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Here is a list of all known moodlets in The Sims 3.

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet hungry Hungry
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Low Hunger Need Your Sim's a wee bit peckish. The stomach growling isn't far behind. Changes to Very Hungry after 3 Hours &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet veryHungry Very Hungry
-40 Mood
24 Hours
Very Low Hunger Need Gnawing hunger is not a good feeling for Sims. Feed regularly to avoid. 2 hours for Toddlers/children and 7 hours for babies. Sims will not do certain interactions with this moodlet. Changes to Starving when time expires &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet starving Starving
-80 Mood
24 Hours
Critically Low Hunger Need Allowing Sims to starve is quite cruel! Get (Sim Name) some food immediately to avoid an unnecessary death. Death by Starvation when timer expires. If timer expires when a Sim is pregnant or outside of a lot, the timer resets to 7 hours. Children will get taken away by a social worker unless the moodlet goes away. Sims who starve to death in a pool or while scuba diving will drown. Sims will freeze to death if the moodlet expires while frozen. SimBots[TS3:A] will short out instead of dying. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet hungrylikethewolf Hungry Like The Wolf
No Mood Effect
24 Hours
Very Low Hunger Need There's hungry, and there's hungry like the wolf. "Like the wolf" in this case means "with little disregard [sic] to the food's age or quality." Werewolves only. This moodlet appears along with the "Very hungry" moodlet. Despite what its description strongly implicates, they cannot actually eat foul food without becoming nauseous.[note 1] &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet hungry Hunger Striking
-5 Mood
During Protest
Protesting (Sim Name) is enduring some serious hunger for a good cause. Appears when performing a hunger strike. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet foulfood Foul Food
-25 Mood
45 Minutes
Eating Dried Food Blech! Low quality dried food, though appealing in cost, is not so appealing in taste or nutritional value. Taste the savings! Snobs, after eating low quality dried food. &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet carbedup Carbed Up!
+35 Mood
3 Hours
Eating Pemmican Zip zam zoom! All of the unnecessary nutrients were stripped from the original dish and pressed into a mighty brick of delightful dried food. Carbtastic! You can buy pemmican at a special merchant when you travel. Need level 1 Visa in at least one country to buy pemmican for 10 ancient coins &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet meal Good Meal
+10-20 Mood
8 Hours
Yummy Food Yummy! (Sim Name) enjoyed that meal more than the standard fare. Nice quality meal. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet goodGreatMeall Great Meal
+25-35 Mood
8 Hours
Yummy Food Great meals can be rare, but when a Sim dines upon such a delicious feast, it will be remembered for some time. Very Nice to Great quality meal. Or high quality dried food if the Sims are not Snob. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet goodGreatMeall Amazing Meal
+40, +50 Mood
8 Hours
Yummy Food That meal was awesome! The explosion of flavor will be hard to forget. Perfect quality meal. Pizza Appreciators will get this moodlet after eating pizza. Eating a perfect Baked Angel Food Cake can give +50 mood. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet eatingrealfood Scrumptious Food
+10 Mood
6 Hours
Eating Eating real food for the first time was fantastic! Being able to eat anything from the fridge is a privilege some forget, but not this Sim. Appears when Imaginary Friend eats for the first time. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet divineMeal Divine Meal
+75 Mood
7 Days
Ambrosia, Restaurant, Time Traveling (Sim Name) has experienced a meal so exquisite, so divine, that it defies description. Can be found sometimes while eating at the bistro or when a Sim eats Ambrosia or Time Travel[TS3:A] &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet stuffed Stuffed
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Overeating Forcing Sims to eat when they are not hungry may lead to a loss of appetite and weight gain. Eating with this moodlet makes Sim fatter. Appears when eating while not hungry. Less likely to experience weight gain with the Fast Metabolism Lifetime Reward. Can get this moodlet from competing in an eating contest. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet full Full unknown, likely no effect
unknown, likely full hunger need (Sim Name) has eaten enough to keep the body running for the rest of the day. This moodlet was likely set to appear when a Sim's hunger need was full. It was likely replaced with the three meal moodlets. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet hunger resolved Hunger Resolved
+20 Mood
3 Hours
Eating Synthesized Food (Sim name) ate some Synthesized food, which was both delicious and unusually filling. He/She won't be hungry for a long time. Appears after eating Synthesized food. &EP11
Moodlet unevenCooking Uneven Cooking
-10 Mood
3 Hours
Eating Food Cooked on Cheap Stove At least the left-most portion was cooked correctly... right? Maybe a nicer stove would burn better. Appears sometimes after eating meals cooked on a SimmerChar Dual-State Stove &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet wastedFood Wasted Food
-5 Mood
1 Hour
Throwing Away Good Food Don't throw away good food! There are starving children in Strangetown! Caused only if the serving platter washed/discarded still has unspoiled food on it. Does not show if user used the cursor and dragged the food to the trash. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet tastesLikeFridge Tastes Like Fridge
-10 Mood
2 Hour
Leftovers in Cheap Fridge Every bite shouldn't contain flavors from everything else in the fridge. Quality fridges never have this problem! Caused by eating leftovers from a Chillgood Fridge (Possible with Science Experiment) &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet lifeissweet Life is Sweet
0-20 Mood
6 Hours
Honey, Fairy Trick What is it about the sweet, sweet taste of honey that just makes life seem a little more bearable? From drinking honey or eating sweetened food. Better quality honey grants more moodlet. If Sims have the "Spicy!" or "Too Spicy!" moodlet, it will remove "Sick and Tired" and "Pestilence Plague" moodlets. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet spicy Spicy!
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Ghost Chili, Fairy Trick HOT! It's like there's a 3-alarm fire in your mouth, and no one called the fire department! From eating ghost chili or food containing ghost chili. Also appears when Fairy does Hot-Head trick. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet toospicy Too Spicy!
-20 Mood
3 Hours
Ghost Chili, Fairy Trick, Jelly Bean Bush There's "spicy" and then there's the complete Mouthpocalypse happening to your taste buds right now. (Sim Name) DID sign the waiver before eating that spicy food, right! From eating ghost chili or food containing ghost chili. Also appears when Fairy does Hot-Head trick. Once your sim gains this moodlet, (s)he'll sometimes also get Singed, or start a fire. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet greasy Mmm, Greasy!
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Food Truck Fast food may not be the healthiest choice, but it tastes so good! Randomly appears after eating an item from the Food Truck &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet foodpoisoning Food Poisoning
-25 Mood
2 Hour
Food Truck Food cooked in trucks can leave an unexpected aftertaste and more. Randomly appears after eating an item from the Food Truck. Sim will vomit after the moodlet expires. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet yummygoodness Yummy Goodness!
+15 Mood
2 Hour
Ice Cream Truck, Snow Cone This yummy treat sure brings happiness to my tummy. From eating ice cream or snow cone. &EP05
TS3P Icon
Moodlet freezerburn Freezer Burn
-10 Mood
1 Hour
That didn't feel quite right. Did I just eat something stale? From eating ice cream or snow cone. &EP05
TS3P Icon
Moodlet brainfreeze Brain Freeze
-10 Mood
1 Hour
Ice Cream Truck, Snow Cone Oh! Maybe I shouldn't have eaten that so quickly. From eating ice cream or snow cone. &EP05
TS3P Icon
Moodlet brainfreezeep7 Brain Freeze
+5 Mood
1 Hour
Brain Freeze a la Mode What a tasty snack! Now (Sim Name) knows why zombies are raving about how delicious brains are. There's a 0.5% chance Sims will become zombie after the moodlet expires and 0.1% chance to become a zombie permanently. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet sugarhigh Sugar Buzz
+5 Mood
3 Hours
Eating Spooky Day Candy Whoa! All that candy is starting to go to (Sim Name)'s head. It might be time to dial it back a bit... After Sims eat candy from trick or treat &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet toothache Tooth Ache
-5 Mood
3 Hours
Eating Spooky Day Candy Ow! Ow. Too much candy... Way too much candy. Never again. (Sim Name) swears that was his/her last candy binge! After Sims eat several candies earned from trick or treat &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet delicacy Rare Delicacy
+30 Mood
1 Hour
Eating an insect It's a party in (Sim Name)'s mouth and the bugs are invited! He/She just ate the most delicious bug that would make any bug eating connoisseur jealous! Option becomes available after visiting the Dystopian Future. &EP11
Moodlet satisfy slimy Satisfying and Slimy
+20 Mood
1 Hour
Eating an insect With a satisfying slurp and a slurp of slime, (Sim Name) swallows a tasty bug. Keep on sampling the local bugs! Option becomes available after visiting the Dystopian Future. &EP11
Moodlet disgusting Bad Aftertaste
-10 Mood
1 Hour
Eating an insect (Sim Name) has an awful taste in his/her mouth after eating that bug. Who could possibly have predicted this? Option becomes available after visiting the Dystopian Future. &EP11
Moodlet BetterWithBacon Better With Bacon
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Deep Fried Food What's not better with bacon... seriously. From eating bacon related products from deep fryer. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet ComfortFood Comfort Food
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Deep Fried Food, Ice Cream Nothing like a little food to fill the soul. From eating ice cream or fried items from deep fryer or ice cream maker. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet DeepFriedGoodness Deep Fried Goodness
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Deep Fried Ice Cream The only thing better than deep fried is deeper fried. From eating deep fried ice cream, made from deep fryer and ice cream maker. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Indigestion Indigestion
-20 Mood
4 Hours
Deep Fried Food Indigestion is what happens when the food you love hates you. Occasionally happens if Sim eats deep fried food. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet ImpressedByFountain Impressed by the Chocolate Fountain
+20 Mood
3 Hours
Chocolate Fountain Love what you've done with the Chocolate! From being near the Chocolate Fountain &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet ChocolateBliss Chocolate Bliss
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Chocolate Fountain Everything is wonderful when you have enough chocolate. From having some chocolate &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet ChocolateGoodness Chocolatey Goodness
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Chocolate Fountain THAT.JUST.HAPPENED. No excuses, no regrets, I drank straight from the Chocolate Fountain. From drinking chocolate &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Tasteless Tasteless
-5 Mood
6 Hours
Chocolate Fountain Now that is tasteless! From eating too much chocolate &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet ChocolateShame Chocolate Shame
-20 Mood
4 Hours
Chocolate Fountain If you ask me, it was worth it! From getting caught while drinking directly from the Chocolate Fountain &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet FreshlyPopped Freshly Popped
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Popcorn Machine There is just something wonderful about freshly popped popcorn. Eating popcorn from the popcorn machine. Eating microwave popcorn[TS3:UL] does not give this moodlet. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet SugaryGoodness Sugary Sweet
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Cotton Candy Machine Cottony, sugary sweetness just melts in your mouth. Eating Cotton Candy &Store
TS3Shop Icon
MoodletJammin Jammin'
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Grandma's Canning Station Just having a good time making jam. Canning anything in the Grandma's Canning Station &Store
TS3Shop Icon
YummyJam Yummy Jam
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Grandma's Canning Station That was some mighty fine jam. Eating jam. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Bakery Just Like Mom Used to Make
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Baker's Station I love the smell of fresh baked bread in the morning. Baking anything in the Baker's Station &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Freshly Baked Freshly Baked
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Wood Fire Oven Do you smell what the Sim is cooking? The smell of homemade freshly baked goodness is hard to resist! Baking anything in the Wood Fire Oven &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet MammaMia Mamma Mia
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Wood Fire Oven It's pizza, just like mamma used to make! Eating pizza &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet UmmmMeaty Ummm Meaty
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Wood Fire Oven It's rare that you meet something so meaty. Steak, stuffed with ham, wrapped in bacon and served up as a beef treat! Eating Meat Mania Calzone &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet CalzoneCarnivore Calzone Carnivore
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Wood Fire Oven There are few things that werewolves like more than medium rare meat... unless it's an extra rare steak. Yum. Werewolf eats Meat Mania Calzone &Store
TS3Shop Icon
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet GarlicAllergy Garlic Allergy
-20 Mood
4 Hours
Wood Fire Oven Under normal circumstances Vampires aren't big fans of garlic, but this takes it to a whole new level of awful! Vampire only. Appears when they eat garlic bread from the wood fire oven. &Store
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TS3SN Icon
Placeholder Disdains Dessert unknown, likely negative
Trait Sugary sweets are best consumed by more appreciating Sims. Moodlet references the scrapped trait of the same name. Since the trait was scrapped, the moodlet was also scrapped. This moodlet has no icon. &BG
TS3 Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet thirsty Thirsty
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Low Thirst Need Vampires must quench their thirst by Drinking from other Sims, growing fresh Plasma Fruit, or settling for a Plasma Juice. Changes to Very Thirsty after 3 Hours. With "Too Much Sun," expires in 90 minutes. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet verythirsty Very Thirsty
-40 Mood
24 Hours
Very Low Thirst Need Very few things can topple a Vampire's near immortal reign. One of them is leaving one's Thirst unquenched. Changes to Madly Thirsty after 24 Hours. With "Too Much Sun," expires in 2.4 hours. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet madlythirsty Madly Thirsty
-80 Mood
24 Hours
Critically Low Thirst Need Vampires with a manic thirst are no longer able to think clearly. Dangerous and near death, Madly Thirsty Vampires are closer to animals than Sims. Death by thirst after 24 Hours. With "Too Much Sun," expires in 24 minutes. If the vampire is outside of a lot, the vampire will not die. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet sated Sated
+15 Mood
8 Hours
Drinking Plasma The Thirst has been kept at bay... For now. It always returns! Can be attained from eating a nice to outstanding quality plasma fruit, drinking a Sim who is not a hunt target, or eating at the bistro or diner. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet sanguinesnack Sanguine Snack
+50 Mood
8 Hours
Receiving Scrumptious Nutrients, Eating Plasma Fruit Sated beyond the needs of mere nourishment, Vampires sometimes consume a real delicacy to truly satisfy their thirst. Drinking from a Sim that you're hunting. Eating perfect plasma fruit. Thirst halts decaying with this moodlet. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet drankfromafairy Drank from a Fairy
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Drinking Fairy Drinking from a Fairy gave (Sim Name) a buzz and a half! Appears from drinking from a fairy &EP07
TS3SN Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet sleepy Sleepy
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Low Energy Need Get (Sim Name) to bed soon, to avoid the wrath of the truly tired. Changes to Tired After 3 hours for Child Sims and Older, But for toddlers and babies, it's 4 hours for the Sleepy moodlet. She/He will get sleepy as the moodlet appears &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet tired Tired
-40 Mood
3 Hours
Very Low Energy Need When Sims get too tired, their mood begins to go south. Changes to Exhausted after 3 hours, your sims will be tired when this moodlet appears, &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet exhausted Exhausted
-50 Mood
Until Sleep
Critically Low Energy Need At this level of sleep deprivation, even the floor looks like a good bed to this Sim. The Sim May Pass Out. (Sim Will Drown to Death in 40 minutes if sim is in the pool as the moodlet shows up) &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet exhausted Out of Energy
-50 Mood
Until Sleep
Critically Low Energy Need (Hyperactive Sims Only) Stretching yourself for too long can be harmful, even for hyper-active people. Hyperactive Sims get this moodlet instead of Exhausted &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet slow Slow
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Low Energy Need Even the mighty vampire must sleep from time to time. Seek out a comfortable bed for restful slumber. Vampires only; receive instead of "Sleepy". Changes to Lethargic after 3 hours. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet lethargic Lethargic
-40 Mood
3 Hours
Very Low Energy Need When Vampires grow too tired, their powers are nonexistent and their mood grows sour. Vampires only; receive instead of "Tired". Changes to Drained after 3 hours. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet drained Drained
-50 Mood
Until sleep
Critically Low Energy Need At this level of energy a Vampire is powerless, worse than a normal Sim. Vampires only; receive instead of "Exhausted". Vampires may pass out. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet rudeAwakening Rude Awakening
-10 Mood
1 Hour
Loud Noise while Sleeping Loud noises and ruckuses will disturb sleeping Sims. Keep those stereos off and the conversations somewhere else, and don't light the bedroom on fire. Caused by TV, music, alarms, or crying children during sleep. Does not appear if Sim has the Heavy Sleeper trait. -15 for Hot-Headed Sims. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet outofsorts Out of Sorts
-20 Mood
23 Hours
Grumpy Trait Getting up on the wrong side of the bed makes Sims feel grumpy. A good night's sleep will clear up that bad mood. Grumpy Sims will sometimes get this when they wake up. This was added in a Late Night patch. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet badSleep Bad Night's Sleep
-15 Mood
6 Hours
Cheap Bed Sleeping on a cheap bed would make any Sim grumpy. Appears randomly after sleeping on cheap beds. Can also be caused by a cheap tent, and from igloos.[TS3:S] Can also be caused by waking before fully rested. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet wellRested Well Rested
+0-30 Mood
10 Hours
High Energy Need It's easy to wake up on the right side of the bed when you got plenty of time in the bed. Varies depending on the quality of the bed. +10 mood for each + in the catalog. There is a mood glitch associated with this moodlet, in which it gives a Sim a bad or good mood prior to patch 24. Since patch 24, the good mood part of the glitch remains while the bad mood part was patched. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet fullyAwake Fully Awake unknown
unknown, likely high energy need (Sim Name) is bright-eyed and ready to see what the day holds. This moodlet was likely deprecated in favor of the "Well Rested" moodlet. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet sleepinginrealbed Unimaginable Comfort
+10 Mood
6 Hours
Sleeping (Sim Name) never thought sleeping in a real bed for the first time could feel so amazing! This definitely beats sleeping on the floor. Appears when Imaginary Friend sleeps in a bed for the first time. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet hadToNap Had a Nice Nap
+10 Mood
5 Hours
Napping Having a great, refreshing nap may be just enough to hold back the onset of sleep. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet rockedasleep Rocked Asleep
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Rocking Chair Whoa, did (Sim's name) nod off in the rocking chair again? There's just something about that gentle swaying that zzZZZzzzZZzz... From napping in rocking chair. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet power nap Power Nap
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Group Science Project This group project is nearly done, but an exhausted (Sim Name) needs on last energy surge to get over the top. From "Adjust the Blue Magnatomic Pulse Array", during moodlet a Sim sleeps and all his needs fullfills. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet cuddleTime Cuddle Time
+20 Mood
5 Hours
Stuffed Animal Teddy bears make excellent sleeping companions. Babies, toddlers, children, and Childish Sims receive this by sleeping with a teddy bear in their inventory. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet cleansheets Clean Sheets
+10 Mood
Until Sim wakes up
Clean Laundry These fresh, clean sheets are an absolute delight to the skin and olfactory senses. From sleeping in a bed after having done the laundry. &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet sleptlikeaking Slept Like a King
+40 Mood
10 Hours
Sultan's Tabernacle Many have said about it, few have actually done it. Sultan's Tabernacle can be purchased at the special merchant for 2,500 Ancient Coins and level 3 Visa. &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet sleptlikeaqueen Slept Like a Queen
+40 Mood
10 Hours
Sultan's Tabernacle Many have said about it, few have actually done it. Sultan's Tabernacle can be purchased at the special merchant for 2,500 Ancient Coins and level 3 Visa. &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet sleptlikeaking Slept Like a Prince
+40 Mood
10 Hours
Sultan's Tabernacle The Sultan's Tabernacle is so comfortable it makes one feel like royalty after resting, minus the whole "sword hanging over the head" thing. Appears when children or teens sleep in Sultan's Tabernacle. &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet sleptlikeaqueen Slept Like a Princess
+40 Mood
10 Hours
Sultan's Tabernacle The Sultan's Tabernacle is so comfortable it makes one feel like royalty after resting, minus the whole "sword hanging over the head" thing. Appears when children or teens sleep in Sultan's Tabernacle. &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet sleptlikeastar Slept Like a Star
+20 Mood
6 Hours
Actor Trailer You know you're important when you get to sleep in a star's trailer. No longer do you have to mingle with riff-raff! Sims who reach the top of the Film Career (Acting Branch) receive a Professional Actor Trailer. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet sleptlikethedead Slept Like The Dead
+0-30 Mood
10 Hours
High Energy Need Vampires enjoy sleeping deeply, which is a fair trade off for the lack of a pulse. Vampires only; receive instead of "Well Rested". &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet snugasabug Snug As a Bug
+15 Mood
2 Hours
Sleeping Bag So cozy and snuggly! I wish I could stay here forever. Appears after finishing the sleep in the Sleeping Bag. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet gentlyfloating Gently Floating
+10 Mood
Until you go down from the Hover Bed
Hover Bed Even Sleeping amongst the clouds doesn't feel this good! The Hover Bed Can be purchased as Lifetime Reward for 20,000 Lifetime happiness. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet turbosleep Turbo Sleep
No Mood Effect
8 Hours
Drinking Sleeping Elixir Potion Sleep as deep as a hibernating bear. Drinking Sleeping Elixir Potion. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet chlorofizzled Chlorofizzled
No Mood Effect
6 Hours
Alchemy Elixir (Sim Name) is ready for a nap. A very long nap. From Flask of Sleep elixir. Energy motive drops to half-full and Sim wants to sleep. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet chloroformed Chloroformed
No Mood Effect
24 Hours
Alchemy Elixir So sleepy... must... find... zzzzzzzz.... From Flask of Potent Sleep. Energy motive drops to 0 and Sim may fall asleep standing. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet darkslumber Dark Slumber
-50 Mood
2 Hours
Poisoned Apple What part of "poisoned apple" was difficult to understand? (Sim Name) is going to take a little nap now... The Sim falls asleep. Witches can obtain poisoned apples via "Conjure Apple" interaction, if it fails. Evil witches have the "Conjure Poisoned Apple" interaction instead. When the moodlet expires, the Sim becomes Nauseous. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet invigorated Invigorated
No Mood Effect
6 Hours
Alchemy Elixir Life is much too short to spend it sleeping. Good thing (Sim Name) won't be needing to sleep for a while. From Invigorating Elixir. Energy motive doesn't drop while this moodlet is in effect. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet potentlyinvigorated Potently Invigorated
No Mood Effect
24 Hours
Alchemy Elixir Sleep is for weaklings! (Sim Name) is feeling superhuman and won't be slowed anytime soon. From Potent Invigorating Elixir. Energy motive fullfills and doesn't drop while this moodlet is in effect. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet nomonsters No Monsters
+15 Mood
4 Hours
Checking Under the Bed Whew! It was all in your imagination. There are no monsters under the bed... this time! Appears when children check under a bed. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet monstersunderthebed Monsters Under the Bed
-15 Mood
2 Hours
Checking Under the Bed NOOO!! Monsters are totally real and they're under the bed and they totally want to eat up (Sim Name)! PANIC!! Appears when children check under a bed. During this moodlet, children can't interact with the bed. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet dreamcometrue Dream Came True
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Costume Chest The only thing better than having a good dream is having it come true the next day! What a wonderful world. Appears when children dress into a costume as previous dream. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet gnightmares Gnightmare
-20 Mood
8 Hours
Evil Gnome GAH!! The combination of Evil Gnome + Appearing Suddenly + Next To My Bed was simply too much for poor (Sim Name)'s mind. They'll be having Gnightmares tonight! When Evil Gnome appears next to the bed in which Sim is sleeping. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet tooearly Enjoying the Late Night
+10 Mood
Until 6 AM
Staying Up After 11 PM (23:00). Look at the clock! It's past 11 PM and the night is just getting started... and that's exactly the way (Sim Name) likes it! Night Owls. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet tooearly It's Too Early
-10 Mood
Until sleep
Waking Up Before 10 AM. Ugh. It is WAY too early for a Night Owl to be up and around. Back to bed! Night Owls. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet energized Energized
+10-60 Mood
3 Hours
Electrocution, Electric Tomb Trap, Free Vacation, Lightning Strike Electricity is like sweet, sweet Nectar. SimBots and Plumbots receive this when electrocuted or struck by Seasons lightning; it restores their energy completely. Sometimes comes from spa and free vacation (for non-SimBots). &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet murphy clinophobia Murphy Bed Clinophobia
-5 Mood
6 Hours
Murphy Bed Falling murphy beds will leave a lasting impression on unsuspecting Sims. (Sim Name) is being extra cautious around dangerous murphy beds. If the Sim attempts to use the bed with the moodlet, they will die from getting smashed by the murphy bed. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet comfy Comfy
+1-30 Mood
Until Sim stops using a comfort object
Comfortable Object Nothing beats a good seat for comfort except perhaps a better seat. Depends on quality of the object. Couch potatoes give a double mood boost. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet rockingout Rocking Out
+10 Mood
Until Sim stops rocking
Rocking Chair Sometimes it means letting your emotions burst out of you through the language of music, and sometimes it means gently swaying back and forth. Both feel good. Rocking in rocking chair &EP07
TS3SN Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet well tuned Well Tuned
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Tune Up After that recent Tune Up, (Plumbot Name) feels fantastic. Every component is oiled up and performing at optimal levels. Appears after a plumbot is tuned up by a Sim. &EP11
Moodlet tuned for competition Tuned for Competition
+30 Mood
3 Hours
Tune Up There's nothing quite like a Tune Up from loving, professional hands. (Plumbot Name)'s every circuit hums in perfectly efficient harmony. Appears when a Sim performs the "Professional Tune Up" interaction on a plumbot. Having this moodlet makes a plumbot perform better in plumbot competitions at plumbot competition arena. The "Professional Tune Up" interaction is only available for Sims who are at least level 6 of the arena mechanic branch of the bot arena career. &EP11
Moodlet needs repairs Needs Repairs
-15 Mood
3 Hours
Low Maintenance Need Organic bodies are squishy, but at least they fix themselves. (Plumbot name)'s mechanical giblets need a tune up or they'll only get worse. After 3 hours, Plumbots will start malfunctioning &EP11
Moodlet emotional malfunction Emotional Malfunction
No Mood Effect
Low Maintenance Need Plumbot emotions are only as reliable as the hardware that simulates them. (Sim Name)’s Maintenance is low, so (s)he's feeling mercurial. For plumbots with Simulated Emotions trait chip. &EP11
Moodlet malfunctioning Malfunctioning
-40 Mood
Until Sim tuned up a Plumbot or Plumbot tuned up itself
Very Low Maintenance Need (Plumbot name) is a victim of poor maintenance. Something has busted loose in his / her innards, disrupting core functions. &EP11

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet abp needrestoration Need Restoration
No Mood Effect
8 Hours
Low Brain Power (Sim Name) is feeling a little low on the ol' brain juice. An alien can't keep this kind of thing up all day, you know! Aliens only &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet abp restorationrequired Restoration Required
-40 Mood
6 Hours
Very Low Brain Power It's getting hard to concentrate... (Sim Name) definitely needs to take a break and restore his/her brain energy! Aliens only &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet abp mentallyravenous Mentally Ravenous
-50 Mood
Until Sim meditates
Critically Low Brain Power Brain... burning! Must... meditate! Regain precious, precious... brainergy! Aliens only. Can be caused instantly when summoning meteors. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet bio beingboosted Being Boosted
No Mood Effect
1 Hour
Alien Brain Waves (Sim Name) isn't exactly sure why, but it just feels like something's giving him/her a little extra boost right now! Appears when Sims are being boosted by aliens &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet bio beingdrained Being Drained
No Mood Effect
1 Hour
Alien Brain Waves (Sim Name) doesn't know what it is, but something is just dragging him/her down right now. Everything just feels a little bit harder than it should be. Appears when Sims are being drained by aliens &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet bio beingdrained Mind Static
-15 Mood
10 Minutes
Alien Brain Waves Weird. All of a sudden (Sim Name)'s brain just started buzzing. It's really distracting! Whatever's causing this, he/she really wants to get away from it. Mummies and SimBots cannot be drained by aliens. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet brainfry Brain Fried
-50 Mood
1 Hour
Alien Brain Shockwave Hard to... concentrate. Brain... so fuzzy. (Sim Name)'s thinker got zapped pretty good by aliens. The effects should wear off after a little while. Mummies and SimBots cannot be drained by aliens. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet bio beingboosted Boosting Another
No Mood Effect
1 Hour
Alien Power (Sim Name) is bio-boosting a Sim. How long will he/she be able to keep it up? Appears when aliens are boosting Sims &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet bio beingdrained Draining Another
No Mood Effect
1 Hour
Alien Power (Sim Name) is bio-draining some much needed energy from another Sim. He/She is one sneaky alien! Appears when aliens are draining Sims &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet for science For Science!
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Scientific Experiments (Sim Name) can't enough of science, and neither can his/her friends! When great minds come together, anything's possible. Excelsior! &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet eureka Eureka!
+30 Mood
6 Hours
Successful Experiment There's nothing more satisfying than a scientific experiment going off without a hitch. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet just a minor setback Just a Minor Setback
-10 Mood
6 Hours
Failed Experiment A failed experiment set (Sim Name) back, but he / she's determined to nail the next one! Sims may get singed. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet radioactive bug bite Radioactive Bug Bite
-20 Mood
4 Hours
Ouch! That bug bite sure did hurt! (Sim Name) feels something pulsing through his veins... What could it be? &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet lost identity New Identity
+10 Mood
24 Hours
Brain Enhancing Machine Free living is about the freedom to start over. (Sim Name) re-wrote his/her personality, name and past through arcane technology. Personality Programming Success &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet lost identity Lost Identity
-10 Mood
12 Hours
Brain Enhancing Machine Who am I? Where's my family? What do I like? A brain enhancing malfunction has warped (Sim Name)'s brain and given his/her a new identity. Personality Programming Failure, Sim may get Singed &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet genius iq Genius IQ
+10 Mood
12 Hours
Brain Enhancing Machine (Sim Name) is feeling a burst of increased brainpower. Classes and tests should be a breeze for (Sim Name). Genius IQ Success &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet braindead Brain Dead
-10 Mood
6 Hours
Brain Enhancing Machine (Sim Name) is having troubles focusing on the world around him/her. This can't bode well for academic performance... Genius IQ Failure, Sim may get Singed &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet increased understanding Increased Understanding
+10 Mood
2 Days
Protesting The successful protest sure did wonders! Everything suddenly makes sense for (Sim Name) and getting better at things just got easier! &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet hive mind Hive Mind!
No Mood Effect
6 Hours
Group Science Project Intense collaboration brings Sim together. (Sim Name)'s abilities are boosted by his/her colleagues. The trickiest tasks just seem to get done. From "Interface with the Green Mind Melder Module", during moodlet a Sim gains skills faster. &EP09
TS3UL Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet hasToPee Has To Pee
No Mood Effect
2 Hours
Low Bladder Need Your Sim needs to go. Like, "go." Switches to Really Has To Pee after duration expires. Steel Bladder Lifetime Reward prevents and eliminates this. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet hasToPee Really Has To Pee
-30 Mood
60 Minutes
Critically Low Bladder Need The bladder situation really has only gone from bad to worse, find a bathroom soon! When duration expires, Sim pees him/herself. If they pee themselves, it will cause them to have the "Embarrassed" moodlet if other Sims are in the room (unless they are a toddler or infant) and will instantly deplete the Hygiene need, causing the Sim to be "Smelly". Timer will freeze when sitting in a car. Steel Bladder Lifetime Reward prevents and eliminates this. Also drops the fun need when peeing self. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet thefeelofporcelain Porcelain Beauty
+10 Mood
6 Hours
Using Toilet This contraption called a toilet does amazing things! It's like a magician. Now you see it, now you don't! Appears when Imaginary Friend uses the toilet for the first time. &EP04
TS3G Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet grungy Grungy
-5 Mood
4 hours
Low Hygiene Need Yuck! That layer of grime growing might mean it's time for a bath or shower. When moodlet runs out, it switches to Smelly. Lasts 16 hours with Dirt Defiant Lifetime Reward. No mood effect for Slobs. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet smelly Smelly
-10 Mood
Very Low Hygiene Need Sims don't like to stink. More importantly, Sims don't like other Sims that stink. Will stay until Sim takes a shower/bath. No mood effect for Slobs. Appears quickly when working out or peeing self. Can badly affect social. Sims who walk by get the disgusted moodlet &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet warmwetsuit Warm Wetsuit
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Peeing Self while Scuba Diving The sudden underwater scare has given your Sim a warm and uncomfortable feeling. This can also be caused when the Sim is near a shark. &EP10
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet coldShower Cold Shower
-10 Mood
3 hours
Cheap Shower Freezing jets of water will dull any mood. Perhaps it's time to upgrade the shower. Appears randomly after using a cheap shower. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet exhilaratingShower Exhilarating Shower
+20 Mood
4 hours
Nice shower It makes sense that if a Sim uses quality plumbing, they get quality showers. After Sim uses an expensive shower. Overrides Cold Shower moodlet. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet squeakyClean Squeaky Clean
+10 Mood
7 hours
High Hygiene Need Experience the clean sensation of practicing personal hygiene! Lasts 28 hours (shows as 2 Days) with Dirt Defiant Lifetime Reward. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet magicallyspotless Magically Spotlessly Clean
+20 Mood
30 Minutes
Genie Ability There's clean, and then there's magically clean! Granted if the Sim is the target of the interaction Genie - Magically clean Sim. &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet ooobubbles Ooo... Buuuubbles!
+30 Mood
Hot Tub Multitudes of bubbles make everything more fun! Appears when a Sim gets in the Hot Tub. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet beguiledbubbles Beguiled by Bubbles
+15 Mood
1 Hour
(Unknown) Childish Sims just can't help but be captivated by the sight of a bouncing bubble. It is unknown if the moodlet can be acquired in unmodded gameplay, as neither bubble baths, hot tubs, or bubble bars give it to Childish or Child Sims. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet exhilarated Exhilarated
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Skinny Dipping Doing something kinda crazy gives any Sim a little thrill! Appears after skinny dipping in a hot tub or pool &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet garlicBreath Garlic Breath
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Eating Garlic Whoa! It might be time to scrub away that garlic with a toothbrush. Other Sims gain the disgusted moodlet when using social interactions with them. Can badly affect social. Vampires get the Knocked Out moodlet when they eat garlic. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet coffee breath Coffee Breath
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Eating Coffee Bean That raw Coffee Bean was delicious, but now (Sim Name)'s breath smells like stale coffee beans. Socialization with Sim with this moodlet gives to another Sims moodlet "Disgusted" &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet mintyBreath Minty Breath
+5 Mood
4 hours
Brushing Teeth, Floor Hygienator, Opportunity, Bubble Bar (Mint) Sims love to be around those with Minty Breath. It sure beats the alternative. After Sim brushes his/her teeth(possible with science experiment) or walk over a Floor Hygienator. Eliminates the Garlic Breath and Coffee Breath moodlet. Possible with Investigator profession. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet Woohoo WooHoo Panther Perfume
-10 Mood
2 Hours
Perfume I don't feel so well. Maybe that is why this perfume is illegal in nine countries. Can make Sims throw up a few times &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Vanity Vanity Perfume
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Perfume Enough about me... what do YOU think about me? Sims will become more sociable. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet OnceForgotten Once Forgotten Perfume
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Perfume Sometimes it's good to forget, particularly if it's a loved one's passing. Eliminates the "Mourning" moodlet. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Amour Amour Perfume
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Perfume I will make you love me through persistance! Sims will become more attractive. The moodlet description contains a typo. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Bliss Bliss Perfume
+20 Mood
2 Hours
Perfume I just feel...happy. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet duckTime Duck Time
+15 Mood
5 hours
Rubber Ducky Rubber Duckies make hygienic cleansing fun! Buy a "Ducksworth of Bathington" in the grocery shop, place it on the tub and take a bath. Moodlet is NOT eliminated if Sim has Hydrophobic trait. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet submarineadventure Submarine Adventure
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Playing Imaginary Submarine in a Bathtub Aquatic adventures turn boring bath time into ultra-fun times! There are so many imaginary new species to discover under the sea. Appears when children playing imaginary submarine in tub. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet victoryoverwasher Victory Over Washer
+20 Mood
1 Hour
Subduing Belligerent Washing Machine Ha! I have defeated thee, cruel washer! Appears when Sim wins over the washing machine. &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet defeatedbywasher Defeated by Washer!
-15 Mood
1 Hour
Being Subdued by Washing Machine Curse that blasted washer! It may have won this round, but its time will come! Appears when Sim gets defeated by the washing machine. &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet dried out Dehydrated
-30 Mood
Low Water Need PlantSims need plenty of water to function, and (Sim Name) is running dry! Go get some water to keep those fluids moving! PlantSims only &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet hydrated Hydrated
+30 Mood
High Water Need So many Sims pay close attention to nutrition, sleep and exercise. (Sim Name) has his priorities straight: hydration is paramount! PlantSims only &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet chapped Chapped
No Mood Effect
3 Hours
Low Hydration Need Feeling a little dry and uncomfortable... Mermaids only. Changes to "Flakey" when timer expires. &EP10
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet flakey Flakey
-40 Mood
12 Hours
Very Low Hydration Need Ewww, bits of skin are flaking off... maybe some water would help? Mermaids only. Changes to "Dehydrated" when timer expires. The mermaid will also pass out when expired. &EP10
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet dehydrated Dehydrated
-80 Mood
3 Hours
Critically Low Hydration Need Dehydration is deadly to a mermaid! Soak up some water immediately or else... Mermaids only. When moodlet runs out, the mermaid will die of dehydration. &EP10
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet divingdeficiency Salt Water Deficiency
-5 Mood
24 Hours
Not Swimming in Salt Water Mermaids need to swim in salt water regularly to keep their scales healthy. Mermaids only. Changes to "Adapting To Land" when timer expires. Mermaids have to swim in the ocean or (despite the moodlet's name) a large lake to get rid of the moodlet. &EP10
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet adaptingtoland Adapting To Land
-15 Mood
24 Hours
Not Swimming in Salt Water Better swim in some salt water, or prepare for a permanent adjustment. Mermaids only. Mermaids will turn into a normal Sim when timer expires. &EP10
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet dryingup Drying Up
-30 Mood
3 Hours
Fireplace, High Temperatures, Fire It’s too hot! Excessive warmth makes mermaid skin dry and brittle. Appears when Mermaids are near a lit fireplace, if there's a fire anywhere on the lot, or (if Seasons is installed) while outdoors during a temperature of 90°F/32°C or higher &EP10
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet pristine protection Favored Cleansing
+10 Mood
1 hour
Sonic Shower A washing in the Sonic Shower by waves of his/her favorite color lets (Sim Name) feel extra-fresh! Can be gained by using the Sonic Shower, if the wave color is the same as the Sim's favorite color. &EP11
Moodlet pristine protection Pristine Protection
+10 Mood
5 hours
Sonic Shower A powerful cleansing from the Sonic Shower scrubbed (Sim Name) sparkling clean. He/She won't need to worry about getting dirty for a while! Stops hygiene decay. Can only appear by using the "Power Cleanse" option with a sonic shower, and the moodlet only appears if the Sim has the future sim hidden trait. &EP11
Moodlet future stinky Stinky
+20 Mood
Dystopian Future Immersion in the alternate future has also immersed (Sim Name) in filth! He/She can't seem to shed this funky smell. Unlocks "Litter" interaction. Sim will have a green smell regardless of Hygiene motive. Most NPCs in the Dystopian Future will have the moodlet. &EP11

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet strained Strained
-15 Mood
2 Days
Low Fun Need (Sim Name) could stand a few hours of fun to iron the stress. After developing to 2 days, it will change to "Stressed Out" moodlet. If caused by work, select "Take it Easy" to improve mood. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet stressed Stressed Out
-40 Mood
Until Sim has fun
Critically Low Fun Need (Sim Name) is in desperate need of some entertainment. The daily grind has ground the enjoyment of life to a halt! Will remain until Sim starts having fun. Rarely appears for Workaholics. After Sim has fun, switches to a 2-day timer of the Strained moodlet. (-50 on Wii) &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet icon amused fun Entertained
+25 Mood
6 Hours
High Fun Need (Sim Name) is having quite a good time and is keeping stress down. 12 hours for Sims with No Sense of Humor. Timer will become frozen if the Sugar Rush moodlet appears. The moodlet is internally known as its previous name, "Amused," meaning this must have been a social moodlet before being repurposed. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet delighted Having a Blast
+40 Mood
8 Hours
Very High Fun Need (Sim Name) is having so much fun it's almost criminal. Changes to Entertained when time expires. Sims with No Sense of Humor can Have a Blast for 15 hours. Toddlers, Children and Childish Sims will Have a Blast for 5 hours. Toddlers and Children with No Sense of Humor will have a Blast for 10 Hours. Timer will be frozen if the Sugar Rush moodlet appears. The moodlet is called "Delighted" in the game files, indicating that this must have previously been a general moodlet for Sims in a really high mood. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet greatAdventure Great Adventure
+20 Mood
3 Hours
VR Adventure, Time Traveling[TS3:A] (Sim Name) had such an amazing time! How could this adventure possibly be topped? Adventure on SimLife Goggles &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet VREmpowered Virtually Empowered
+15 Mood
5 Hours
VR Adventure Muscles... mind... matter... so very strong! Some Sims feel quite the audio/visual adrenaline rush from a good VR Adventure. Adventure on SimLife Goggles, The Not So Routine Machine's Dreamscape &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet VRVictory Virtually Victorious!
+25 Mood
8 Hours
VR Adventure Success! Sims love the (virtual) taste and smell of (virtual) victory. Adventure on SimLife Goggles, The Not So Routine Machine's Dreamscape &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet VRNausea Virtually Nauseous
-25 Mood
2 hours
VR Adventure The ups and downs and lefts and rights and sudden free-fall plummets and rolling seas of VR don't always leave the stomach at ease. Adventure on SimLife Goggles. After 2 hours, the Sim will vomit. They'll try reach a toilet. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet frightenedByVR Virtually Terrified!
-25 Mood
3 Hours
VR Adventure Yikes! That snaggle toothed monster looked far more realistic than expected. Who knew monster breath would be so... fragrant... in virtual reality. Adventure on SimLife Goggles &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet failedAtVR Failed at VR
-15 Mood
24 Hours
VR Adventure Game over! The binary highways of Virtual Reality are fraught with peril. Luckily your Sim didn't lose in the real world. Adventure on SimLife Goggles &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet inyourface In Your Face
+5 Mood
3 Hours
Water Balloon Fight, Snowball Fight Rubbing in a victory is all part of friendly competition. Winning may not be everything, but it sure feels nice! Appears when Sims win the water balloon or snowball fight. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet onemanarmy One Sim Army
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Water Balloon Fight, Snowball Fight Your Sim just won a contest against multiple opponents! He/she's feeling unstoppable! Appears when Sims win the water balloon or snowball fight while being outnumbered outnumbered. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet HayNow Hay Now!
+25 Mood
4 Hours
Tractor Who needs a horse for a ride when you have heavy machinery? Appears from having a hay ride from the tractor. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet tilemaster Tile Master
+30 Mood
4 Hours
Winning Domino Game A master of the tiles always knows where to strategically place dominoes. &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet embarrassed Feeling Slightly Unlucky
-5 Mood
3 Hours
Losing Domino Game, Heckler It's just not (Sim Name)'s day. Nothing good can come of this. &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet artificially overjoyed Artificially Overjoyed!
+40 Mood
4 Hours
Socialization Exposure to mood-altering radiation has (Sim Name) feeling incredible! All his/her negative feelings are swept away, like tears in rain. Mood Beam from a Plumbot with the Mood Adjuster trait chip. Fills the Fun motive to full. &EP11
Moodlet artificial sadness Synthetic Sadness
-40 Mood
4 Hours
Socialization Darn those evil Plumbots! (Sim Name) was tagged by a Sadness Beam and the whole world feels like drudgery. Sadness Beam from a Plumbot with both the Sinister Circuits and Mood Adjuster trait chips. Fun motive drops to 0. &EP11
Moodlet FanGlasstic Fan-glasstic!
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Glass Blowing Station (Sim Name) created a glass masterpiece! &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet PainInTheGlass Pain in the Glass!
-10 Mood
2 Hours
Glass Blowing Station Does anyone else smell burning hair? &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Winning Winning
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Gambling YOU! ARE! WINNING! Appears when sim is winning playing the slot machine or the blackjack table &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet WinningStreak Winning Streak
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Gambling Don't jinx this WINNING STREAK! Appears when sim is constantly winning playing the slot machine or the blackjack table &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Losing Losing
-10 Mood
4 Hours
Gambling Ever get that feeling that everybody is winning but YOU? Sims will get the moodlet if losing while playing the Slot machine or the Blackjack Table &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet LosingStreak Losing Streak
-20 Mood
4 Hours
Gambling The good news is, you are on a streak! The bad news is, it's a losing streak Appears when sim is constantly losing playing the slot machine or the blackjack table &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Hot Hot Slot Machine
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Slot Machine Is it hot in here, or is it just your Slot Machine? Appears when sim is constantly winning playing the slot machine &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Cold Cold Slot Machine
-20 Mood
4 Hours
Slot Machine Oh no! The cooler strikes again! Appears when sim is constantly losing playing the slot machine &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet EgoBoost Ego Boost
+20 Mood
2 Hours
Gambling Hooray! You're not your only fan! Appears when sim is playing the slot machine or the blackjack table and other sims are watching &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Distracted Distracted
-10 Mood
4 Hours
Gambling Trying not be distracted...failing! Appears when sim is playing the slot machine or the blackjack table and other sims are watching &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Annoyed Annoyed
-20 Mood
2 Hours
Gambling Now this is really annoying! Appears when sim is playing the slot machine or the blackjack table and other sims are watching &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet Weeeee Wheee!
+25 Mood
2 Hours
World of Wonder Carousel Much fun. Very wow. Such carousel. &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Wonderfulridemoodlet2 Wonderful Ride
+25 Mood
2 Hours
Gondola of the Sinking City What a wonderful ride! &Store
TS3Shop Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet newFriend New Friend
+20 Mood
8 Hours
Socialization Meeting someone new and hitting it off well enough to call them a friend is spiffy! Moodlet only given the first time Sim becomes friend with this Sim. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet lostAFriend Lost A Friend
-25 Mood
24 Hours
Socialization, Neglect The loss of a friend hurts, but can be easily rectified by giving them a call and rekindling the friendship. Appears after a friendship is broken up or the friend dies. The moodlet will be eliminated if the friendship is made back up. Stone Hearted Lifetime Reward eliminates this. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet lonely Lonely
-15 Mood
14 hours
Low Social Need Communication is a must for Sims. A quick chat will fix things right away. Toddlers gain this Moodlet faster than other Sims. Lasts 3 days for Loners. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet desolate Desolate
-50 Mood
Until Sim socializes
Critically Low Social Need When Sims get really, really lonely, they need to talk to somebody. Anybody. Sims with this moodlet can talk to objects to get social raised. Children will be taken away by a social worker unless the moodlet goes away. Sims will refuse to read skill books with this moodlet. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet allaboutme It's All About Me
+15 Mood
9 Hours
Socialization Your Sim is the center of attention, and that's just how he/she likes it! Social Butterflies get this moodlet after socializing at least 5 times a day &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet likeiminvisible It's Like I'm Invisible
-15 Mood
9 Hours
Lack of socialization Your Sim requires a few enticing conversations each day to keep depression away. Social Butterflies get this moodlet if they socialize fewer than 3 times a day &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet misunderstood Misunderstood
No Mood Effect
2 Hours
Socialization, Low Social Need Why, oh why can't other Sims understand you? If it gets much worse, (Sim Name) will need to brood. Sims with Brooding trait, after time change into moodlet "Need To Brood" &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet misunderstood Need To Brood
-15 Mood
3 Hours
Critically Low Social Need (Sim Name) has home pretty heavy stuff to work through. It's going to be hard to get anything accomplished until he can start to figure out this thing called life. Sims with Brooding trait, after time change into moodlet "Misunderstood" &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet rejected Rejected -30
6 Hours
(Sim Name) mis-calculated in a social situation. (S)he tried to climb the social ladder by asking for an introduction, but ended in failure. While this moodlet exists in the game files, it is unknown how to obtain it without mods. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet mourning Mourning
-50 Mood
2 Days
Witnessing Death The death of a loved one affects those closest to them. Sims can mourn at a tombstone or move it to a graveyard to feel more at peace. Appears after a family relative, best friend or best friend forever status dies. The mood effect is reduced by half when the Sim mourns, gets consoled, or the gravestone is moved to the graveyard. Sims will cry when idle, with a picture of a grave and the Sim as a ghost who died above their head. Stone Hearted lifetime reward and Once Forgotten perfume eliminate this moodlet. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet excited Excited
+15 Mood
3 hours
Anticipation of Seeing Lover/Friend, Promotion, Catching New/Bigger Fish Excitable Sims get, well excited. Excitable Sims &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet impressed Impressed
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Tour, Drill Hole, Receiving Drinks from a Sim Touring public places sometimes reveals unexpected and impressive sights. Will sometimes appear after touring a community lot. Also appears when Sims receive a drink from a proprietor ordered by someone else if the receiver has either Easily impressed, Flirty, Hopeless romantic, or Party animal trait. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet smalltalked Smalltalked
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization Yes, there is weather. And how about those current events? Those are going on. You follow the sports teams? Small talk might not be great fuel for the mind, but it does help break the ice! From talking about weather (snow, heat, rain, etc.) &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet hilariousConversation Hilarious Conversation
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization Some Sims should be stand-up comedians with the humor they're dishing out. Tell three jokes in a row. Using Hilarious Greet. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet goodadvice Good Advice
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization Good advice is hard to come by. Listen to those words of wisdom and use them wisely! Asking Butler for advice. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet intrigued Intrigued
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Time Traveling Juicy gossip satisfies eager ears! Caused by gossip magazines, tour theaters, science facilities, and gossiping with other sims. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet flattered Flattered
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Opportunity, Receiving Drinks from a Sim Compliments are quite flattering! After being complimented. Possible with Education career. Replaced with "Well, Duh!" moodlet for Divas. Also appears when Sims receive a drink from a proprietor ordered by someone else. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet brightenedDay Brightened Day
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Elixir Good Sims know exactly what to say to make someone's day better. Good Sims can brighten another Sims day. Also possible from using a Jar of Friendship elixir on self. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet cheeredUp Cheered Up
+15 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Time Traveling[TS3:A] Gobs of sobs are stopped by the kind words of others. Sim must have a negative moodlet related to sadness, like "Mourning," "Heart Broken," or "Wasted Food." Possible with Science Experiment. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet letOffSteam Let Off Steam
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Time Traveling[TS3:A] Having a friendly ear to complain to helps when you need to vent. Appears after complaining to another Sim, or from adventure on SimLife goggles. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet calmedDown Calmed Down
+15 Mood
3 Hours
Sometimes all an Angry Sim needs is an understanding voice to help them get through a bad mood. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet comforted Comforted
+15 Mood
3 Hours
Talking to a Good Sim A quick cry on the shoulder helps the sadness go away. Receive Comfort Action, Cry On Shoulder. Need a significant negative moodlet for these socials to be available. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet FeelingGoodAboutMe Feeling Good About Me
+25 Mood
12 Hours
Lemonade Stand Sometimes it takes honest advice from a child to help (Sim Name) realize that life is good. From getting psychiatric help &Store
TS3Shop Icon
Moodlet FeelingGoodAboutMe Rude Guest
-10 Mood
4 Hours
Guest Behaving Inappropriately Sims don't like it when other Sims are rude, especially houseguests! Guest uses the bathtub or shower, eats from the fridge, sleeps in bed, or rummages in the garbage. -15 for Hot-Headed Sims. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet bored Boring Conversation
-5 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Tour Yawn! Will they ever stop talking? If a Sim repeats the same socialization too many times, the other Sim will get bored, especially if the talking Sim has No sense of humor. Also randomly caused by touring various community lots. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet awkward Awkward!
No Mood Effect
30 Minutes
Fairy Trick Well that was awkward... (Sim Name) is feeling a bit embarrassed and doesn't really feel like socializing right now. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet embarrassed Embarrassed
-20 Mood
3 Hours
Peeing Self, Opportunity, Walking in on Sim, Invasion of Privacy, Tomb Evacuation Situations like this should be avoided at all costs... they're hard to live down. When peeing self, the Sim will not receive the moodlet when alone. Also when walking in on two sims in the middle of WooHoo or shower/bath. Can be caused by tomb evacuation after Mummy's Curse. Possible with Education, Film, Medical, Business, Journalism and Investigator careers. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet embarrassed Embarrassed
-15 Mood
Until Sim gets dressed Eek, (Sim Name) has been caught without any clothes! It feels like everyone's eyes are watching him/her. When a Sim's clothes are hidden when they are skinny dipping, they will be wrapped in a towel. The moodlet remains until the Sim gets dressed. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet humiliated Humiliated
-15 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Time Traveling[TS3:A] Humiliation tends to rear its ugly head just behind the heap of insulting comments. Appears after either being insulted, losing a fight, or if a werewolf is caught rummaging through a trash can. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet offended Appalled
-15 Mood
3 Hours
Conversing with Mixologist Some things are just too horrible to look at! Appears when Sim is being rejected when arguing about Snubb with mixologist &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet offended Offended
-15 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Time Traveling[TS3:A] Offense, when given, will require a healthy dose of time to forgive and forget. Or the dreaded apology. This will sometimes appear after being insulted, and is more likely to appear when a Sim has a "Mean" or "Fight!" interaction used on them while suffering from a low mood. 30% more effective on Hot-Headed Sims. Sims will get higher relationship hit when they get negative interactions with this moodlet. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet upset Upset
-15 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization It's hard to endure the rough patches with those you care about. Caused after certain mean social interactions with friends or family, but does not appear on Evil Sims in those circumstances. Possible with Science Experiment. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet disappointed Disappointed
-15 Mood
24 Hours
Forum Posting, Giving Mixology Advice to Mixologist, Time Traveling[TS3:A] Some Sims just hate it when they blow a chance to impress others. No one answering your post on the forum or giving advice on mixology to a mixologist. Sim must have Inappropriate, Evil, Mean spirited or Grumpy trait to troll/write something inappropriate in the forum. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet wellduh Well, Duh!
+10 Mood
1 Hour
Socialization (Sim Name) is awesome! But he/she already knew that. Appears when Divas receive flattering compliment &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet creepedOut Creeped Out
-10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization, Brain Freeze a la Mode Ewww! (Sim Name) sure is acting creepy! A Sim gets too intimate too soon or repeats the same action too many times. Can also appear from Insane Sims using the "Speak Madness" interaction. Seeing other Sims who eat Brain Freeze a la Mode will receive this moodlet as well. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet enemy Enemy!
-10 Mood
As long as enemy is around
Enemy The presence of garbage would be preferred to that of a hated enemy! Hot-Headed Sims will get -15. Appears also after making an enemy. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet enemy Enemy!
+10 Mood
As long as enemy is around
Enemy Ha! Enemies are pathetic. The mere sight of such pitiful mortals brings joy to your Sim. Mean spirited Sims. Appears also after making an enemy. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet imminentnemesis Imminent Nemesis
No Mood Effect
1 Day
Spell That's it! Next person that approaches (Sim Name) is going down, and he/she doesn't care WHO it is! From Love Charm failing. During moodlet Sim chooses mean socialization interactions. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet charitable Charitable
+10-50 Mood
24 Hours
Donating to Charity, Opportunity, Work It feels great to help other Sims, especially when they are in need. From giving to charity. Mood bonus improves for big donations. Several opportunities can trigger this. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet fiendishlyDelighted Fiendishly Delighted
+15 Mood
6 Hours
Forum Posting/Trolling, Donating to Undermine Charity, Watching Sim Suffer, Growl At Sims of the evil persuasion take pleasure in the misfortune of others. From Evil Sims watching other Sims suffer, undermining charities or beating other Sims in a fight. Also appears when Evil, Mean spirited, Inappropriate and Grumpy Sims have success from trolling on forums. Werewolves regardless of traits get this from a successful "Growl At". &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet bored Life's Not Fair
-15 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization "Unreasonable" requests make Sims want to bemoan their lives and wallow in self-pity. Appears when Sims are asked to clean up, take out trash, make food or other requests. This was added in a certain patch. Does not appear if the relationship between the asking Sim and the target Sim is high. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet theLifeOfParty The Life of the Party
+15 Mood
3 Hours
Cheering at Sims, Drinking Juice Not only do party animals love to party, but other Sims love to party with them. Woooo! Party Animals. Woo! with multiple Sims at the party, but make sure your relationship level is high. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet awesomeParty Awesome Party
+20 Mood
3 Hours
Legendary Host, Socialization Party plus party animal equals Awesome Party. It's simple math! Host Sim needs to have purchased the Legendary Host Lifetime Reward. Sims can also get this moodlet when Party Animals woo with them. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet threw a raging party Threw a Raging Party
+45 Mood
24 Hours
Great Party (Sim Name) can't believe how epic that party was. He/She's in a great mood and can't wait for the next one! &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet threw a killer party Threw a Killer Party
+40 Mood
24 Hours
Great Party (Sim Name) is in a much friendlier mood after the great reception from his/her party. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet threw an amazing party Threw an Amazing Party
+35 Mood
24 Hours
Great Party After throwing that party, (Sim Name) is feeling great! He/She's starting to get the hang of hosting parties! &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet throwAGreatParty Threw a Great Party
+30 Mood
24 Hours
Happy Party Guests Sims love a great party and the host that throws them. Legendary Host Lifetime Reward makes it easier. Having high relationships and quality items make it. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet throwAGreatParty Threw a Lame Party
-15 Mood
8 Hours
Unhappy Party Guests Some Sims throw awesome parties. Others throw parties that compare roughly with a stomach virus. To avoid this, get high relationships with your guests, serve high quality food, have music going, etc. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet sweetVenueParty Sweet Venue Party
+15 Mood
Until party ends
Party at Community Lot The choice in venue for this party is excellent. It sure beats the standard house party. The party must be thrown at a community lot. Moodlet remains until the party ends. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet compelled to party Compelled to Party
+40 Mood
Partaeus Maximus Statue The spirit of Partaeus Maximus is making you feel a bit like an Inappropriate Party Animal! There is a time to party and that time is now! From being near the Partaeus Maximus "Parties" item while it has been turned on, included in University Life Limited Edition. One or two traits are temporarily changed to Inappropriate and/or Party Animal. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet crashed party Crashed Party
+30 Mood
6 Hours
Juice Kegger Party The juice kegger was great while it lasted. Maybe it was a little too awesome, since the cops had to shut it down! Thrower of the juice kegger party must be lectured by police. All guests also get the moodlet. They may still get the other party moodlets. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet bigspender Feeling Good
+5 Mood
1 Hour
Tipping Tipping your server is a good way to show proper etiquette and upbringing. Appears when Sims give a proprietor a regular tip. &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet bigspender Big Spender
+10 Mood
1 Hour
Ordering Drinks, Tipping If you've got money, why not spend it? Sometimes it's even nice to spend it on other people. Appears when Sims buy a drink for another Sim from a proprietor, or when they give the proprietor a generous tip. &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet byobbff Juice Buddies Forever
+5 Mood
2 Hours
Receiving Drinks from a Sim JBF! That's the way to make friends. Appears when Sims receive a drink from a proprietor ordered by their best friend forever. &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet ewcreepy Ew, Creepy!
-5 Mood
1 Hour
Receiving Drinks from a Sim So out of your league. Appears when Sims receive a drink from a proprietor ordered by someone else if the receiver has either Grumpy, Mean spirited, or Unflirty trait. &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet enjoyingSolitude Enjoying Solitude
+15 Mood
Until you are near another Sim
Being Alone Introverted Sims like it best at times when others completely and utterly stay away. Appears when Loners are alone &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet tooManyPeople Too Many People
-15 Mood
Until you are near less than 3 Sims
Being in a Crowd Certain Sims may not feel too comfortable around large groups Loners being around 3 or more Sims. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet foot in mouth Foot in Mouth
-5 Mood
1 Hour
Socialization (Sim Name) tried to say something nice but it just came out all wrong! Socially Awkward Sims &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet messed up the punchline Accidental Compliment
-5 Mood
1 Hour
Socialization What seemed like a backhanded and venomous comment turned sweet and complimentary. (Sim Name) is very confused on how that happened. Socially Awkward Sims &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet messed up the punchline Messed up the Punchline
-5 Mood
1 Hour
Socialization (Sim Name) had the perfect laugh line, but (s)he crashed and burned in the end. Should appear on Socially Awkward Sims &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet messed up the punchline Missed the Opportune Time
-5 Mood
1 Hour
Socialization Social success is all about timing, but (Sim Name) fell flat on his/her face this time. Another awkward moment for (Sim Name). Should appear on Socially Awkward Sims &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet feelingshy Feeling Shy
-10 Mood
Until the Sim is not surrounded by non-friends
Being around Non-Friends (Sim Name) feels extremely out of place. He/she would probably feel more comfortable among friends. Shy Sims &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet amongfriends Among Friends
+10 Mood
Until the Sim is not surrounded by friends
Being around Friends Hanging out with good friends makes a shy Sim feel warm and fuzzy inside Shy Sims &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet greattimeout Great Time Out
+5 Mood
3 Hours
Outing Hanging out was a blast! We had so much fun together. When an outing goes well or the Sim has the Excellent Groupie Lifetime Reward. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet badtimeout Bad Time Out
-5 Mood
3 Hours
Outing Blah! Hanging out was about as fun as being spit on by a llama! When an outing goes badly. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet badtimeout Snuck In
+15 Mood
Until you leave VIP room
Sneaking into VIP room You have successfully snuck into a VIP room, but will your low profile keep you safe? Sneaking in can be a dangerous act; if your Sim is caught sneaking in, your Sim will be forced to go home with a negative moodlet. Sims will not get this moodlet if they teleport into the VIP section. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet thrownout Kicked Out
-25 Mood
4 Hours
Being Kicked Out How embarrassing! You can feel everyone's eyes watching you as you are kicked out. After being kicked out, your Sim will go home. You cannot cancel this action. &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet feeling important Feeling Important
+10 Mood
6 Hours
Socialization (Sim Name) can't get any more important. He/She gave insight into something, and Sims listened. Doesn't get any better! Avant Garde Sims &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet clinically critiqued Clinically Critiqued
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Being Critiqued Artists can't have fragile egos. A good round of constructive criticism has (Sim Name)'s mind in an enlightened state. Avant Garde Sims &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet boundless creative energy boost Boundless Creative Energy Boost
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Being Critiqued Sometimes input from peers kick-starts the creative engine. (Sim Name) is inspired to fill the world with truth and light! Avant Garde Sims &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet shared great idea Shared Great Idea
+5 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization (Sim Name) just shared his/her brilliantly [sic] radical idea with the world, and blew someone's mind! Gained by Avant Garde Sims on a successful "Describe Radical Idea" interaction. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet wasted great idea Wasted Great Idea
-5 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization (Sim Name) thought he/she had a brilliant thought, but nobody seemed to care... The good news? Ideas are free! Gained by Avant Garde Sims on a failed "Describe Radical Idea" interaction. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet brilliant megaphonist Brilliant Megaphonist
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Socialization (Sim Name) is a first-rate practitioner of the Noisy Arts. A recent bout of megaphone ownage has him/her pumped up! &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet promisetoprotect Promise to Protect
No Mood Effect
2 Days
Socialization Being a guardian is a promise (Sim Name) takes very seriously. Sims can promise to protect multiple Sims at once. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet someonetowatchoverme Someone to Watch Over Me
+10 Mood
2 Days
Socialization Scary things just don't seem so scary for (Sim Name) now that he/she has someone to watch over him/her. Sims can call for protector at certain time. Sims can ask for protections from multiple Sims at once. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
W scan sim Don't Scan Me Bro
-15 Mood
2 Hours
Socialization (Sim name) didn't take kindly to a recent Plumbot scanning attempt. It was a terribly rude invasion of his/her privacy. It will appear for Sims having a low relationship with the Plumbot. &EP11
Moodlet bound by blood Family Ties
+20 Mood
2 Hours
Socialization Friendly familial contact with his/her own Descendants has (Sim name) feeling warm and fuzzy! Appears when a Sim socializes with a descendant of their own. &EP11
Moodlet learned about family tree Learned about Family Tree
+20 Mood
2 Hours
Socialization (Sim name) always enjoyed learning about family trees, but now that the family's past is his/her own future, it's doubly exciting! Appears when a Sim asks their descendants about their family tree. &EP11
Moodlet didnt say please You Didn't Say Please
-5 Mood
1 Hour
Being Instructed Mindless subservience is for soulless machines without sentience! (Sim Name) doesn't take kindly to being ordered around. If a Plumbot with a Sentience trait chip is asked an "Ask Plumbot to..." interaction by a non-friend. Causes a significant relationship drop. &EP11
Moodlet high spirits High Spirits
+15 Mood
8 Hours
Crystal Plant Crystal Flower energy has cleansed (Sim Name) of emotional baggage and infused him/her with a massive dose of optimism! From harnessing a harvested Crystal Plant charged with kindness. &EP11
Moodlet heightened hysteria Heightened Hysteria
+10 Mood
8 Hours
Crystal Plant Harnessing emotional energy from a Crystal Plant has made (Sim Name) into a comedic genius! Every joke is a killer. From harnessing a harvested Crystal Plant charged with laughter. &EP11
Moodlet fists of fury Fists of Fury
+10 Mood
8 Hours
Crystal Plant Harnessing emotional energy from a Crystal Plant has consumed (Sim Name) with rage! Even his/her closest friends aren't safe from violence. From harnessing a harvested Crystal Plant charged with rage. &EP11
Moodlet exuding love Exuding Love
+10 Mood
8 Hours
Crystal Plant Harnessing emotional energy from a Crystal Plant has (Sim Name) acting like an amorous fool! Every romantic overture will succeed. From harnessing a harvested Crystal Plant charged with love. &EP11
Moodlet believes sky is falling Believes the Sky is Falling
No Mood Effect
Prophecies of the apocalypse have convinced (Sim Name) that the end is nigh! (S)he's freaking out to the appropriate degree. Appears after Sim does said action during opportunity to dystopian future. &EP11
Moodlet believes sky is not falling Believes the Sky isn’t Falling
+10 Mood
(Sim Name) educated himself/herself on the freshest science. (S)he's relieved to know the world isn’t ending. The Sun will rise tomorrow! Appears after Sim does said action during opportunity to reverse dystopian future &EP11
Moodlet giggle fits Cheer Measured
No Mood Effect
30 Minutes
(Sim Name) already had his/her cheer measured. Another subject will be needed to gather accurate results for the Time Traveler. If a Sim is asked to measure their cheer by another Sim who is doing the Utopian Future opportunity quest, but has already done so previously. &EP11
W trash rummage Already Littered
No Mood Effect
30 Minutes
(Sim Name) already knows about the benefits of destroying the environment! This isn't news to him/her. If a Sim is asked to litter by another Sim who is doing the Dystopian Future opportunity quest, but has already done so previously. &EP11
Moodlet personality prediction Personality Prediction
+30 Mood
2 Hours
Socialization (Sim Name) is beaming after a fortunate encounter with another Sim schooled in astrology's awesome ways. Both the sender and the recipient of the social "Talk about Astrology Sign" unlocked at Astronomer Career Level 5 get this moodlet. &EP11


  1. Tested with spoiled Horrifying quickmeal ice cream, while the werewolf was in werewolf mode and had this moodlet.

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet good dreams Having Good Dreams
+10 Mood
Until Sim wakes up or influencing a dream
Dream Pod (Sim Name) knew exactly what his/her brain needed from the Dream Pod, and is blissfully dreaming as a result. &EP11
Moodlet dreaming Having Normal Dreams
No Mood Effect
Until Sim wakes up or influencing a dream
Dream Pod The Dream Pod seems to be mis-aligned to (Sim Name)'s brain. His/Her dreams are neither good nor bad, just... confusing. &EP11
Moodlet bad dreams Having Bad Dreams
-10 Mood
Until Sim wakes up or influencing a dream
Dream Pod (Sim Name)'s dream has taken a turn for the worse! Waking up or Influencing the dream are the only way to save him/her from a bad dream. &EP11
Moodlet double dreaming Double Dreaming
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Dream Pod If only all dreams could end this sweetly... Appears to result from 2 Sims in a romantic relationship dreaming in the same pod. Sims appear with 2 dreams. &EP11
Moodlet hadgoodsleep Had a Good Dream
+15 Mood
2 Hours
Good Dream Good Dreams leave behind warm and happy feelings, even if the dream itself has been forgotten... &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet horrifiedsleep Nightmare
-15 Mood
3 Hours
Nightmare The terrifying shadows of a nightmare won't let go, even in the daylight hours. &EP04
TS3G Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet goodDreams bg Eager for next Workout
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Workout (Sim name) had a wonderful Athlete dream. Though it wasn't real, he/she feels like the world's greatest athlete! His/Her real life workout will be very


Sims with this moodlet will gain Athletic skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Reminded of Workout Plans
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Workout (Sim name) didn't have a great Athlete dream, but it wasn't a nightmare. He/She isn't quite sure what it all means, but real life workouts will be marginally more


Sims with this moodlet will gain Athletic skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Dreading the next Workout
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Workout Dreaming about Athletics is usually fun, but this time it was a nightmare for (Sim name)! His/Her real life workouts won't be as


Sims with this moodlet will gain Athletic skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Beaming Charisma
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Public Speaking After those great dreams, (Sim name) feels ready for any public event! He/She won't have any trouble gaining more Charisma! Sims with this moodlet will gain Charisma skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Easy Charisma
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Public Speaking Confusing dreams put (Sim name) in a laconic mood. He/She able to gain more Charisma marginally easier than before. Sims with this moodlet will gain Charisma skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Gloomy Charisma
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Public Speaking Miserable dreams can sap an otherwise radiant personality. (Sim Name) is in a personal rut and will have a difficult time gaining Charisma. Sims with this moodlet will gain Charisma skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Thrilled about Future!
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Advanced Technology Technology sure is amazing! (Sim name), inspired by a recent dream, will figure out how to use Advanced Technology much faster than normal. Sims with this moodlet will gain Advanced Technology skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Resigned to the Future
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Advanced Technology (Sim name) is apprehensive about the Future, but it's inevitable. He's/She's curious to try out Advanced Technology, but won't figure it out any faster than normal. Sims with this moodlet will gain Advanced Technology skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Temporary Luddite
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Advanced Technology After that dream, (Sim name) isn't sure technology really benefits Simkind. He/She won't be as Sims with this moodlet will gain Advanced Technology skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Inspired HandiSim
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Home Repairs Anything can be fixed or upgraded if (Sim name) puts his/her mind to it! He'll/She'll learn very rapidly from handy work. Sims with this moodlet will gain Handiness skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Determined HandiSim
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Home Repairs (Sim name) isn't too confident about him/her Handiness abilities. He'll/She'll try hard to learn a bit faster from handy work. Sims with this moodlet will gain Handiness skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Distracted HandiSim
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Home Repairs What's the point of fixing things, anyway? They'll just break again! (Sim name) will really struggle to learn from handy work. Sims with this moodlet will gain Handiness skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Undeniable Logic
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Logic Following perfectly ordered dreams, (Sim name) sees the universe's perfect order. He'll/She'll learn Logic at a prodigious rate! Sims with this moodlet will gain Logic skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Muddled Logic
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Logic Fractured dreams left (Sim name) on shaky logical ground. but he's/she's committed to learning a bit faster than before. Sims with this moodlet will gain Logic skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Terrible Logic
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Circuitous dreams have left (Sim name)'s brain in a tizzy! He'll/She'll really struggle to pick up any Logic. Sims with this moodlet will gain Logic skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Inspired Painter
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Painting Inspiration struck in dreams, as it often does. (Sim name) thinks only of painting, and he'll/she'll improve at a record pace. Sims with this moodlet will gain Painting skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Determined Painter
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
(Sim name) may not have massive artistic talent, but he's/she's totally dedicated. He'll/She'll learn a bit more than usual from Painting. Sims with this moodlet will gain Painting skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Distracted Painter
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
How can you paint with distractions? Dreams have sapped (Sim name)'s artistic energy and he/she won't learn much from Painting. Sims with this moodlet will gain Painting skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Inspired Bot Building
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Plumbot Construction (Sim name) mapped out circuitry in his/her dreams and now he's/she's primed to learn Bot Building faster than ever. Sims with this moodlet will gain Bot Building skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Determined Bot Building
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Confusing dreams made (Sim name) a bit queasy, but his/her Bot Building should be slightly more focused than usual. Sims with this moodlet will gain Bot Building skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Distracted Bot Building
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
(Sim name) had awful dreams about the Bot Workshop. He's/She's really going to struggle with his/her focus on Bot Building. Sims with this moodlet will gain Bot Building skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Inspired Guitarist
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Playing Guitar The dream-crowd screams (Sim name)'s name! He's/She's so fired up to play Guitar, he'll/she'll learn faster than before. Sims with this moodlet will gain Guitar skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Determined Guitarist
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
(Sim name) can't know he'll/she'll be a star, but he's/she's determined to keep practicing and learning a bit faster than usual. Sims with this moodlet will gain Guitar skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Distracted Guitarist
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
All (Sim name) can think about are his dreams of flopping onstage. He/She can barely focus on learning Guitar. Sims with this moodlet will gain Guitar skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Inspired Gardening
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Gardens (Sim name) dreamt of a wonderful garden. He/She can't wait to inhale all the Gardening knowledge Nature has to offer. Sims with this moodlet will gain Gardening skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Determined Gardening
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
(Sim name) can't be sure whether plants are friend or foe. He's/She's determined to learn Gardening quicker than usual. Sims with this moodlet will gain Gardening skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Distracted Gardening
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
What good are plants, anyway? (Sim name) hates their aloof attitudes, and won't learn much from Gardening. Sims with this moodlet will gain Gardening skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Inspired Fishing
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Fishing There's nothing (Sim name) can't catch! Good dreams of Fishing will make his/her angling exploits vastly more instructive. Sims with this moodlet will gain Fishing skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Determined Fishing
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
(Sim name)'s confused Fishing dreams have his/her determined to catch something. He'll/She'll learn a bit more on her next Fishing trip. Sims with this moodlet will gain Fishing skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Distracted Fishing
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
(Sim name) has lost his/her confidence to fish. He/She can't focus on it for now, making improvement very difficult. Sims with this moodlet will gain Fishing skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Eager to Cook
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Cooking a Meal Scruptious dreams have (Sim name)'s mouth watering. He'll/She'll learn much more from cooking his/her next meal. Sims with this moodlet will gain Cooking skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Reminded to Cook
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Those culinary dreams were bland, but (Sim name) appreciates nutrition. He'll/She'll benefit a bit more from his/her next home-cooked meal. Sims with this moodlet will gain Cooking skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Rather not Cook
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Awful dreams of tasteless food have put a sour taste in (Sim name)'s mouth. His/Her ability to learn to cook is hindered for now. Sims with this moodlet will gain Cooking skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Inspired Writer
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Writing A night of productive dreams has (Sim name)'s creative glands in overdrive. He'll/She'll learn huge amounts from the Writing process! Sims with this moodlet will gain Writing skills at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Determined Writer
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Writing is a discipline, not a gift. (Sim name) won't be discouraged; he's/she's determined to learn more than before. Sims with this moodlet will gain Writing skills at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Distracted Writer
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreams of procastination lead to the same in real life! (Sim name) will learn almost nothing from any Writing he/she attempts. Sims with this moodlet will gain Writing skills at 75% slower rate. &EP11

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet goodDreams bg Full Belly
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Food Dreams of delicious. filling food left (Sim name) with a full stomach and a great start of his/her day. Sim's hunger needs will be full. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Half-Full Belly
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Food Mixed dreams of plenty and scarcity left (Sim name) with a half-full stomach. That's better than half-empty. Sim's hunger needs will be half. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Empty Belly
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Food Dreams of paucity have made (Sim name) ravenous! His/Her stomach is absolutely empty and he/she can only think of food. Sim's hunger needs will be almost empty. Sims appear with Starving moodlet &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Empty Bladder
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Rushing Water (Sim name) spent his/her recent dream mastering the element of water. His/Her Bladder feels totally empty. Sim's bladder need will be full. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Half-Full Bladder
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Rushing Water After a muddled dream, (Sim Name) is fixated on his/her Bladder. It's not full, but he/she can't ignore it either. Sim's bladder need will be half. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Overflowing Bladder
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Rushing Water A horrifying aquatic dream has (Sim Name) thinking of water non-stop. His/Her bladder is full to bursting! Sim's bladder need will be almost empty. Sims have the "Really has to pee" moodlet &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Brimming with Energy
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Waking Up A night of restful dreams let (Sim name) wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! He/She is absolutely full of Energy. Sim's Energy need will be full. Sims appear with Well rested moodlet. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Half Awake
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Waking Up (Sim name)'s dreams were up and down, somerestful and others agitating. He/She has only half his/her normal Energy. Sim's Energy need will be half &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Running on Fumes
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Waking Up (Sim name) woke from terrible dreams feeling exhausted. He/She has no Energy to start the day. Sim's Energy need will be empty. Sims will have the Exhausted moodlet &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg All Chatted Out
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Social Situations (Sim name) made so many friends while dreaming that he's/she's all chatted out. All his/her Social needs are fulfilled. Sim's social need will be full. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Not Through Socializing
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Social Situations Dream conversations are fairly stimulating but (Sim name) woke needing something more. Get out and bond with Simkind! Sim's social need will be half. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Desperately Lonely
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Social Situations All (Sim Name) could dream of was utter isolation. He/She woke up feeling really lonely and in dire need of socializing. Sim's social need will be empty. Children will be taken away. Sims appear with the Desolate moodlet &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Minimum Filth
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Personal Hygiene Dreaming of sparkling surfaces let (Sim name) wake feeling fresh and clean! He/She won't need a bath for a long time Sim's Hygiene need will be full. Sims appear with the Squeaky Clean moodlet &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Feeling Icky
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Personal Hygiene A night of dreaming left (Sim name) feeling gross and icky all over. He/She might want to go clean up! Sim's Hygiene need will be half. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Maximum Filth
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Personal Hygiene (Sim name woke up feeling totally gross after a night of filthy dreams. He/She can't wait to clean off! Sim's Hygiene need will be empty. Sims will have the Smelly moodlet. &EP11

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleeting Family Loyalty
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Family What lovely dreams! (Sim Name) tremendously values the irreplaceable bonds of family. For the moment, he's/she's very Family Oriented. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Family-Oriented trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Friendship
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Family Confusing dreams have made (Sim Name) skeptical about family ties. At the same time, he's/she's reminded Friendliness is important! One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Friendly trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleeting Dislike of Children
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Family After those awful dreams, (Sim Name) isn't sure whether he/she really values family. One might say he/she Dislikes Children at the moment. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Dislikes Children trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleeting Fidelity
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Close Relationship A recent dream showed (Sim name) just how wonderful commitment can be. He/She is feeling rather Family Oriented right now. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Family-Oriented trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Volatility
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Close Relationship (Sim name) can't be sure what's up or down after that strange dream. Feeling Overly Emotional has put his/her in an anxious and volatile state! One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Over-Emotional trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleeting Commitment Issues
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Close Relationship (Sim name) dreamt of hurtful personal relationships, and those specters spooked him/her with Commitment Issues. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Commitment Issues trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Dream Sailor
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Fun in the Water Maritime dreams have filled (Sim name)'s head with thoughts of ocean adventure. He/She feels like a salty old sailor One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Sailor trait temporarily. &EP11
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Waterbug
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Fun in the Water Dream of an idyllic tropical paradise make (Sim name) eager to immerse himself/herself in blue water. He/She loves to swim! One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Loves To Swim trait temporarily. &EP11
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleetingly Hydrophobic
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Fun in the Water (Sim name) had harrowing dreams about the ocean all night. There's no way he/she gets near water anytime soon! One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Hydrophobic trait temporarily. &EP11
TS3IP Icon
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleetingly Flirty
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Romances Nights of dreamy romance are on (Sim name)'s mind. He's/She's looking for love and willing to Flirty to get it! One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Flirty trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleetingly Smoochy
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Romances (Sim name) isn't sure what his/her romantic future holds, but those dreamy liasons [sic] made him/her into a Great Kisser! One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Great Kisser trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleetingly Aloof
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Romances Terrible dreams of dating turn (Sim name) against the very concept. For the moment he's/she's feeling distinctly Unflirty. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Unflirty trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleetingly Hilarity
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Laughter Hilarious dreams give (Sim name) a wealth of fresh material. He/She can't wait to unleash his/her Good Sense of Humor! One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Good Sense of Humor trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleetingly Childish
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Laughter (Sim name) didn't totally bomb on the dream-stage, but he/she reached terribly to criticism. Everyone agrees he's/she's acting Childish. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Childish trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleeting Scowl
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Laughter Terribly unfunny dreams have crushed (Sim name) humorous spirit. For a while at least, he's/she's got No Sense of Humor. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with No Sense of Humor trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Outrageous Fortune
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Dumb Luck How lucky can one Sim get? (Sim name)'s about to find out! Dreams do come true and he/she is infused with Luck right now. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Lucky trait temporarily and they'll have Getting Lucky moodlet. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Not that Lucky
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Dumb Luck Dreams of alternating success and failure make (Sim name) feel very lucky, but in reality he'll/she'll just experience above average Luck. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Lucky trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Awfully Unlucky
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Dumb Luck Nothing seems to go (Sim name)'s way, even in dreams. This is more than coincidence; it seems he's/she's just Unlucky. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Unlucky trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Night Nurse
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Generations (Sim name) dearly appreciates his/her family after such wonderful dreams about them. He/She has decided to become more Nurturing. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Nurturing trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Filial Pride
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Generations (Sim name) dreamt of grandparents, parents, siblings and children. He/She wakes up beaming around the wonderful Sims in his/her life. One of the Sim's with this moodlet will increase relationship with their family. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleetingly Rebellious
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Generations Dreaming of generational conflict has (Sim name) resenting both his/her ancestors and descendants alike! He's/She's picked up a Rebellious streak. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Rebellious trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Totally Opposed
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Opposite Personality (Sim name) dreamt that everything about himself/herself was the exact opposite. She woke up to find it had actually happened! Three of the Sim's traits will be replaced with its opposites. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fairly Opposed
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Opposite Personality (Sim name) dreamed of his/her own complete opposite, and wakes with two of his/her personality traits completely flipped. Two of the Sim's traits will be replaced with its opposites. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Weakly Opposed
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Opposite Personality (Sim name) wanted to dream of his/her polar opposite, but instead wakes with just a single personality trait flipped. One of the Sim's traits will be replaced with its opposite. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleeting Cleanliness
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Cleaning House After the great cleaning dream, (Sim name) can tackle any janitorial challenge. He'll/She'll be a Neat freak for a while. One of the Sim's trait will be replaced with Neat trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Perfectionism
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Cleaning House Fractured dreams about cleaning his/her home have made (Sim name) neurotic about the state of things. For now, he's/she's a Perfectionist Sim's trait will be replaced with Perfectionist trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleeting Slobiness
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Cleaning House Depressing dreams of endless messes make (Sim name) dread his chores. He/She wants to be a Slob for a while. Sim's trait will be replaced with Slob trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleeting Daredevilry
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Heroism Thrilling dreams have (Sim name) feeling destructible. They've brought out his/her Daredevil tendencies. What could go wrong? Sim's trait will be replaced with Daredevil trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Bravery
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Heroism Recent dreams have given (Sim name) a healthy dose of confidence. He/She feels very Brave, but not enough to get careless. Sim's trait will be replaced with Brave trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleeting Cowardice
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Heroism Dreaming Cowardice is borne out in real life! (Sim name) doesn't have the guts for anything. Sim's trait will be replaced with Coward trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg A Whole New You
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about a Different Personality (Sim name) dreamt of a different personality, and the fates have complied! He/She wakes to find nearly every trait altered. Three of the Sim's traits will be replaced. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Double Altered Traits
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about a Different Personality (Sim name) dreamed of an altered personality, and wakes with two new personality traits conjured from the depths of sleep! Two of the Sim's traits will be replaced. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Altered traits
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about a Different Personality (Sim name) dreamed of a wildly different version of himself/herself, but wakes with just a single altered personality trait. One of the Sim's traits will be replaced. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Dream Ranger
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Wilderness A powerful dream odyssey has (Sim name) eager to dive into nature! He/She absolutely loves the outdoors. Sim's trait will be replaced with Loves the Outdoors trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Grass Stained Thumb
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Wilderness (Sim name) like the outdoors, but he/she isn't sure he/she loves them. (Sim name) would feel right at home developing his/her Green Thumb instead of exploring the wilderness. Sim's trait will be replaced with Green Thumb trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg City Softness
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Wilderness Dreams have reminded (Sim name) how cold and buggy the Outdoors can be. At least for now, he/she hates the Outdoors. Sim's trait will be replaced with Hates the Outdoors trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleeting Party Fever
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Parties Swinging dream-parties make (Sim name) eager to get on the dance floor and meet new Sims. He's/She's become a Party Animal. Sim's trait will be replaced with Party Animal trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Schmoozefest
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Parties (Sim name) isn't ready to be the life of the party, but he's/she's eager to be a Schmoozer with the powerful. Sim's trait will be replaced with Schmoozer trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleeting Isolation
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Parties Dreams of awkward parties have (Sim name) nervous about gatherings. He'd/She'd rather be a Loner for now. Sim's trait will be replaced with Loner trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleeting Athleticism
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Physical Feats After such a great dreams, (Sim name) feels capable of any physical feat. He's/She's quite impressively Athletic. Sim's trait will be replaced with Athletic trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Laziness
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Physical Feats After dreams of inconsistent physical performance, (Sim name) has decided to play it safe. He'd/She'd rather be a Couch Potato. Sim's trait will be replaced with Couch Potato trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleetingly Clumsy
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Physical Feats Dreams of athletic failure have only reminded (Sim name) of his/her uselessness. He's/She's just so hopelessly Clumsy. Sim's trait will be replaced with Clumsy trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fleeting Workaholism
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Personal Finances (Sim name) spent the night getting insanely motivated! He/She feels like a real Workaholic, ready to tear through the day's challenges. Sim's trait will be replaced with Workaholic trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Frugality
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Personal Finances Financial ups and downs in his/her dreams spooked (Sim name)! He's/She's going to play it safe, staying Frugal for now. Sim's trait will be replaced with Frugal trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleeting Moochery
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about Personal Finances Those lazy dreams have totally drained (Sim name)'s motivation. He's/She's going to take it easy for a while, Mooching off others. Sim's trait will be replaced with Mooch trait temporarily. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Unconscious Performer
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about the Stage The crowd gave (Sim Name) a roaring ovation! It was just a dream, but (Sim Name) feels like a Natural Born Performer. One of the Sim's traits will be replaced with the Natural Born Performer trait temporarily. &EP11
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fleeting Diva
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about the Stage (Sim name) dreamt of giving solo performances onstage, basking in the crowd's adulation. Now he's/she's acting like a Diva. One of the Sim's traits will be replaced with the Diva trait temporarily. &EP11
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet badDreams bg Part of the Scene
No Mood Effect
12 Hours
Dreaming about the Stage (Sim name) had nerve-wracking dreams about onstage failure. He's/She's going to compensate by aggressively spreading his/her name like a Social Butterfly. One of the Sim's traits will be replaced with the Social Butterfly trait temporarily. &EP11
TS3ST Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet goodDreams bg Dreamily Fit
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Body Image (Sim name) ate right and exercised so hard in his/her dreams that his/her body actually responded! He's/She's thinner and fitter than ever. Sims with this moodlet will become Fit. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Average Figure
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Body Image In dreams, (Sim name) was basically healthy but prone to occasional indulgence. He/She wakes up with a body type to match. Sims with this moodlet will become Thin. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Suddenly Overweight
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Body Image Dreams of an unhealthy lifestyle have (Sim name) feeling overweight and underfit. It's taken a real physical toll on his/her body. Sims with this moodlet will become Fat. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Feeling Croaky
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Supernatural Dreaming of magic and wonder led (Sim name) to cast herself as a cursed heroine. He/She wakes up as a Toad. Non-occult Sims will become a toad and receive a Toadified! moodlet. &EP11
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Discombobulated
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Supernatural (Sim name) wakes from a strange dreams of running through forests, of howling at the moon. He's/She's not sure what just happened. Sims will receive a What Just Happened? moodlet. &EP11
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleetingly Zombified
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Supernatural (Sim name) wakes from a night of terrifying dreams to find his fleash literally liquefying! He's/She's temporarily become a Zombie. Sims will become a zombie and receive a Zombified! moodlet. &EP11
TS3SN Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet goodDreams bg Consummate Go-Getter
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Career Dreams of insane productivity have (Sim name) feeling ready to take on the world. His/Her work performance has never been better. Sims with this moodlet will increase career performance at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Keeping Pace Professionally
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Career (Sim name) dreamed of an average day at work, where he/she was his/her usual productive and efficient self. Sims with this moodlet will increase career performance at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Professional Slacker
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Career (Sim name) dreamed all night of professional disasters! His/Her career performance will surely suffer from all of this stress. Sims with this moodlet will increase career performance at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Sleep Studyer
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Academics While dreaming of University lectures, (Sim name) suddenly solved an age-old math formula. He's/She's sure to ace his/her classes now! Sims with this moodlet will increase academic performance at 75% faster rate. The dream can only be picked while attending university. &EP11
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Competent Student
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Academics (Sim name) spent the night dreaming of passing all his/her classes. He/She wakes up with a boost to his/her academic performance. Sims with this moodlet will increase academic performance at 25% faster rate. The dream can only be picked while attending university. &EP11
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet badDreams bg Academically Adrift
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Academics (Sim name) slacked off through a night of dreaming, and now he's/she's suffering the consequences. His/Her academic performances took a dive. Sims with this moodlet will increase academic performances at 75% slower rate. The dream can only be picked while attending university. &EP11
TS3UL Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet goodDreams bg Office Paragon
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Co-workers In dreams, (Sim name) was the most popular Sim at work. He/She wakes with a natural confidence they'll all respond to. Sims with this moodlet will increase relationship from their co-workers at 75% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Office Drone
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Co-workers Dreams of lukewarm relationships with his/her co-workers make (Sim name) more invested in office camaraderie. Sims with this moodlet will increase relationship from their co-workers at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Office Scourge
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Co-workers Waking from dreams of a disastrous day at the office, (Sim name) feels utterly alienated from his/her co-workers Sims with this moodlet will increase relationship from their co-workers at 75% slower rate. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Ultimate Extrovert
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Strangers Dreaming of wonderful experinces with total strangers gave (Sim name) a rush of appreciation for a Sim he's/she's never met. Sims with this moodlet will increase relationship with other Sims at 75% faster rate. Most likely being friendly in each other when in Story progression. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Acquaintance
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Strangers Dreaming of a pleasant encounter with a stranger leaves (Sim name) feeling that he/she knows them, as a friendly acquaintance. Sims with this moodlet will increase relationship with other Sims at 25% faster rate. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Chump
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Strangers (Sim name) wakes from dreams of personal conflict to find himself both knowing and despising a Sim he's/she's never met before. Sims with this moodlet will increase relationship with other Sims at 75% slower rate. Most likely being mean in each other when in Story progression. &EP11

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet goodDreams bg Ethereal Celebrity
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Being a Celebrity (Sim name) dreamt of fame and public recognition. He/She wakes up to discover his/her name splashed across the headlines! Sims with this moodlet will increase celebrity points 75% faster rate. &EP11
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Known Name
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Being a Celebrity (Sim name) was the toast of the town in his/her dreams, and it's translated to a decent infusion of local celebrity! Sims with this moodlet will increase celebrity points 25% faster rate. &EP11
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet badDreams bg Feeling Washed Up
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Being a Celebrity Dreaming of high society rejection has sapped (Sim name)'s confidence. He's/She's feeling like a lousy no-good nobody. Sims with this moodlet will increase celebrity points 75% slower rate. &EP11
TS3LN Icon
Moodlet goodDreams bg Fish Magnet
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Sleeping with the Fishes In dreams, schools of fish cavorted through (Sim name)'s head. Unexpectedly, he/she wakes to find his/her pockets loaded with fish! Sims will have 5 fish when they wake up. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Found Some Fish!
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Sleeping with the Fishes (Sim name) dreamt of singing merry songs with undersea friends, and he/she unexpectedly wakes with three fresh fish in his/her pajamas! Sims will have 3 fish when they wake up. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Fish in Your Pocket
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Sleeping with the Fishes (Sim name) wakes from rotten fishy dreams to find a fresh and slimy sea creature in between his/her Dream Pod cushions! Sims will have 1 fish when they wake up. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Supremely Fulfilled
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Happy Life (Sim name) dreamt some lovely things, but nothing so great as the life he/she lives every day. He/She couldn't be happier. Sims will earn 500 Lifetime Happiness Points &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Fairly Fulfilled
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Happy Life After dreaming of the various successes in his/her life, (Sim name) wakes smiling with pride. Sims will earn 250 Lifetime Happiness Points &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Slightly Fulfilled
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Happy Life Dreams of a life unfulfilled leave (Sim name) worried about the future, but still grateful for what he's/she's accomplished thus far. Sims will earn 100 Lifetime Happiness Points &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Dream Wanderer
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Vacation (Sim name) loves to travel, and his/her dreams reflect that passion. He/She wakes up with a heap of Visa Points. &EP11
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Regional Traveler
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Vacation Dreams of a fun vacations leave (Sim Name) eager for further global travel and engaging adventures with his/her Visa Points. &EP11
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet badDreams bg Homebody
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Vacation Terrible vacationing dreams leave (Sim Name) leery of travel. He/She isn't interested in claiming many Visa Points right now. &EP11
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet goodDreams bg Sultry Night
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Temperature Dreams of a sweltering night have (Sim name) soaking the Dream Pod cushions with sweat! Sim's temperature will be in a warm state. &EP11
TS3S Icon
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Just Right
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Temperature (Sim name) dreamt of lying on a beach in the sun, bathed in ocean breezes. He/She wakes at the perfect temperature. Sim's temperature will be in a normal state. &EP11
TS3S Icon
Moodlet badDreams bg Night Chills
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Temperature (Sim name) shivered through the night dreaming of inescapably frigid landscapes. Now that he's/she's awake, he/she can't stop shivering! Sim's temperature will be in a cold state. &EP11
TS3S Icon
Moodlet goodDreams bg Counting Stacks
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Riches (Sim name) dreamt of riches and glittering possessions. He/She woke up remembering a big fat inheritance check he/she forgot to deposit. Sims will earn §500. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Pocket Change
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Riches (Sim name) wakes from dreams of middling personal wealth. He's/She's suddenly reminded of an old savings account he/she never closed out! Sims will earn §250. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Two Coins to Rub
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Riches (Sim name) wakes from impoverished dreams determined to provide for himself/herself. He/She starts by finding a few Simoleons in the cushions! Sims will earn §50. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Utopic
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about the Future Rainbows, sunbeams and whimsical creatures filled (Sim name)'s dreams. Wouldn't it be incredible if, somehow, his/her dreams one day came true? The Oasis Landing will become a Utopia. &EP11
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Smooth and Steady
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about the Future (Sim name)'s dreams were a vision of the future: of a place very much like his/her own, only with more technology. The Oasis Landing will become normal. &EP11
Moodlet badDreams bg Feeling Dystopic
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about the Future Dreams of a ruined Dystopia society have (Sim name) profoundly worried about the future. He/She fears it's already too late. The Oasis Landing will become a Dystopia. &EP11
Moodlet goodDreams bg Brush with the Beyond
+15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Animals (Sim name) can only dream of the pampering those lucky pets get. He/She wakes up feeling happy and recently Brushed. Sims will get a Brushed moodlet. &EP11
TS3P Icon
Moodlet neutralDreams bg Nibbler
+5 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Animals (Sim name) dreamt of pets and their occassional [sic] tussles. He/She wakes up feeling odd; almost as though he'd/she'd bitten. Sims will get a Bitten! moodlet. &EP11
TS3P Icon
Moodlet badDreams bg Fleetingly Fleabitten
-15 Mood
12 Hours
Dreaming about Animals After a night spent dreaming of animal incoveniences, (Sim name) wakes to an unbearable itching. He's/She's got fleas. Sims will get a Fleas! moodlet. &EP11
TS3P Icon
Moodlet dream about sims4 The Sims 4 is Amazing!
+30 Mood
2 Hours
Dreaming about The Sims 4 (Sim name) had an awesome time playing The Sims 4, making all his/her Sim's dreams come true, in his/her dream! So meta. This dream can be unlocked by finding a The Sims 4 Dream Program Chip at the Crash Site. &EP11
Moodlet dream about sims4 The Sims 4 is Dreamy!
+15 Mood
2 Hours
Dreaming about The Sims 4 (Sim name) got a chance to play The Sims 4 in his/her dreams. (Sim name) can't wait to make it a reality! &EP11
Moodlet dream about sims4 Never Enough Time for The Sims 4!
-15 Mood
2 Hours
Dreaming about The Sims 4 (Sim name)'s dream about The Sims 4 made him/her wish he/she could keep playing The Sims 4. &EP11

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet feelingLucky Feeling Lucky
+5 Mood
23 Hours
Lucky Sims, Spell, Gambling Win Streak, Crystal Ball Today is (Sim Name)'s lucky day. Who knows what good will happen? Appears randomly after 4 hours of sleep for Lucky Sims. Sims with this moodlet will have a lesser chance of getting robbed, burning stuff, etc. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet feelingUnlucky Feeling Unlucky
-5 Mood
23 Hours
Unlucky Sims, Spell, Gambling Loss Streak, Crystal Ball Today is NOT (Sim Name)'s lucky day. Nothing good can come of this. When Unlucky Sim is woken up after 4+ hours of sleep. This is unavoidable when you wake up as it lasts 23 hours, almost a whole day. When the Good Luck Charm[TS3:SN] fails, this moodlet will come. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet celebrated birthday Celebrated Birthday
+40 Mood
24 Hours
Celebrating Birthday Birthday parties are the best! Throw a birthday party and blow out the candles. When blowing out candles, a fire may start. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet springfling Spring Fling
+10 Mood
Until the day ends
Love Hours Spring is the season of renewal, and it's only natural for a Sim's attentions to turn to romance. It's in the air. Don't try to fight it! Appears all day during Love Hours &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet summerfun Summer Fun
+10 Mood
Until the day ends
Leisure Hours Summer is only a precious few months out of the year. (Sim Name) wants to get outside and make the most of it! Appears all day during Leisure Day &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet spookytime Spooky Time
+10 Mood
Until the day ends
Spooky Hours Spooky Day is a time for both tricks and treats… but right now (Sim Name) is mostly thinking about the tricks! Appears all day during Spooky Day &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet holidaycheer Holiday Cheer
+10 Mood
Until the day ends
Snowflake Hours (Sim Name) is feeling the spirit of the season! he/she's ready for a little peace on earth and goodwill toward Sims. Appears all day during Snowflake Day. Playable Sims will take a day-off from work or school, but other residents will still attend school and go to work. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet inbliss In Bliss
No Mood Effect
6 Hours
Alchemy Elixir A shot of liquid that makes you forget all your troubles? Who knew? From Vial of Bliss elixir. During moodlet Social and Fun motives do not decrease &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet inbliss In Ecstasy
No Mood Effect
24 Hours
Alchemy Elixir Is everything just incredibly, overwhelming wonderful? Or is it just the elixir talking? From Vial of Potent Bliss elixir. During moodlet Social and Fun motives fulfills and do not decrease. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet melancholy Melancholy
No Mood Effect
6 Hours
Alchemy Elixir Some days, nothing matters. Nothing. From Melancholy Serum. During moodlet Social and Fun motives drops to yellow and fulfills slower &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet melancholy Uber Melancholy
No Mood Effect
24 Hours
Alchemy Elixir The depths of despair. Complete and utter hopelessness. This is every miserable feeling ever, rolled into one. From Potent Melancholy Serum. During moodlet Social and Fun motives drops to 0% and fulfills very slowly. Children are at risk of being taken away due to the drop of Social need. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet feelingblue Feeling Blue
-5 Mood
Nearby Lamp
The Spectrum Mood Lamp (Sim Name) feels as blue as the deep blue, empty, meaningless sea. There's a chance that the Mood Lamp can leak water. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet feelinggreen Feeling Green
+5 Mood
Nearby Lamp
The Spectrum Mood Lamp Who says it's not easy being green? There is a rare chance of Sim becoming Toadified &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet feelingpink Feeling Pink
+5 Mood
Nearby Lamp
The Spectrum Mood Lamp What's that soft, pink light? And is it just (Sim Name), or did things just get a little more "rrrawr" in here? Sims are more likely to autonomously flirt and be romantic with their partner &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet feelingpurple Feeling Purple
+5 Mood
Nearby Lamp
The Spectrum Mood Lamp Somewhere between joy and sadness, above healthy but around the corner from queasy, there is a place where one just feels kinda purple. (Sim Name) feels purple. All of a Sim's negative moodlets will be removed &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet feelingred Feeling Red
+5 Mood
Nearby Lamp
The Spectrum Mood Lamp (Sim Name) is feeling red… and it ain't no sunburn! &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet feelingyellow Feeling Yellow
+5 Mood
Nearby Lamp
The Spectrum Mood Lamp It's hard to say exactly why, but right now everything seems to tickle the funny bone. It's time to get silly! Sims are more likely to autonomously tell jokes and use funny interactions &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet dew blueified Light Blueified
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Mysterious Dew Don't let the color fool you; (Sim name) isn't sad. He's/She's just had an intense encounter with some Light Blue Dew! Sim's appearance will become light blue &EP11
Moodlet dew blueified Blueified
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Mysterious Dew An encounter with colored Dew has turned (Sim Name) ocean blue! One might say (s)he's feeling rather blue. Sim's appearance will become blue &EP11
Moodlet dew greenified Greenified
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Mysterious Dew With a Dew Splash, (Sim name) feels green. Like a tree, or a Plumbob, or the gunk in your sink! Sim's appearance will become green &EP11
Moodlet dew orangified Orangified
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Mysterious Dew Orange is a tricky color to rhyme and an even harder one to wear, but somehow (Sim name) pulls it off! Sim's appearance will become orange &EP11
Moodlet dew yellowified Yellowfied
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Mysterious Dew Yellow Dew has turned (Sim name) the color of spring sinflowers. Hope he/she doesn't have allergies. Sim's appearance will become yellow &EP11
Moodlet dew pinkified Pinkified
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Mysterious Dew Exposure to Dew leaves (Sim name) glowing a tropical shade of pink! He/She feels right at home among flamingos. Sim's appearance will become pink &EP11
Moodlet dew purplified Purplified
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Mysterious Dew (Sim name) is getting in touch via with his/her purple side, relishing his/her regal new plumage! Sim's appearance will become purple &EP11
Moodlet dew redified Redified
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Mysterious Dew (Sim name) is going through something of a red phase. It's all the fun of sunburn without the pain or peeling. Sim's appearance will become red &EP11
Moodlet wonderland Wonderland
+40 Mood
3 Hours
Curious Dew (Sim Name) is overcome with joy! He/She can't help but swan whimsically about, sharing his/her festive mood with the world. Possible from Rainbow Dew. Only in effect in the Utopian Future. Enables "Hug Self", "Whimsy Waltz", and "Throw Confetti" actions. Sim walks the same way as "Stride of Pride". Can be removed with Clear Dew.

Timer is indefinite while in Utopian Future.

Moodlet wretching rainbows Retching Rainbows
-15 Mood
4 Hours
Curious Dew Meddling with multi-colored miscellanea made (Sim Name) rather colorfully ill! Possible from Rainbow Dew. &EP11
Moodlet spread the happiness Spreading the Happiness
+20 Mood
2 Hours
Utopian Future Sims feed off each other's emotions, so (Sim Name) is enriching the community by projecting glee to all around! Requires the Wonderland moodlet. &EP11
Moodlet enjoying wonderland Wonder Fulfilled
No Mood Effect
15 Minutes
Utopian Future (Sim Name) is already feeling the effects of such a whimsical environment. (Sim Name) has had all the whimsicalness he/she can handle for a while. Requires the Wonderland moodlet. &EP11
Moodlet sawGreatPlay Thespian
+10 Mood
3 Hours
Fake Passing Out Dramatic acting always has a place in everyday life. Dramatic Sims &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet tranquil Tranquil
+10 Mood
8 Hours
Bubble Bath, Freaking Out, Time Traveling,[TS3:A] Science Experiment, Floor Hygienator Nothing can stress or anger Sims who have reached their happy place. Buy a "Worlds Brew Bubble Bath" in the grocery shop, place it on the tub and take a bubble bath. This Moodlet will alleviate a Sim's low Fun need and prevents the Fun need from decreasing beneath 50% while at work. Does not prevent stress from Opportunities. Moodlet can also occur when a Neurotic Sim freaks out. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet adrenalineRush Adrenaline Rush
+15 Mood
3 Hours
Being Daring, Time Traveling[TS3:A] An Adrenaline Rush will keep this Sim pumped and running around everywhere for some time to come! Sim runs everywhere. Daredevils after performing "Watch This" social interaction, after winning a breathhold contest against other sim in the pool or after being on fire. Sims can gain fitness with this moodlet 50% faster. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet fulfilled Fulfilled
+15-40 Mood
6 Hours
Completing a Promised Wish The satisfaction of having a wish come to fruition feels great! Mood effect increases by 5 and moodlet length is reset to six hours for each wish fulfilled in time until mood effect of this moodlet reaches +40. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet fulfilled Very Fulfilled
+75 Mood
7 Days
Completing Lifetime Wish Everything is working out perfectly! Your Sim feels extra fulfilled! Appears after fulfilling Sim's lifetime wish. This is a once-in-a-lifetime moodlet unless mods are used. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet happily ever after Happily Ever After
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Protesting All it took was a successful protest to restore happiness in the world. Lifetime Happiness will be in abundance for now! &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet winner Winner!
+25 Mood
8 Hours
Winning Fight or Game, Working, Time Traveling[TS3:A] Sims never tire of the thrill of victory. Possible with Science Experiment, Military career, and Professional Sports career. Losers will gain this moodlet after promotions at work, and when they do win, their moodlet is more potent. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet won a trivia challenge Won a Trivia Challenge
+15 Mood
4 Hours
Trivia Challenge With his/her intimate knowledge of Uzbekistan, (Sim Name) won a great intellectual victory! He/She's feeling fantastic. Sims can issue a trivia challenge with other Sims after reaching Nerd level 4, or as an event at the Vault of Antiquity. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet lost a trivia challenge Lost a Trivia Challenge
-15 Mood
4 Hours
Trivia Challenge (Sim Name) couldn't name the taxonomic Order to which Llamas belong, and he/she's bummed out. The answer was "Artiodactyla." Sims can issue a trivia challenge with other Sims after reaching Nerd level 4, or as an event at the Vault of Antiquity. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet performancewinner SimFest Winner!
+25 Mood
8 Hours
Winning SimFest Winning is always more fun than losing, isn't it? &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Moodlet notperfect Not Perfect (unknown, likely negative)
Trait Anything short of perfection is hugely disappointing! References the Perfectionist trait. For unknown reasons, this moodlet was scrapped. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet jumping jackpot Jumping Jackpot
+50 Mood
1 Hour
Winning the Lottery Great woolly llamas, (Sim Name) won the lottery! (S)he can’t contain his/her overwhelming urge to jump for joy! Appears after winning the lottery &EP11
Moodlet cotton mouth Cotton Mouth
No Mood Effect
4 Hours
Donating Saliva After donating saliva, (Sim Name)'s mouth feels dry and tacky. It also tastes a bit like breakfast. Sim may occasionally lick lips. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet plasmatic platitudes Plasmatic Platitudes
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Donating Plasma (Sim Name) feels a little deflated, but his/her soul is shining bright after donating plasma! Sim may faint. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet giggle fits Giggle Fits
+30 Mood
4 Hours
Donating Giggles (Sim Name)'s recent exposure to the Advanced Humor Sciences has overwhelmed her/his frontal lobes' self-regulating ability. Everything seems really funny. Sim may have random giggle fits. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet pleasantlyfulfilled Having A Midlife Crisis
No Mood Effect
25% of a Sim's Adult life stage duration[note 1]
Midlife Crisis A midlife crisis? No… this can't be! Why, it seemed like just last week that (Sim Name) was still getting a student discount at the movies on his/her looks alone. If you fight to recapture your youth, you can still cling to it, right?? (Sim Name) has completed X midlife crisis wishes. When your Sim has a midlife crisis, special midlife crisis wishes may appear. If you promise to fulfill these wishes, you cannot delete them until after the midlife crisis is over. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet pleasantlyfulfilled Having A Midlife Crisis
-20 Mood
Not Completing Midlife Crisis Wishes The weight of responsibility is heavy on your shoulders. It's time to pull yourself away from checking for wrinkles in the mirror and do something about it. Your youth is out there, you just have to keep living it, right? Then why do you feel like you're right on the edge of a nervous breakdown! (Sim Name) has completed X midlife crisis wishes. Appears during a midlife crisis when the Sim has an unfulfilled midlife crisis wish &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet barelyfulfilled Barely Fulfilled
+10 Mood
10 Hours
Fulfilling Few Midlife Crisis Wishes. The past is the past and there's no going back, but that's not to say you got nothing done. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet pleasantlyfulfilled Pleasantly Fulfilled
+20 Mood
10 Hours
Fulfilling a Medium Amount of Midlife Crisis Wishes. (Sim Name)'s feeling large and in charge! He/She may be headed into the latter half of life, but he/she can always look back on his/her youth with a smile. &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet supremelyfulfilled Supremely Fulfilled
+30 Mood
10 Hours
Fulfilling a Lot of Midlife Crisis Wishes. 40 is the new 20! Midlife crisis? Hah… Regrets are for those who haven't lived their life to the fullest, and you've got your best years ahead of you now! &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet feelingalive Feeling Alive!
+20 Mood
1 Hour
Riding a Motorcycle During Midlife Crisis. Aww yeah… check out this RIDE! Is it sick or what? That's what the kids are saying these days, right? Sick? Whatever… pedal to the metal baby! &EP04
TS3G Icon
Moodlet free Free Flying
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Using a Jetpack A recent aerial joyride using a Jetpack has (Sim name)'s adrenaline pumping. What a great trip to the "danger zone!" If Sims crash, the Sim has a chance of getting killed by jetpack crash &EP11
Moodlet cloudy Cloudy
-10 Mood
2 Hours
Geyser Rift Immersion in a Geyser Rift has left (Sim Name) with a classic Nimbo-cranial anomaly. Raindrops keep falling on his/her head. From exploring a geyser rift in the Dystopian Future. A small cloud with rain appears above the Sim's head. &EP11
Moodlet giddy Giddy
+10 Mood
2 Hours
Geyser Rift (Sim Name)'s brain is scrambled by Geyser Rift radiation! The giggles will continue until its effects wear off his/her Humoral Lobe. From exploring a geyser rift in the Dystopian Future. Sim will giggle occasionally. &EP11
Moodlet feeling out of sorts Feeling out of Sorts
-20 Mood
6 Hours
Being Unstable Encounters with other dimensions have turned (Sim Name) slightly loopy. Take a moment to take a deep breath or find a Hospital. Appears when Unstable Sims wake up when in a bad mood &EP11
Moodlet impending episode Impending Episode
-40 Mood
4 Hours
Being Unstable Something feels wrong with the universe and (Sim Name) is agitated! (S)he needs to breathe deep, or seek professional help. Appears after the Feeling out of Sorts moodlet expires. When it expires, a trait will be changed. &EP11
Moodlet delusional Delusional
-20 Mood
24 Hours
Being Unstable (Sim Name) is beset by dimensional confusion and barely knows who he/she is! Better get admitted to the local Hospital before this becomes permanent. Appears after the Impending Episode moodlet expires. Trait has been changed and after 24 hours, the change will be permanent. &EP11
Sim-ulated Happiness Sim-ulated Happiness
+25 Mood
3 Hours
Quantum Power Suit This Sim is feeling average. As if some of their needs have been averaged together. From the Quantum Power Chamber pre-order bonus. &EP11
In Stasis In Stasis
No Mood Effect
Quantum Power Chamber (Sim Name) is frozen in Stasis! He/She won't want for anything while hanging out in there. He/She won't even age! From the Quantum Power Chamber pre-order bonus. Fills all motives to full. &EP11
Hibernation Sickness Hibernation Sickness
-15 Mood
6 Hours
Quantum Power Chamber Leaving Stasis has some disorienting side effects. Any Sim would need a little time to recover. From the Quantum Power Chamber pre-order bonus. &EP11
Moodlet IAmBeautiful I am Better Looking +15
6 Hours
A snob thrives on believing that they are more attractive than others. While this moodlet exists in the game files, it is unknown how to obtain it without mods. It may have been an early version of I Am Beautiful. &EP11
Moodlet IAmTheGreatest Big Deal +15
3 Hours
Dramatic Sims thrive on knowing their life is so much harder than others. While this moodlet exists in the game files, it is unknown how to obtain it without mods. &EP11
Moodlet fiendishlyDelighted Smugly Satisfied +15
6 Hours
Mean Sims are smugly satisfied by the misfortune of others. While this moodlet exists in the game files, it is unknown how to obtain it without mods. It may have been an early version of Fiendishly Delighted. &EP11
Coolbuff Cool
+20 Mood
Not doing anything makes Relaxed Sims feel good, whatever the conditions. Sims get this moodlet after they do nothing for an hour and it will disappear when they do something. &BG
TS3 Icon
Placeholder About to die
+50 Mood
24 Hours
Enjoying the sense of freedom of not having to plan for the future brings closer to felicity. &BG
TS3 Icon

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet attractive Attractive
+10 Mood
5 Hours
Gussying Up When a Sim looks good, it's difficult for others not to notice. Wowza! Possible with Science Experiment. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet IAmBeautiful I Am Beautiful
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Admiring Self, Opportunity Recognizing beauty, even one's own, is just a benefit of vanity. Snobs. Possible with Medical career. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet fairestofall Fairest of Them All
+20 Mood
6 Hours
Admiring Self The Mirror knows all! (Sim Name) really must be the fairest of them all! Admiring self in the magic mirror &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet notfairestofall Not so Fair
-20 Mood
6 Hours
Admiring Self That mirror has to be defective! (Sim Name) can't believe he/she isn't the fairest Sim of all! Admiring self in the magic mirror &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet innerbeauty Inner Beauty
-20 Mood
1 Hours
Fairy Ability Unbeknownst to your (Sim Name), he/she won't win many beauty pageants. Time for the inner beauty to shine through! &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet stylin Stylin'
+20 Mood
24 Hours
Getting a Makeover from a Stylist, Reaching the Top of Stylist Profession Look at you… because everyone else is already! Your snazzy appearance is the talk of the town. Will become indefinite for Sims that reached the top of the Stylist profession. &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet eyecandy Eye Candy
+10 Mood
30 Minutes
Being Near a Sim with the Eye Candy Lifetime Reward (Sim Name) has this glow about them that other Sims just can't miss! Appears randomly when near a sim with the Eye Candy Lifetime Reward. &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet freshclothing Fresh Clothing
+15-19 Mood
16 Hours - 2 Days
Clean Laundry Wearing freshly washed clothes is a joy of life, like cookies or sunshine. Effect depends on quality of washing and drying machine. Clean Polymer Injection System upgrade extends duration to 2 days. &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet veryfreshclothing Very Fresh Clothing
+25-32 Mood
16 Hours - 2 Days
Clean Laundry These incredibly clean clothes are effervescing on my skin! Effect depends on quality of washing and drying machine. Clean Polymer Injection System upgrade extends duration to 2 days. Sims may receive this moodlet if they dry their laundry in the expensive dryer or laundromat. &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet uninhibited Uninhibited
+20 Mood
4 Hours
Group Science Project A mob mentality has taken root in the project group! (Sim Name) is ready to push the limits of good sense. From "Study the Red Pad Tie Node." During moodlet a Sim wants to streak. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet streaker Streaker
+20 Mood
Until Sim stops streaking
Streaking Running around in his/her birthday suit never gets old for (Sim Name)! &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet exhibitionist Exhibitionist
+40 Mood
4 Hours
Posing Nude Showing off his/her body for art has given (Sim Name) the thrill of a lifetime! Sims with the following traits will get this moodlet instead of "Prying Eyes": Daredevil, Artistic, Rebellious, Adventurous, Party Animal, Inappropriate; as well as Sims with Eye Candy lifetime reward. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet prying eyes Prying Eyes
+10 Mood
4 Hours
Posing Nude The nude-modeling stint was fun, but (Sim Name) may not want to make it a habit. This isn't a career. Sims with no specific traits will get this moodlet from posing nude in the art college building. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Moodlet feeling naked on the inside Feeling Naked on the Inside
-30 Mood
4 Hours
Posing Nude Posing nude is liberating for some and excruciating for others. (Sim Name) found him/herself in the latter camp. Sims with the following traits will get this moodlet instead of "Prying Eyes": Never Nude, Proper, Shy, Over Emotional, Coward, Socially Awkward. &EP09
TS3UL Icon
Suited Up Suited Up
+15 Mood
Quantum Power Suit Wearing the Quantum Power Suit has granted (Sim Name) some awesome abilities! From the Quantum Power Chamber pre-order bonus. Prevents the Sim from travelling to a sub-world until the suit is removed. &EP11

Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet scared Scared
-25 Mood
3 Hours
Various Scary Situations Scaredy-cats are scared of pretty much everything, but they really show it when their life flashes before their eyes. Shows up more often on Cowards. Things like the Grim Reaper, Mummies, Ghosts, Bonehilda, Time Traveling, seeing a fire and Scary Computer prank. Over-Emotional, Neurotic and Coward Sims will also receive this from watching the horror channel on TV. Won't appear for Brave Sims unless they are also Neurotic or Over-Emotional. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet horrified Horrified
-35 Mood
8 Hours
Time Traveling, Drinking Liquid Horror Potion, Drill Hole[TS3:A] Terrible things lurk in every corner. The shadows seem to move and pulse… Sims will be unable to explore catacombs with this moodlet. &EP02
TS3A Icon
Moodlet horrified Horrified
-35 Mood
8 Hours
Mausoleum Terrible things have been seen underneath the mausoleum. Explorers beware. Unable to explore catacombs until moodlet expires. Sims will appear singed after exploring even though they do not get that moodlet. Possible with Science Experiment. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet horrified Mauled By Bear
-35 Mood
8 Hours
Mausoleum It seems bears don't like it when others explore their catacombs. The emotional scars, not to mention the huge physical scars, are not so easily forgotten. May be earned from exploring the catacombs. &BG
TS3 Icon
Moodlet terrified Terrified
-20 Mood
1 Hour
Various Terrifying Situations (Sim Name) is starting to freak out with terror! He/She can only hope him/her greatest fears don't come true. Sims may pee self, pass out, or freak out with this moodlet, and possibly flee after that. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet fear Fear
-100 to -1 Mood
20 Minutes to 12 Hours
Various Traps, Time Traveling[TS3:A] Tombs are laden with terrors that fill even the bravest with dread. Mood effect varies from -10 (from bugs on hand, lasting 20 minutes) up to -100 (from mummy's curse, lasting 12 hours). Sims are unable to touch traps while in fear. If the mood effect is over -80, Sims will also be unable to interact with floor switches or pushable statues, and allows Sims to evacuate from the tomb, returning the feared Sim back to the base camp instantly removing the moodlet but leaves the Sim "Embarrassed". Sims with the Coward trait will receive this moodlet when using a dive well. &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Moodlet feelingcured Feeling Cured
+25 Mood
2 Hours
Alchemy Elixir Something's very different. Is this strange new feeling… normalcy?! (Sim Name) is cured!! From Cure Elixir or Potent Cure Elixir. Cures Sim from being supernatural &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet immunity Immunity
No Mood Effect
2 Days
Spell Suffering the effects of a Pestilence Plague has left (Sim Name) immune to being Sick and Tired! He/She feels invincible! From cured from Pestilence Curse. During moodlet this Sim can't receive Pestilence or Zombification Curse. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet dazed Dazed!
No Mood Effect
1 Hour
Spell, Vampiric Gaze Whoa. What? What happened? (Sim Name) is in a daze, and having trouble remembering what to do next. From spell failing, or from being the target of a vampire's hypnotic gaze. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet fatigued Sick and Tired
No Mood Effect
24 Hours
Spell Oof. (Sim Name) is fighting something! Better go find a Cure elixir before it turns into something serious! From Pestilence Curse. If Sim isn't cured, after time it will change to "Pestilence Plague". &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet sickandtired Pestilence Plague
-30 Mood
2 Days
Spell (Sim Name) isn't feeling very well right now and needs plenty of food and rest. It'll take being Bathed in Sunlight, sweet honey, or a spicy chili pepper to rid him/her of the effects of the Pestilence Plague. From Pestilence Curse. This can spread from Sim to Sim. Despite the description, honey or Ghost Chili will not cure it, and the Hunger and Energy motives will not decay faster than normal. &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Moodlet allergyhaze Allergy Haze
-10 Mood
2 Days
Allergy Oof. What's the pollen count today? (Sim Name) is really feeling those allergies. From picking wildflowers in spring. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet germy Germy
-10 Mood
2 Days
Cold (Sim Name) is feeling a bit more contagious than usual. It might be a good time to stay indoors and keep warm. Other Sims don't want those germs! Usually comes from getting soaked out in the rain. Sims may occasionally sneeze. Can be cured by getting a flu vaccine at a hospital even after falling ill. &EP08
TS3S Icon
Moodlet nauseous Nauseous
-25 Mood
2 Hours
Spoiled Food, Pregnancy, Opportunity, Vegetarian Eating Meat, Normal Sim Eating Plasma, Bad Candy Bar, Soda, Mummy Snacks, Experimental Treatment, Time Traveling[TS3:ITF], Dumpster Diving (Sim Name) isn't feeling so hot. You may want to keep him/her around a bathroom. After the two hours the Sim will vomit. They'll try to reach a toilet. Possible with Investigator profession, eating meat as a Vegetarian and randomly through Time Travel or Floor Hygienator. Children may also get this moodlet when taking a field trip to the jail or bistro. &BG
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Moodlet nauseous Visceroidal Nausea
-25 Mood
2 Hours
Tiberium in Inventory Tiberium has been slowly contaminating the planet for years, leading many to question its value when contrasted to the sickness caused. After the Tiberium is in the Sim's inventory for a few hours, he/she begins feeling ill. After the two hours Sim will go to the bathroom and vomit. If they're not near a toilet, they may just puke on the floor. &EP01
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Moodlet herb nausea Herb Nausea
-25 Mood
2 Hours
Herb Too many herbs made (Sim Name) nauseous! The thought of herbs makes him/her sick, so they should be avoided for now. There's a 15% chance Sims will get this by consuming herb, and 37.5% if eaten raw. The chance is reduced or increased depending on the quality of the herb. If another herb is eaten before the timer expires, the Sim will vomit. &EP09
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Moodlet time paradox sickness Time Paradox Sickness
-5 Mood
4 Hours
Time Anomaly (Sim name)'s time travel adventures left a trail of residual tachyons through space and time! He/She might want a visit a hospital for a cure… Random chance when time traveling. Turns into "Blinking in and out of Existence" moodlet when the timer expires. Teens will not recieve this moodlet when time traveling. &EP11
Moodlet blinking in and out Blinking in and out of Existence
-10 Mood
1 Hours
Time Anomaly (Sim Name)'s component atoms can't be seen to stay in one time. Get to a Hospital soon, because Time Paradox Sickness can be fatal and only gets worse… with time! Turns into "Do I even Exist?" moodlet when the timer expires. &EP11
Moodlet do i even exist Do I even Exist?
-30 Mood
1 Hours
Time Anomaly Time Paradox Sickness is taking a terrible toll on (Sim Name)'s body and mind. Find a Hospital soon, lest he/she vanish completely Death by Time Anomaly when timer expires. If the Sim is outside of a lot when timer expires, the moodlet disappears and the Sim does not die (may cause the Sim to disappear as usual resulting in an invisible but still living Sim requiring the player to reset the affected Sim using cheats). &EP11
Moodlet traumatized by trash Traumatized by Trash -5
4 Hours
(Sim Name)'s disturbing vision of a trash-strewn future made her into a neat freak! A trip to the hospital will fix this form of Time Sickness. While this moodlet exists in the game files, it is unknown how to obtain it without mods. The Time Sickness the emote gives, does not actually give access to hospitals, nor does it give Neat traits. &EP11
Moodlet not so healthy glow Not so Healthy Glow
-10 Mood
4 Hours
Geyser Rift (Sim Name) is no doctor, but this can't be a healthy sign. His/Her skin glows eerily and feels somewhat light-headed… From exploring a geyser rift in the Dystopian Future. Sim's body glows green. &EP11
Moodlet snakekiss Snake Kiss
+20 Mood
2 Hours
Snake Kiss Only the most talented and daring snake charmers are able to attempt to kiss the deadly snake atop it's head and succeed! After having level 5 of Snake Charming hidden skill, players can upgrade to King Cobra. A kiss from King Cobra gives +35 mood and cures Mummy's Curse. &EP01
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Moodlet ouchmyface Ouch! My Face!
-25 Mood
4 Hours
Snake Bite (Snake Charming) Woah! It looks like you just got bitten in the face by a rather unruly snake! High enough snake charming would reduce the chance to get bit by the King Cobra. &EP01
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Moodlet snakebite Snake Bite! -25
45 Minutes
Snakes are not known for their romantic notions or weekend getaways, so it's best not to put the moves on them without their express consent. While this moodlet exists in the game files, it is unknown how to obtain it without mods. May have been an early version of Ouch! My Face! &EP01
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Moodlet itchy Itchy
-15 Mood
4 Hours
Opportunity There's just no way to scratch the cursed itch! Possible with Science Experiment or Moodlet Manager side effect. The Sim sometimes scratches him/herself when idle. &BG
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Moodlet hurthand Hurt Hand!
-25 Mood
3 Hours
Snake Bite, Martial Arts Board, Hidden Door A wise Sim learns from a hurt hand, while others only feel pain. From snake charming basket which can be purchased in Egypt. Can be avoided by increasing Martial Arts and snake charming. This moodlet prevents you from breaking boards. Hidden Tomb doors have a chance to slam on a Sim's hand when forcing them open. &EP01
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Moodlet mosquitodefense Mosquito Defense
No Mood Effect
6 Hours
Mosquito Repellent Thanks to the latest mosquito shield technology, no insects will be able to bite you. Mosquito Repellent can be bought in supermarket or at resort front desk. During this moodlet, the Sim won't get bitten by mosquito &EP10
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Moodlet mosquitobitelow Mosquito Bite