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The Sims 3: Late Night
Jacquelin Chamberlin
Jacquelin Chamberlin
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young Adult
Life state CAS Ghost icon Ghost
Family Chamberlin family
Marital status Single
Children Lady Cook Daughter
Traits Trait Over-Emotional small Over-Emotional
Trait Loner small Loner
Trait Charismatic small Charismatic
Trait Perfectionist small Perfectionist
Zodiac sign AquariusLN Aquarius
Lifetime wish LTW Leader of the Free World Leader of the Free World
Favorites Fav Classical Classical
Fav Grilled Cheese Grilled Cheese
Fav White White
Hair color Haircolor7-TS3 Grey
Eye color Eye-grey Grey
Skin color Skin-mannequin Pale Grey
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3LN Icon The Sims 3: Late Night
Playability Deceased
Cause of death Drowning
World Bridgeport

Jacquelin Chamberlin is a pre-made deceased Sim who once lived in Bridgeport, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Late Night. She is Lady's mother and Elspeth's grandmother. She only has 4 traits. She drowned as a young adult and is buried in the Bridgeport Eternal Rest Cemetery. She has 8 skill points in cooking and 1 in athletic. She has very pale, purplish skin and light grey hair. Due to her appearance, facial structure, personality and name, it's possible that she's based on Jacqueline Kennedy, a First Lady of the United States. Her daughter may be as well based on another First Lady, Lady Bird. The hypothesis is supported by the fact that Cook family is politically influential in Bridgeport. Her pale and almost purple skin as well as her grey clothes are attributes shared among every deceased sim in Bridgeport.

If playing as a kleptomaniac, Jaquelin's Grave cannot be swiped like others. Her granddaughter is hydrophobic, possibly in relation to her grandmothers method of death.

W inventing career
Resurrection tip
This Sim can be brought back to life with ambrosia or with the Oh My Ghost! opportunity. For more information, read Game guide:Bringing Sims back to life.


W athletic skill Athletic 1
Cooking skill icon Cooking 8
W athletic skill Athletic 1
Cooking skill icon Cooking 8

