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Koh Sahpa

Koh Sahpa

Neighborhood · Featured in: The Sims 4: For Rent
Koh Sahpa
Koh Sahpa
Neighbors with nature or other tenants, Koh Sahpa offers a more relaxed lifestyle along the river. After a dip in the sea or some much needed beach time, gather round at the Screaming Gecko for a drink or two. Feeling warm-hearted from all the sun? Visit the Sulea Tiger Sanctuary to support local conservation. No matter the choice, Koh Sahpa is the ideal spot for a go-with-the-flow attitude.
Name Koh Sahpa
World Tomarang
Game TS4 EP15 For Rent Icon The Sims 4: For Rent

Koh Sahpa Icon Koh Sahpa is a neighboorhood in Tomarang, the world shipped with The Sims 4: For Rent.

This lush tropical neighborhood is settled on a few islands connected with bridges. It has a lounge, 2 empty lots, a house owned by the Bun Ma family, a residential rental with 3 units owned by Panya Li, occupied by the Linh-Sadya family and Thi Linh. The neighborhood has beaches, and large body of water for Sims to swim in.


Isda Riverfront[]

Isda Riverfront
Isda Riverfront
Type Lot TS4 Residential Residential
Value §1,370
Lot size 20x20
World Tomarang
Game TS4 EP15 For Rent Icon The Sims 4: For Rent

"A tranquil oasis just upstream from any and all commotion. This land rests quietly encased by nature's most relaxing elements complete with a worthwhile fishing spot."

This lot is an empty lot.

Sungai Point[]

Sungai Point
Sungai Point
Type Lot TS4 Residential Rental Residential Rental
Owner Panya Li
Number of units 3
Lot size 30x20
World Tomarang
Game TS4 EP15 For Rent Icon The Sims 4: For Rent

This lot is a Residential Rental lot with three units.

11A Sungai Point[]

11A Sungai Point
11A Sungai Point
Vacancy Lot TS4 Occupied Unit Occupied
Unit rating 4 stars
Price per day §180
Furnishings §46,588
Unit size 270 tiles
Unit traits Trait TS4 Domestic Homey
Occupants Linh-Sadya family
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 2
Game The Sims 4: For Rent

"Grandiose and lavish, this suite is close to town essentials and oozing with decorative possibilities!"

This is a unit occupied by the Linh-Sadya family.

11B Sungai Point[]

11B Sungai Point
11B Sungai Point
Vacancy Lot TS4 Occupied Unit Occupied
Unit rating 4 stars
Price per day §65
Furnishings §21,315
Unit size 101 tiles
Unit traits Trait TS4 Great Acoustics Great Acoustics
Trait TS4 Gnomes Gnomes
Occupants Linh family
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 2
Game The Sims 4: For Rent

"The bright side is that the clown painting can be removed once the tenant clears out."

This is a unit occupied by Thi Linh.

11C Sungai Point[]

11C Sungai Point
11C Sungai Point
Vacancy Lot TS4 Vacant Unit Vacant
Unit rating 4 stars
Price per day §65
Furnishings §15,755
Unit size 129 tiles
Unit traits Trait TS4 Mold Mold
TS4 Ghost Icon Spooky
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 1
Game The Sims 4: For Rent

"An enticing unit for any family just getting started."

This is an unoccupied unit.

The Screaming Gecko[]

The Screaming Gecko
The Screaming Gecko
Type Lot TS4 Lounge Lounge
Value §41,467
Lot size 20x20
Lot traits Trait TS4 Convival Convivial
World Tomarang
Game TS4 EP15 For Rent Icon The Sims 4: For Rent

"An open-air local hotspot for social gatherings and steamy exchanges. Whether you're here for live music, the curated cuisine, or just taking a dip, it's sure to be a scream!"

This lot is a lounge.

Tam Nang Sands[]

Tam Nang Sands
Tam Nang Sands
Type Lot TS4 Residential Residential
Value §2,070
Lot size 30x20
Lot traits Trait TS4 Breezing Braces Bracing Breezes
New TS4 Off-The-Grid Off-the-Grid
World Tomarang
Game TS4 EP15 For Rent Icon The Sims 4: For Rent

"Catch a glimpse of aquatic life floating by or soak up the sun! This inspirational site comes with beachfront access and exceptional views of Koh Sahpa's crystal clear waters."

This lot is an empty lot.

Hothotok Shore[]

Hothotok Shore
Hothotok Shore
Type Lot TS4 Residential Residential
Value §40,238
Lot size 20x15
Occupants Bun Ma family
World Tomarang
Game TS4 EP15 For Rent Icon The Sims 4: For Rent

"Nestled up the shore, this cozy stilt house is settled just off the path into town. With luscious flora surrounding the grounds, anyone with a green thumb can feel at home.."

This lot is occupied by the Bun Ma family.

Neighborhood Features[]

This neighborhood is surrounded by lush tropical forest and beaches, Sims can swim around the sea, dig sand piles for tassels at the beach and jog around the area.

To the northern part, Sulea Tiger Sanctuary can be seen which Sims may visit it during the day, beside of the sanctuary, there's the Statue of Khun Mae which Sims can view and read about the lore of Tomarang.

Moving south from the sanctuary, on the 2nd island, 3 playable lots are here. To the east of the island, there's a boardwalk with fishing spots and a small beach, and to the south, there's a blue marina with another fishing spot. There's also a tiger statue near the beach, Sims may view and read about the history.

The 3rd island at the south, there's 2 playable lots available, it has a small wooden port with a fishing spot and another small beach to the east. And to the west, there's another beach at the bay with huge body of water for Sims to swim in.

The neighborhood has large body of water for Sims to swim in, there's a large beach to the opposite of the main area of Koh Sahpa and it's where the Beard Beard Cave located for Sims to explore, similar with the cave in Mua Pel'am of Sulani from The Sims 4: Island Living.

Sulea Tiger Sanctuary[]

Sulea Tiger Sanctuary is a rabbit hole at the northern part of the island with no buildable lots.

At the day, Sims can visit it and chance cards will appear, Sims will come out with different moodlets and might get collectables depending at the outcome. Sims can also support the sanctuary by donating 10 or 50 simoleons, which they will get a +2 inspired moodlet. Moreover, Sims can adopt a tiger at the sanctuary with 100 simoleons of which Sims would join the Cub Club, a poster and a tiger plush would be delivered to Sim's house within 2 days.

At night, Sims can only sneak into sanctuary once per night and chance cards will also appear, Sims might come out with collectables. However, there's a chance Sims might get caught and they will get banned from visiting the sanctuary temporary.

beside of the sanctuary, there's the Statue of The Great Mother (also known as Khun Mae) which Sims can view to learn about her story and the lore of Tomarang.

Beard Beard Cave[]

Across the large sea from the island, the Beard Beard Cave is a rabbit hole cave located at the remote island shore off the main islands neighborhood of Koh Sahpa, Sims can explore it and chance cards will appear, Sims may get different moodlets and might get collectables depending at the outcome. Sims will also learn about some lore and history of Tomarang while exploring the cave.

