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The Sims 3: Showtime
Kirstin Law
Kirstin Law
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Kirstin has always been a trouble maker, and was even voted "Least Likely to Succeed" in school. All grown up, she prefers to make a career at the expense of others. Rumor is, the criminal underworld knows who to contact for any big heist in need of an excellent getaway driver. Kirstin is infatuated with Darren Lott, and is often a few steps behind wherever he goes. Kirstin is a top notch thief which keeps her well hidden, where most other stalkers would have long been discovered. She is still the main suspect for a sting of art robberies a few years back, but no evidence has ever been found to link her to the crime.
Education and employment
Career W criminal career Getaway Driver
Family Law family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Insane small Insane
Trait Can't Stand Art small Can't Stand Art
Trait Hot-Headed small Hot-Headed
Trait Kleptomaniac small Kleptomaniac
Trait Evil small Evil
Zodiac sign LibraLN Libra
Lifetime wish LTW The Emperor of Evil The Empress of Evil
Favorites Fav Indie Indie
Fav Grilled Cheese Grilled Cheese
Fav Spice Brown Spice Brown
Hair color Haircolor1-TS3 Blonde
Eye color Eye-green Green
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3ST Icon The Sims 3: Showtime
Playability Playable
World Starlight Shores

Kirstin Law is a pre-made female Sim living in Starlight Shores, the neighborhood introduced in The Sims 3: Showtime. When the game starts, she is 14 days away from becoming an elder. According to her personal biography, she is said to be infatuated with Darren Lott, whom she does not know when the game starts. Kirstin is friends with Conrad Anderson and Brandon Woods; distant friends with Stardust Woods; dislikes Danielle Platt, and is enemies with Evan Best

Her job performance is high at the beginning. However, she needs at least 4 more athletic skill points as required by her job in order to be promoted.


W athletic skill Athletic 3
W athletic skill Athletic 3


  • There are a few discrepancies with Kirstin.
    • In her household biography, it is written that she has "penchant for fine art", yet she has the can't stand art trait. This statement may just be intended to suggest, like in her personal bio, Kirstin has merely stolen a great deal of art, possibly for profit.
    • Similarly, the household bio mentions she is a Master Thief, yet her career level is Getaway Driver, which is 6 levels below.
  • The contradiction between her surname and career track may have been intended to be a humorous fact by the developers.