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The Sims 3: Supernatural
Flint MacDuff
Flint MacDuff
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Witch icon Witch
When he was younger, Flint was really into his witchcraft and spent all day casting spells and causing trouble for unsuspecting Sims. One day, he cast a spell and accidentally set off fire sprinklers in an apartment building, but his bad magic turned to good fortune when he met a soaking-wet young lady named Joanie…and ended up marrying her! Joanie set Flint straight and now he uses magic mostly to fix things around the house, though he seems to break more stuff than he fixes.
Education and employment
Career W military career Fighter Pilot
Family MacDuff family
Marital status Married
Romances Joanie MacDuff Wife
Children Joe MacDuff Son, Jules MacDuff Son, Faith MacDuff Daughter, Felicity MacDuff Daughter, Unborn baby MacDuff Child
Traits Trait Absent-Minded small Absent-Minded
Trait Workaholic small Workaholic
Trait Handy small Handy
Trait Family-Oriented small Family-Oriented
Trait Computer Whiz small Computer Whiz
Zodiac sign CancerLN Cancer
Lifetime wish LTW Become an Astronaut Become an Astronaut
Favorites Fav Electronica Electronica
Fav Pancakes Pancakes
Fav Orange Orange
Hair color Haircolor3-TS3 Brown
Eye color Eye-brown Brown
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game TS3SN Icon The Sims 3: Supernatural
Playability Playable
World Moonlight Falls

Flint MacDuff is a pre-made playable Witch residing in Moonlight Falls, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Supernatural. He lives with his wife, Joanie and four kids, Joe, Jules, Faith and Felicity, with his wife pregnant with their fifth child. At the start of the game, he has 6 skill points in athletic and 5 in handiness. He carries a wand, a laptop and a copy of "GPod" in his inventory. He has two points in the hidden spellcasting.

Flint is best friends with Joe and Joanie, good friends with another witch, Belinda Crumplebottom, Chauncey Grimm and his oldest daughter, Faith, and friends with Beatrice Crumplebottom, Jules and Felicity. He is also distant friends with Bianca Crumplebottom and enemies with Navita Singh. Flint and his son Jules are the only pre-made male witches in Moonlight Falls.


W athletic skill Athletic 6
Handiness skill icon Handiness 5