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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 3: Ambitions
Juan Darer
Juan Darer
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Juan loves the simple things in life... like his artwork. He'll be the first to tell you his way of life it [sic] a little different,but he didn't have to tell you that for you to know it, right?
Education and employment
Career Retired career Retired
Family Darer family
Marital status Single
Romances Milly Pidgin Ex-Girlfriend
Traits Trait Insane small Insane
Trait Neurotic small Neurotic
Trait Handy small Handy
Trait Inappropriate small Inappropriate
Trait Kleptomaniac small Kleptomaniac
Lifetime wish LTW Monster Maker Monster Maker
Favorites Fav Soul Soul
Fav Cobbler Cobbler
Fav Pink Pink
Hair color Haircolor5-TS3 Black
Eye color Purple dogeye ts2 Purple
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light Red
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3A Icon The Sims 3: Ambitions
Playability Playable
World Twinbrook

Juan Darer is a pre-made playable elder Sim residing in Twinbrook, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Ambitions. He lives alone in a barn atop a hill on the outskirts of the neighborhood. When the household is first played, Juan is 82 days old, making him the second oldest pre-made Sim in the neighborhood as he is two days younger than Anna-Liza Riddle; sometimes she outlives him.

Juan lives in a barn besides the burnt down remains of his house. It is implied that he lost his house to an earthquake or a fire and moved into the undamaged barn as a result. Juan is very creative, with his skills, the various art supplies around his house and his lifetime wish showcasing this.

Juan is best friends forever with Harwood Clay, acquaintances with the Baylesses and dislikes his ex-girlfriend, Milly Pidgin. He has one skill point in sculpting, two in athletic, four in painting and six in inventing and was once employed as a Toddler Sports Coach in the athletic career. He carries a cane and a book in his inventory.

Juan is one of a few pre-made Sims who have a unibrow, along with the local social worker Al Lyffe and Iqbal Alvi from Sunset Valley. He is also one of the few pre-made Sims to have a red complexion, possibly alluding to the "burnt" look from the fire. Additionally, his hair color is a mix of grey and black, and his name is a pun on "Wanderer".

Juan shares his last name with Lacy Darer, a Sim buried in Juan's Pick'n Pull, but it is unknown if they are related or not.


W athletic skill Athletic 2
W inventing career Inventing 6
Painting skill icon Painting 4
W sculpting career Sculpting 1

