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The Sims 2: Seasons
Leod McGreggor
Leod McGreggor
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Leod comes from a long line of farmers. He left his homeland to start his own farm but will he be able to run it without the help of friends and family?
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family McGreggor family
Parents Donald McGreggor, Fiona McGreggor Both Deceased
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Sagittarius Sagittarius
Aspiration Fortune Fortune
Lifetime want Become Business Tycoon Become Business Tycoon
Turn-ons Blonde Hair Blonde Hair
Brown Hair (chemistry) Brown Hair
Turn-off Glasses Glasses
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Seasons Icon The Sims 2: Seasons
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Riverblossom Hills

Leod McGreggor is a pre-made Sim who lives in a farmhouse in Riverblossom Hills, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: Seasons. He comes from a long line of farmers and left his homeland to start his own farm, and is trying to run it by himself. Many presume his homeland to be Scotland, as his name and clothing are of Scottish origin. At the start of the game, Leod is 16 days away from becoming an elder. Leod is voiced by Stephen Kearin.

He starts the game with four skill points in cooking, two in logic and mechanical, and one in body and cleaning. Leod has the Fortune aspiration, however he is unemployed. Leod's aspiration doesn't seem to fit his identity as a farmer, especially since his lifetime want is to become a business tycoon. Despite his aspiration, he isn't interested in money. All the memories of Leod's life have the green positive background, including those that shouldn't be, such as his parents' deaths. This happens with all pre-made playable Sims from Riverblossom Hills.

Leod is friends with Gabe O'Mackey, and acquaintances with Betty Goldstein, Cleo Shikibu, Catherine Viejo, and Jason and Rose Greenman. Betty, Cleo, and Catherine's individual biographies suggest that they have a romantic interest in him, however, their relationships with him are also only at the level of acquaintance. On the other hand, Leod seems unaware that he is found attractive by three women.

He seems to be based on Don Lothario, a Sim who lives in Pleasantview, and they are both voiced by Stephen Kearin. He also shares several similarities with Castor Nova, a Sim who lives in Sim State University, both have multiple Sims with a one-sided interest in them, alongside neither of them having the Romance aspiration.

If The Sims 2: FreeTime is installed, Leod's predestined hobby will fittingly be nature, due to his sloppy and playful personality.

There is a community lot in Moonlight Bay, a neighborhood in the console version of The Sims 3, named McGregor's Community Garden. It contains a smaller version of Leod's red barn with a kitchen inside. Its icon on the map screen is a red barn. In The Sims 3: University Life, Leod is the author of Outrageous Adventure comic book. He is one of few Sims from The Sims 2 who are mentioned as the author of books from University Life. This is strange, considering The Sims 2 generally takes place after The Sims 3, with some exceptions.


Skill Cooking Cooking 4
Skill Mechanical Mechanical 2
Skill Body Body 1
Skill Logic Logic 2
Skill Cleaning Cleaning 1

Talent Badges
Fishing Fishing bronze
Gardening Gardening bronze
Talent Badges
Fishing Fishing bronze
Gardening Gardening bronze

Gabe O'Mackey Gabe O'Mackey Friend Friend
Cleo Shikibu Cleo Shikibu Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jason Greenman Jason Greenman Acquaintance Acquaintance
Rose Greenman Rose Greenman Acquaintance Acquaintance
Betty Goldstein Betty Goldstein Acquaintance Acquaintance
Catherine Viejo Catherine Viejo Acquaintance Acquaintance
Gabe O'Mackey Gabe O'Mackey Friend Friend
Cleo Shikibu Cleo Shikibu Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jason Greenman Jason Greenman Acquaintance Acquaintance
Rose Greenman Rose Greenman Acquaintance Acquaintance
Betty Goldstein Betty Goldstein Acquaintance Acquaintance
Catherine Viejo Catherine Viejo Acquaintance Acquaintance

Sloppy 3 Neat
Shy 4 Outgoing
Lazy 7 Active
Serious 6 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Politics Politics 4
Crime Crime 4
Food Food 10
Sports Sports 5
Work Work 5
School School 5
Money Money 2
Entertainment Entertainment 4
Health Health 5
Paranormal Paranormal 4
Weather Weather 10
Toys Toys 5
Environment Environment 8
Culture Culture 5
Fashion Fashion 5
Travel Travel 0
Animals Animals 10
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 0

{{MemoryTable| |- |Potty Trained |Potty Trained by Fiona |Positive |- |Learned to Walk |Learned to Walk from Fiona |Positive |- |Learned to Talk |Learned to Talk from Donald |Positive |- |Grew Up |Grew Up Well |Positive {{Memory |icon = Saw First Snow |memory = Saw First [[Snow |type = Positive }} |- |Grew Up |Grew Up Well |Positive |- |Grew Up |Grew Up Well |Positive |- |Met Sim |Met Mystery Sim |Positive |- |Became Best Friends |Made Best Friends with Mystery Sim |Positive |- |First Kiss |Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim |Positive |- |First Kiss |Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time |Positive |- |Moved In |Moved In |Positive |- |Met Sim |Met Rose |Positive |- |Met Sim |Met Jason |Positive |- |Sim Died |Fiona Died |Positive |- |Met Sim |Met Gabe |Positive |- |Sim Died |Donald Died |Positive |- |Met Sim |Met Cleo |Positive |- |Met Sim |Met Catherine |Positive |- |Met Sim |Met Betty |Positive



Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Leod McGreggor
French Gildas Arhan
German Matthias Bauer
Italian Leod McGreggor
Spanish León Gómez
Dutch Krelis Kikkert
Danish Jens McHansen
Swedish Leo Olsson
Norwegian Leon McOlsen
Finnish Luukas McPiippola
Russian Нарцисс Маккавити
Portuguese Leonidas Magrito
Japanese リオード マクレガー
Polish Donald Szpadel
Chinese (simplified) 李奥德 迈克格雷格
Chinese (traditional) 利歐 麥吉果
Thai ลี​ออด​ แม็คเกรกเกอร์
Korean 리어드 맥그리거
Czech Josef Ulman
Hungarian Leod McGreggor
Brazilian Portuguese Léo Da Mata
The McGreggor family
Rory - Dona - Donald - Fiona - Leod