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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2: Open for Business
Jason Larson
Jason Larson
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Jason is the younger of the twins (by a whopping 3 minutes) and much more carefree than his sister. Will Jodie push him to the edge or will he rise to the challenge and help their business succeed?
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Larson family
Parents Alvin Larson, Elise Larson Both Deceased
Siblings Jodie Larson Fraternal Twin
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Aries Aries
Aspiration Fortune Fortune
Lifetime want Become Captain Hero Become Captain Hero
Turn-ons Swim Wear Swim Wear
Blonde Hair Blonde Hair
Turn-off Formal Wear Formal Wear
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Dark Blue Eyes Dark Blue
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Open for Business Icon The Sims 2: Open for Business
Playability Family bin
Neighborhood Bluewater Village

Jason Larson is a pre-made adult Sim who comes with The Sims 2: Open for Business. He and his twin sister Jodie will appear in the family bin of any neighborhood associated with Bluewater Village. When first played, he has 1 skill point in body and is at the beginning of the adult life stage.

His story is that he wants to have a business with his sister, but how - and whether - that happens is up to the player. Jason, Morty Roth, Xander Roth and Puck Summerdream are some of the men wearing make-up in The Sims series. Even though he does have parents, he doesn't have any memories of them.

When editing in SimPE, Jason's zodiac sign is not recognized. Like all pre-made playable Sims in Open for Business who don't have partners, he has no gender preference at the start of the game. Jason and his sister have almost the same facial structure - Jason's eyebrows are thicker and higher up on his face - but not the same skin tone. They also share the same interests. Jason is voiced by Stephen Kearin.

Despite being a Fortune Sim, Jason has the lifetime want to reach the top of the Law Enforcement career, which is only intended for Family and Popularity Sims. He also has a hidden pregnancy modifier token, which increases his chances of having twins.[1]


Skill Body Body 1
Skill Body Body 1

Jodie Larson Jodie Larson Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jodie Larson Jodie Larson Acquaintance Acquaintance

Sloppy 3 Neat
Shy 7 Outgoing
Lazy 6 Active
Serious 4 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Politics Politics 6
Crime Crime 5
Food Food 3
Sports Sports 4
Work Work 2
School School 5
Money Money 3
Entertainment Entertainment 8
Health Health 7
Paranormal Paranormal 4
Weather Weather 8
Toys Toys 4
Environment Environment 6
Culture Culture 8
Fashion Fashion 5
Travel Travel 2
Animals Animals 8
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 2

Met Sim Met Mystery Sim Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time Positive
Met Sim Met Mystery Sim Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time Positive

Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Jason Larson
French Jérôme Larson
German Joachim Larson
Italian Jerry Scalici
Spanish Jeremías Martínez
Dutch Joppe Larsson
Danish Aage Lahpsen
Swedish Jonas Larsson
Norwegian Jørn Larsen
Finnish Janne Hallavaara
Russian Илья Ларсен
Portuguese Jeremias Larson
Japanese ジェイソン ラーソン
Polish Józek Moniak
Chinese (simplified) 詹森 拉森
Chinese (traditional) 傑森 萊森
Thai เจ​สัน ลาร์​สัน
Korean 제이슨 라슨
Czech Řehoř Larson
Hungarian Jason Larson
Brazilian Portuguese José Mesmo


The Larson family
Jodie - Jason - Alvin - Elise