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The Sims 2: Apartment Life
Frances McCullough
Frances McCullough
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state Witch Witch
Family McCullough family
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Pisces Pisces
Aspiration Knowledge Knowledge
Lifetime want Max 7 Skills Max out 7 Skills
Turn-ons Skill Charisma Charismatic
Skill Mechanical Mechanical
Turn-off Skill Creativity Creative
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Red
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Light Blue
Skin color Skin-green Green
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Reputation Reputation Average Cabbage
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Apartment Life Icon The Sims 2: Apartment Life
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Belladonna Cove

Frances McCullough is the pre-made high evil witch from Belladonna Cove, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: Apartment Life. She is the only evil witch that isn't from the Magic stealth sub-neighborhood. She will only appear in Belladonna Cove. Like all evil witches, Frances can be made playable by befriending and asking her to move in, or by marrying her. She resides in the magical world of the Fortress of Eternal Darkness. She has a huge rivalry with the good high witch Phoebe Adams, and they will fight whenever they are on the same lot. This sort of autonomous reaction will always happen when an NPC good witch and an evil witch are on the same lot regardless of relationship.

Frances will usually cast Corruptus Locus to create thunderstorms and cockroach swarms, right after her arrival at a community lot. Like all high witches, she is unemployed, so the player can invite her over at any time from 7:00 A.M. - 11:59 P.M. whenever they want. Frances has the Knowledge aspiration, and the Pisces zodiac sign. She has the same facial structure as Jaiden Bruenig. Frances' personality points are randomized when Belladonna Cove is loaded. The following personality is only referenced in the game files. This happens with all the other high witches from Apartment Life. Since Frances is an evil witch, she will always have 0 nice points when she is first spawned in-game.

When it comes to her skill points, she is close to maximizing the logic and creativity skills. Frances is mostly interested in Paranormal, Money, Politics, Travel, and Crime. Her SimDNA in SimPE confirms that she had medium skin before she became a witch. Frances' formal outfit will also be randomized in each game. Frances is likely inspired by the Wicked Witch of the West from the book The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz by L. Frank Baum and its 1939 film adaptation The Wizard Of Oz and/or The Grand High Witch from the book The Witches and its 1990 film adaptation of the same name.


Skill Cooking Cooking 3
Skill Body Body 4
Skill Logic Logic 9
Skill Creativity Creativity 9
Skill Cleaning Cleaning 2

Kimberly Cordial Kimberly Cordial Friend Friend
Samantha Cordial Samantha Cordial Acquaintance Acquaintance
PhoebeAdams Phoebe Adams Enemy Enemy
Kimberly Cordial Kimberly Cordial Friend Friend
Samantha Cordial Samantha Cordial Acquaintance Acquaintance
PhoebeAdams Phoebe Adams Enemy Enemy

Sloppy 0 Neat
Shy 3 Outgoing
Lazy 3 Active
Serious 3 Playful
Grouchy 3 Nice
Sign / personality mismatch
A Sim with this personality would normally be an Aquarius.
Info information icon
Genetic personality
Frances' genetic personality is that of a standard Maxis Pisces: 5 neat, 3 outgoing, 7 active, 3 playful, 7 nice.

Politics Politics 7
Crime Crime 9
Food Food 4
Sports Sports 5
Work Work 5
School School 4
Money Money 7
Entertainment Entertainment 3
Health Health 1
Paranormal Paranormal 9
Weather Weather 4
Toys Toys 4
Environment Environment 2
Culture Culture 3
Fashion Fashion 2
Travel Travel 9
Animals Animals 0
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 4

Met Sim Met Mystery Sim Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time Positive
Met Sim Met Mystery Sim Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time Positive

Grandiose Grimoire Grandiose Grimoire §630
Cast Iron Cauldron Cast Iron Cauldron §870
ReNuYu Porta-Chug ReNuYu Porta-Chug §125
Grandiose Grimoire Grandiose Grimoire §630
Cast Iron Cauldron Cast Iron Cauldron §870
ReNuYu Porta-Chug ReNuYu Porta-Chug §125


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Frances McCullough
French Frances McCullough
German Frances McCullough
Italian Frances McCullogh
Spanish Francis Benítez
Dutch Francis McMollie
Danish Francesca Bendixen
Swedish Frida Mullberg
Norwegian Fredrikke VonStøgga
Finnish Raisa Synkmieli
Russian Фрэнсис Макаллоу
Portuguese Francina Magaléria
Japanese フランセス マカルー
Polish Hildegarda Kaszelek
Chinese (simplified) 弗朗西斯 迈克拉弗
Chinese (traditional) 法蘭西斯 麥克卡拉
Thai ฟรานเชส แมค​คุล​โล
Korean 프랜시스 맥컬로프
Czech Frances McCulloughová
Hungarian Frances McCullough
Brazilian Portuguese Frances Matilda