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The Sims 3: Pets
Hetty Lionheart
Hetty Lionheart
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Crazy cat lady is never a term Hetty would consider, but there's nothing healthy about living in denial. Maybe "crazy" is a bit of stretch, but eccentric is certainly spot on. She lives as a recluse in her musty old Victorian home, as far from her neighbors as she can possibly get.

Townsfolk give her a wide berth as nobody looks forward to one of her hyperbolic rants on modern society. Perhaps it's best that she sticks to her cats after all.

Education and employment
Career Retired career Retired
Marital status Single
Household Lionheart family
Pets Pickles Lionheart, Mothball Lionheart, Muffin Lionheart, Maria Lionheart, Ducky LionheartDeceased
Traits link Cat Person
Trait Insane small Insane
Trait Loner small Loner
Trait Hydrophobic small Hydrophobic
Trait Evil small Evil
Zodiac sign LibraLN Libra
Lifetime wish LTW The Emperor of Evil The Empress of Evil
Favorites Fav Kids Kids
Fav Fish and Chips Fish and Chips
Fav Orange Orange
Hair color Haircolor7-TS3 Grey
Eye color Yellow eyes Sims 3 Yellow
Skin color Dark skin-TS3 Dark
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3P Icon The Sims 3: Pets
Playability Playable
World Appaloosa Plains

Hetty Lionheart is a pre-made playable elderly Sim that lives in Appaloosa Plains. She lives in a musty Victorian house with her four cats: Mothball, Muffin, Pickles, and Maria. She once had a fifth, Ducky, who is already deceased at the start of the game.

She tries to get away from everyone to focus on her cats. Her neighbors generally don't like her and no one dares to cross her yard afraid of what she might do. She is pejoratively called the "Old Kitty" and "The Crazy Cat Lady" because of her huge love of cats. Her way of dressing, facial features and surname also hint to her love of cats. She is also initially one of the few Sims in Appaloosa Plains other than the local NPCs, Dorothy Button and Mollie Bullock, to have the Evil trait.

Hetty is best friends forever with Muffin, best friends with Maria, friends with Pickles, and disliked by Mothball. Hetty has two distant friends, Tate and Esme Curley. She is then disliked with almost everyone in the town. She is enemies with Vera Blackburn, a dog lover.

Hetty has one skill point in Charisma and carries a book in her inventory.

She once had a career in science career, but shortly retired after as a Test Subject (level one).


W Charisma Charisma 1
W Charisma Charisma 1

