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The Sims 2: University The Sims 3: University Life The Sims 4: Discover University

A major or a degree is an area of academic study in The Sims 2: UniversityThe Sims 3: University Life and The Sims 4: Discover University.

The Sims 2: University[]


Choose a major that will compliment a Sim's current skills and aspiration.

The Sims 2: University requires young adults to declare a major at college before their Junior year (3rd year). Majors can be declared by using the phone or computer (under the college menu), but Sims will not do this autonomously. Sims who have not declared a major before the end of their Sophomore year will automatically be enrolled in the Philosophy major when they become Juniors. Sims cannot have more than one major, but can change their major at any time before the end of their Junior year.

All majors have one class per semester. While classes normally last two hours, each major has one or two classes that last for three. All majors have a mixture of morning, afternoon, and evening/night classes.

Each major requires different skills that complement specific career tracks. Each major is associated with certain specific career tracks. If a Sim who graduated with honors enters a career track related to his or her major, he or she will get a bonus of 1, 2, or 3 levels. (+1 for Cum Laude, +2 for Magna Cum Laude, +3 for Summa Cum Laude).

Sims who have not declared a major may roll a want to declare one. This is a 2500-point want, so while players can ignore it, it is a good way to give a Sim's aspiration bar a quick boost. These Sims may also roll fears of declaring certain majors. Which majors, if any, a Sim wants or fears will usually depend on his or her aspiration, personality, and skills. For example, Fortune Sims are likely to want to declare Economics. A Sim who has a secondary aspiration may also roll a want to declare a major related to it.


  • Total Skills is the total amount of skill points needed for a Sim to earn all skills required to have a chance of ending 4 years of college with maximum class performance.
  • It is not unusual for pre-made University Sims created as anything other than first-semester Freshmen to lack skills other than those needed for their current semester, even if it would be difficult or impossible for them to have gotten that far with only those skills.
  • Careers in bold are the career that the major is most compatible with. If a Sim goes into this career after studying the major, he or she will find advancement to be easier, as the major and career share several skills.



The Study of ... Indecision. Sims with an undeclared major aren't lazy, they're just not sure where their passion is yet.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman The World: A survey of everything that ever happened 15:00 - 17:00
1 - - - 1 1 -
Academic Argument: Beyond "did not, did too" 8:00 - 11:00
- 1 - 1 - - 1
Sophomore Workshop: Writing more goodly 20:00 - 22:00
- 2 1 - 2 - -
Intro to Philosophy: Your insignificant place in the universe 18:00 - 20:00
2 - - - - 2 2
  • All incoming freshmen, and all young adult townies and NPCs, are Undeclared, meaning that they have not yet declared their major.


Art: The study of visual forms. What better pursuit than to devote ones life to the pursuit of the beautiful or thought provoking. Whilst the disciplines are diverse indeed, all artists are brought together with one goal. Creation.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman Stick Figures: Lowering the bar 15:00 - 17:00
- 1 - - - 1 1
Life Drawing: An excuse to see naked people 17:00 - 19:00
- - 1 1 1 - -
Sophomore Underwater basket weaving: Art meets fitness 10:00 - 13:00
1 - 2 - - 2 -
Oil painting and other ways to poison one's self 19:00 - 21:00
2 2 - - - 3 -
Junior Art History 1: Artists you'll never be as good as 16:00 - 18:00
- 3 3 - - - -
Art History 2: Artists you're already way better than 9:00 - 11:00
3 - - - - 4 -
Senior Impressionism and other blurry moments 19:00 - 22:00
4 4 - - - - -
Conceptual Art: No really. It's art 8:00 - 10:00
- - 4 - - 5 -
Total Skills 4 4 4 1 1 5 1
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Culinary, Slacker Artist Journalism Architecture


Biology: The study of life. Trees, Gazelles, Sims, the smooth endoplasmatic reticulum - what makes them work? If it has cells, a biologist can study it and find out. Unfortunately they don't know a darn thing about robots!
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman Lab Techniques 1: Poking at things with tweezers 17:00 - 19:00
1 1 - - 1 - -
Beginning Dissection: Why the frog hates you 16:00 - 19:00
- - 1 1 - 1 -
Sophomore Enzymes: Ase up your life 9:00 - 11:00
- - - 2 2 - 1
The Lysozome: Everybody's favorite trash eater 10:00 - 12:00
- 2 - 3 - - 2
Junior Inhibitor Molecules: Nature's bureaucrats 15:00 - 18:00
- 3 - - - - 3
Borborygmic digestion 18:00 - 20:00
- - - 4 3 - -
Senior Xenobiology: Who's probing who NOW? 20:00 - 22:00
- 4 - - 4 - -
Senior Thesis: The Laganaphyllis Simnovorii 15:00 - 17:00
- - - - 5 - 4
Total Skills 1 4 1 4 5 1 4
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Law Enforcement, Medicine Natural Science Education Oceanography


Drama: The study of performance. Sims are born to perform, being dancing, joking or "Busting a Move." However, it is only those Sims who delve into drama that manage to transcend merrymaking and create art.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman The History of Ancient Drama: When every play ended with death 10:00 - 12:00
1 1 1 - - - -
Improvisation: Because scripts are for wusses 19:00 - 21:00
- - - 1 - 1 1
Sophomore Pratfalls and other ways to give up your dignity 11:00 - 13:00
- - 2 2 1 - -
Costume Design: Because naked actors are distracting 14:00 - 16:00
- - 3 - 2 2 -
Junior Moving Pretentiously: A modern dance workshop 18:00 - 21:00
- - - 3 - 3 -
Stage combat without killing your peers 17:00 - 19:00
- - - 4 3 - -
Senior The One-Sim Show: Drama for those who don't play well with others 11:00 - 14:00
- - 4 - - 4 -
Characterization: Becoming someone more interesting than you 15:00 - 17:00
- - 5 - 4 - -
Total Skills 1 1 5 4 4 4 1
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Athletic, Politics Show Business See Notes Dance, Entertainment
  • The drama professor has a bug that causes them to instantly have a 100/100 lover relationship with any adult they interact with. A Sim will consider the drama professor cheating all the time if they get married.
  • The Prima Guide for Seasons lists the Adventurer career as being linked to the Drama major. However, the career is not linked in the game.


Economics: The study of services and commodities. If it has to do with Simoleons, these folks know about it. It isn't an easy job, but a talented economist who can figure out the markets makes quite the business person.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman Why money does grow on some trees 17:00 - 19:00
1 - 1 - - - 1
Work is for Losers: A counterfeiting workshop 18:00 - 21:00
- 1 - 1 - 1 -
Sophomore Economic Forecasting: Guessing never hurt anybody 16:00 - 18:00
- - 2 - 1 2 -
Laissez-Faire and other lazy policies 12:00 - 15:00
- 2 3 - 2 - -
Junior Econometrics: Graphs a'plenty 14:00 - 16:00
- 3 - - - 3 -
Converting video game money into real simoleans 20:00 - 22:00
- 4 4 - - - -
Senior Exploiting the environment for fun and profit 12:00 - 14:00
- - - - 3 4 -
Senior Project Internship: Coffeemaking at Landgraab Enterprises 14:00 - 16:00
- - 5 - 4 - -
Total Skills 1 4 5 1 4 4 1
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Business, Politics Show Business Music Intelligence


History: The study from the past. From paintings of the earliest cavesim to last weeks change of menu in our local schools, those who study History often go into military service or politics due to their desire to reverse the mistakes of the past to make a better future for Simkind.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman Intro to History: People More Important Than You 20:00 - 22:00
1 - - 1 1 - -
Civilization: Why It's Rarely Very Civil 15:00 - 17:00
- 1 - - - 1 1
Sophomore Revisionism: It's Not Libel If They're Dead 16:00 - 18:00
- - 1 - 2 2 -
Memorizing Names and Dates: An Alternative to Learning 12:00 - 14:00
- 2 2 - 3 - -
Junior Ethnography: Why Those People Seem Strange 13:00 - 15:00
- - 3 - - 3 -
Political Science Majors: Why You Should Hate Them 15:00 - 18:00
- 3 - - 4 - -
Senior Anthropology: Not as Cool as in the Movies 17:00 - 19:00
- 4 - - - 4 -
Historic Pessimism: Why We'll Never Learn 13:00 - 15:00
- - 4 - 5 - -
Total Skills 1 4 4 1 5 4 1
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Military, Politics Artist Law None


Literature: the study of written word. Reading and writing may seem like a basic skill, but language is power, and those who study literature can harness the power to convince, educate or dominate other Sims.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman How To Judge a Book By Its Cover 13:00 - 15:00
- 1 - - 1 1 -
Haiku: Form Over Function 12:00 - 15:00
1 - - 1 - - 1
Sophomore Words Ending with -eth: A Shakespearean Study 14:00 - 16:00
- - 1 2 - 2 -
The Girl From Nantucket and Other Famous Limericks 11:00 - 13:00
- 2 2 - - 3 -
Junior Iambic Pentameter: DaDUM DaDUM DaDUM DaDUM DaDUM 14:00 - 16:00
- 3 - - - 4 -
Understanding C.London's Complete Works: Good Luck, Kid 09:00 - 11:00
- - 3 3 - - -
Senior Using Bizarre Metaphors: Life is Feeding Baked Alaska to Zombies 14:00 - 17:00
- 4 - 4 - - -
Senior Project: Translations From the Simlish 15:00 - 17:00
- - 4 - - 5 -
Total Skills 1 4 4 4 1 5 1
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Criminal, Slacker Show Business Adventurer, Music Entertainment


Mathematics: the study of numbers and basic forms. Math is not something that comes naturally to every Sim but those that learn to understand it can see the patterns and science all around them, and have uncanny insight into the mechanical and logical.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman Remedial Addition: The Fingers and Toes Technique 13:00 - 15:00
- 1 - 1 1 - -
P = NP and other Straightforward Proofs 15:00 - 18:00
1 - - - - 1 1
Sophomore PEMDAS and You 11:00 - 13:00
- 2 1 - 2 - -
Stepping Robot Hordes: Dividing by Zero 18:00 - 20:00
- - - - 3 2 2
Junior 3D Geometry: Re-imagining the Plumb Bob 15:00 - 18:00
- 3 - - - 3 -
Reasoning with Irrational Numbers 19:00 - 21:00
- - - - 4 - 3
Senior Mathematics in Nature: Pinecones and the Golden Ratio 11:00 - 13:00
- 4 - - - - 4
1337 Ways to Write a Lemma 13:00 - 15:00
- - - - 5 4 -
Total Skills 1 4 1 1 5 4 4
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Criminal, Science Natural Science Gamer Architecture


Philosophy: the study of the fundamental problems of existence and Sim understanding. Is it metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, or the only path to enlightenment regarding the problems of Simkind? Hard to say. One fact is indisputable, though: philosophy textbooks have the longest words EVER!
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman What is the Meaning of This?! 10:00 - 12:00
- 1 - - 1 - 1
The Refrigerator Light: Proof vs. Faith 18:00 - 20:00
1 - 1 - - 1 -
Sophomore Old Dead Guys Who Thought Stuff 12:00 - 14:00
- - - 1 2 2 -
Optimists and Other Idiots 16:00 - 18:00
2 - 2 - 3 - -
Junior Philosophy's Place in the Neighborhood: Anywhere? 9:00 - 12:00
- - - - 4 3 -
Existentialism: Depressing Yourself on Purpose 11:00 - 14:00
3 - - - - 4 -
Senior Who Controls the Pie Menu and Why? 16:00 - 18:00
- - 3 - 5 - -
Senior Project: Preparing for the Fast Food Industry 10:00 - 12:00
4 - 4 - - - -
Total Skills 4 1 4 1 5 4 1
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Culinary, Slacker Paranormal Journalism None


Physics: the study of the many forms of energy. Those who study Physics learn the intricacies of the world around us, allowing them to harness nature to do some amazing things. In other words, Physicists give society cool things like lasers and catapults.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman Newtonian Physics 1: Measuring Falling Stuff 9:00 - 11:00
1 1 1 - - - -
Newtonian Physics 2: Measuring Rolling Stuff 13:00 - 15:00
- - - 1 1 1 -
Sophomore Lasers: Ruining Your Eyesight 17:00 - 20:00
- 2 - - - 2 1
General Relativity: Pretending to Understand 19:00 - 22:00
- 3 - - 2 - 2
Junior Quantum Mechanics: Why You're Wrong 8:00 - 10:00
- - - - 3 - 3
Lab: Plasma Is Fun 19:00 - 21:00
- 4 - - - - 4
Senior Stellar Astrophysics: Too Far Away to Matter 11:00 - 13:00
- - - - 4 3 -
The Strange Charm of Quarks 10:00 - 12:00
- 5 - - - 4 -
Total Skills 1 5 1 1 4 4 4
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Medicine, Science Paranormal Gamer None

Political Science[]

Political Science
Political Science: the study of people and power. those who study Political Science gain a knowledge of the workings of people in groups and learn the subtle skill of manipulation and influence. This command over other Sims can lead to a number of careers including, of course, Politics.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman The Soapbox and You 8:00 - 10:00
- - 1 - 1 1 -
Feudalism: Serf's Up! 18:00 - 20:00
1 1 - 1 - - -
Sophomore Patriotism: Why Every Country Is Worse Than Yours 9:00 - 11:00
- - 2 - - 2 1
Lab: Making Your Own Monarchy 19:00 - 22:00
- - 3 2 - - 2
Junior Plutocracy: Buying the Vote 17:00 - 20:00
- - - - - 3 3
Protesters: When to Repress 12:00 - 14:00
- - 4 3 - - -
Senior History Majors: Why You Should Hate Them 17:00 - 19:00
- - - 4 - - 4
Senior Project: Questionable Fundraising Internship 10:00 - 12:00
- - 5 - - 4 -
Total Skills 1 1 5 4 1 4 4
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Politics, Military Show Business Law Intelligence


Psychology: the study of the mind. Everyone is aware of the complexity of a Sim's brain, but few understand its workings. A Sim is indeed a wild mix of aspirations, personalities and base instincts - and perhaps only one who studies psychology could understand this method behind this madness.
Semester Class Title Hours Cooking Mechanical Charisma Body Logic Creativity Cleaning
Freshman Introduction to Psychology: We Are Too a Science! 16:00 - 18:00
- - - 1 1 1 -
Animal Behavior: OF Mazes and Cheeses 9:00 - 11:00
1 1 - - - - 1
Sophomore Abnormal Psychology: A Guide to Misdiagnosing Your Friends 12:00 - 14:00
- - 1 - 2 2 -
The Prefrontal Lobe and Other Optional Brain Parts 19:00 - 22:00
- - 2 - 3 - 2
Junior Cognitive Dissonance: Recognizing How Broken Your Brain Is 14:00 - 16:00
- - - - - 3 3
Emotions: Don't Fear the Amygdala 16:00 - 19:00
- - 3 - 4 - -
Senior Negative Interactions: What Happened to Deviance? 11:00 - 13:00
- - 4 - - 4 -
Advanced Autonomy: Finding the Best Action 18:00 - 20:00
- - - - 5 - 4
Total Skills 1 1 4 1 5 4 4
Related Careers
Base Game University Seasons FreeTime
Business, Law Enforcement Paranormal Education, Law Intelligence

The Sims 3: University Life[]

Majors returned in The Sims 3: University Life. The number of majors available is lower than in The Sims 2: University, with a grand total of six. The six majors are Business, Communications, Fine Arts, Physical Education, Science and Medicine, and Technology.

Each major will help a Sim start jobs at a higher level, earn more pay, get career bonuses more frequently, and earn career experience faster. Each career is associated with a major. For example, the Journalism career will benefit from Communications major. The list of associated career is shown on the table below. It's important to know that a Sim's final grade is what determines his or her success in the career:

  • Earning an A allows Sims to enter a career at level 4 with +150% pay raise and +100% performance boost.
  • Earning a B allows Sims to enter a career at level 3 with +75% pay raise and performance boost.
  • Earning a C allows Sims to enter a career at level 2 with +50% pay raise and performance boost.
  • Earning a D grants Sims with +25% pay raise and performance boost.

Upon graduation, Sims can choose "Upload resume" on a computer to be offered work at their majors' careers, which will give the benefits listed above.

Enrollment screen

The university enrollment interface

Sims can enroll in university through a phone, a computer, or school. Sims can take the Sims University aptitude test from the university welcome kit, dropped off by a university mascot or bought from the Buy mode. Taking an aptitude test may grant scholarships and free credits for Sims based on their skills and career experience. Upon enrolling, an enrollment screen will pop up. In this screen, the players can choose which Sims will attend university. The players can also see the scholarships earned through the aptitude test and select the degree for Sims to work for. After picking a degree, the players can set the number of credits Sims will take. More credits means more classes to take and enables Sims to earn degree faster, but Sims will get less free time. The players can choose to take one or two terms; each term being a week long.

When starting a major, the Sim will receive one major-related object and one academic textbook free of charge that correspond to the major.


A Sim may take up to 3 rabbit hole classes per term. All classes last 2 hours, start at either 8 AM, noon, or 4 PM (08:00, 12:00, or 16:00), are held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and take place in the central district of the university. The Friday classes count as the classes' exams; failing to attend the final exam(s), or being caught with a cheat sheet, will severely damage the academic performance.

18-credit enrollments have classes in all 3 timeslots, 12-credit enrollments have classes in 2 of the timeslots, and 6-credit enrollments have classes in one of the timeslots.

All credit terms will have a 2-hour class activity on Tuesday or Thursday (for instance at Keith's Comics for the Technology major, and Busche for Science & Medicine), and a 2-hour lecture at the student union on Thursday or Tuesday.

The Sim receives their term report card on Saturday 08:00. If they have not yet amassed the 48 credits needed to graduate, they are forced to go back to their main world on Saturday 9:00 PM (21:00); unless they are finishing the first term of a 2-term stay, in which case they remain in Sims University that weekend before resuming class on Monday. If they have amassed 48 or more credits, the graduation takes place that Saturday.

Starting a major[]

Sims who are starting a term will arrive on a Sunday at 08:00. A "University Meet & Greet" takes place at the Conners Student Union Building on the same Sunday at noon (12:00), with a presentation there at 1:45 PM (13:45). Participation in those events are optional.

Class activities[]

The timeslots and days are the same within a major regardless of the amount of credits in the Sim's term:

The Sims will stand in a group outside the buildings and use their designated major-related objects close to each other.

Class lectures[]

All such lectures take place at the Conners Student Union Building. The timeslots and days are the same within a major regardless of the amount of credits in the Sim's term:

  • Communications: Thursday 08:00
  • Physical Education: Thursday at noon (12:00)
  • Technology: Thursday 4 PM (16:00)
  • Science & Medicine: Tuesday 08:00
  • Fine Arts: Tuesday at noon (12:00)
  • Business: Tuesday 4 PM (16:00)

Most of the time there will not be any actual lecturer or lecturing there, but Sims are expected to sit in a chair in the main classroom and variably take notes, nap, and lifting their hands.

Other studies[]

Students are expected to do personal studies during off-hours. They can study texts by using their cellphones, computers, or the major's book they receive for free when starting the major. They can also do activities that increase the corresponding "Related Skills" in the table below, which will count towards the studies even if the Sim is already at skill level 10.

List of majors[]

Related Skills Beneficial Traits Detrimental Traits Suggested Traits Associated Careers
Business Business Cost per class: §625

W Charisma Charisma
W social networking Social Networking

Trait ambitious Ambitious
Trait genius Genius
Trait workaholic Workaholic
Trait burglar Burglar
Trait charismatic Charismatic
Trait evil Evil
Trait frugal Frugal
Trait mooch Mooch
Trait perceptive Perceptive

Trait absentminded Absent Minded
Trait loser Loser

Trait ambitious Ambitious

W business career Business
W criminal career Criminal
W education career Education[1]

Technology Technology Cost per class: §600

Handiness skill icon Handiness
Logic skill icon Logic
W inventing career Inventing

Trait ambitious Ambitious
Trait genius Genius
Trait workaholic Workaholic
Trait brave Brave
Trait daredevil Daredevil
Trait handy Handy

Trait absentminded Absent Minded
Trait coward Coward
Trait loser Loser

Trait workaholic Workaholic

W law enforcement career Law Enforcement
W military career Military

Science and Medicine Science and Medicine Cost per class: §575

W fishing skill Fishing
W gardening skill Gardening
W science skill Science
W alchemy skill Alchemy

Trait ambitious Ambitious
Trait genius Genius
Trait workaholic Workaholic
Trait angler Angler
Trait greenthumb Green Thumb
Trait Gatherer Gatherer

Trait absentminded Absent Minded
Trait loser Loser

Trait genius Genius

W medical career Medical
Science career icon Science

Fine Arts Fine Arts Cost per class: §550

W grafitti art duffel Street Art
Cooking skill icon Cooking
Painting skill icon Painting
W nectarmaking skill Nectar Making
W sculpting career Sculpting
W piano skill Piano
Guitar skill icon Guitar
W drum skill Drums
W bass skill Bass

Trait ambitious Ambitious
Trait genius Genius
Trait workaholic Workaholic
Trait artistic Artistic
Trait naturalcook Natural Cook
Trait savvy sculptor Savvy Sculptor
Star quality Star Quality
Trait Naturalbornperformer Natural Born Performer
Trait Avant Garde Avant Garde

Trait absentminded Absent Minded
Trait anti art Can't Stand Art
Trait loser Loser

Trait artistic Artistic

Culinary career icon Culinary
Music career icon Music
Film career icon Film

Communications Communications Cost per class: §525

W writing skill Writing
Photography skill icon Photography

Trait ambitious Ambitious
Trait genius Genius
Trait workaholic Workaholic
Trait bookworm Bookworm
Trait shmoozer Schmoozer
Trait socialbutterfly Social Butterfly

Trait absentminded Absent Minded
Trait loner Loner
Trait loser Loser
LN Shy Trait Shy

Trait artistic Artistic

W journalism career Journalism
W political career Political
Fortune Teller career icon Fortune Teller

Physical Education Physical Education Cost per class: §500

W athletic skill Athletic
W learn martialarts skill Martial Arts
W riding skill Riding

Trait ambitious Ambitious
Trait genius Genius
Trait workaholic Workaholic
Trait athletic Athletic
Trait daredevil Daredevil
Trait disciplined Disciplined

Trait absentminded Absent Minded
Trait clumsy Clumsy
Trait loser Loser
Trait couchpotato Couch Potato

Trait athletic Athletic

W athletic skill Professional Sports

The Sims 4: Discover University[]

Degrees are a main feature of The Sims 4: Discover University. There are thirteen degrees in total, and all of them are available at both the University of Britechester and Foxbury Institute. However, each campus specializes in a certain subset of majors, known as "distinguished degrees". Any Sim can enroll in a normal degree, but distinguished degrees are reserved for Sims who already have at least 4 levels spread among the degree's required skills. Sims can take up to four classes a semester for each degree. If they take three classes or fewer, they can also sign up for an elective class, which teaches them a skill not covered by their degree. Each class costs §240 which can be paid with a scholarship, household funds, or with student loans.

The University of Britechester's distinguished degrees are Art History, Culinary Arts, Drama, Fine Art, History, Language and Literature, and Communications; and Foxbury Institute's distinguished degrees are Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Physics, Psychology and Villainy.[2]

Every full-time, paid career has at least one associated degree; however, some careers have only one branch that benefits from a degree. For example, there are no degrees associated with the mixologist branch of the culinary career, but the chef branch benefits from a culinary arts degree.

List of degrees[]

Related Skills Associated Careers
TS4 Degree Art History Art History

Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma
Skill TS4 Painting Painting
Skill TS4 Writing Writing

TS4 Career Critic Arts Critic Critic (Arts Critic branch)[TS4:CL]
TS4 Career Painter Patron of the Arts Painter (Patron of the Arts branch)
TS4 Career Style Influencer Trendsetter Style influencer (Trend Setter branch)

TS4 Degree Biology Biology

Skill TS4 Fitness Fitness
Skill TS4 Gardening Gardening
Skill TS4 Logic Logic

TS4 Career Athlete Bodybuilder Athlete (Bodybuilder branch)
Trait TS4 Master of the Sea Conservationist (Marine Biologist branch)[TS4:IL]
TS4 Career Doctor Doctor[TS4:GTW]
TS4 Gardener Career Botanist Gardener (Botanist branch)[TS4:S]
Career undertaker Undertaker (Mortician branch)[TS4:L&D]

TS4 Degree Communications Communications

Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma
Skill TS4 Logic Logic
Skill TS4 Writing Writing

TS4 Career Business Management Business (Management branch)
TS4 Career Civil Designer Civic Planner Civil designer (Civic Planner branch)[TS4:EL]
TS4 Career Politician Charity Organizer Politician (Charity Organizer branch)[TS4:CL]
TS4 Career Salaryperson Supervisor Salaryperson (Supervisor branch)[TS4:SE]
TS4 Career Social Media Public Relations Social media (Public Relations branch)[TS4:CL]
TS4 Career Writer Journalist Writer (Journalist branch)

TS4 Degree Computer Science Computer Science

Skill TS4 Mischief Mischief
Skill TS4 Programming Programming
Skill TS4 Robotics Robotics

TS4 Career Criminal Oracle Criminal (Oracle branch)
TS4 Engineer Computer Engineer Engineer (Computer Engineer branch)[TS4:DU]
TS4 Career Freelancer Freelancer (Programmer branch)
TS4 Career Salaryperson Expert Salaryperson (Expert branch)[TS4:SE]
TS4 Career Tech Guru Start Up Entrepreneur Tech guru (Start-up Entrepreneur branch)

TS4 Degree Culinary Arts Culinary Arts

Skill TS4 Cooking Cooking
Skill TS4 Gourmet Cooking Gourmet cooking

TS4 Career Critic Food Critic Critic (Food Critic branch)[TS4:CL]
TS4 Career Culinary Chef Culinary (Chef branch)

TS4 Degree Drama Drama

Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma
Skill TS4 Comedy Comedy
Skill TS4 Fitness Fitness

TS4 Career Actor Actor[TS4:GF]
TS4 Career Entertainer Comedian Entertainment (Comedian branch)
TS4 Career Social Media Internet Personality Social media (Internet Personality branch)[TS4:CL]

TS4 Degree Economics Economics

Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma
Skill TS4 Logic Logic
Skill TS4 Research & Debate Research & debate

TS4 Career Business Investor Business (Investor branch)
Trait TS4 Natural Speaker Conservationist (Environmental Manager branch)[TS4:IL]
TS4 Education Administrator Education (Administrator branch)[TS4:DU]

TS4 Degree Fine Art Fine Art

Skill TS4 Painting Painting
Skill TS4 Photography Photography
Skill TS4 Violin Violin

TS4 Career Entertainer Musician Entertainment (Musician branch)
TS4 Career Freelancer Freelancer (Crafter branch)[TS4:EL]
TS4 Career Freelancer Freelancer (Digital Artist branch)
TS4 Career Freelancer Freelancer (Fashion Photographer branch)[TS4:MS]
TS4 Gardener Career Floral Designer Gardener (Floral Designer branch)[TS4:S]
TS4 Career Painter Master of the Real Painter (Master of the Real branch)
TS4 Career Style Influencer Stylist Style influencer (Stylist branch)

TS4 Degree History History

Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma
Skill TS4 Logic Logic
Skill TS4 Research & Debate Research & debate

TS4 Law Judge Law (Judge branch)[TS4:DU]
TS4 Career Military Officer Military (Officer branch)[TS4:SV]
TS4 Career Politician Politician Politician (Politician branch)[TS4:CL]

TS4 Degree Language & Literature Language & Literature

Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma
Skill TS4 Research & Debate Research & debate
Skill TS4 Writing Writing

TS4 Career Freelancer Freelancer (Writer branch)
TS4 Law Private Attorney Law (Private Attorney branch)[TS4:DU]
Career reaper Reaper[TS4:L&D]
TS4 Career Writer Author Writer (Author branch)

TS4 Degree Physics Physics

Skill TS4 Handiness Handiness
Skill TS4 Robotics Robotics
Skill TS4 Rocket Science Rocket science

TS4 Career Astronaut Space Ranger Astronaut (Space Ranger branch)
TS4 Career Civil Designer Green Technician Civil designer (Green Technician branch)[TS4:EL]
TS4 Engineer Mechanical Engineer Engineer (Mechanical Engineer branch)[TS4:DU]
TS4 Career Scientist Scientist[TS4:GTW]

TS4 Degree Psychology Psychology

Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma
Skill TS4 Logic Logic
Skill TS4 Research & Debate Research & debate

TS4 Career Detective Detective[TS4:GTW]
TS4 Education Professor Education (Professor branch)[TS4:DU]
TS4 Career Military Covert Operator Military (Covert Operator branch)[TS4:SV]
TS4 Career Secret Agent Diamond Agent Secret agent (Diamond Agent branch)
Career undertaker Undertaker (Funeral Director branch)[TS4:L&D]

TS4 Degree Villainy Villainy

Skill TS4 Fitness Fitness
Skill TS4 Logic Logic
Skill TS4 Mischief Mischief

TS4 Career Criminal Boss Criminal (Boss branch)
TS4 Career Astronaut Interstellar Smuggler Astronaut (Interstellar Smuggler branch)
TS4 Career Secret Agent Villain Secret agent (Villain branch)


Lectures (and final exams) take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, seminars (requiring term paper/presentation) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

TS4 Degree Art History
Can anyone truly understand art? A degree in Art History will attempt to answer that question!Leveraging skills such as painting, writing, and charisma. Art History students will be able to expand their cultural horizons and also provide fun facts in art museums forever.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Art History Basics Introduction to Art History Final Exam Painting
Crafting with Canvas: Paintings through History Brushes with Greatness: An Overview of the Masters Final Exam Painting
The Cultural Impact of Art Interpreting the Artist Presentation Writing
Technology and Art: Interesting Intersections The Renaissance: A Revolution in Art Term Paper Writing
The Force of Art on International Markets Sculpture as Expression Final Exam Charisma
Modern Criticism & Modern Art Modern Art: How Did We Get Here? Presentation Charisma
The First Artists But Is It Art? Critical Thinking About Art Term Paper Writing
It's Viral!When Art Spreads Online The Visual World (Art in Literature) Final Exam Writing
Out of the Studio: Art on the Streets Finding Fakes: a History of Forgery Final Exam Painting
The Privilege of Painting Painting Since the Antiquities Presentation Painting
How Much? Valuating Art in Today's Economy The Spread of Art, from Salons to Online Final Exam Charisma
It Belongs in a Museum!Or Does It? Mastering Museums: A Course in Curation Term Paper Charisma

TS4 Degree Biology
It really is a matter of life and death!Biology attempts to unlock the mysteries of life through the study of - among other things - the fitness, gardening, and logic skills. A scientific foundation and a Biology degree can truly open your eyes to the world around you.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Always be Celling Building with Cells Presentation Fitness
The Strength of Water Anatomy for Amateurs Final Exam Fitness
Planet Earth CSI Tree: Intro to Forest Pathology Final Exam Gardening
Do Plants Dream of Pollination? The Sunlight Cycle Presentation Gardening
Tiny Houses: Intermediate Molecular Biology The Mathematics of Biology Final Exam Logic
Genetics and Generations Distressed Genes Term Paper Logic
Forest Pathology: Think of the Trees! Splicing Shoots and Other Genetic Manipulations Final Exam Gardening
Flora from Land and Sea Biomes of the World Final Exam Gardening
What Nerve!An Examination of Nerve Systems Birth, Growth, Aging Term Paper Fitness
Advanced Anatomy Blood Cell Battle: How Bodies Fight Disease Presentation Fitness
Epidemic: Modeling the Spread of Disease Mapping Mammalian Change Term Paper Logic
Circle of Life: Advanced Ecology Nanotechnology and the Bodies of Tomorrow Final Exam Logic

TS4 Degree Communications
To understand one another, we must first learn how to communicate with one another. With an emphasis on building the charisma, writing, and logic skills, the Communications degree is a big help to anyone looking to work effectively in a professional environment.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Introduction to Communication Communication Basics Final Exam Charisma
Media, Technology, and Culture How Culture Influences Society Presentation Charisma
Reporting on the Ground Sourcing Data: Intro to Journalism Final Exam Writing
Catered Communication: the Limits of Social Media Writing the Truth Term Paper Writing
Using Data to Drive Readership Understanding Statistical Data Final Exam Logic
Virtual Dialogues: a Modern Turing Test Fakers: Tracking Trust Online Final Exam Logic
Professional Writing and Functional Communication Reading and Writing Laws Term Paper Writing
Finding the Story Ideas in Mass Media Presentation Writing
O RLY? The Power of Memes Personal Brand: Public Privacy in Our Modern Age Final Exam Charisma
Say What You Want: What is Free Speech? How Controversial!Difficult or Divisive Discussions Presentation Charisma
When to Trust the Algorithm Vote Yes: the Communication of Democratic Ideas Term Paper Logic
Bits and Bots: Machines Learning to Write Researching Readers as Media Changes Final Exam Logic

TS4 Degree Computer Science
Computers are everywhere, so learning to manage and program them is a smart move!Join the technical revolution with the Computer Science degree, which will primarily build the programming and robotics skills.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Programming 101 Programming Principles Final Exam Programming
Basic Algorithms of Compuer Science Introduction to Computational Ideas Term Paper Programming
Code Security: Locking the Door Auditing Artifical Intelligence Presentation Mischief
Understanding Artifical Intelligence Applied Network Security Term Paper Mischief
The Mathematics of Robots The Mathematics of 3-D Space Final Exam Robotics
Automating Common Tasks How Machines See Final Exam Robotics
Social Hacking: Programming for People Breaking Bad Botnets Presentation Mischief
Tracking Network Traffic Learning to Fake It: Malevolent Machine Learning Final Exam Mischief
Advanced Logical Principles Designing New Algorithms Term Paper Programming
Quantum Computing Theory Theoretical Ideas in Future Computing Final Exam Programming
Breaking the Black Box: Making Robots Learn Advanced Bot Programming Final Exam Robotics
Advanced Automata Acting Autonomously Relating to Robots Presentation Robotics

TS4 Degree Culinary Arts
There's really only one degree to consider if you love food. Join the Culinary Arts program, learn more about food and it's preperation than you ever imagined, and build those cooking skills.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Basic Food Safety: Don't Get Sick! Kitchen Knowledge Final Exam Cooking
Best Buds: The Science of Taste Kind of Chew: Refining the Palate Term Paper Cooking
Meat-Cute Meats of Strength: Identifying Cuts Final Exam Cooking
Finding Fresh Flavors Gettin' Saucy Presentation Gourmet cooking
Fish Dish Beyond the Seafood Term Paper Gourmet cooking
Yes Chef!Running a Kitchen Restauranteering Final Exam Cooking
Roaming Recipes: Breaking Borders with Food Around in the World in 80 Dishes Final Exam Gourmet cooking
The Thermodynamics of Cooking One Last Thing: Delivering Desserts Presentation Gourmet cooking
Culinary Chemistry A Spice for Every Season Final Exam Cooking
Plating and Presentation Making Marvelous Menus Final Exam Cooking
Wash It Down: Pairing the Right Drink Gastronomical Proportions Term Paper Gourmet cooking
Culture and Cuisine Big Food: The Psychology of Eating Presentation Gourmet cooking

TS4 Degree Drama
If all the world's a stage, become a better player in it by enrolling in our Drama degree!It's a chance to dig deep into your emotions, find your true self, and let it shine for everyone to see, all while honing your Charisma and Comedy skills!
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Waiting for the Show: Tragedy & Comedy The Tempest Inside Presentation Charisma
Barefoot in the Dark Love Labour's Laws Final Exam Charisma
Who's Afraid of Original Jokes? Twelfth Nightclub Final Exam Comedy
Our Clown: Finding Humor Inside Comedic Errors Term Paper Comedy
Long Days into Long Nights Taming of the Crew Final Exam Fitness
The Unreal Thing Measurement for Measurement Presentation Charisma
The Importance of Seeing Earnings All’s Well That Vends Well Term Paper Charisma
A Play's House King Jeer Final Exam Comedy
Raising the Fun As You Write It Term Paper Comedy
Death of a Scenesman A Midsummer Fight Scene Final Exam Fitness
The Normal Art Merry Lives of Wonder Presentation Comedy
12 Angry Motivations Much Ado About Dramaturgy Final Exam Charisma

TS4 Degree Economics
One of the largest forces affecting everyone's decision-making is the flow of money between individuals, groups, and nations. The Economics degree examines the properties of money and its effects, while helping to build the Charisma, Logic, and Research & Debate Skills.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
The Language of Money Basic Economic Theory Term Paper Charisma
Building Financial Trust Working on My Market Moves Final Exam Charisma
Introductory Macroeconomics Modelling Currency Final Exam Logic
Microeconomic Principles Macroeconomics Presentation Logic
In for a Penny: Handling Sunk Costs The Business of Business Term Paper Research & Debate
Business Ethics The Value of Perception Presentation Research & Debate
Modern Money Management Financial Forecasting with Algorithms Final Exam Logic
Numberjacks: Modern Data Heros Optimizing Business Analytics Final Exam Logic
Markets and Marketing Mixing with Managers Presentation Charisma
The Value of Promises The Economy of Relationships Term Paper Charisma
Judging Merit: Myth or Meaningful? Negotiating a Win Final Exam Research & Debate
Time is a Flat Circle Interrogating Investments Final Exam Research & Debate

TS4 Degree Fine Art
The creation of culture is no easy task, but those enrolled in a Fine Arts degree understand the importance of just such a task. Through the study of the Painting, Photography, and Violin skills, the program hopes to imbue the creative spirit of creation in all its students.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Painting I Beginning Brushwork Final Exam Painting
Digital Painting with Virtual Brushes Go Figure (Drawing) Presentation Painting
Violin Through the Ages If It Ain't Baroque Term Paper Violin
String Theory Silly Strings Final Exam Violin
Phone Photos and Selfie Culture There’s an Aperture for That Presentation Photography
Intermediate Digital Photo Enhancement Framing the Shot Final Exam Photography
The Physics of Musical Sound Andante/Allegro: Finding Your Musical Speed Final Exam Violin
Fiddlin' Around Playing Nice with Others Term Paper Violin
Fine Art in Public Spaces Plein Air Painting Final Exam Painting
Painting with Code Public Art, Private Lives Term Paper Painting
Black & White Photography Film Photography & Development Presentation Photography
Picking Portfolio Pieces Red or Not: Advanced Color Theory Final Exam Painting

TS4 Degree History
To move forward, we must understand our past. The History degree uses historical people and events as a jumping-off point for examining our modern age and the consequences of major historical choices. The degree helps build the Charisma, Logic, and Research and Debate skills.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Ages and Eons Historical Perspectives Term Paper Research & debate
Laws & Orders Cultural Milestones and Movements Final Exam Research & debate
Long Distance Relationships The Politics of Leadership Final Exam Charisma
Immigration and Movement Pathways of Colonization Presentation Charisma
Counting to Infinity: Mathematical History Scientific Progress Through Time Final Exam Logic
Industrial Evolution and Revolution Discoveries and Kingdoms Term Paper Logic
Wisdom of Watchers: Historical Belief Constitutions (and Other Founding Documents) Presentation Charisma
Imperial Ambitions The Expansion of Rights Final Exam Charisma
Conflict Great and Small Battlegrounds of Note Final Exam Research & debate
Medieval Living Resistance and Revolution Presentation Research & debate
Finding Correlations in Historical Data March of the Machines Final Exam Logic
Changing Demographics Energy, Resources, and Consumption Term Paper Logic

TS4 Degree Language & Literature
Since the invention of the written word, the goal to capture information, emotion, and stories for future generations has been a noble one. The Language & Literature degree continues this tradition, with a focus on building the Charisma, Research and Debate, and Writing skills.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Interpreting the Word The Write Expectations Final Exam Writing
Conquering the Page Pride & Prepositions Term Paper Writing
Setting the Scene Telling Tales Final Exam Charisma
Is That Me? Drawing from Life To Thrill & Talk Absurd Presentation Charisma
Finding a Time Chronicling and Memoir Term Paper Research & debate
Inventing a Fictional Future Filling Notebooks: Novel Organization Final Exam Research & debate
Inspiration and Duplication Selling a Story Presentation Charisma
Anti-social Authors The Author as Character Final Exam Charisma
Interrobang - Advanced Punctuation Littler Writers: Children’s Books Final Exam Writing
OMG: the Evolution of Linguistic Style Entertaining Endings Final Exam Writing
Change My Mind: Constructing Arguments The Real Feels Presentation Research & debate
The Oldest Story in the Book Catching Magic on the Page Term Paper Research & debate

TS4 Degree Physics
Whether you like to think big or think small, the Physics degree has got you covered. From subatomic particles to the edges of our universe, this degree will help build the handiness, robotics, and rocket science skills along with a fascination for the way things truly work.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
How Things Work: Physics I Magnets and Mechanics Term Paper Handiness
How Things Break: Physics II The Fix is In Final Exam Handiness
It's Electric! Experiments in Energy Presentation Robotics
The Mechanics of Movement Analog Robotics in a Digital World Final Exam Robotics
Observing the Universe: Astrophysics 1 Up and Atoms Term Paper Rocket science
Exploring the Universe: Astrophysics II The Gravity of General Relativity Final Exam Rocket science
Robotics in Adverse Conditions Robots of Land, Sea, and Sky Presentation Robotics
Electromagnetic Attractions Practical Electromagnetism Final Exam Robotics
Series of Tubes: Advanced Fluid Dynamics How to Build a Toilet on Sixam Final Exam Handiness
How Waves Behave A Better (and Better) Mousetrap Presentation Handiness
Black Holes and Beyond Particle Parts Final Exam Rocket science
Orbits and Other Benefits of Gravity Advanced String Theory Term Paper Rocket science

TS4 Degree Psychology
Psychology considers one of the core questions of existence - why do we do what we do? - and unpacks in an academic setting. Boost skills such as charisma, logic, and research & debate, all while unlocking the mysteries of the mind.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Therefore I Am: Intro to Psychology Thinky Roots: Psychology I Presentation Research & debate
A History of Perception The Legacy of the Brain: Psychology II Term Paper Research & debate
(Mis)interpreting Statistics The Brain as a Machine Final Exam Logic
Have a Seat: Clinical Psychology Basics Beginning Neuropsychology Final Exam Logic
But Why: Intermediate Social Psychology Pondering Personalities Presentation Charisma
Secrets of Body Language Social Networks Online and Off Final Exam Charisma
Push the Button: Making Decisions Mental Decision Trees Term Paper Logic
Don't Push the Button: Risk Assessment Off Track: The Trolley Problem Final Exam Logic
The Limits of Memory Talking the Talk: Advanced Negotiation Final Exam Research & debate
Debate Me: the Psychology of Attitude Change Win, Lose, or Non-Zero-Sum Presentation Research & debate
How to Think About Emotion The Feel World Term Paper Charisma
Mastering the Mind Marvelous Mr. Maslow Final Exam Charisma

TS4 Degree Villainy
Life isn't fair, but those that know how to exploit that unfairness end up on top!With courses that boost the fitness, logic, and mischief skills, a degree in Villainy can set anyone up for success - as long as honesty and morals aren't a priority.
Normal Class Title Distinguished Class Title Coursework Skill
Minor Pranks and Misdemeanors Simple Tricks and Traps Final Exam Mischief
Exploiting Weakness Pretending for Profit Presentation Mischief
Glasses Off!Unmasking Heroes Effective Bribery Final Exam Logic
Domino Theory and Evil Planning Understanding Underlinings Term Paper Logic
Make the Escape Sizing Up Schematics Term Paper Fitness
Unsecuring Secure Locations Mastering Laser Mazes Final Exam Fitness
Guiding Principles of Lair Architecture Hacking the Internet of Everything Presentation Logic
Advanced World Domination What a Rube! Final Exam Logic
Bonding Through Torment How to Win Fiends & Intimidate People Term Paper Mischief
Perfecting the Maniacal Laugh Crimes? Presentation Mischief
Making Money Moves Respect for Gadgets Final Exam Fitness
Fisticuff Stuff Beyond Bodies Final Exam Fitness

Elective classes[]

A feature new to the series in The Sims 4: Discover University are elective classes. They are side classes that Sims can choose to study alongside their degree that helps them to build up one associated skill. They are assessed the same way as the degree classes, and count towards the 12 credits sims need to graduate. A sim can only have one elective class per term, and cannot choose an elective class if they have already chosen four traditional degree classes that term. There is one elective class for the majority of the skills in the game. An elective class for a particular skill will only be available if the player has that skill's associated content pack installed. For example, players without The Sims 4: Seasons will not have elective classes in flower arranging available, because that skill is part of the pack.

Elective classes are useful if a sim wishes to build a skill that is not included in the base game or Discover University, but would make sense for the degree they are studying. For example, a sim studying Drama without any elective classes can only be assessed on the charisma and comedy skills, because the acting skill is exclusive to The Sims 4: Get Famous. With elective classes, a sim studying Drama can choose an acting elective class alongside their degree to build the acting skill. Similarly, a student studying Culinary Arts may wish to pursue a baking elective class (which is exclusive to Get to Work). However the player is free to choose any elective class, even if it is irrelevant to their degree.

Foxbury Institute class title University of Britechester class title Coursework Skill Pack
What Price Method Acting? Improvisation in Acting Term Paper Skill TS4 Acting Acting
TS4 EP6 GF Icon
Digging Deep in Archaeology Archeology and Ancient Simology Final Exam Archaeology Skill Archaeology
TS4AT Icon
Baking Macarons and Macaroons Ways to Bake Sponge Cake Final Exam Skill TS4 Baking Baking
Stay In Lane: Bowling 101 Bowling Deadwood Term Paper Skill TS4 Bowling Bowling
Bowling Night Stuff Icon
Charisma Times Three Charisma Myths and Mantras Final Exam Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma
TS4 Icon
Tragicomedy: Like Life Intro to Comedy: Life or Art Final Exam Skill TS4 Comedy Comedy
TS4 Icon
Beyond Cooking Goopy Carbonara Raw!Temperature in Cooking Final Exam Skill TS4 Cooking Cooking
TS4 Icon
Cross-stitch 101 Cross-stitch EVERYTHING! Presentation Skill TS4 Cross Stitch Cross-stitch
TS4 EP11 Cottage Living Icon
History of Dance: Rumbasim Spin, Snag, Swag, Dance Term Paper Skill TS4 Dancing Dancing
TS4GT Icon
Crossing the DJ Mixing Bassline Adagio for Synths: DJ Mixing Final Exam Skill TS4 DJ Mixing DJ mixing
TS4GT Icon
Fishing Plugs and Floats Reeling Techniques for Fish Final Exam Skill TS4 Fishing Fishing
TS4 Icon
Fitness Macros 101 Fitness and Shredded Proteins Term Paper Skill TS4 Fitness Fitness
TS4 Icon
Wiring in Flower Arranging Flower Arranging Centerpieces Final Exam Skill TS4 FlowerArranging Flower arranging
TS4 Seasons Icon
Unconventional Gardening Gardening Water Efficiency Final Exam Skill TS4 Gardening Gardening
TS4 Icon
Gemology by the Numbers Understanding the Self through Gemology Final Exam Skill TS4 Gemology Gemology
Gourmet Cooking: What is Brunch? Gourmet Cooking: Tapas Touch Term Paper Skill TS4 Gourmet Cooking Gourmet cooking
TS4 Icon
Endless: Riffing on Guitar Shred Secrets of the Guitar Final Exam Skill TS4 Guitar Guitar
TS4 Icon
Handiness and Being Handy Salvaging for Handiness Final Exam Skill TS4 Handiness Handiness
TS4 Icon
Secret Herbalism Recipes Plant Collecting for Herbalism Final Exam Skill TS4 Herbalism Herbalism
TS4OR Icon
Get Knit XTREME KNITTING Final Exam Skill TS4 Knitting Knitting
Logical Analytics Chess Mix: Board Logic Term Paper Skill TS4 Logic Logic
TS4 Icon
Media Production: Capturing vs. Recording Media Production Effects Final Exam Skill TS4 Media production Media production
TS4 EP6 GF Icon
Mischief 101: Playing Hooky Trolling Teh Forums for Mischief Final Exam Skill TS4 Mischief Mischief
TS4 Icon
Mixology Independent Study Mixed Ability Mixology Final Exam Skill TS4 Mixology Mixology
TS4 Icon
Color Theory for Painters Too Real: Realism Paintings Term Paper Skill TS4 Painting Painting
TS4 Icon
Time Out! Parenting In? Parenting: Don't Do That Final Exam Skill TS4 Parenting Parenting
Parenthood Icon
Pet Training: To Sit or Not to Sit Tummy Rubs: Pet Training 101 Final Exam The Sims 4 Pet Training Icon Pet training
TS4 Cats and Dogs Icon
Strike a Pose: Photographing Sims Beyond Selfie Photography Term Paper Skill TS4 Photography Photography
TS4 Icon
Performing Piano Live Piano Sonata Appreciation Term Paper Skill TS4 Piano Piano
TS4 Icon
Pipe Organ in the Big Top The Haunting Pipe Organ Final Exam Skill TS4 Pipe Organ Pipe organ
The Sims 4 Vampires Icon
Programming for Fun Programming Plugins Final Exam Skill TS4 Programming Programming
TS4 Icon
Research, Debate, Critical Thinking Evidence in Debate Prep Term Paper Skill TS4 Research & Debate Research & debate
TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon
Saddle Up: The Science of Horse Riding The Equine Arts Final Exam TS4 Horse Riding Skill Icon Horse riding
TS4 EP14 Horse Ranch Icon
Robotic Dreams of Electric Llamas Humanoid Robotics Term Paper Skill TS4 Robotics Robotics
TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon
The Chemistry of Romance The Art of Love: Romance Through the Eyes of Artists Term Paper Skill TS4 Romance Romance
TS4 Lovestruck Icon
Rocket Science Maneuvers Unstable Rocket Science Final Exam Skill TS4 Rocket Science Rocket science
TS4 Icon
Selvadoradian Culture: Temple Safety Selvadoradian Culture and Cuisine Term Paper Selvadoradian Culture Skill Selvadoradian culture
TS4AT Icon
Everyday Holiday Singing Advanced Shower Singing Final Exam Skill TS4 Singing Singing
TS4 City Living Icon
Foundations of Thanatology Paranormal Perspectives in Thanatology Skill TS4 Thanatology Thanatology
TS4 Life and Death Icon
Plasma in Vampire Lore The Vampire Lore of Garlic Term Paper Skill TS4 Vampire Lore Vampire lore
The Sims 4 Vampires Icon
Veterinary Work: Pet Trust Veterinary Procedures Final Exam Skill TS4 Veterinarian Veterinarian
TS4 Cats and Dogs Icon
Video Game Strategies Blicblock: Video Game History Term Paper Skill TS4 Video Gaming Video gaming
TS4 Icon
Violin and Country Music Serenading Sims on Violin Final Exam Skill TS4 Violin Violin
TS4 Icon
A Wellness Bridge: Yoga 101 Visualizing Wellness Term Paper Skill TS4 Wellness Wellness
TS4SD Icon
Writing Sadness Writing Fiction... or Are We? Term Paper Skill TS4 Writing Writing
TS4 Icon

There are no classes available for the following skills:


