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The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff The Sims 3: Into the Future The Sims 3 Store The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle

Green energy sources are a unique type of decorative object, included in The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff, The Sims 3 Store and The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle.

The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff[]

In The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff, purchasing any of these objects fulfills the minor "buy green energy source" want. Households with green energy sources receive a financial credit and, with enough sources of green energy, can generate enough of a credit to offset the amount that would be charged in bills; if this occurs, the bills will not be delivered and a notification will give the amount of credit left over, which is added to the household's funds.

There are two kinds of green energy sources — solar panels and windmills. The objects are found in the 'Miscellaneous' portion of the Decorations section in buy mode. Neither object contributes to the environment score.

"You got Sol" by Stellar Products[]

"You got Sol" by Stellar Products
Solar panel 1x1
Solar panel 2x1
Harness the power of the very sun! State of the art photovoltaic systems convert otherwise wasted solar rays into utilizable electric energy! Note: does not harness ALL the power of the very sun. That would be dangerous.
Game The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §600 (1x1) §1,200 (2x1)
Object type(s) Decorative
Size 1x1 or 2x1

Solar panels come in two forms, both named "'You got Sol' by Stellar Products." The first form is a 1x1 panel that costs §600. This panel must be placed on a floor tile, but can also be placed on a roof (as long as there is a floor somewhere below the roof). The second form is a 2x1 panel that costs §1200, and can be placed anywhere on the ground.

The Aerodynamo[]

The Aerodynamo
This windmill is the perfect Simoleon saving device for any thrifty energy user. Harness the power of a breezy day by converting said breeze directly into electricity for your house! Just don't try using it as giant fan when it's not windy; they do not work that way.
Game The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §1,680
Object type(s) Decorative
Size 2x1

The Windmill is known as "The Aerodynamo." It has a 2x1 footprint, and can be placed on open flat ground.

The Sims 3: Into the Future[]

In contrast to the objects for the other games listed on this page, the solar panels and windmill in Into the Future are purely decorative and non-functional.

Photovoltaic Cell[]

Photovoltaic Cell
Photovoltaic Cell
Game The Sims 3: Into the Future
Buyability Debug
Price in game §0
Size 22x19

Can be seen in solar panel parks on the most populated of the two grass plains.

Wind Turbine[]

Wind Turbine
Wind Turbine Into the Future
Game The Sims 3: Into the Future
Buyability Debug
Price in game §0
Size 2x2, 9 floors

The Sims 3 Store[]

Green energy sources return in The Sims 3 as freely downloadable items from A windmill and a solar panel are available. When placed on the lot, they will reduce the bills of the household, much like in The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff.

Day Star 3000[]

Day Star 3000
Much like zapping ants by foccusing the sun’s rays with a magnifying glass the Day Star 3000 Solar Panel transforms free solar energy into savings for your household.
Game The Sims 3 Store
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §800
Object type(s) Decorative
Size 2x2

The Legendary Wind Raker[]

The Legendary Wind Raker
Harvest the power of the elementals and reduce your household bills by being environmentally conscious.
Game The Sims 3 Store
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §3,000
Object type(s) Decorative
Size 1x1

The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle[]

Like in previous games, the usage of wind turbines and solar panels will reduce a household's bills. They can also provide power on lots with the Off-the-Grid lot challenge. Eco Lifestyle also includes water generators for producing water to reduce bills, or for use on an off-the-grid lot.

Classic Wind Turbine - Ground[]

Classic Wind Turbine - Ground
TS4 Classic Wind Turbine - Ground
All that wind, blowing high through the air... If only there was a way to reach it and harness it's power... Oh wait. There is. As the wind spins this turbine's propeller-blades, an internal generator is activated, creating a source of off-the-grid power.
Game The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §715
Size 3x2

Eco Footprint Green: 5
Power Production Rating: 2
Reliability: 4
Environment: 1

Classic Wind Turbine - Roof[]

Classic Wind Turbine - Roof
TS4 Classic Wind Turbine - Roof
This roof-mounted wind turbine is situated perfectly to catch those blustering breezes, blowing belligerently through the air. As the wind spins the propeller-blades, an internal generator is activated, creating a source of off-the-grid power.
Game The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §895
Size 3x2

Eco Footprint Green: 3
Power Production Rating: 3
Environment: 1

Household Power Generator[]

Household Power Generator
Household Power Generator
Capture the power of motion, and convert mechanical energy into electrical energy! Though it might not be the best option for the environment, it'll certainly decrease that monthly bill or provide power when there is none. Watt a marvel of engineering!
Game The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §1,465
Size 2x1

Eco Footprint Industrial: 7
Power Production Rating: 5
Reliability: 5

Solar Panel - Ground[]

Solar Panel - Ground
TS4 Solar Panel - Ground
Harness the power of the sun! Then use it for you own manical schemes! (Or to power your house.) Just remember to keep your panels clean, or they won't be doing much harnessing will they?
Game The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §675
Size 2x2

Eco Footprint Green: 5
Power Production Rating: 2
Reliability: 5

Solar Panel - Roof[]

Solar Panel - Roof
TS4 Solar Panel - Roof
The sun likes to play peek-a-boo, and when it pops out... this solar panel is ready! It'll snatch up those rays before they knew what hit them, transforming them into pure power. Hello power utility, i seeee you~
Game The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §850
Size 2x2

Eco Footprint Green: 3
Power Production Rating: 2


  • In The Sims 2, Dutch-style windmills are available in Neighborhood mode.[1]

