Buy in Magic Town from Apothecary Todd or harvest it from the beehive. One harvest will allow you to collect Beeswax.
17 MagiCoins
Durable and malleable, wax is an excellent medium for the base form of several types of charms. Its presence in magical workings usually indicates a shape change or unclean bee's ears.
Black Roses[TS:S]
If a Sim has decided to pursue a career in stardom, an obsessed fan may leave these on their property.
Not Buyable
While the actual origin of the black rose remains mysterious, it is known that on occasion obsessed fans have left them as gifts to their idol. It's understood that due to the heavy angst generally surrounding these gifts, they might be powerful spell reagents. That's assuming someone's mad enough to use them...and if anyone has, no one's fessed up to it.
Buy in Magic Town from Gypsy Clerk Rossar or use the Old-Fashioned Butter Churn to make your own.
There's nothing extraordinary about this chunk of butter. It's your regular, average, every-day stick of butter.
Clown Confetti
Quest reward from a Magic Town merchant. Todd is the most likely to give it to you.
Not Buyable
Clown Confetti cannot be used right out of the factory. It must be handled by Clowns, and be exposed to the wide range of bi-polar emotions that clowns posess; thus imbuing it with a form of kinetic energy useful to spell casting.
Diamond Dust
Buy in Magic Town from Faerie Queen Mara.
199 MagiCoins
Diamonds are one of the hardest forms of matter. As one might expect, they are quite difficult to shatter. Do not try to shatter diamonds at home! Leave it to the hands of professionals.
Dragon Scales
Buy in Magic Town from Vicki Vampiress. Can drop from dragons after grooming them.
21 MagiCoins
Throughout its life, a dragon will shed and re-grow its scales on uncountable number of times. Normally the scales would be discarded and forgotten, except that an adventurous sorcerer found them to be quite useful in certain magical rituals. This has caused many enterprising and daring individuals to collect the scales in order to sell them.
Dragon Tears
Buy in Magic Town from Vicki and Can drop from dragons after tickling them.
24 MagiCoins
Wet, tangy, and with just a hint of saltiness, why settle for immitation brand Dragon Tears? You've got the real thing right here.
Faerie Dust
Children can obtain this randomly by playing with the "Visions of Sugarplums" toy box. Not to be confused with Pixie Dust.
Not Buyable
Faeries don't sweat. Instead, they exude a very fine dusty substance which, interestingly enough, is usually called "Faerie Dust." While the potency of this dust in spell-crafting is unquestioned, it's been found that it will only work for children, as adults do not REALLY believe in Faeries.
Four Leaf Clover
Barter Trade with Mara in Magic Town.
1 Honey
Powerful agents of magic. clovers with four leaves (rather than the usual three) are quite rare. They are said to be imbued with the power of luck, and as such they are hoarded by the tragically unlucky.
Barter Trade with Vicki in Magic Town.
1 Beeswax
Also known as "the stinking rose". garlic's had along history as a medicinal herb, as well as a powerful ward against evil and goodnight kisses.
Glacial Glass
Quest reward from a Magic Town merchant. All vendors are equally likely to give it to you.
Not Buyable
MagiCo Inc. has refined the process of smelting glacial glass to a science. A hydrogen based diatomic atom is mixed with a magical catalyst, and then the crystaline structures are allowed to grow. This special type of glass comes from frozen tundra below the tallest mountain in Llama Land.
Golden Thread
Buy it in Magic Town from Mara or make your own with the spinning wheel.
14 MagiCoins
As its name suggests, Golden Thread is simply thread made of gold. As one might imagine, it is a difficult process that can only be done if one possesses a magical spinning wheel. Golden Thread is associated with one's house, and is a symbol of a rich and fulfilling domestic life.
Buy from Magic Town from the Gypsy Clerk or buy a sprig and grow your own in the As the Plot Thickens garden plot.
A form of berry that grows in clusters; grapes have long been used to make various types of mundane liquid refreshments which seem to have magical properties of their own ...
Buy from Magic Town from the Gypsy Clerk or harvest it from the beehive.
A powerful healing and restorative agent, honey is extremely important as a sticky agent in spells. Most commonly it is used in spells to affect a person in a positive, uplifting, or tacky manner.
Llama Spit
Buy it in Magic Town from Todd.
25 MagiCoins
As most Sims know, llamas love to spit. It is likely their third most favorite thing to do, just barely below eating and bowling. But since the llamas migrated to the outskirts of SimCity, llama spit has become a bit of a commodity.
Magic Beans
Buy them in Magic Town from Todd or climb a beanstalk and steal them from the giant Will Wright
27 MagiCoins
Magic beans look just like regular beans. Or perhaps it's that regular beans look just like magic ones?
Pegasus Feather
Quest reward from a Magic Town merchant. Mara is the most likely to give it to you.
Not Buyable
A Pegasus feather must be freely given, or its powers are tainted and rendered useless. A Pegasus gives such gifts rarely, and those who receive them do not part with them easily.
Pet Treats[TS:U]
Buy them in Old Town from any pet store.
Give one of these tasty morsels to your favorite pet the next time you want to reward them for a job well done. Remember, Praise is good, "Praise 'em High" is better.
Pixie Dust
Buy in Magic Town from Mara. Not to be confused with Faerie Dust.
31 MagiCoins
Pixie Dust is often mistaken for its close relative, Faerie Dust, due to the fact that the two look quite similar. However, they can be easily distinguished by observing that Pixie Dust is quite a lot dustier than Faerie Dust.
Rubber Chicken
Barter Trade with Todd in Magic Town
1 Elderberry Nectar
It's a chicken, and if that wasn't pretty amazing already, it's made out of rubber! Think of the possibilities!
Sands of Time
Buy in Magic Town from Mara.
25 MagiCoins
This sand is not for use in sandboxes, cement mixing, landscaping, glass manufacturing, hourglasses, faux indoor beach scenery, or for kicking into smaller people's faces.
Snake Venom
Barter with the Nagganaste in Magic Town.
1 Golden Thread
Snake Venom can be a powerful, if not dangerous, spell ingredient. It is also a rare item, since snakes do not seem very interested in handing over venom in any manner other than a very painful one.
Toad Sweat
Buy it in Magic Town from Todd. Can be obtained randomly by kissing frogs (use Toadification spell to turn a Sim into a frog).
21 MagiCoins
Toad sweat has a myriad of handy and helpful uses, the most important of which is the expiration of heat from toad skin. It's also used by some warlocks, but mostly it's just very icky.
Buy in Magic Town from Todd. They can also be obtained by sitting on the Champignon Toadstool Chair.
9 MagiCoins
These large mushrooms were so named due to the belief that they served as comfy sitting stools for large toads. Regardless of the veracity of such claims, the name stuck, and they're here to stay.
Wizard's Eyelashes
Quest reward from a Magic Town merchant. Vicki is the most likely to give these to you.
Not Buyable
The eyelashes of a wizard, plucked just before noon.