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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 4: Get Together
Hugo Villareal
Hugo Villareal headshot
Gender Male Male
Age Age teen selected Teen
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Education and employment
School TS4 High School Icon High School
Grade C
Family Villareal family
Parents Jacques Villareal
Siblings Luna Villareal Sister, Max Villareal Brother
Traits Trait TS4 Loner Loner
Trait TS4 Foodie Foodie
Trait TS4 Essence of Flavor Essence of Flavor
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Master Chef Master Chef
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Fat Fat
Social standing
Clubs Avant gardes Avant Gardes
Upper crusts Upper Crusts
Other information
Game TS4GT Icon The Sims 4: Get Together
Playability Playable
World Windenburg

Hugo Villareal is a pre-made Sim who resides in Windenburg, the world introduced in The Sims 4: Get Together. He lives with his father Jacques Villareal, sister Luna Villareal and younger brother Max Villareal.

Hugo is a teen, 21 days away from becoming a young adult. He is a high school student with a C grade, and carries a homework book in his inventory. He has seven skill points in cooking and has the Master Chef aspiration.

He is a member of the Avant Gardes club along with Maaike Haas, Gunther Munch and Yuki Behr. He is also a member of the Upper Crusts with Clara Bjergsen and Mila Munch. He is the loner and laid back member of his family, and seems to aspire on becoming a chef. According to the family bio, his mother disappeared under "mysterious circumstances".


Skill TS4 Cooking Cooking 7
Skill TS4 Cooking Cooking 7

Jacques Villareal headshot Jacques Villareal Family Father, Friend Friend
Luna Villareal headshot2 Luna Villareal Family Sister, Friend Friend
Max Villareal headshot Max Villareal Family Brother, Friend Friend
Clara Bjergsen headshot Clara Bjergsen Friend Friend, Neighbor
Gunther Munch headshot Gunther Munch Friend Friend
Maaike Haas headshot Maaike Haas Friend Friend
Mila Munch headshot Mila Munch Friend Friend
Yuki Behr headshot Yuki Behr Friend Friend
Jacques Villareal headshot Jacques Villareal Family Father, Friend Friend
Luna Villareal headshot2 Luna Villareal Family Sister, Friend Friend
Max Villareal headshot Max Villareal Family Brother, Friend Friend
Clara Bjergsen headshot Clara Bjergsen Friend Friend, Neighbor
Gunther Munch headshot Gunther Munch Friend Friend
Maaike Haas headshot Maaike Haas Friend Friend
Mila Munch headshot Mila Munch Friend Friend
Yuki Behr headshot Yuki Behr Friend Friend

Book TS4 Homework 2 Homework §1
Book TS4 Homework 2 Homework §1

