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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console)
Loop D. Loop
Urb LoopDLoop ol
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Sometimes you gotta dress up...sometimes you gotta dress down. Stick with me and we'll TAKE this town!
Hair color Skin-blue Sims 3 Blue
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Blue
Skin color Skin-dark Dark
Social standing
District Neon East
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (console)
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Urbzville

Loop D. Loop is an Urb residing in Neon East in Urbzville from The Urbz: Sims in the City for console.

Loop is a player in the Secret Foundry Hook Up. This means that he is one of the Urbz that you must make over in Foundry clothes for Roxanna Hardplace's mission 'Style and Substance'.

He is not mentioned in Urbz City Guide for Neon East, nor does he appear in the Comix for that district, so info about this Urb is lacking.

Biography from Urbz Wesbite[]

Occupation: "Let's just say I'm a 'computer network security consultant' and leave it at that."

Likes: "My main turn on IS turning people on!"

Dislikes: "Nay-sayers, wall flowers, social climbers."

Favourite saying: "Technology fetishism: the new pink!"

Prima Guide Information[]

Like all denizens of Neon East, he has the following personality points:

Neat 6
Playful 10
Nice 10
Active 10
Outgoing 10

And he similarly has the following interests:

Bling Medium
Chaos Low
Clothing High
Crime Low
Fast Food Medium
Gambling Low
Hollywood High
Money Low
Music High
Parties High
Pests Low
Rent High
Sex Medium
Xtreme Stuff Medium

