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The Sims 3: Ambitions
Harwood Clay
Harwood Clay
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Artistic and charismatic, Clay has lived a life of great fame and fortune, only to settle here for a much more modest retirement. How will he fit in with his new community?
Education and employment
Career Retired career Retired
Family Clay family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Savvy Sculptor small Savvy Sculptor
Trait Eco-Friendly small Eco-Friendly
Trait Perceptive small Perceptive
Trait Artistic small Artistic
Trait Charismatic small Charismatic
Lifetime wish LTW Descendant of da Vinci Descendant of Da Vinci
Favorites Fav Indie Indie
Fav Goopy Carbonara Goopy Carbonara
Fav Purple Purple
Hair color Haircolor7-TS3 Grey
Eye color Eye-green Green
Skin color Tan skin-TS3 Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3A Icon The Sims 3: Ambitions
Playability Playable
World Twinbrook

Harwood Clay is a pre-made playable elder Sim residing in Twinbrook, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 3: Ambitions. He lives alone on Poker Flats Drive. When the household is first played, he is 74 days old.

Harwood is said to have recently settled in Twinbrook for a 'much more modest retirement' after his successful career as a sculptor. He possesses the savvy sculptor and artistic traits and is very talented in general, with two of his four traits at level five and higher. Though he is said to have had a full career as a sculptor, the only career he has had is music; this could have been a job he picked up when he initially settled in Twinbrook and then retired from not too long after.

Harwood is best friends forever with Juan Darer and acquaintances with the Greenwoods, the Drudges, Marc Brandt, Buddy Bailey, Molly Coddle and Pattina Knack. He has two skill points in charisma, three in painting, five in guitar and seven in sculpting and was once employed as a Stagehand in the music career. He carries a guitar, a cane and a book in his inventory.

His name, Harwood, may be meant to suggest "hardwood" since he is a sculptor and both wood and clay are sculpting media. He is also one of the few male Sims that wear makeup.

An urn belonging to Macy Clay is behind the Laundromat's garage. She died in a fire; while the two share a surname, it is unknown whether they are related or not.


W Charisma Charisma 2
Guitar skill icon Guitar 5
Painting skill icon Painting 3
W sculpting career Sculpting 7