Ah! Those two are out of their headsss. Picking on me, poor old Lloyd who jussst wantsss to be left alone.
—Lloyd talking about the Bayou twins
Lloyd is an Urb featured in The Urbz: Sims in the City for Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS. He is an Albino Alligator, who Bayou Boo and Crawdad Clem fear. He plays a minor role in the story.
After the player's Urb finds Lloyd in the Dark Tree, he tells them about Daddy Bigbucks, and gives them one half of the Bayou twins' mother's locket. He disappears, and is not seen again until Glasstown is unlocked, where he appears as the Slots operator at the Carnival. He does not appear in the story again until the end, where he is shown chasing Daddy Bigbucks around Nutria Island, and later becomes his friend. Throughout each of his appearances, the player cannot socialize with him.
It is possible that Lloyd is a product of either the pollution in the river, or an experiment at Splicer Island. Though the latter seems more plausible, since Cynthia Braintrust reveals that she once owned a pet alligator, but he got away on a trip to the Bayou.
Lloyd chasing Daddy Bigbucks while holding coconuts
Lloyd amicably offering Daddy Bigbucks a coconut portion
Lloyd's expressions.
Urbz Sims in the city Gba 'Lloyd' Glitch.
Video about the glitch mentioned below
Due to a glitch, when socializing with him, the game will freeze. This is because Lloyd is considered an invalid Sim, as Sim data does not exist for him in the game.