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The Sims 2 (PSP)
Hoot Howell
Hoot Howell
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Runs the Nighthowl Saloon in Deadtree.
Family Howell family
Siblings Annie HowellAdopted Sister
Hair color TS2 Grey Hair Grey
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (PSP)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Strangetown
PSP Icon Hoot Howell

Hoot Howell is a Sim in Strangetown who appears in The Sims 2 for PlayStation Portable. He runs the Nighthowl Saloon with his younger sister, Annie. You can sell secrets to Hoot and he will reward you if you get rid of the Nightbeast.

After the Nightbeast mission, Hoot has very little purpose in-game, aside from selling drinks and buying secrets off the player. He is most interested in secrets about his customers.

Hoot's secrets from The Sims 2 for PSP:

  • Personal (Personal): Hoot used to train owls as watchdogs... but it was hard to keep them on a leash.
  • Intimate (Intimate): Hoot started the saloon with the profits from selling a single giant belt buckle.
  • Dark (Dark): Hoot's parents promised him a puppy... but they brought home a sister instead.
  • Secret (Struggling Saloon): Hoot's business has been going badly since the Night Beast arrived.


Personality type
This Sim has a Fire personality type in The Sims 2 for PSP.

Topic set


  • Hoot and his sister share their surname with Lou Howell from The Sims 4: Werewolves. Since Annie is later revealed to be a werewolf/the Nightbeast, it is possible that they are related to Lou. However, it is unknown if this was the intention of the game developers.


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2 (PSP)
English Hoot Howell
French Danny Cétoilé
Russian Хут Хауэл
(Khut Khauel)
Spanish Quique Mañas