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The Sims 3: Ambitions
Justin Kayes
Justin Kayes
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Just out of school, Justin more than knows his way around the hi-tech electronic boards of electrical circuits. He's hoping that with his computer know-how and Inventing skills, he'll never have to work another day in his life.
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Kayes family
Marital status Single
Household Hi-Tech Friends household
Roommates Wei Keane, Lang Gwydd
Traits Trait Computer Whiz small Computer Whiz
Trait Handy small Handy
Trait Perceptive small Perceptive
Trait Genius small Genius
Trait Light Sleeper small Light Sleeper
Lifetime wish LTW The Tinkerer The Tinkerer
Favorites Fav Electronica Electronica
Fav Sushi Sushi
Fav Aqua Aqua
Hair color Haircolor5-TS3 Black
Eye color Eye-grey Grey
Skin color Medium skin-TS3 Medium
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3A Icon The Sims 3: Ambitions
Playability Playable
World Twinbrook

Justin "Smack Pod" Kayes is a pre-made playable young adult Sim residing in Twinbrook, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Ambitions. He lives with his two roommates Wei Keane and Lang Gwydd. When the family is first played, he is 11 days away from aging up into an adult.

Despite the fact that he has interests in several hobbies, Justin is unemployed. It is implied that he has been a computer whiz since high school, and he leans on his capabilities in order to avoid work. The workbench in his room, which he probably used to hone his inventing skill, could help with a potential self-employed inventing career, and he could also earn money by hacking, as he has skills in that field. Justin also has the perceptive trait, which gives him another career to choose from. Nevertheless, players have a few options as to what Justin pursues.

Justin is best friends with Anna-Liza Riddle, friends with Amy Bull and Lang, acquaintances with Wei and enemies with his neighbors Bobby and Scout Sargeant. He has 4 skill points in inventing, logic and handiness, as well as the hidden hacking skill. He carries two books in his inventory.

Justin's name is a pun of "just in case". He has black hair, but his eyebrows are brown, which might mean that he has dyed his hair.


Handiness skill icon Handiness 4
W inventing career Inventing 4
Logic skill icon Logic 4