happy boating activity on the river. +2
Urbz Interest RepGroups Talk about Rep Groups One Rep Group at a time, that is the limit! But you may reap the benefits of each, one at a time. +1
Urbz Interest Shopping Talk about Shopping Whether in-store or online, for better or for worse, shopping is one of this city's favorite pastimes. +1
Urbz Interest Science Talk about Science There is no science to fortune telling. It is a magical, mystical art. -2
Urbz Interest Sleep Talk about Sleeping Beware! Nerdy forces are conspiring with fat-cats in an attempt to tear the fabric of space-time for evil purposes! -2
Urbz Interest Sports Talk about Sports I foresee many hard fought games of ball-in-the-basket played atop the jail! +1
Urbz Interest Supernatural Talk about the Supernatural Beware of the graveyard spirit! His brains are scrambled. Talk only of your interests, lest he get angry! +1
Urbz Interest Television Talk about TV He who first presented himself on the small screen will soon return to atone for his mistakes. +1
Urbz Interest Theatre Talk about Theatre Take heart <player>, for all the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players. +2
Urbz Interest Travel Talk about Travel A journey of one thousand miles begins with a single step and one last trip to the toilet. +2
Urbz Interest University Talk about the University You don't NEED a university degree but you must have common sense. Sadly, you cannot buy common sense. -1
Urbz Interest Weather Talk about the Weather I see no rain. And great and vast swaths of blue sky for the next 999 days. If I am wrong, I will gladly return your money. +2
Urbz Interest Work Talk about Work I counsel those with anxious hearts and set their minds aright. I sell t-shirts too, but I'm fresh out right at the moment. +4
Urbz Interest TheWorld Talk about the World Take heart <player>, for all the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players. +2
Urbz Interest Annoy Annoy Normally I don't touch my crystal ball, but if you do that again I will gladly lift it up and knock you in the head. -4
Urbz Interest Apologize Apologize Don't bother with your apology, for I have already foreseen it and accepted it. +5
Urbz Interest Brag Brag Why would you lie about something like that? You know I can see the truth in all things. -4
Urbz Interest CallName Call Name I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never that! Congratulations on your limited success. -5
Urbz Interest CheerUp Cheer Up You're absolutely right. There ARE worse things than being endowed with superhuman abilities. I'd nearly forgotten. +5
Urbz Interest Complain Complain Oh cheer up. Things will be even worse for you in one year. You'll see. +3
Urbz Interest Compliment Compliment You do? Thank you! My friend said head scarves wouldn't be hip this year, but I knew better. +5
Urbz Interest Entertain Entertain That was wonderful. But if you use my crystal ball for juggling ever again, you're toast. +5
Urbz Interest Intimidate Intimidate Why are you making that face? Why are you walking so funny? Are you ill? -4
Urbz Interest Insult Insult I would cast a curse on you for that remark, but I gave them up for my new year's resolution. -6
Urbz Interest Joke Joke It is often difficult to tell me jokes as I always foresee the punch-line before you finish. +3
Urbz Interest Gossip Gossip I'm sorry <player>, but I don't gossip. Psychic - Client relationships are very confidential. -1
Urbz Interest GiveOpinion Give an Opinion I am seeing a lot of positive energy in this opinion of yours. +4
Urbz Interest Secret Tell a Secret I cannot get excited one way or another about hearing a secret I have known for years. +4
Urbz Interest Tease Tease I'm seeing images of a foot in your mouth... yes... yes... it's my foot, in fact. -3
Urbz Interest Cry Cry Cry! Yes cry, <player>. For not all tears are an evil, and no evil ever sheds a tear, and crying is good exercise anyway. +4
Urbz Interest RudeGesture Rude Gesture How utterly despicable of you! -6
Urbz Interest Flirt Flirt Whoa! I didn't see that one coming. But thanks... you're cute too. +3
Urbz Interest JibbaJabba Jibba Jabba Mamma-say mamma-saw mamma mah-koo-sah! Sing it with me! +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Reject) Get your dang hangs off me, you grubby social climber! -2
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Reject) I wouldn't kiss you if you were a chocolate covered frog. -2
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Accept) Bless you, <player>. Varies
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Reject) I don't have any need for that. But money would be great. No? N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Accept) Be careful when carrying this crystal necklace to <Sim>. It's almost irreplaceable. N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Reject) I don't have anything for you now. But one day I will. Be ready. N/A
Urbz Interest MoveIn Move In (Reject) That is a thing I cannot do. My place is here. N/A
Urbz Interest Other Silent Treatment I have no reason, will, or desire to speak to you today. Be gone! N/A

Topic set

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Bayou The Sim Quarter
1:00 AM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Bayou Fortune Teller's Shop
2:00 AM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Bayou
3:00 AM Cemetery
4:00 AM The Sim Quarter
5:00 AM Fortune Teller's Shop
6:00 AM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop
7:00 AM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter
8:00 AM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter
9:00 AM The Sim Quarter Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
10:00 AM Crawfish Shack The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack
11:00 AM Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack
12:00 PM The Sim Quarter Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
1:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
2:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Crawfish Shack Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
3:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter Fortune Teller's Shop
4:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter Fortune Teller's Shop
5:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop
6:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Crawfish Shack Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
7:00 PM Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack The Sim Quarter Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack
8:00 PM Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack Fortune Teller's Shop Cemetery The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
9:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop The Sim Quarter Cemetery Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop
10:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Cemetery Cemetery Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop
11:00 PM Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop Bayou Cemetery Fortune Teller's Shop Fortune Teller's Shop

Gift Items
Book of Poetry
Book of Poetry
Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates
Comic Book
Comic Book
Reject Accept Reject Reject
Gold Ring
Gold Ring
Jailhouse Teddy
Jailhouse Teddy
Olde Salty Action Figure
Olde Salty Action Figure
Red Rose
Red Rose
Reject Reject Reject Reject
Rep Items
Artsie Trade Magazine
Artsie Magazine
Richie Trade Magazine
Richie Magazine
Streetie Trade Magazine
Streetie Magazine
Nerdie Trade Magazine
Nerdie Magazine
Reject Reject Reject Reject
Artsie Trophy
Artsie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Reject Reject Reject Reject
Other Giftable Items
Personal Painting
Personal Painting
Accept Accept Accept



  • A grave in the Deadtree graveyard says "Bruce displeased the mambo." This could be a reference to Mambo due to her supernatural powers.
  • In both games in which she appears, Mambo helps the player find a cure for vampirism. However, the recipes are different.
    • In The Urbz: Sims in the City, the recipe is 'lots and lots of chocolate.' This involves shoving three bars of chocolate into a blender and baking it. This creates a chocolate bunny.
    • In The Sims 2, the recipe is a combination of plasma and garlic and is made at a workbench given that the player has at least a cooking skill of 4.

Other languages[]

Language The Urbz: Sims in the City The Sims 2 (PSP)
English Mambo Loa Mambo Loa
French Madame Lezastres
German Samba Mamba Samba Mamba
Italian Madame Loa
Russian Мамбо Лоа
(Mambo Loa)
Spanish Casimira Novená Casimira Novená