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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 4: Get Together
Jacques Villareal
Jacques Villareal headshot
Gender Male Male
Age Age elder selected Elder
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Education and employment
Career TS4 Career Criminal The Brains
Family Villareal family
Marital status Widowed
Children Luna Villareal Daughter, Hugo Villareal Son, Max Villareal Son
Traits Trait TS4 Erratic Erratic
Trait TS4 Childish Childish
Trait TS4 Genius Genius
Trait TS4 Dastardly Dastardly
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Public Enemy Public Enemy
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Clubs Knights of the hedge Knights of the Hedge
The good timers The Good Timers
Other information
Game TS4GT Icon The Sims 4: Get Together
Playability Playable
World Windenburg

Jacques Villareal is a pre-made Sim who resides in Windenburg, the world introduced in The Sims 4: Get Together. He is described as eccentric and that his children's behaviors annoy him. He is the father of Luna Villareal, Hugo Villareal and young Max Villareal.

Jacques is an elder and is 118 days old. He works in the boss branch of the criminal career at level 9 (the brains). He has the Public Enemy aspiration and has nine skill points in logic.

Jacques is the leader of Knights of the Hedge club with Yuki Behr and Wolfgang Munch. He is also a club member of The Good Timers with Bjorn Bjergsen, Mila Munch and Dominic Fyres. According to his family bio, his wife disappeared under "mysterious circumstances".


Skill TS4 Logic Logic 9
Skill TS4 Logic Logic 9

Luna Villareal headshot2 Luna Villareal Family Daughter, Friend Friend
Hugo Villareal headshot Hugo Villareal Family Son, Friend Friend
Max Villareal headshot Max Villareal Family Son, Friend Friend
Bjorn Bjergsen headshot Bjorn Bjergsen Friend Friend, Neighbor
Dominic Fyres headshot Dominic Fyres Friend Friend
Mila Munch headshot Mila Munch Friend Friend
Wolfgang Munch headshot Wolfgang Munch Friend Friend
Yuki Behr headshot Yuki Behr Friend Friend
Luna Villareal headshot2 Luna Villareal Family Daughter, Friend Friend
Hugo Villareal headshot Hugo Villareal Family Son, Friend Friend
Max Villareal headshot Max Villareal Family Son, Friend Friend
Bjorn Bjergsen headshot Bjorn Bjergsen Friend Friend, Neighbor
Dominic Fyres headshot Dominic Fyres Friend Friend
Mila Munch headshot Mila Munch Friend Friend
Wolfgang Munch headshot Wolfgang Munch Friend Friend
Yuki Behr headshot Yuki Behr Friend Friend

Starting Household Inventory[]

  • Emblems of Espionage
  • Duffel o' Cash
  • Vintage Baseball Bat Sculpture
  • Stolen ATM
  • Bars of Gold
  • Stolen Necklace of the Late Duchess Pinky

