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The Sims 2
Ivy Copur
Ivy Copur Teen
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Teen Teen
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Education and employment
School School Public School
Grade C
Family Copur family
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Virgo Virgo
Aspiration Knowledge Knowledge
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Dark Blue Eyes Dark Blue
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Icon The Sims 2
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Pleasantview
For other Sims, see Ivy Copur (disambiguation).

Ivy Copur is a pre-made townie residing in Pleasantview, one of the neighborhoods shipped with The Sims 2, and custom neighborhoods. She can be made playable by befriending and sending her to college,[TS2:U] or by aging her up with another teen.[TS2:FT]

Ivy has long black hair, tan skin dark blue eyes and wears a purple top. As far as personality, she is extremely neat, very shy and serious, fairly active and moderately nice. Like all townies in The Sims 2, her career, skills and relationships with other townies are usually randomized at the start of the game. She shares her name with a townie from the same neighborhood.

If FreeTime is installed, Ivy's one true hobby will be Science.

Ivy has the same facial structure as Melissa Fancey, Marylena Hamilton, Amaya Wilson and Vanessa Royce.


Sloppy 9 Neat
Shy 2 Outgoing
Lazy 6 Active
Serious 3 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Politics Politics 2
Crime Crime 1
Food Food 6
Sports Sports 7
Work Work 1
School School 7
Money Money 4
Entertainment Entertainment 3
Health Health 1
Paranormal Paranormal 3
Weather Weather 5
Toys Toys 4
Environment Environment 7
Culture Culture 6
Fashion Fashion 4
Travel Travel 7
Animals Animals 4
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 9

Other Languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Ivy Copur
Brazilian Portuguese Hera Copur
Chinese (Simplified) 艾薇 古伯
Chinese (Traditional) 艾薇 古普爾
Czech Iva Copur
Danish Nanna Knudsen
Dutch Ivy Koper
European Portuguese Ivana Lancastre
Finnish Irina Korpi
French Irène Lamy
German Iris Margraff
Italian Ivy Von Ribbentropp
Japanese アイビィー クーパー
Korean 아이비 코푸
Norwegian Iris Kvåle
Polish Jolanta Kostur
Spanish Inés Cubero
Swedish Irene Conradsson
Thai ดาราวรรณ โค•เพอร์•
Russian Нани Кривуля