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The Sims 3: World Adventures
Jeannine Lambert
Jeannine Lambert
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Lambert family
Parents François Lambert
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Workaholic small Workaholic
Trait Can't Stand Art small Can't Stand Art
Trait Perfectionist small Perfectionist
Trait Light Sleeper small Light Sleeper
Trait Angler small Angler
Hidden traits Trait French Culture
Favorites Fav Indie Indie
Fav Cobbler Cobbler
Fav Yellow Yellow
Hair color Haircolor3-TS3 Brown
Eye color Eye-brown Brown
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3WA Icon The Sims 3: World Adventures
Playability Foreign Resident
World Champs Les Sims

Jeannine Lambert (pronounced jon·een lam·bair in French) is a foreign Sim from Champs Les Sims, featured in The Sims 3: World Adventures. She currently resides with her father, François, in The Wildflower House at 117 East Southbank Boulevard. Her mother is unknown, as she is not listed in her family tree.

Like every other Sim from Champs Les Sims, she has the hidden French Culture trait.


W fishing skill Fishing 3
W gardening skill Gardening 4
W nectarmaking skill Nectar making 6