Kirstin has always been a trouble maker, and was even voted "Least Likely to Succeed" in school. All grown up, she prefers to make a career at the expense of others. Rumor is, the criminal underworld knows who to contact for any big heist in need of an excellent getaway driver. Kirstin is infatuated with Darren Lott, and is often a few steps behind wherever he goes. Kirstin is a top notch thief which keeps her well hidden, where most other stalkers would have long been discovered. She is still the main suspect for a sting of art robberies a few years back, but no evidence has ever been found to link her to the crime.
In her household biography, it is written that she has "penchant for fine art", yet she has the can't stand art trait. This statement may just be intended to suggest, like in her personal bio, Kirstin has merely stolen a great deal of art, possibly for profit.
Similarly, the household bio mentions she is a Master Thief, yet her career level is Getaway Driver, which is 6 levels below.
The contradiction between her surname and career track may have been intended to be a humorous fact by the developers.