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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console)
Jet Rockit
Urb JetRockit ol
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Sometimes I gotta take people down. They race against me...they kiss the pavement. Kiss the ring baby.
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Orange
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Blue
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Fit Fit
Social standing
District Gasoline Row
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (console)
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Urbzville

Jet Rockit is an Urb residing in Urbzville's district, Gasoline Row. He is a street racer who likes to customize bikes, which are stated to be just beyond legal limits. During the opening sequence in the console version he appears to be somewhat antagonistic, but in the game the protagonist is given a mission to mug Jet by Luke Laruffle's request.

He likes 'Speed, speed, and more speed', Ego boosts, and Flammable hair spray. He dislikes Molasses, Dial-up internet connectivity, Moose and elk

Comix: Gasoline Row[]

In comix the "Outlaw Angst" by Peter Bagge, Pork Chop is telling one of his infamous stories to Jet, who is clearly annoyed by it, as he tries to grill sausages. He picks up on Pork Chop's lies about his 'war times', and also becomes annoyed when he eats all the sausages, that a newbie, Jayde, has made.

When Jayde is confronted by an agitated Sharkey Spitz, Jayde "Body Slams" her, which Jet finds to be awesome. He is even more impressed when Jayde soups up a bike.


  • In the comic it is revealed that Jet has quite a discriminating food palette. He dislikes making and eating sausages and wishes to create more interesting cuisines.

