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The Sims 4 The Sims FreePlay
Johnny Zest
Johnny Zest headshot
Gender Male Male
Age Age yadult selected Young Adult
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Johnny Zest has the stage name and the dream, but maybe not the talent... Disowned by the Landgraabs for quitting school, Johnny wants to make his own fame and fortune as a standup comedian.
Education and employment
Career TS4 Career Entertainer Open Mic Seeker
Family Landgraab family
Parents Geoffrey Landgraab, Nancy Landgraab
Siblings Malcolm Landgraab Brother
Marital status Single
Traits Trait TS4 Gregarious Gregarious
Trait TS4 Ambitious Ambitious
Trait TS4 Goofball Goofball
Trait TS4 Outgoing Outgoing
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Joke Star Joke Star
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Warm tone 6
TS4 Icon Lean
TS4 Icon Slider
TS4 Icon Fit
TS4 Icon Thin
TS4 Icon Slider
TS4 Icon Fat
Other information
Game TS4 Icon The Sims 4
Playability Playable
World Oasis Springs

Johnny Zest ( Landgraab) is a pre-made Sim who resides in Oasis Springs from The Sims 4. Johnny lives on his own in Slipshod Mesquite, a trailer home, and begins with §3,590.

Johnny is a young adult, 28 days away from becoming an adult. He works in the entertainer career at level 2 (open mic seeker). He has two skill points in comedy and has the Joke Star aspiration. He has no relationships at the beginning of the game.

Johnny is also featured as a Quest NPC during the Sandy Suburbs tasks in The Sims FreePlay.

Family controversy[]

According to his family bio, he was a member of the Landgraab family but was disowned after dropping out of school to follow his dreams of being an entertainer. Possibly due to an oversight and lack of family trees at the time of release, his relatives do not know him at all and the game does not internally recognize their familial relation. This can cause a bit of a chaos as, with Story Progression enabled, he may enter a relationship with and marry other Landgraabs.

The common assumption amongst players is that Johnny is Nancy and Geoffrey Landgraab's son, although this has never been confirmed by the Sims Team.[1] A photograph of him being held by Nancy as an infant was used to promote the release of The Sims 4: Growing Together; however, the alt text of the image neutrally labels her as "a relative" rather than his mother.[2]

Johnny's lifestyle and background have some similarities to The Sims's Dudley Landgraab. They have both been disowned by the Landgraabs and live in trailer homes within a sand-covered region. The main difference is that Johnny is career ambitious, while Dudley is not. This may suggest that it is common for the Landgraabs to disown any sims who don't conform to family ideals. As it is not clear whether "Johnny" is his real first name or part of his stage name, there is a possibility that he is The Sims 4's version of Dudley.


Skill TS4 Comedy Comedy 2
Skill TS4 Comedy Comedy 2


  • Due to a bug, Johnny's first and last name would sometimes switch, causing him to be called "Zest Johnny", instead of Johnny Zest. However, this was fixed as a part of patch 10.
  • He may have been designed loosely after the titular character from the cartoon Johnny Test, in terms of outfit choice and chatty, playful personality.
  • In the Industrial Loft kit for Sims 4, two item descriptions say that after the Landgraab family disowned Johnny Zest he had no possessions nor money to buy furniture so he had to be resourceful. Sure, he could have gone to the thrift shop, but there's no fun in that. Instead, Johnny went to one of his family's construction sites, swiped building supplies, and cobbled together a big, squishy sofa that could rival anything bought in a fancy upscale furniture store. Hopefully, he cleaned the pipes before assembling. He also built a surprisingly comfortable chair. Functional, comfortable revenge is the best kind!



The Landgraab family
Admiral Landgraab
Kermit - Kitty
Chester - Queenie
Geoffrey - Nancy - Malcolm II - Marion
Malcolm - Hannelore - Malcolm III - Margaret
Dudley - Mimi - Adrien - Malcolm IV
Malcolm - Bambi
Johnny Zest