Despite the success of SimFarm-Aid, large scale farming never really recovered from the foreclosures back in the '90's. Nonetheless, some local growers still sell their backyard goods out in public markets. Adding this cart to any marketplace allows Sims to both buy and sell fresh homegrown produce on any commercial lot.
Sweet, tasty and picked straight from the vine. Put them away in a pantry or take them downtown and sell them.
Picked Carrot
Pulled from the ground for your eating enjoyment! Put them away in a pantry or take them downtown and sell them.
Picked Tomato
Fresh tomatoes right off the vine. Put them away in a pantry or take them downtown and sell them.
Picked Lettuce
Lettuce picked right from your plots!
SqueakNip Pet Toys[]
SqueakNip Pet Toys
Has the zest in your pet come up a bit flat? What better way to reinvigorate that loyal companion in your life than with a new pet toy. After all, what pet could resist the Sweet simple pleasure of making rubber ducky squeak, what dog dares deny a new rawhide bone, what cat could complain about a little catnip encouragement? SqueakNip guarantees that not only can you buy happiness, you can do it at a reasonable price.
The SqueakNip Pet Toys is an object introduced in The Sims expansion pack, Unleashed. It is only available on community lots.
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Marty McMousenip
We start with an icon that cats are compulsive about, fill it with a substance that cats can't get enough of, and the result is the most addictive cat toy ever conceived, enter the Mousenip. Never worry again about pleasing your cat.
Gnawhide Pet Toy
There is NO dog on the planet which will deny themselves the sweet pleasure of a gnaw on the hidiest bone around, the Gnawhide! It's a dental delight for doggies the world over and will keep them busy for hours. Discover pet pride with Gnawhide.
Squeaky Tara Pet Toy
The Squeaky Tara was designed with one thing in mind, to confuse your pets. It looks like a duck, but it tastes like rubber and it squeaks quite unnaturally. Dogs and Cats alike will find this more confounding than a Chinese puzzlebox, and the reward is that they will never doubt your superior intellect for offering them such an amazing device.
Ornitharium Bird Display[]
Ornitharium Bird Display
The term cage is really a misnomer with this display case. Complete with multiple softee-grip perches, pecking bells, viewing mirrors, autoclean cagebottom and ample feeding station, this is more of a five star bird hotel. This case is recommended for optimal display of both Lovebirds and Budgies in your pet shop.
Ornitharium Bird Display is an object introduced in The Sims expansion pack, Unleashed. It is only available on community lots.
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Pet Love Birds
Lovebirds can be a little bit noisy, but if you can see past that, they are relatively easy to maintain and great household companions for chatting or just to pass the time with.
Pet Budgies
The Aboriginal peoples of Australia once referred to budgies as "budgerigar", meaning "good bird", which coincidentally also meant "good food". Budgies are easy to care for, they love to chat, and all the attention a Sim can spare. Although a cat's attention they can do without, lest they live up to their name.
Stacked Box Display Case[]
Stacked Box Display Case
This case has been scientifically designed to grab the attention of not only the pet starved children who beg their parents for pet turtles, but also the parents themselves. Its dual elevation design assures that your target customers as well as the paying benefactors both have an excellent view of the turtles.
Stacked Box Display Case is an object introduced in The Sims expansion pack, Unleashed. It is only available on community lots.
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Pet Turtles
A turtle isn't the most interactive pet you will own. But you can pick them up and pet them with little difficulty, and the maintenance is trivial.
Aquaversatile Pet Display[]
Aquaversatile Pet Display
What pet store would be complete without a wall of fish? This display is designed to store both Carassius Auratus (the common goldfish), as well as several other tropical varieties. If your budget is versatile, your display can be Aquaversatile.
Aquaversatile Pet Display is an object introduced in The Sims expansion pack, Unleashed. It is only available on community lots.
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Pet Goldfish
This is a supreme specimen of Carassius Auratus. Better get 'em into water soon!
Forgotten Jungle Terrarium[]
Forgotten Jungle Terrarium
THE ideal environment for your Iguana. This tall vivarium faithfully recreates the complex micro-habitat of the deep South American jungle. How do we do it, you ask? Well, we start with a sturdy wrought iron frame, Seal it in self-humidifying glass, and complete it all with the patented "iguana-lok" retrieval port. One feature you won‘t find in any other terrarium: self-warming "bask" stones - a convenience no iguana should do without. Forget the "real jungle"; make your iguana feel at home today.
Forgotten Jungle Terrarium is an object introduced in The Sims expansion pack, Unleashed. It is only available on community lots.
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Pet Iguana
The iguana is one of the most popular reptile pets around. It's easy to see why, they are easy to care for and are excellent conversation pieces.
The Collar Purple[]
The Collar Purple
Not just purple! We've got all the collars you'll need to make your cat the pride of the neighborhood. Each collar is sewn with premium synthetic thread and reinforced at stress points, so you'll never have to worry about your pet losing it. That doesn't mean you need to settle for just one, buy one for every day of the week!
A collar is a great way to help tell the world, "This is my pet, there are many like it, but this one is mine." Not just for possessive reasons, collars are also a fashionable expression of you. Choose a collar which helps define you and your pet a bit more clearly. Whether it 's the pink ribbon or the spike collar, your pet sense of style will never be in question.
Canine Collar Contraption is an object introduced in The Sims expansion pack, Unleashed. It is only available on community lots.
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Brown Dog Collar
Blue Dog Collar
Spiked Dog Collar
Pink Dog Collar
Red Dog Collar
Red Dog Ribbon
Pink Dog Ribbon
Blue Dog Ribbon
Shallow Tallow Candle Display[]
Shallow Tallow Candle Display
Have you ever been told that you look great under candlelight? Why fight a look you can indulge in by simply lighting a candle. Whether setting the mood, performing a ritual, digging your way out of an earthquake, or just fighting the high cost of electricity, candles are a smart choice for any home. Choose from: 3 Wick Sage, Spooky Skulls, Salamander Chimneys, or Blackened BrightLight.
Shallow Tallow Candle Display is an object introduced in The Sims expansion pack, Unleashed.
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Big Wick Sage Candle
Giant blue sage has been harvested in acres just to make enough perfume for one of these massive candles. Known for having one of the best wick-to-wax ratios in the industry, this candle will out burn even the most stalwart contenders. Settle into scented security, settle into Sage.
Salamander Rising Candle
Chimneys of golden light provide the backdrop for several iron salamanders wiggling their way up these candles. Sold in sets of 3, these candles are a perfect centerpiece for any patio.
Blackened Brightlight Candle
Like having a little cathedral on your patio at night, the blackened brightlight candle is excellent for creating mystique alongside a warm, comfortable light. Its welded iron frame makes it sturdy, while its stained glass facades reek of fragility. Both are masterfully merged into what can only be described as a synthesis of beauty and light.
Spooky Skull Candle
The spooky skull is designed with the modern day Goth in mind. Its easy access rear hatch makes for brain-dead-simple candle replacement, and its pseudo-organic fiber construction will make believers out of even the most skeptical séance goers. Spooky comes home with the Spooky Skull candle.