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The Sims 4: Vampires
Inna Cents
Gender Female Female
Age Age yadult selected Young Adult
Life state TS4 Vampire Icon Vampire
Vampire Rank 1 Fledgling Vampire
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Cents family
Marital status Single
Household The Noble Vampires household
Roommates Elle DeVampiro, Vlad Bloodvein
Traits Trait TS4 Cheerful Cheerful
Trait TS4 Good Good
Trait TS4 Clumsy Clumsy
Trait TS4 Alluring Alluring
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Soulmate Soulmate
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 4 Vampires Icon The Sims 4: Vampires
Playability Gallery

Inna Cents is a pre-made Sim who made her first appearance in The Sims 4: Vampires. She appears in several trailers, renders, and promotional screenshots for the game pack and can be found in the Gallery where she was uploaded by Maxis.[1]

In "The Sims 4 Vampires: Official Trailer" she's shown to have been turned into a vampire by Caleb Vatore.

Inna's household on the Gallery, as well as the two other households of Vampires uploaded around the same time by Maxis, seem to imply the existence of three rival Vampire groups with different values and missions. Their household renders seem to support this theory. The Noble Vampires, of which Inna is a part of, seem to focus on living lavish lifestyles, partying and having power. This is further supported by their fashion style which is extremely formal.


  • Her name is a pun on "innocence".


