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The Sims 3: Late Night
Jupiter Belle
Jupiter Belle
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Jupiter's childhood in front of the paparazzi will surely affect who he is and who he will become in the future. Will he learn to embrace his mother's fame, or will he despise the bright lights?
Family Belle family
Parents Lola Belle
Household Belle household
Roommates Lola Belle, Kai Leiko, Moxie Logan
Traits Trait Hates the Outdoors small Hates the Outdoors
Trait Snob small Snob
Trait Vegetarian small Vegetarian
Hidden traits Trait Makes No Messes small Makes No Messes
Zodiac sign SagittariusLN Sagittarius
Favorites Fav Latin Latin
Fav Lobster Thermidor Lobster Thermidor
Fav Pink Pink
Hair color Eye-custom Blue and Black
Eye color Eye-grey Grey
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Celebrity status
1 star
Other information
Game TS3LN Icon The Sims 3: Late Night
Playability Playable
World Bridgeport

Jupiter Belle is a pre-made playable child Sim residing in Bridgeport, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Late Night. He lives with his adoptive mother, Lola, her much younger boyfriend Kai Leiko, and her live-in fitness trainer, Moxie Logan. He hates both of them but is friends with his mother. His taste for pink and his blue hair has also drawn attention from others.

Jupiter starts off with no skills, but may be a loaded with a random level in a skill field, and also has 1 celebrity star. He carries a ChannocTec Outlaw SE camera (if World Adventures is installed beforehand), a football, and a book with no title in his inventory. His name comes from the solar system's largest planet.

Despite being a vegetarian, Jupiter's favorite food is oddly lobster thermidor. This is likely a mistake by the developers, since vegetarians cannot normally select meat dishes as their favorites.

