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The Sims 3: Pets
Gavin Pinkerton
Gavin Pinkerton
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Stressed out and spurned by the very celebs Gavin used to rub shoulders with, he's escaped to the country where life moves at a slower pace. There's no room for error in the high stakes world of plastic surgery, and one malpractice lawsuit later left him disgraced and out of work. Wolfson's Hospital lept at the opportunity to bring a big city doctor on staff though, and he's working his way back up from the bottom.
Education and employment
Career W medical career Paramedic
Family Pinkerton family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Can't Stand Art small Can't Stand Art
Trait Hydrophobic small Hydrophobic
Trait Clumsy small Clumsy
Trait Charismatic small Charismatic
Trait Easily Impressed small Easily Impressed
Zodiac sign GeminiLN Gemini
Lifetime wish LTW World Renowned Surgeon World Renowned Surgeon
Favorites Fav Classical Classical
Fav Cookies Cookies
Fav Aqua Aqua
Hair color Haircolor1-TS3 Blond
Eye color Eye-blue Blue
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3P Icon The Sims 3: Pets
Playability Playable
World Appaloosa Plains

Gavin Pinkerton is a pre-made Sim who lives in Appaloosa Plains. He works at level 3 as a Paramedic in the Medical career. Gavin was a city-slicker surgeon who moved to the country after a lawsuit against him for malpractice. Gavin appears to have made himself comfortable as the charming town doctor, but he is haunted by the possibility of his poor reputation catching up to him and ruining his career forever.

He has 2 points in logic, which he must improve to 5 in order to get a promotion, as well as 5 points in cooking. He is friends with Patricia and Bertram Bedlington, and enemies with Vallari Chandra and Sofia Martingale. In his inventory, he carries a book.

Since (depending on patches or expansion packs) can't stand art conflicts with easily impressed, he will often only have four traits when played.


Cooking skill icon Cooking 5
Logic skill icon Logic 2
Cooking skill icon Cooking 5
Logic skill icon Logic 2


  • Gavin shares his surname with the Pinkerton household featured in The Sims 2 for console. It is unknown if he is a relative of one of the house members or just shares their surname.
  • Imogen Pelly may have been his last patient in Bridgeport, as she is recovering from botched plastic surgery.

