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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console)
Gordie Puck
Gordie Puck Headshot
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Rep group N/A
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis

Gordie Puck is an Urb found in The Urbz: Sims in the City. He can usually be found dozing in his desk in the university.


Gordie Puck will always be found sleeping in the lecture hall at Miniopolis University until Mission 4, Goal 4, Running from the Law, when the player wakes him up to ask him to bring a letter to the governor on Paradise Island. If the player has less than 40[URBZ GBA]/30[URBZ DS] popularity, he will refuse, saying that the player isn't popular enough for him to help them.

After reaching the aforementioned popularity threshhold and delivering Gordie the map of Paradise Island, Gordie will vanish from the lecture hall. He will return, although he will be sleeping again for the rest of the game. However, the player can now use one of the fan boats (parked on a dock right off of Glasstown) to get around the river.


Other languages[]

Language The Urbz: Sims in the City
English Gordie Puck
French Yann Ahmar
German Rolf Schlaumeler
Italian Marco Lettico
Spanish Amador Milón