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This is a list of buffs for The Sims Medieval.


Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
Buzzed Medieval Buzzed +10 4 Hours Drinking [Sim Name] is feeling quite giddy after a few drinks. Let the mirth and frivolity commence! Appears after one drink.
Tipsy Tipsy +20 2 Hours Drinking It all starts with just a little sip... Appears after two drinks.
Happy Drunk Happy Drunk +30 Drinking Drinking too much has put [Sim Name] in a merry mood. A little to merry...
Mean Drunk Mean Drunk No Focus Effect 1 Hour Drinking Drinking too much has put [Sim Name] in a bad mood. Better stay out of his/her way! Appears after three drinks.
Sloshed Sloshed -30 20 Minutes Drinking Everyone has their limit, and [Sim Name] is now quite beyond that. Better sleep it off, or at least find a place to pass out. Appears after five drinks.
Stale Ale Stale Ale No Focus Effect 1 Hour Drinking Blech! A stale ale. Appears after drinking regular ale.
Musty Wine Musty Wine No Focus Effect 3 Hours Drinking I've had better. Appears after drinking regular wine.
Crisp Ale Crisp Ale +20 2 hours Drinking Like a clear, sunny day in late autumn... Appears after drinking Bloody Moss Mary.
Nauseous Medieval Nauseous (Moderate) -25 1 Hour Drinking too much [Sim Name] isn't feeling so hot. You may want to keep him/her around a bathroom. After the timer expires, your sim will vomit. Appears after drinking with "Sloshed" buff.
Chuldre Pain! Chuldre Pain! -50 3 hours Drinking Curse you, Churdle! [Sim Name] feels rot and decay spreading throuth his/her body! Appears if you drink the bad (green) Churdle Potion
Refreshed Refreshed +5 57 minutes Drinking Cool, clean water is wonderfully revitalizing. For drinking well water.
Hangover Hangover -15 11 hours Drinking Anyone that has had too much to drink the night before knows exactly how this feels... Appears if you drink more than five drinks at night.
Great Wine Great Wine +10 1 hour Drinking A joy for the palate.
Drunk-Me-Not Drunk-Me-Not +30 15 hours Drinking A few sips of a magical Drunk-Me-Not potion are all a Sim needs to handle any alcohol-related problem. And it tastes great to boot! For drinking Drunk-Me-Not.
Restored Restored +5 10 minutes Drinking The refreshed feeling that comes after guzzling down a whole bunch of herbal tonic. Appears for drinking three types of Curative Tonic
Feeling Weird Feeling Weird -5 30 minutes Drinking Feeling strange after eating a loaf of moldy bread is no surprise, but this is somehow different than expected.


Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
Bland Meal Bland Meal -5 5 Hours Eating Gruel What a thoroughly uninspiring meal.
Yummy Meal Yummy Meal varies 5 Hours Eating What a yummy meal. From eating food. Examples are trout soup, rabbit soup and venison soup.
Stuffed Medieval Stuffed No Focus Effect 2 Hours Overeating [Sim Name] is stuffed and couldn't possibly eat any more food! Appears after eating when not hungry. Eating with this buff will make the Sim fatter.
Marvelous Meal Marvelous Meal +30 5 Hours Eating Maaaaarvelous! From eating food. Examples are bear soup, boar soup, and hunter's stew.
Delicious! Delicious! +15 3 hours Delicious food Yummy food always hits the spot! Eating food with Creative Cook trait.
Delectable Meal Delectable Meal +15 5 hours Eating (or drinking) What a delectable meal!
Hungry Buff Hungry No Focus Effect 3 hours Hunger motive low Your Sim's a wee bit peckish. The stomach growling isn't far behind. Your sim is begin hungry. When this buff expired, changes to ˝Very Hungry˝
Very Hungry Medieval Very Hungry -40 11 hours Hunger motive very low Grawing hunger is not a good feeling for Sims. Feed regularly to avoid. Your sim needs food, before late! Changes to ˝Starving˝ in 11 hours.
Starving Medieval Starving -80 11 hours Hunger motive critical Allowing Sims to starve is quite cruel! Get Sim some food immediately to avoid an unnecessary death. Death by Starvation when the timer expires.
Tasteless Treat Tasteless Treat No Focus Effect 1 hour Eating or Drinking Tastes kind of like sheeps hooves... Only worse. From eating flat bread.
Taste of Smortlee Taste of Smortlee +10 1 hour There's nothing quite as delicious as an authentic Smortlee recipe.
Nourished Nourished +10 1 hour Even a simple meal can be nourishing if preapared well.
Palatabe Meal Palatabe Meal +10 4 hours Eating or Drinking A treat for the palate.
Adequate Meal Adequate Meal No Focus Effect 11 hours Eating or Drinking That meal was merely adequate. From eating roast rat.
Feeling Festive Feeling Festive +10 1 hour Feeling full of festivity from fine food freshly fixed for frivolity. Drinking Feast Ale.
Whale of a Meal Whale of a Meal +25 15 hours Eating or Drinking That was whale of a good meal. Eating Whale Stew. Becomes 72 hours if Gastrobury is Annexed.


Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
Very Focused
Highly Focused No Focus Effect - Having very high focus [Sim Name's] high Focus is having great effect on Quest Performance! Fast raising of quest performance
Focused No Focus Effect - Having high focus [Sim Name's] moderatley high focus is having a positive impact on Quest Performance. Raising of quest performance
Slightly Focused1
Slightly Focused No Focus Effect - Having a little focus [Sim Name's] mildly high focus is having a small positive effect on Quest Performance. Slow raising of quest performance
Slighty Unfocused
Slightly Unfocused No Focus Effect - Having a little negative focus [Sim Name's] mildly low focus is having a small negative effect on Quest Performance. Slow decreasing of quest performance
Unfocused No Focus Effect - Having low focus [Sim Name's] moderately low Focus is having a negative impact on Quest Performance. Fast decreasing of quest performance
Very Unfocused1
Very Unfocused No Focus Effect - Having very low focus [Sim Name's] extremely low Focus is having a terrible impact on Quest Performance! Very fast decreasing of quest performance

Personal care[]

Buff Image Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
Bathed! Bathed! +10 Mood 4 hours Bathing Experience the clean sensation of practicing personal hygiene!

Using bathtub. Higher quality baths cause bigger focus. Unkempt Sims do not clean up. Appears when you change a hero.

Attractive Medieval Attractive +10 Mood 4 hours Gussy Up When a Sim looks this good, it's difficult for others not to notice. Wowza! Using mirror to "Gussy Up"
Relieved Relieved +5 Mood 2 hours Using Chamberpot Whew! Made it to the chamberpot just it time! Peeing in chamberpot
Magma Fever Magma Fever -40 Mood 11 hours (Unless Cured) Unknown

[Sim Name] is burning up from the Magma Fever. The next stage is outright melting.

Treat by visiting the physician or using curative tonics.

Appears if Exposed to Sickness expires with low well being. Changes to a disease when buff expires.
Sleepy medieval Sleepy No Focus Effect 2 hours Low energy Get [Sim Name] to bed soon, to avoid the wrath of the truly tired Changes to Tired if expires.
Comfy mediaval Comfy +5-10 Comfortable Object Nothing beats a good seat or soft bed for comfort except perhaps a better one. Higher quality chairs, thornes, beds, etc. will boost the Focus.
Well Rested medieval Well Rested +10-+30 8 hours It's easy to wake up on the right side of the bed when you get plenty of time in the bed. The more expensive bed is, the greater the focus increase.
Bad Night's Sleep Bad Night's Sleep -15 5 hours Cheap Bed Sleeping on a cheap bed would make any Sim grumpy Happens randomly on very cheap beds.
Tired medieval Tired -30 2 hours When Sims get too tired, their mood begins to go south Changes to Exhausted if expired.
Exhausted Medieval Exhausted -50 At this level of sleep deprivation, even the floor looks like a good bet to this Sim. Sim will pass out, if exhausted for a while.
Had a Nice Nap Medieval Had a Nice Nap +10 4 hours Napping Having a great, refreshing nap may be just enough to hold back the onset of sleep. From sleeping on the bed or a loveseat.
Relaxing Stroll Relaxing Stroll +15 7 hours Being Alone A nice walk at a comfortable pace and a breath of fresh air is just what I needed! for Taking a Stroll in the Forest.
First Aid First Aid +10 5 hours Socialization [Sim Name] feeling much better now, thank you! Asking the physican to get first aid will get this buff. Removes the Exposed to Sickness buff.
Sore Medieval Sore -10 4 hours Being Puny Uggh, all this physicial exertion is taking a toll on my body. Puny fatal flaw.
Uplifted Uplifted +35 3 hours Random Event, making a big wish. Well that was just what [Sim Name] needed!
Having a Blast Medieval Having a Blast +40 3 hours Having so much fun. [Sim Name] is having so much fun it's almost criminal. Changes to Entertained if expires. Fun-loving trait gets the Life is so Fun buff.
Warmed Medieval Warmed +10 40 minutes Using fireplace There is nothing like the feeling of a warm flame to make Sim happy. Sims can warm hands up using fireplaces.
Clean Clean +5 4 hours Wash Bucket It feels good being less dirty and smelly than normal. The higher quality of the bucket is, the greater focus. Unkempt sims do not clean them up.
Tranquil Medieval Tranquil +10 7 hours Nothing can stress or anger Sims who have reached their happy place.
Brightened Day Medieval Brightened Day +10 2 hours Good Sims know exactly what to say to make someone's day better. Good Sims can brighten a Sim's day.
Enjoying Music Medieval Enjoying Music +10 Music Box It's hard not to enjoy a beat this solid. Appears when there is an active music box nearby. Disappears when you leave the room or music box goes inactive.
Woozy Woozy -25 2 hours Operation [Sim Name] is woozy from his/her operation Appears if sim lose too many blood points.

Knowledge and Religion[]

Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
Inspired! Inspired! +10 5 hours Having a Kingdom with very high Knowledge A brilliant flash of insight has inspired Sim! When you listen to echo on the well, you will get this buff when Knowledge aspect is high.
Searching Searching -10 2 hours Lack of Faith There must be an answer out there, somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. Happens randomly when the Sim is agnostic. Automatically disappears if the Sim adopts either faith.
The Watcher's Insight

The Watcher's Insight

No Focus Effect Studying the Watcher [Sim Name's] has been granted the insight of the Watcher Peteran priest only.
The Watcher is Near The Watcher is Near +10 Until Sim Leaves the Building Work (In Religious Building) Being in and around this building fills your Sim with the presence of the Watcher. Peteran priest only.
The Watcher's Smile The Watcher's Smile +10 7 hours Prayer [Sim Name's] prayer has been acknowledged by the Watcher. Peterans can pray for this buff.
The Watcher's Gaze

The Watcher's Gaze

+20 3 hours Reflecting on the Watcher The gaze of the Watcher is upon you. Yes, you! Jacoban priest only.
Carefree medieval Carefree +10 3 hours Lack of Faith Who needs to be burdened with all this serious "Watcher" stuff, anyway? Agnostic Sims only.
Research Rampage! Research Rampage! +10 2 hours Researching Knowledge is power, and [Sim Name's] is feeling the power! Changes to Research Rage when you research for too long.
The Chosen One The Chosen One +25 5 hours Behold, for [Sim Name's] has been Chosen! All shall love him/her and despair! You must maximize the Culture to use Chosen by the Watcher.
Blinded By The Watcher Blinded By The Watcher -10 5 hours Chosen by the Watcher Revved up like a Deus, another Watcher in the night. Failure when you use Chosen by the Watcher.
Watcher's Charity Watcher's Charity +25 15 hours The Watcher smiles upon the kind and generous High culture can make Sims donate Simoles to the messenger post.


Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
New stuff New Stuff! +20 1 hour Buying new things for the Sim's house Sims love getting new things for their homes.
Decorated medieval Decorated +10 Decorations Sims enjoy well-furnished homes. By the looks pf things, this place isn't so bad! Appears if Hero interacts with a room's objects where room is furnished with at least 2 particular items from the same Collection. Some known items are: lights; curtains; sofas; tables; thrones; beds; wardrobes; washing pitchers. ++Requires verification.++
Nicely Decorated Medieval Nicely Decorated +25 Decorations Well-designed decor stands out in a good way and tends to make everyone happier. As per 'Decorated' buff but requires 5 particular items. ++Requires verification.++
Beautifully Decorated Med Beautifully Decorated +40 Rooms adorned with the most expensive sculptures and paintings improve life dramatically. As per 'Decorated' buff but requires 10 items. ++Requires verification.++
Finished a Book buff Medieval Finished a Book +20 20 hours Reading Not every book ends with a happily ever after, but hey, I'm just glad I can read!
Read a Good Book Read a Good Book +10 3 hour Reading [Sim Name] found that book very intriguing. Requires a Scholarly trait.
Punched Punched -10 11 hours Fistfighting, random event

Sims generally don't like getting punched in the face. Next time, remember to duck!

Treat to visiting Physician or applying health salves.

This buff sometimes appears from Fistfight.
Face Hit! Face Hit! -10 19 hours Playing Kingball Noooo, not in the face! Oh cruel Kingball, why must you hurt me so? Appears when you are hit in the face in Kingball match.
Wearing Frogga Hat Wearing Frogga Hat +10 Until Wears Off Equipped Gear You feel silly wearing this hat no talking frog could possibly be scared of you. Quest item.
Pristine Pristine No Focus Effect Unil Wears Off Equipped Gear Nothing feels as fresh as being draped in clean linens. Quest item.
Foolish Foolish No Focus Effect Until Wears Off Equipped Gear [Sim Name] is feeling very foolish! Foooooolish! Quest item.
Pipe Dream Pipe Dream +10 11 hours Great Dream Wow, what a great dream that was!
Nightmare! Nightmare! -10 7 hours Nightmare Yikes, I hope I don't have that dream again!
Afraid Afraid -5 Random Event [Sim Name] is feeling a little scared after recent events.
Victorious! Victorious! +15 12 hours

(1) Winning the swordfight

(2) Fighting the beast

The thrill of victory is always a welcome addition to a Sim's mood. You can also get this on random events.
Grievously Wounded Grievously Wounded -40 9 hours Combat, Hunting, Bird Attack, etc.

Wow. Who would have thought that gaping wounds, massive blunt force trauma, and losing half blood would put a damper on your spirits? Huh.

Treat by visiting the Physician or applying health salves.

Changes to Major Laceration if expires. Sims with this buff changes into the Grievously Wounded clothes, also known as bandages.
Major Laceration Major Laceration -30 10 hours Combat, Hunting, Bird Attack, etc.

Looks like [Sim Name] came out on the losing side after that latest round of "intense negotiations."

Treat by visiting the Physician or applying health salves.

Changes to Moderate Injury if expires. Sim with this buff can make Sims move slower.
Minor Scratch Minor Scratch -10 11 hours Combat, Hunting, Bird Attack, etc.

'Tis merely a flesh wound. I've had worse!

Treat by visiting the Physician or applying health salves.

Defeat! Defeat! -15 5 hours Losing the swordfight The agony of defeat can really bring a Sim down The Sim passes out if defeated in battle.
Fatigued medieval Fatigued -5 3 hours Combat, Random Event Too much physicial exertion has left [Sim Name] exhausted. Appears if stamina is below 50%. Starting a sword fight with this buff will start with 70% stamina instead of 100%.
Working Hard Working Hard +20 30 minutes Working Hard
Passed an Edict Passed an Edict +15 11 hours Political Victory [Sim Name] political savvy has won the day! From passing an edict when you vote for this edict. Monarchs and Spies only.
Herbalist Herbalist +15 2 hours Harvesting [Sim Name] enjoys practicing her (or him) plant harvesting skills. From harvesting flowers.
Combat Ready Combat Ready +10 5 hours Training Dummy, Sparring [Sim Name] is ready for combat!
Marked for Arrest Marked for Arrest -5 Scoundrel Failure Look out! [Sim Name] is marked for arrest! That last job didin't go so well, huh! Minor crimes will be sentenced to the stocks, if gets the buff. For example: fistfighting.
Humiliated by Stocks Humiliated by Stocks -15 Stocks [Sim Name] is feeling the humiliation that only a Medieval punishment device can evoke. Appears when sim is in stocks. Eggs and tomatoes will have extra -5. 5 hours if left the stocks.
Marked for Death Marked for Death -20 Major Crime [Sim Name] has been marked for death! Better get your affairs in order... Major crimes will be sentenced to execution if gets this buff. Changes to Judged Innocent if you survive. For example: poisoning a Sim.
Fed The Beast Fed The Beast +5 23 hours Feeding the Pit Beast Music may soothe the savage beast, but everyone knows the way to a horrifying pit monster's heart is through the stomach You need a piece of meat to feed the beast.
Judged Innocent Judged Innocent +40 23 hours Surviving the Pit of Judgement I'm not willing to lay down and die because I am an innocent Sim!
Lost a Fistfight Lost a Fistfight -10 11 hours Losing Fight Being on the losing end of a fistfight has a way of wrecking your mood. Just maybe.
Cheered Up Medieval Cheered Up +15 2 hours Cheer Up interaction, random event. Gobs of sobs are stopped by the kind words of others.
Fascinated Medieval Fascinated +15 2 hours Scholarly Examination Soms Sims take joy in things ordinary Sims might otherwise overlook. Requires the Scholarly trait.
Upset Medieval Upset -15 2 hours Mean action when friends It's hard to endure the rough patches with those you care about.
Dazzled Dazzled +15 1 hour Flare spell Something has crearly made an impression on [Sim Name]
Got a Good Deal Medieval Got a Good Deal +10 7 hours Random Event Saving a few Simoles is pure satisfaction. A success results getting a lute. Failure will summon the Constable and send to the stocks (Does not appear on Monarchs). Costs 540 simoles.
Crab Musked! Crab Musked! +15 5 hours Quest item The smell of not-so-fresh crab lingers in the air. Crabtastic!
Winner! Winner! +10 7 hours Tactics, winning Kingball match. Sims never tire of the thrill of victory.
Good Deed Good Deed +15 3 hours No good deed goes unpunished. Fortunately, your punishment is to be put in a better mood.
Wound Protection Wound Protection +5 1 hour Equipped Gear [Sim Name] is protected from injury. Any wound inflicted upon her/him will have its demaging effects mitigated. Caused by royal armor from War Games quest. Eliminates injury.
Narrow Escape Narrow Escape +10 11 hours Pit of Judgement That was close! Thankfully fortune was on my side!
Feeling Unrefined Feeling Unrefined -10 5 hours Low Kingdom Culture [Sim Name] is feeling despair due to artistic and spiritual neglect. Sim gets the buff from low culture, and when the quest begins.
Geologist Geologist +15 2 hours Harvesting [Sim Name] has some royally remarkable rock-finding skills! From harvesting minerals.
Hammer Tyme Hammer Tyme +5 Hammering Metal Ye shall not touch this! The stronger the hammer, the focus will rise. Angelshammer will give a +30.
Adrenaline Rush Medieval Adrenaline Rush +15 2 hours Making a Wish, Random Event An Adrenaline Rush will keep this Sim pumped and running around everywhere for some time to come! From bombing a pirate ship, killing the unicorn, etc.
Feeling Fertile Feeling Fertile +20 [Sim Name] is feeling extra fertile from having consumed a rare bottle of fertility wine.
Crying Baby Medieval Crying Baby -40 4 minutes Crying Baby If the baby can't be quieted, it's best to get as far away as possible. From nearby crying baby.
Shamed Shamed -5 2 hours Random events. [Sim Name] is ashamed by recent events.
Passed Out Passed Out -5 Drinking Sleeping Drought. [Sim Name] is incapacitated. You can also get this if you are defeated in duel and Sleepless in Snordwich quest. The Sim faints from this buff.
Beacon of Hope Beacon of Hope +40 23 hours Unknown Causes, Magic Spell Powerful arcane magic have given [Sim Name] a reprieve of all responsibilities. When a merchant passes out in Sleepless in Snordwich quest, the Sim gets this buff.
Lovely Lute Lovely Lute +30 2 hours Listening to Lute Melodious tunes strummed by a skillful Lute player can warm the heart and set the mind at ease. From listening to music for Bards and Trickster/Harlequin
You Call That Music You Call That Music? -5 1 hour Bad Fiddlin' That is some awful fiddle playing. I'd rather listen to a dragon snore or a banshee scream than hear one more note. Listening to fiddle music when the fiddle player is unskilled.
KillSelf1 KillSelf -80 Drinking(Reaper's Scythe) No worries,just killing myself here! This buff was removed by updates. Instead, it kills a Sim.
Mourning(buff) Mourning -50 23 hours Witnessing Death The death of a loved one affects those closest to them Appears when friend dies. Sim with this buff will cry.

Responsibilities and Quests[]

Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
A Job Well Done A Job Well Done +20-50 Mood Variable Completing Responsibilities Succesfully [sic] performing one's duties to the kingdom is a great feeling. Focus effect increases after each responsibility completed.
Shirked Responsibility Shirked Responsibility -20-40 Mood 7 hours Failing to Complete Responsibilities Leaving his/her duty to the kingdom unfulfilled is putting a damper on [Sim Name's] mood.

Focus effect decreases after each responsibility failed.

Shirking too many of them will get the Marked for Arrest! buff. Excessive shirking will get the Marked for Death! buff.

Falling Behind on Quest Falling Behind on Quest No Focus Effect 7 hours Quest Better get moving on those Quest tasks or Performance will suffer!

Changes to Behind on Quest if expires.

Disappears if the quest task is complete.

Behind on Quest Behind on Quest No Focus Effect 12 hours Quest Quest Performance is taking a hit because [Sim Name's] isn't making much progress on his/her Quest. Quest performance will fall if the focus is neutral or worse. Changes to Falling Behind on Quest if the quest task is complete. Changes to Dangerously Behind on Quest if expires.
Dangerously Behind on Quest Dangerously Behind on Quest No Focus Effect Quest Quest Performance is taking a nose-dive due [Sim Name's] utter lack of progress on his Quest. Quest performance will rapidly fall, regardless of focus. Changes to Behind on Quest if quest task is complete.


Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
Exposed to Sickness Exposed to Sickness No Focus Effect 5 hours Socialization Your Sim has been exposed to a sickness! Random illness will be triggered if expires. Disappears if you use First Aid.
Poison Pox Poison Pox -40 11 hours Socialization

[Sim Name] is plagued by Poison Pox. Oh, the scratching!

Treat by visiting the Physician or drinking curative tonics.

Plagued sims will perish if there is no clinic and low well being. Changes to Disease if expires.
Virulent Disease Virulent Disease -30 9 hours Socialization

The plague that once consumed [Sim Name] has become a Virulent Disease.

Treat by visiting the Physician or drinking curative tonics.

Changes to Infection if expires.
Noxious Infection Noxious Infection -20 10 hours Socialization

The disease suffered by [Sim Name] has turned into a Noxious Infection.

Treat by visiting the Physician or drinking curative tonics.

Changes to Sickness if expires.
Slight Cold Slight Cold -10 11 hours Socialization

The infection that once gripped [Sim Name] is now just a Slight Cold.

Treat by visiting the Physician or drinking curative tonics.

Disappears if expires, or drinking Moderate/Strong Curative Tonic.
My Better Half My Better Half +10 Spouse What would I be without you? Buff never expires until divorce.
My Love! My Love! +20 Lover Sims in love swoon and flutter about like fools oblivious to the world around them.
First Romance Medieval First Romance +40 1 day Socialization Love has bloomed for the first time. Could This be the real thing? From falling in love for the first time.
Just Married Medieval Just Married +50 1 day Socialization Sims always enjoy the joyful period following the marriage. Let's hope the love lasts... From marriage.
First Kiss Medieval First Kiss +40 23 hours Socialization A Sim's first kiss can leave them glowing for a long time. A successful first kiss wil result in love.
Rejected First Kiss Medieval Rejected First Kiss -10 4 hours Socialization It's sad when a Sim gets rejected for a first kiss. Very sad. A rejected Sim needs time to cool off before their social skills will be back on track. From getting a slap in the face from a first kiss.
Entertained medieval Entertained +25 13 hours Socialization [Sim Name] is having quite a good time and is keeping stress down. Changes to Having a Blast buff if you have lots of fun.
Home is Where the Heart is Home is Where the Heart is +15 9 hours Socialization [Sim Name] is feeling the warm love of home and hearth.
New Friend Medieval New Friend +20 11 hours Socialization Meeting someone new and hitting it off well enough to call them a friend is spiffy! You can get this by Pit of Judgement.
Lost A Friend Lost A Friend -25 5 hours Socialization Oh no, you've lost a friend! Relationships have their ups and downs, but surely there's something you can do to patch things up This buff is exterminated when your relationship is back up.
Prognosticating Prognosticating +15 2 hours Socialization There's difference between knowing the path, and walking the path...but knowing the path usually helps. From magic/medicine.
Heard A Good Joke Heard A Good Joke +10 2 hours Socialization I'll have to remember that one! From listening to a joke.
Hilarious Conversation Medieval Hilarious Conversation +10 2 hours Socialization Some Sims should be court jesters with the humour they're dishing out! From doing funny actions a lot.
Intrigued medieval Intrigued +10 2 hours Socialization Juicy gossip satisfies eager ears! From listening to a gossip.
Feeling Superior Feeling Superior +10 3 hours Socializing with Non-Jacoban You're the best around! Jacobans can also talk to non-jacobans for this buff.
It's a Boy It's a Boy +80 21 hours New Baby Bouncing baby boys are delightful additions to any family! From having a son.
It's a Girl It's a Girl +80 23 hours New Baby Gurgling baby girls are delightful additions to any family! From having a daughter.
Smooth as Baby's Bottom! Smooth as Baby's Bottom! +15 3 hours Cuddling Baby So soft cuddly warm! From playing with the baby.
Lonely medieval Lonely -15 Being Insecure Communication is a must for Sims. A quick chat will fix things right away. Remains until talking with other sims.
Comforted medieval Comforted +15 1 hour Talking to a Good Sim A quick cry on the shoulder helps the sadness go away.

Traits and Fatal Flaws[]

Buff Name Focus Effect Time Period From Game Dialog/Description Notes
Savoring the Stench Savoring the Stench +10 Unkempt Trait Some Sims actually like it when they haven't bathed in awhile. It gives them a natural "aura" that is quite...palpable. Disappears after you take a bath.
One with Nature One with Nature +20 Being Outside Outdoorsmen/women find themselves quite happy when not tucked away indoors. With Earthy trait
I am beautiful I am beautiful +10 5 hours Admiring Self Recognizing beauty, even one's own, is just a benefit of vanity With Vain trait
Too Many People medieval Too Many People -10 Being in a Crowd Certain Sims may not feel too comfortable around large groups With solitary trait
Enjoying Solitude Enjoying Solitude +15 Being Alone Introverted Sims like it best at times when others comletely and utterly stay away. With solitary trait
I Can Do It On My Own! I Can Do It On My Own! +10 Being Alone I can handle this Quest myself, no problem. With solitary trait
Whale Rage Whale Rage -10 Whale Ate My Parents Trait I'll get you, you accursed whale! I'll chase you 'round perdition's flames if I have to! Vengeance will be mine! (Whoa! [Sim Name] better Scream at the Sea, or go on a Whale Hunt!) Disappears after you discuss whale hunt, screaming at the sea, or going to whale hunt.
Excited medieval Excited +15 3 hours Cooking, Sword Fight, Gambling, etc. Excitable Sims tend to get, well, excited With excitable trait
Morose buff Morose -15 14 hours Morose Fatal Flaw Things are looking pretty bleak today for [Sim Name].
Blinded by Hubris Blinded by Hubris -10 3 hours Hubris Fatal Flaw I am greatest! The best around! Hubris Sims gets this buff from completing a quest task or responsibility.
Dry Spell Dry Spell -20 Licentious Fatal Flaw Licentious Sims more acutely feel the effects of not having kissed or Woohoo'd in awhile. Time to get [Sim Name] some action!
Bloodthirsty Quenched Bloodthirsty Quenched +5 4 hours Fistfight Bloodthirsty Sims love a fight! With Bloodthirsty Fatal Flaw
Looking For A Fight Looking For A Fight -15 Bloodthirsty Fatal Flaw [Sim Name] is looking for a fight! From not having a fistfight or duel for a while.
Gambling Itch Gambling Itch -15 Compulsive Gambler Fatal Flaw [Sim Name] got an itch, and only gambling can scratch it. Place your bets! From not gambling.
Need a Drink Need a Drink -15 Drunkard Fatal Flaw [Sim Name] needs a drink, badly! From not having a drink.
Nervous Wreck Nervous Wreck -10 4 hours Insecure Fatal Flaw It's like watching a train wreck in progress, but instead of a train, it's a medieval Sim...because, you known, they didin't have trains back then. From sometimes upon waking up.
Afraid of the Dark Medieval Afraid of the Dark -20 Darkness Heading inside or finding a bit of sunlight will take care cowardly affliction. With Cowardly Fatal Flaw
Can't Sleep Can't Sleep -5 2 hours Insomniac Fatal Flaw Ugh, I just can't sleep no matter how hard I try. From sleeping for awhile. Prevents the sim from sleeping or taking a nap (but not meditating).