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The Sims 3
Not to be confused with Hang Out, Supernatural hangout, or Rebel hangout.
The red rendezvous
The Red Rendezvous, a premade hangout.

The Hangout is a lot assignment introduced with The Sims 3: Ambitions, and later added to The Sims 3 base game in a patch update, most likely Patch 18.[1]

Hangouts look like a bar or pub. They generate a blue map tag featuring a cafe table. Hangouts always have juice bars in them, but adding a barbecue or a food register[TS3:WA] allows them to serve food as well. Beds can be added to create a tavern.

Sims with the party animal, excitable, or childish traits are attracted to hangouts, while Sims with the loner trait are repulsed by it. Hangouts are also attractive to Sims with a high charisma skill.[2]

Lot compatibility[]

As of patch 36, if you add the required Showtime objects[TS3: ST] in a hangout, it will be able to host live show type gigs without requiring to change the lot assignment, allowing it to function as both lot types. It will however not be able to host SimFests.

List of hangout lots[]


The Red Rendezvous[]

The Red Rendezvous
The red rendezvous
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §46,337
Furnished lot value §83,722
N° of floors 3+1
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 2
World Twinbrook
Game TS3A Icon The Sims 3: Ambitions


The entire 2nd and 3rd floors are empty, giving players much space to work with if they wish to expand the available activities.

Hidden Springs[]

Shoreline Cabin[]

Shoreline Cabin
Shoreline Cabin
Address 3 Spruce Street
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §16,498
Furnished lot value §21,293
Lot size 20x30
N° of floors 1
Bedrooms 1
Bathrooms 1
Neighborhood Forest (Hidden Springs)
World Hidden Springs
Game Hidden Springs


Converting it into an unusually small resort,[TS3:IP] would be possible by selling some of the trees.

Han's Tavern and Café[]

Han's Tavern and Café
Han's Tavern and Café
Address 16 Subalpine Circle
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §23,608
Furnished lot value §37,876
Lot size 30x20
N° of floors 1
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 2
Neighborhood Forest (Hidden Springs)
World Hidden Springs
Game Hidden Springs


  • 1 coffeemaker.
  • 2 bathrooms.
  • 13 tables with seats.
  • Not much else.

Redwood Heights Luxury Lodge[]

Redwood Heights Luxury Lodge
Redwood Heights Luxury Lodge
Address 45 Ruby Avenue
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §94,072
Lot size 45x45
N° of floors 2
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 6
World Hidden Springs
Game Hidden Springs


Converting it into a resort,[TS3:IP] would be perfectly possible, though at least 3 of the picnic tables would have to be sold to make way for a resort bungalow.

Redwood Peak Viewing Area[]

Redwood Peak Viewing Area
Redwood Peak Viewing Area
Address 24 Summit Way
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §19,087
Furnished lot value §26,582
Lot size 40x40
N° of floors 1
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 2
World Hidden Springs
Game Hidden Springs


Lars' Disco-Tech[]

Lars' Disco-Tech
Lars' Disco-Tech
Address 11 Diopside Lane
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §39,394
Furnished lot value §70,781
Lot size 25x22
N° of floors 2
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 2
Neighborhood Downtown (Hidden Springs)
World Hidden Springs
Game Hidden Springs


If The Sims 3: Late Night is installed, the lot is moderately easy to convert to a club, by moving the stereo a bit to make space for a 5x5 dance floor, and replacing 1 or 2 of the juice bars with a professional bar.

Alvetta's Fresh Produce[]

Alvetta's Fresh Produce
Alvetta's Fresh Produce
Address 61 Subalpine Boulevard
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §1,804
Furnished lot value §2,819
Lot size 18x20
N° of floors 1
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 0
Neighborhood Downtown (Hidden Springs)
World Hidden Springs
Game Hidden Springs


As standalone rabbit holes were not normally given the Hangout lot assignment, the lot may have been given it by mistake.

Lucky Palms[]

Drinks at Diamondbacks[]

Drinks at Diamondbacks
Drinks at Diamondbacks
Address 30 Garden View Lane
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Lot size 30x30
N° of floors 2
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 2
World Lucky Palms
Game Lucky Palms


The lot is relatively easy to convert to a club[TS3:LN] by adding a dedicated dance floor object and a professional bar.

The Sandy Place[]

The Sandy Place
The Sandy Place
Address 113 Lakeside Drive
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §14,237
Furnished lot value §25,812
Lot size 20x20
N° of floors 1
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 0
Neighborhood Lakeside Drive
World Lucky Palms
Game Lucky Palms


Sunlit Tides[]

The Hideaway[]

The Hideaway
The Hideaway
Address 24 Paradise Circle
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §16,372
Furnished lot value §26,957
Lot size 25x25
N° of floors 1
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 0
World Sunlit Tides
Game Sunlit Tides


The Hot Spot[]

The Hot Spot
The Hot Spot
Address 32 Paradise Circle
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §22,961
Furnished lot value §44,405
Lot size 30x30
N° of floors 1
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 2
World Sunlit Tides
Game Sunlit Tides


The Relaxation Station[]

The Relaxation Station
The Relaxation Station
Address The Mountain Top
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §38,358
Furnished lot value §59,303
N° of floors 1
Bedrooms 1
Bathrooms 2
World Sunlit Tides
Game Sunlit Tides


Monte Vista[]

Worries and Woes Country Pub[]

Worries and Woes Country Pub
Worries and Woes Country Pub
Address 10 Via Veronaville
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §34,493
Furnished lot value §74,762
Lot size 25x25
N° of floors 2
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 0
World Monte Vista
Game Monte Vista


Mucho Espresso Café[]

Mucho Espresso Café
Mucho Espresso Café
Address 18 Via Veronaville #B
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Lot size 40x64
N° of floors 3
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 4
World Monte Vista
Game Monte Vista


Midnight Hollow[]

In addition to Lonely Literary Café, most lots in the shopping district have also been given the Hangout lot assignment.

Lonely Literary Café[]

Lonely Literary Café
Lonely Literary Café
Address 111 Shearin Stroll
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §35,553
Furnished lot value §61,173
Lot size 40x40
N° of floors 2
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 1
World Midnight Hollow
Game Midnight Hollow


Roaring Heights[]

Roaring Heights has 4 hangout lots, all of them located on Beach Drive within 130 squares of each other.

Beachfront Cafe[]

Beachfront Cafe
Beachfront Cafe Roaring Heights
Address 31 Beach Drive
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §41,062
Furnished lot value §55,868
Lot size 20x30
N° of floors 2
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 4
Neighborhood Beach Drive
World Roaring Heights
Game Roaring Heights
  • 2 coffeemakers.
  • 14 tables with seats.
  • A rather small backroom with a couch.

Note that what looks like a staircase up to the roof on the 3rd floor, is in fact fake, as there are no stairs inside that room.

Luminous Bar[]

The lot has some kind of concert stage, show stage, or amphitheater on it. Luminous Bar
Luminous Bar
Address 36 Beach Drive
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §98,019
Furnished lot value §129,549
Lot size 20x30
N° of floors 2
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 5
Neighborhood Beach Drive
World Roaring Heights
Game Roaring Heights
  • 2 juice bars.
  • 1 coffeemaker.
  • A stage on the 3rd floor. It perfectly fits both show stages[TS3:ST] (though spectator show floors would need some adapting to fit) and instrument gigs[TS3:LN] (which'd require changing the lot assignment). It is also one of two places in Roaring Heights to have electronics by default (A wall speaker that plays classical by default).
  • A guitar, not in connection to the stage.
  • Various tables with seats.

The Palm Tree Bar[]

The Palm Tree Bar
The Palm Tree Bar
Address 38 Beach Drive
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §59,137
Furnished lot value §156,901
Lot size 20x30
N° of floors 3
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 7
Neighborhood Beach Drive
World Roaring Heights
Game Roaring Heights
  • 2 juice bars.
  • 2 coffeemakers.
  • Various tables with seats and parasols.
  • 3 bike racks.

The 2nd and 3rd floor contain only kitchen counters and bathrooms, as if it was a hotel whose construction was cancelled halfway through. The very small outdoor space makes the lot non-viable to be turned into a resort, at least without selling a lot of bushes and tables.

Oceanside Cafe[]

Oceanside Cafe
Oceanside Cafe Roaring Heights
Address 42 Beach Drive
Type Lot TS4 Generic Community lot
Unfurnished lot value §77,242
Furnished lot value §102,005
Lot size 20x30
N° of floors 3
Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 2
Neighborhood Beach Drive
World Roaring Heights
Game Roaring Heights

Lot bin[]

Cake Pleasure Dome[]

Cake Pleasure Dome



Other languages (Lot assignments)[]

Language Title Translated etymology
English Hangout
Chinese (Traditional)
Norwegian Sted å henge Place to hang around
Portuguese (Europe)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Spanish (Europe)
Spanish (Mexico)

