Lot traits and lot challenges are systems in The Sims 4,[1] introduced with patch 42 and patch 115 respectively, that can be accessed and assigned in build mode. Residential lots, as well as apartments[TS4:CL][TS4:EL][TS4:FR] and most venues,[2] can be assigned lot traits and challenges that impact gameplay on that specific lot, such as increasing skill and mood or enabling random events to occur.
A similar but very rarely encountered challenge system exists in The Sims 3 after an unknown patch version. When moving into a new house, there is a small chance that the game will offer players to take on a challenge. The player can choose to discard the challenge altogether, in which case the house will work entirely normally.
Ghost challenge[]
If the challenge is accepted, there will be 3 gravestones with their ghosts floating around immediately after moving in, as well as a few puddles within the house, and small bits of weed (of the sorts normally only seen on harvestable plants) outside the house. Gemstones spawn next to the gravestones, which is the closest thing to a reward that the challenge offers.
As the ghosts are NPCs, the player can expect them to make objects float and to act a bit silly.
After around 3 in-game hours, give or take, a ghost hunter and/or repo-man NPC (Their career is a bit ambiguous, but the clothing and vacuum are those of repo-men) will ring on the doorbell, the camera will automatically move over to them and zoom very far in on them, and then offer a 2nd prompt: Whether the ghost hunter should remove the ghosts or not.
If their offer is accepted, the ghost hunter repo-man will use their ghost vacuum to vacuum up the ghosts and their gravestones as well, effectively winning the challenge (once the puddles and weeds have been cleaned up by the household). When the ghost hunter says goodbye, they will use a notification based on those of repo-men.
Squatter challenge[]
If the challenge is accepted, the house will contain leftover trash piles after a non-descript squatter who left the house soon before the active household moved in. It is also the only known instance in regular gameplay where rats will show up on a lot.
Leaky Plumbing Challenge[]
If the challenge is accepted, the house's plumbing objects will be broken. Fishbowls may have spawned on counters and tables as if catching water from a leaky ceiling
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The Sims 4[]
Lot traits[]
The game features 40 lot traits in total, of which 10 are available in the base game. Each lot can be assigned up to three traits. 12 traits are added with the City Living expansion pack.[3]Vampires adds 3 lot traits, all related to the primary theme of the game pack. Cats & Dogs adds 6 lot traits related to pets. Jungle Adventure adds 1 more lot trait related to jungle vacationing. Get Famous adds 3 lot traits related to celebrity. Patch 81 adds 2 lot traits into the base game. Island Living adds 1 lot trait. Discover University adds 2 lot traits related to university students. Eco Lifestyle adds 2 more lot traits related to eco footprint and recycling. Several traits are locked to specific lots which cannot be changed or removed within the game.[4]
Base game[]
Great Acoustics
The acoustics are perfect here! A great place for any musician to hone their skills.
The quality of light here makes Painting and Photography much easier to master.
50% boost to painting and photography skill gains. Also 50% boost to handiness skill gain while woodworking. Sims receive an inspired moodlet while painting.
Bracing Breezes
Oodles of fresh air make for a bracing environment to exercise.
50% boost to fitness and wellness skill gains. Sims receive an energized moodlet while exercising.
Private Dwelling
A home lot with this trait deters all but the most determined visitors (It has little effect on commercial venues).
No Sims will visit the lot, unless invited by the household.
Teen Neighborhood
More teens will hang out in the neighborhood that surrounds this lot. You'll spot them roaming around and loitering in the streets, as teens are known to do. It's a good opportunity for teens in your household to meet new friends their own age!
Teenager Sims will visit the lot more often than usual.
Clothing Optional
This lot embraces an open, natural lifestyle empowering visitors to shed strict material conventions and prudish societal moors... also their clothes.
Various sims will visit the lot in the nude. Underage Sims will be forced to go home. Sims with the childish, neat, squeamish, and snob trait will not get naked, however.
City Living[]
Chef's Kitchen
Food prepared in this kitchen will enhance your Sims' culinary skills. Look out famous Chefs!
10% boost to cooking and gourmet cooking skill gains. After preparing food, Sims will receive the "Inspired Chef" inspired moodlet that lasts for 2 hours.
Good Schools
The local school is great! Kids seem to get high grades and usually do better at homework.
15% boost to school performance (10% for high school). 25% of child or teen Sim receiving the "Quality Education" confident moodlet after school.
Mean Vibe
The Mean Vibe makes it easier to get other Sims angry with Mean or Mischief interactions.
Sims will gain the "Mean Vibes" angry moodlet when being targeted by mischief interactions.
Home Studio
The artsy vibe makes this a great place to be creative. Painting, Writing and Woodworking usually comes out better quality.
10% boost to Painting and Writing skill gains. Sims will receive craft-related whims more often, and will output significantly higher-quality crafted objects.
Sunny Aspect
The beautiful scenery really make this place uplifting. When the sun goes down, Sims may get Energized, Happy or Inspired.
At 6:00 pm Sims on the lot will receive an energized, happy, or inspired moodlet that will last until Sim leave the lot.
Penny Pixies
Sims often find loose change around the place. It's like there's a secret money fairy or something.
Sims may find small amount of Simoleons while sitting, cleaning, napping, and rummaging. Occasionally the Sim will also receive the "Penny Pixies" happy moodlet upon finding money.
Party Place
Parties just seem to go well at this place! Meeting Social Event goals becomes much easier.
Social event objectives are easier to fulfill. Sims will receive "Great for Atmosphere" happy moodlet upon entering the lot. This moodlet will boost the effect of friendly and romantic social interactions.
Romantic Aura
Romantic aura makes it easier to get other people in the mood for LURVE!
Sims may receive the "Feelin' Lucky!" confident moodlet when using romantic social interactions. This moodlet will boost the effect of romantic social interactions.
Great Soil
Gardening just seems to go really well here.
Increases the rate of plant growth by 10% from 7 AM to 7 PM.
Child's Play
Kids just seem to learn faster here.
Child Sims and adult Sims with the childish trait receive the "Child's Play"/"Inner Child Play" playful moodlet when using children's objects.
On Ley Line
Full of funky fertile earth energy, twins are born here more often than not.
Boosts the chances of a Sim conceiving twins.
Broken things just seem to get mended overnight. It's as if kindly Gnomes watch over the place...
Objects will magically repaired at 3 AM while Sims on the lot are asleep. However, no actual gnomes will appear repairing objects.
Locked traits[]
Rent is cheaper than average for this Apartment.
No effect. This trait is unused and therefore inaccessible within the game. Despite the description, an apartment's rent cost is fixed and is not actually affected by the trait.
Great View
The beautiful views are sure to lift anyone's spirits.
Sims receive the "Fantastic View" energized moodlet when viewing an exterior-facing window.
The Landlord has one rule - the Inspirational plaque dedicated to a famous historical resident can never be removed or sold.
The lot contains a plaque that cannot be moved or removed. Viewing the plaque grants the Sim the "Historical Location" inspired moodlet.
Lively Neighbors
The neighbors live life to the max. There's often a party going on.
The lot is more likely to receive disruption from neighbours. Goofball and erratic Sims will more often enter the lot uninvited.
Low Deposit
The deposit for this apartment is suspiciously low...
No effect. This trait is unused and therefore inaccessible within the game. Despite the description, an apartment's deposit cost is fixed and is not actually affected by the trait.
Needs TLC
A great place to practice your Handiness skills!
After several days, the apartment will experience issues such as power outage, burst pipes, roaches, mice, and bad smells.
Rent is higher than average for this Apartment.
Sims living on the lot receive the "Only the Finest" happy moodlet indefinitely. This trait is unused and therefore inaccessible within the game. Despite the description, an apartment's rent cost is fixed and is not actually affected by the trait.
Romantic Fireplace
A flirty vibe radiates from the beautiful fireplace in this apartment. The Landlord won't allow this fireplace to be removed or sold.
The lot contains a fireplace that cannot be moved or removed. Sims within range of the fireplace receive the "Flirty Fire" flirty moodlet.
Serviced Apartment
The rent for this apartment includes maid service.
A maid will arrive each weekday at 9 AM to clean the apartment, free of charge.
Maybe it's the insulation or maybe the neighbors are very polite. Either way, it's never noisy here.
The lot will never receive disruption from neighbors.
On A Dark Ley Line
The dark energy here has a impact on all nocturnal activities. You can expect babies conceived here to require extra care while teething.
Increases the chance of a baby being born as a vampire, even if both parents are not vampires.
Registered Vampire Lair
The lot registers as a vampire lair. The League will send various gifts from time to time. Through the mail, no less. Even the immortals use the public mail service. Only available on home residences.
The household may receive free gifts through the mail.
Vampire Nexus
A dark void envelopes this lot in the upside down. Vampires are more likely to visit the area.
Vampires will visit the lot more often.
Cats & Dogs[]
Breeding Grounds
Increases the chances for pets to have larger pet litters.
Pregnant pets are likely to give birth to more than one offspring.
Cat Friendly
Cat owners will visit this lot with their cats.
Pet cats and their owners will visit the lot.
Cat Hangout
Stray cats really love this lot. Meow!
Stray cats will visit the lot.
Dog Friendly
Dog owners will visit this lot and bring their dogs.
Pet dogs and their owners will visit the lot.
Dog Hangout
Stray dogs will hang out at this lot.
Stray dogs will visit the lot.
Training Ground
Sims gain Pet Training skill faster on this lot.
Sims will gain the pet training skill faster, and have an easier time training pets as a result.
Jungle Adventure[]
Peace and Quiet
Something about this lot makes it great for reading. Sims understand more, so they gain skill faster from reading, and Tense moods go away faster.
Sims will gain skill from books 50% faster and will relieve tension upon entering the lot.
Get Famous[]
Celebrity Home
This residence is listed on the Celebrity Home Tours, granting increased fame gain, restricted access, and awe amongst welcomed visitors. Beware though! Those who live here but aren't actually very famous will be considered posers!
Strangers have restricted access until a relationship with household member is established or been invited. If one Sim in the household is rank Proper Celebrity or Global Superstar, all Sims in the household will receive a "Prestigious Living" happy moodlet. Otherwise they will sometimes get an embarrassed moodlet, being considered posers.[n 1]
Hottest Spot in Town
A place for the Superstars, the VIPs, those who've achieved victory over the commonplace! After all, who else could afford these hyperinflated lot prices? Not you... no. But at least, the Starlight Accolades can only happen on Lounges with this trait.
Prices are doubled for all buyable goods, such as food and drinks. Restaurants with this trait have a §50 fee to be seated at a table. The Starlight Accolades awards show can only take place at lounges with this trait.
Up-and-Coming Hotspot
At least your Sims can say they 'went here before it was cool.' Also, cheap drinks and eats for the super famous! Even better, Meet a Celebrity events can only happen on Lounges with this trait.
Celebrities rank B-Lister and above get 25% discounts on buyable goods. Meet a Celebrity events can only take place at lounges with this trait.
Island Living[]
Island Spirits
Ancient Island spirits inhabits this lot, visiting frequently. How will Sims choose to interact with them?
Haunted spirits will appear and Sims can commune with, release, or banish spirits.
Locked trait[]
Oceanic Paradise
This lot has an abundance of ocean life. Swimming in the ocean is an inspiring endeavor and dolphins and rare fish are easily found here.
Sims swimming in the ocean will find more marine life. Non-mermaid Sims can call and play with dolphin.
Discover University[]
Study Spot
A great place to enhance one's mind in pursuit of higher education. Not only will Sims complete their homework faster, but they can study longer without getting mentally exhausted. They'll also enjoy a slight bonus to all skill building.
University students, children and teens will study and do homework faster, and all Sims will receive a small boost to skill building. Can study slightly longer before getting mentally exhausted.
University Student Hang Out
This spot has great prices on food and drink, so the university students are sure to flock to it.
Food and drinks are 30% cheaper, and university students will visit the lot more often.
Eco Lifestyle[]
Eco Lot
This lot moves toward eco-friendliness faster than others.
Eco Footprint move towards green 10% faster.
Natural heating lowers utility bills by generating power, and keeps any pools warm.
Power bills reduced at a rate of 28.57 power units per day. Swimming in a pool grants the "Warm Waters" happy moodlet.
Natural Well
Spring water runs under this lot, reducing utility bills and offering fresh, clean water from the tap.
Water bills reduced at a rate of 28.57 water units per day. Drinking water grants the "Fresh Spring Water" happy moodlet.
Singles Hangout
Looking to mingle with some singles?
This Lot Trait will have more date-ready Sims walking around in the neighborhood!
Single Sims will visit this lot more often.
Life & Death[]
On Hallowed Grounds
This lot adds an exciting punch of terror to the otherwise daily mundane. Be it possessed TVs, netherworld treasures, or lowered bills-living or dead, there's something here for everybody!
Adds flickering lights, TVs randomly turning on showing static, see cold spots and occasionally a netherworld rift will show up.
Lot challenges[]
Patch 115 introduces lot challenges as a new feature. 11 previously existing lot traits were converted to lot challenges, including 1 from the base game, 6 from City Living, 1 from Jungle Adventure, 1 from Island Living, and 2 from Eco Lifestyle. 2 brand new lot challenges are also added with the Cottage Living expansion pack.[5] Unlike lot traits, there is no limit to how many challenges a lot can have.
Base game[]
This lot is not connected to the utility grid, and most objects that use Power or Water will not function as expected. Can your Sims survive without the comforts of plumbing and electricity? Natural living does have it's advantages—such as no utility bills!
Most electronics and plumbing objects will not work on the lot, apart from a select few (identified by their build buy descriptions). With Eco Lifestyle, power and water utilities can be used as long as the household produces more than it uses. Bills are discounted by 25%. Sims are always going to become uncomfortable, or energized after using the sink for washing plates and may become tense or uncomfortable from washing hands (neat Sims are likely to become even more uncomfortable than other Sims).
There's something in the air here that fills you with eldritch excitement, and attracts Sims looking for a ghoulishly good time.
Sims get bored over time if they do not experience anything that would give them a scared moodlet. Also makes occult sims more likely to walk around the neighbourhood.
↑In unplayed families living in a lot with this trait, if The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle is installed, if at least one family member is not famous all family members (including famous ones) will wear a paper bag in their heads, which will be removed once they leave the lot.
↑Can only be accessed by unlocking in the Reapers Rewards Event as one of the rewards in week one.
City Living[]
Quake Zone
Occasionally there's a minor tremor here. Probably nothing to worry about...
The lot will randomly experience mild or strong earthquakes, causing Sims to become scared +1 or +2 depending on the intensity or will become scared upon arriving on the lot due to "Seismophobia".
Lots of things seem to go wrong here.
Sims may get voodoo'd when entering the lot. Uncomfortable and tense moodlet duration will be longer, interactions that decay bladder such as drinking will decay faster, and Sims are more likely to die from electrocution and exhaustion. The lot will also experience fire more frequently. Restaurants with this lot trait will see a higher chance of Sims contracting food poisoning.
Sims have a chance to get nauseous when eating, drinking, or using the bathroom.
33% of Sim becoming nauseous when eating, drinking, or using the toilet on a lot with this trait.
Stuff breaks here a lot. It's like there are tiny goblins that come out at night and smash things...but that's ridiculous, right?
Objects will break at 12 AM, while Sims on the lot are asleep. However, no actual creatures will appear breaking things.
From clogged sewers to grimy counters, this place seems to get dirty really quickly.
Objects will become dirty at double the usual rate.
For some inexplicable reason this lot attracts wandering Ghosts!
At 10:30 PM, a ghost will appear on the lot and all Sims get a scared moodlet. More ghosts will appear on a Haunted House Residential lot.
It seems that some creepy pests have taken up residence here. Be prepared; when they hit you'll never see them coming!
Spiders, bees, and bats may randomly descend on Sims on the lot.
Island Living[]
Volcanic Activity
This lot is near an active volcano! Beware of earthquakes, steam vents and occasional lava bombs.
Similar to the "Quake Zone" challenge, small and large volcanic eruptions will happen randomly. During an eruption, the ground shakes, some objects break, and lava bombs will rain onto the lot and will sometimes spread fire. Sims can't touch it while it's hot, but once it cools down they can crack it to get minerals or leave them as decoration. Steam vents from cracks on the ground can also happen.
Eco Lifestyle[]
Landfill Lot
This place is a dump! Trash accumulates on this lot.
Eco Footprint move towards industrial 20% faster. Townies will dump trash and broken appliances into the lot. Any trash left outside will immediately become trash plant after 3 AM.
Reduce and Recycle
This lot generates Compostable and Recyclable Trash, and outdoor cans are no longer bottomless. Actively managing the trash output is a must!
All trash cans and dumpsters will accumulate and need to be sorted out or sent to the garbage dump. If the trash overflows, flies and roaches will appear. Some interactions will generate recyclables, food compost, and garden compost in a Sim's inventory. Every week a Waste Manager NPC will arrive to collect garbage.
Cottage Living[]
Simple Living
This lot requires ingredients to cook all recipes. Cooking with ingredients just makes food taste better!
The household no longer receives free ingredients while cooking. All ingredients must be purchased from a grocery store, gardened, fished, or foraged. Sims who reach level 10 in the cooking skill and have cooked at least 15 meals already unlock the ability to write a cookbook. Reading a cookbook makes other Sims level up in the cooking skill much faster than normal.
Wild Foxes
Wild foxes will appear on this lot, being a nuisance to your garden, chickens, and rabbits.
Wild foxes will occasionally sneak around to steal eggs from chicken coops, and attack any chickens and rabbits that are on the lot.
Horse Ranch[]
Wild Prairie Grass
Day after day, wild Prairie Grass will pop up and spread. Are the seeds of this Hay-yielding plant carried by the wind? Gnomes? Both? Nobody knows!
The lot will periodically spawn clusters of prairie grass for horses to eat or Sims to make nectar with.
For Rent[]
There is a dampness in the air here that just doesn't feel right. Keep puddles mopped, trash from overflowing, and plumbing objects clean or mold piles will start to appear, and beware of the deadly black mold pile!
Mold can generate on the lot and if left unattended Sims can die from the mold if left exposed too long.
Maintenance Troubles
Home ownership involves maintenance and this lot brings surprise events knocking.
Emergency events from Residential Rentals will appear once in a while on a normal Residential lot where a problem needs fixing such as electrical failures, cursed books, pool algae etc.
Lot traits selection prior to patch 95 of The Sims 4.
Lot traits selection prior to patch 115 of The Sims 4.