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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Handheld) The Sims 2 (PSP)
Lincoln Broadsheet
Lincoln Broadsheet face
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
If there is a conspiracy to unearth, you can bet local journalist Lincoln Broadsheet with be there, shovel in hand.
Education and employment
Career Journalism career Journalist
Children Unnamed daughter Daughter
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Red
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Blue
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Fit Fit
Social standing
Rep group Nerdie
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis
Lincoln Broadsheet
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
A freelance journalist who uses some kind of hover belt to get around.
Education and employment
Career Journalism career Journalist
Family Broadsheet family
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Red
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (PSP)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Strangetown
Hello there. My name is Lincoln Broadsheet. I run the local newspaper and write most of the articles and take most of the photos. Wow... I just realized I work too much.

Lincoln Broadsheet is a pre-made NPC Sim featured in The Sims 2 for PlayStation Portable and The Urbz: Sims in the City for handheld. He has red hair and is usually found in the library.


Life leading up to The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)[]

Lincoln is a Nerdie in The Urbz for handheld and can be found in Urbania and Miniopolis Chronicle. He a world-class journalist and wheelchair user, and he's considered honest and dedicated towards the reporting the truth, even if he's a little paranoid.

Lincoln doesn't have a role in the main story. In fact, it's possible to play though the whole game without ever talking to him. During Mission 2, Goal 1, Workstudy, the player has to write a thesis for Maximillian Moore to get into Miniopolis University by using one of the computers in the Miniopolis Chronicle. The player needs to get Lincoln to 40 relationship to use his computer. However, the player can also ignore him and use the computer upstairs[confirmation needed], skipping the need to talk to him in general. Lincoln can sometimes appear during Mission 3, Goal 4, Get on the List, as a potential audience member that the player needs to assess.[URBZ GBA] Finally, he will always show up in Mission 5, Goal 1, Reality Show as a contestant.

Life leading up to The Sims 2 (PSP)[]

PSP Icon Lincoln Broadsheet

Lincoln reappears in The Sims 2 for PlayStation Portable. He is a journalist and can be usually found in the Old Library in Deadtree. He no longer has a wheelchair like he did in The Urbz because he has a special belt made by Isaac Rossum that enables him to float. He wants the player's Sim to find some stuff about Virginya Feng, who he is obsessed with. The player's Sim then finds out that Virginya is a vampire after getting bitten and infected with vampirism and has to find a cure. After the Sim tells Lincoln about their findings, they will earn a hefty amount of money.

Lincoln is also one of the few Sims that the player can sell secrets to. He is mostly interested in other Sims' Personal secrets and Secrets of the Government.

Lincoln's secrets from The Sims 2 (PSP):

  • Personal (Personal): Lincoln lost the use of his legs in a freak stapler accident.
  • Intimate (Intimate): Lincoln Broadsheet likes to watch Virginya Feng from his window... a little too much.
  • Dark (Dark): Lincoln was barred from practicing journalism in Miniopolis for his crazy ideas.
  • Secret (Squatter): A reporter named Lincoln has set up shop in the abandoned library, probably illegally.
Personality type
This Sim has a Water personality type in The Sims 2 for PSP.


Interest Dialogue
Urbz Interest Aliens Talk about Aliens They're walking among us. I am sure of it. I just need evidence! +3
Urbz Interest Art Talk about Art I have no political cartoonist, so I publish the things my daughter draws on napkins. +1
Urbz Interest Bayou Talk about the Bayou I shudder thinking about it. There are more dark secrets there than the sky has stars. -3
Urbz Interest Books Talk about Books The key to being a successful journalist is owning a lot of books you have never read. 0
Urbz Interest Carnival Talk about the Carnival The carnival is a front set-up by a secret government organization for... I forget. -1
Urbz Interest Cars Talk about Cars The city doesn't allow cars in the cultural centers, so you can get anywhere in seconds. +1
Urbz Interest TheLounge Talk about the Lounge The Casino is the best place to find a good story. Just stand in one spot and watch the drama unfold. +2
Urbz Interest Miniopolis Talk about Miniopolis Miniopolis burned down in 1914, 1916, 1919, and 1921. After that they banned fire-eaters from the carnival. +2
Urbz Interest CoffeeShop Talk about the Coffee Shop Coffee is the only thing that keeps me working 18 hours a day. It's one of those necessary evils. 0
Urbz Interest Computers Talk about Computers Ever since I hooked up to the Internet, I've been able to uncover 100 times as many conspiracies as I did in the old days. +3
Urbz Interest Construction Talk about Construction Oh, there haven't been any public projects in Urbania for decades! Outsiders don't care what happens to us down here. -3
Urbz Interest Cooking Talk about Cooking You've got to try this new cocoa-apple cake recipe I found on the Internet! Mix together equal portions of chocolate, nuts, and apples, then bake the mix for a bit. Scrumptious! +1
Urbz Interest Cosmos Talk about Cosmos I get depressed thinking about the size of this city, much less the universe. -2
Urbz Interest Crime Talk about Crime When reporting crimes, I try to be vague. My last story just said: "Somebody stole something from somewhere." +2
Urbz Interest Dancing Talk about Dancing Well, that's a tricky subject, <player>. 0
Urbz Interest BadPun Tell a Bad Pun It's funny, <player>. But I can't print it. -1
Urbz Interest Exercize Talk about Excercise I wheel myself up steep hills as fast as I can. That's why my biceps are bigger than your head. +2
Urbz Interest Market Talk about the Market Those guys are the reason my paper doesn't have a classified section. +1
Urbz Interest HomeDecor Talk about Home Decor When I was sixteen I had a great old typewriter. I wonder where it is? +1
Urbz Interest Games Talk about Games I do crosswords sometimes. They ease my mind and improve my vocabulary. +2
Urbz Interest Graveyard Talk about Graveyard The graveyard holds some very famous people, but I can't think of a single name just now. 0
Urbz Interest Hobbies Talk about Hobbies Journalism used to be just a hobby. Gosh, I loved it back then. -2
Urbz Interest Health Talk about Health I don't know why, but I have a feeling my house is bugged. 0
Urbz Interest Home Talk about Home The city puts fluoride in our water! Another government plot to spoil our precious bodily fluids. -3
Urbz Interest Hygiene Talk about Hygiene I got a phone call telling me that the tests were benign, but I haven't been to see a doctor in over a year. -2
Urbz Interest Jail Talk about Jail I'd like to interview you about your time in jail, but only if it was a nice experience. +1
Urbz Interest Law Talk about the Law The law is one of the most important subjects a journalist can know. I'll read up on it. +1
Urbz Interest Jobs Talk about Jobs I play darts just for kicks. But I have a real job. +2
Urbz Interest Simoleons Talk about Simoleons You don't get into the newspaper business expecting to make loads of money. I DID expect to make SOMETHING though. -3
Urbz Interest Movies Talk about Movies Movies are easier to enjoy when you see them for free. I'm so lucky to be a journalist! +1
Urbz Interest Museum Talk about the Museum If I told you the shady deals that went on to get that museum built, you'd steal the building's doorknobs. -2
Urbz Interest Music Talk about Music For some reason I only listen to music recorded between 1963 and 1970. Those were good years. +1
Urbz Interest Nature Talk about Nature What are you talking about, human nature or mother nature? Ah, what does it matter? They're both odd. -2
Urbz Interest Newspaper Talk about the Newspaper I started the Miniopolis Chronicle 25 years ago for a measly 400 Simoleons. And I'm still paying it off. +3
Urbz Interest Ninjas Talk about Ninjas I don't report rumors and speculations, <player>. -2
Urbz Interest Politics Talk about Politics Always compliment politicians before asking hard questions. For example: "Nice glasses. When are you going to resign?" +2
Urbz Interest River Talk about the River The river flows from the mountains beyond SimValley, which may explain the three eyed frogs. 0
Urbz Interest RepGroups Talk about Rep Groups I hang out with the Nerdies once every week or so. We kick back, watch films, and roll some 20-sided dice. +1
Urbz Interest Shopping Talk about Shopping I have good information that tells me SimCity is going ahead with plans to build a mall inside their mall. +2
Urbz Interest Science Talk about Science The government is trying to convince people that the scientific method is based on bad science. I'm looking into it. 0
Urbz Interest Sleep Talk about Sleeping I'm one of those power -nappers you hear about. I just need 20 minutes of sleep every 3 hours... Oh, you too? +1
Urbz Interest Sports Talk about Sports I don't know what Miniopolis needs first: A sports reporter... or actual sports. -1
Urbz Interest Supernatural Talk about the Supernatural Once a week I get phone calls from people who tell me they've seen a monster swimming around in the river. Odd. +1
Urbz Interest Television Talk about TV Personally I think I'd make a great television host. I'm handsome, charming, and I don't shine when I sweat. +2
Urbz Interest Theatre Talk about Theatre Theater isn't very popular, so the reviews I write are short. My review for Hamlet just said: "Go see it." +1
Urbz Interest Travel Talk about Travel I've been to 50 countries in 2 years, and I didn't enjoy it for a second. I was working the whole time. -3
Urbz Interest University Talk about the University My sources there tell me that at any given moment, over 35 percent of the students are asleep. -2
Urbz Interest Weather Talk about the Weather The weather section is easy section to edit. Today, sunny. Tomorrow, sunny. Next week, the same. 0
Urbz Interest Work Talk about Work I'm like a detective here. That's why I love reporting. I get in other people's business and figure things out. +3
Urbz Interest TheWorld Talk about the World There's a rumor going around that dolphins actually control the world. Have you heard this before? +2
Urbz Interest Annoy Annoy Leave me alone! You're worse than a whimpering cow. -4
Urbz Interest Apologize Apologize For what? You didn't sell me out did you? You aren't working for Daddy Bigbucks are you? -1
Urbz Interest Brag Brag Well, now... a famous and well connected person like you could really be an asset. Keep in touch. +2
Urbz Interest CallName Call Name Is that the best you can come up with, you dim-witted delinquent? -2
Urbz Interest CheerUp Cheer Up It's hard for me to be cheery about anything these days. What can one person do? 0
Urbz Interest Complain Complain Of course it is hard to get to the truth, <player>! But that's why people like us are put on this planet. To fight! +3
Urbz Interest Compliment Compliment Stop smothering me in praise. There are more important matters. There is still so much work to be done! -1
Urbz Interest Entertain Entertain Amusing <player>. But now is not the time for acting silly. We have a mystery to solve... somewhere. 0
Urbz Interest Intimidate Intimidate Are you trying to blackmail me? Is that what you're up to? Wait. Say it louder... into this microphone. -3
Urbz Interest Insult Insult Can I quote you on that? I look forward to tarnishing your public image. -3
Urbz Interest Joke Joke How can you tell jokes at a time like this, when this whole city is being taken over by a money mad crook? 0
Urbz Interest Gossip Gossip Yes! I always knew Daddy Bigbucks was up to no good! Now we just need to verify your sources. +2
Urbz Interest GiveOpinion Give an Opinion Can you justify that opinion? I need sources, buddy. Facts. Documents. Photographs. PROOF! +1
Urbz Interest Secret Tell a Secret Interesting. If I use this info, I'll keep you anonymous. I'll give you a code name: "Sore Throat." How's that? +2
Urbz Interest Tease Tease I am going to sue you for libel... Well, I would if I had the time and money. -1
Urbz Interest Cry Cry Wow! Emotional drama! Keep doing that and I'll go get my tape recorder. +2
Urbz Interest RudeGesture Rude Gesture Hm. I haven't seen that one for a few years. -6
Urbz Interest Flirt Flirt Gosh, that's so sweet. I've been so busy lately, I've forgotten how to flirt back. +3
Urbz Interest JibbaJabba Jibba Jabba I should compile an online dictionary to collect your strange expressions! +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Reject) You're just looking for somewhere to sit down for a while, aren't you? No thanks. -2
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Reject) No! This feels like a sting! Where's the camera? -2
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Accept) Hey, thanks. I've always wanted something like this. Varies
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Reject) No thanks. My office is cluttered enough, as is. N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Accept) Sorry to bother you, but could you deliver this dictionary to <Sim>? N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Reject) I don't have anything I need delivered today. Sorry. N/A
Urbz Interest MoveIn Move In (Reject) Listen, I can't think about stuff like that now. Sorry. N/A
Urbz Interest Other Silent Treatment I'm too busy to bother with the likes of you right now. N/A

Topic set

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania
1:00 AM
2:00 AM
3:00 AM
4:00 AM
5:00 AM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania
6:00 AM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle
7:00 AM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle
8:00 AM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Urbania
9:00 AM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Urbania
10:00 AM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Urbania
11:00 AM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Slice O' Life Pizza Slice O' Life Pizza
12:00 PM Miniopolis University Miniopolis University Urbania Urbania Urbania Slice O' Life Pizza Urbania
1:00 PM Urbania Urbania Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Miniopolis Chronicle
2:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Miniopolis Chronicle
3:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Urbania
4:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Urbania
5:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis University Miniopolis Chronicle Slice O' Life Pizza Slice O' Life Pizza
6:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis University Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Urbania
7:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis University Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle
8:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle
9:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle
10:00 PM Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Miniopolis Chronicle Urbania Miniopolis Chronicle
11:00 PM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania

Gift Items
Book of Poetry
Book of Poetry
Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates
Comic Book
Comic Book
Accept Accept Accept Accept
Gold Ring
Gold Ring
Jailhouse Teddy
Jailhouse Teddy
Olde Salty Action Figure
Olde Salty Action Figure
Red Rose
Red Rose
Accept Accept Accept Accept
Rep Items
Artsie Trade Magazine
Artsie Magazine
Richie Trade Magazine
Richie Magazine
Streetie Trade Magazine
Streetie Magazine
Nerdie Trade Magazine
Nerdie Magazine
Reject Reject Reject Reject
Artsie Trophy
Artsie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Reject Reject Reject Reject
Other Giftable Items
Personal Painting
Personal Painting
Accept Reject Reject



  • When asked about "Art" in The Urbz, Lincoln will mention having a daughter. This daughter never shows up in any Sims game.
  • Unused dialogue points to Lincoln being able to begin Mission 5, Goal 1, Reality Show, although in the final game, it will always be the player's Rep group leader who begins the goal.
  • Lincoln is the only character in a Rep group who will never spawn in Club Xizzle.
    • He is also the only Rep group member who does not accept his corresponding Rep group's trade magazine as a gift.

Other languages[]

Language The Urbz: Sims in the City The Sims 2 (PSP)
English Lincoln Broadsheet Lincoln Broadsheet
French Amaury Plumard Amaury Plumard
German Uwe Schreiberling
Italian Eusebio Scorfani
Spanish Adolfo Todaplana Adolfo Todaplana
Russian Линкольн Бродшит
(Lincol'n Brodsh*t)[1]
Линкольн Бродшит
(Lincol'n Brodsh*t)[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The asterisk should be replaced with an i, although The Sims Wiki has an edit filter to prevent profanity, which prevents that word to be written. Note that it is not a swearword in Russian.