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Family fishing

For fishing in other games, see Fishing.
See also: Fishing spot and Sea Life Collecting
W fishing skill

Fishing is a skill in The Sims 3. This skill is gained by fishing in the ponds or ocean around the map. The higher the Sims' fishing skill is, the more types of fish they can catch. Books can be bought at the bookstore showing the bait that can be used to catch specific fish, but a Sim can determine the bait through trial and error by simply selecting a bait and seeing what they catch. Water can be inspected to see what known fish can be caught there, and whether the fish are active.

The skill is augmented by the angler and loves the outdoors traits. Child Sims and older Sims with the childish or insane traits can fish in swimming pools. The fishing skill class is held at the grocery store.

When Sims reach level 3 in the gardening skill, they can use fish as a fertilizer for harvestable plants in their garden. The quality of the fish depends on how effective the fertilizer will be on the plant it is used on.

There are certain types of fish that can only be caught if Sims travel to one of the three locations shipped with The Sims 3: World Adventures. Sims can catch frogs, snails and crawfish in Champs Les Sims. In Shang Simla the types of fish Sims can catch are doitsu koi, kawarimono koi, ochiba koi, tancho koi and dragon fish. In Al Simhara, Sims can catch crocodiles and mummy fish. These fish are exclusive to these locations and cannot be caught in any other world shipped with The Sims 3.

With The Sims 3: Ambitions expansion pack, players can register as a self-employed angler.

When a Sim maximizes the fishing skill, they will receive a certificate in the mail, saying: "The Maught Key Fishers' Association congratulates you, for achieving the very highest level of achievement in your fishing endeavors. Please accept this handsomely framed certificate and display it with pride knowing others will see just how skilled you are."


  • Number Caught
  • Fish Types Caught
  • Heaviest Fish Caught
  • Most Money Earned From Selling A Fish
  • Total Money Earned from Fishing


Amateur Ichthyologist
Amateur Ichthyologists have caught at least 20 types of fish. Their deep understanding of marine life helps them catch bigger fish than normal Sims.
Commercial Fisherman
Commercial Fishermen have caught at least 350 fish. They often catch more fish in less time than normal Sims.


  • Commercial Fishermen fish 60% faster than the original time, if they also have the Angler trait then it is a total 145% faster.


Level Ability
1 Inspect Water
3 Choose bait
5 Use live bait

Every two levels the game announces the Sim can catch more fish and to check the bookstore.

The Sim can learn the bait type for a specific fish species by buying and reading fishing books from the bookstore or just by successfully catching a particular species once using the right bait type. Fishing books are not available in the community public library.

All aquatic animals caught fishing can be kept as pets in an aquarium or they can be used to stock a pond.


Fish Skill Name Habitat Rarity Bait Weight (Kg) Min Value Simoleons Max Value Simoleons EP
Minnow 0 Minnow Fresh Water Common Apple 0.1 - 0.5 5 11 &BG
TS3 Icon
Anchovy 0 Anchovy Salt Water Common Tomato 0.1 - 0.5 5 11 &BG
TS3 Icon
Goldfish 1 Goldfish Fresh Water Common Lettuce 0.1 - 2 6 16 &BG
TS3 Icon
Alley Catfish 1 Alley Catfish Fresh and Salt Water Uncommon Cheese 0.1 - 5 6 20 &BG
TS3 Icon
Jellyfish 2 Jellyfish Salt Water Common Grapes 0.1 - 10 8 19 &BG
TS3 Icon
Rainbow Trout 2 Rainbow Trout Fresh Water Common Egg 1 - 10 9 18 &BG
TS3 Icon
Red Herring 3 Red Herring Fresh and Salt Water Common Links 1 - 10 5 5 &BG
TS3 Icon
Tuna 3 Tuna Salt Water Common Onion 2 - 40 11 25 &BG
TS3 Icon
Tragic Clownfish 4 Tragic Clownfish Salt Water Uncommon Watermelon 5 - 15 14 30 &BG
TS3 Icon
Siamese Catfish 4 Siamese Catfish Fresh and Salt Water Uncommon Bell Pepper 5 - 40 13 32 &BG
TS3 Icon
Piranha 5 Piranha Fresh Water Common Minnow 3 - 25 14 41 &BG
TS3 Icon
Blowfish 5 Blowfish Salt Water Uncommon Potato 5 - 40 14 47 &BG
TS3 Icon
Salmon 6 Salmon Fresh and Salt Water Common Lime 10 - 50 14 45 &BG
TS3 Icon
Black Goldfish 6 Black Goldfish Fresh Water Common Goldfish 5 - 25 16 49 &BG
TS3 Icon
Swordfish 7 Swordfish Salt Water Common Anchovy 20 - 60 17 60 &BG
TS3 Icon
Shark 7 Shark Fresh and Salt Water Uncommon Red Herring 1 - 150 7 70 &BG
TS3 Icon
Angelfish 8 Angelfish Fresh and Salt Water Uncommon Alley Catfish 2 - 60 21 85 &BG
TS3 Icon
Vampire Fish 8 Vampire Fish Fresh Water Rare Garlic 25 - 80 55 225 &BG
TS3 Icon
Lobster 9 Lobster Fresh and Salt Water Common Tuna 5 - 50 25 120 &BG
TS3 Icon
Robot Fish 9 Robot Fish Fresh Water Rare Piranha 250 - 1,000 50 275 &BG
TS3 Icon
Deathfish 10 Deathfish Fresh Water Rare Angelfish 20 - 80 200 1,000 &BG
TS3 Icon
Frog 0 Frog Fresh Water Common Cherimola Blan Grapes 0.1 - 1 6 13 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Doitsu Koi 0 Doitsu Koi Fresh Water Common Pomelo 1 - 25 7 14 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Kawarimono Koi 3 Kawarimono Koi Fresh Water Common Plum 1 - 25 14 28 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Snails 3 Snails Fresh and Salt Water Uncommon Renoit Grapes 0.1 - 1 8 20 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Crocodile 4 Crocodile Fresh Water Uncommon Siamese Catfish 1 - 400 14 40 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Ochiba Koi 5 Ochiba Koi Fresh Water Uncommon Pomelo 1 - 50 20 65 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Crawfish 5 Crawfish Fresh and Salt Water Uncommon Frog 0.1 - 3 15 45 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Tancho Koi 7 Tancho Koi Fresh Water Uncommon Plum 1 - 50 25 90 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Mummy Fish 8 Mummy Fish Fresh Water Rare Pomegranate 25 - 80 280 1,200 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Dragon Fish 9 Dragon Fish Fresh Water Rare Tancho Koi 40 - 150 60 300 &EP01
TS3WA Icon
Sea Sludge 2 Sea Sludge Fresh and Salt Water Common Links 1 - 100 11 22 &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Kissing Gourami 4 Kissing Gourami Fresh and Salt Water Common Goldfish 0.1 - 15 8 15 &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Sewer Trilobite 6 Sewer Trilobite Fresh and Salt Water Common Minnow 1 - 100 35 75 &EP03
TS3LN Icon
Sea Bat Starfish 1 Sea Bat Starfish Salt Water Common Tofu 1 - 25 8 42 &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Linckia Starfish 5 Linckia Starfish Salt Water Uncommon Tofu 1 - 40 16 76 &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Ninja Starfish 10 Ninja Starfish Salt Water Rare Tofu 1 - 80 50 400 &EP06
TS3ST Icon
Toad 1 Toad Fresh Water Common Red Toadstool 0.4 - 2 8 20 &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Luminous Salamander 4 Luminous Salamander Fresh and Salt Water Uncommon Mycenas 0.1 - 1 20 90 &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Fairy Damsel 8 Fairy Damsel Salt Water Rare Glow Orbs 4 - 65 50 300 &EP07
TS3SN Icon
Three Eyed Fish 0 Three Eyed Fish Fresh and Salt Water Common Apple 2 - 10 5 25 &EP11
Rainbow Snail 0 Rainbow Snail Fresh and Salt Water Common Lime 0.1 - 5 15 50 &EP11


  • Ironically, the Vampire Fish's favorite bait is garlic, which is one of a vampire's weaknesses.
  • Robot Fish can be found in a pond in most science labs. It's the only fish that can weigh over one ton.
  • Deathfish can be found in a pond in graveyards. It can only be caught between midnight and 5 AM, unless it's caught from a Sim-made deathfish-stocked pond. The graveyard pond will only yield a maximum of six (sometimes five) deathfish per night. After the sixth is caught, the pond reverts to just red herring and vampire fish, regardless of the hour.
  • Red Herring is not a real fish, but a common expression for something that distracts attention from a real issue. Like most fish, herrings have silvery scales.
  • All fish from Island Paradise cannot be caught from fishing. The only way to catch them is from scuba diving in the diving areas, and is considered Sea Life Collecting.
    • It is, however, possible to stock a pond with them like any other fish and catch them that way. If you stock a pond with these fish, they cannot be seen swimming in the water but they can still be caught like all other fish in the game. It appears that they were only partially implemented for regular fishing, as an oversight unintentional or with the intention of also making them fishable but ended up being cut.
  • Traveling to the future is not enough to catch either of the unique fish in Into the Future without placing Buydebug spawners. You must go into the Dystopian future to catch a Three Eyed Fish and into the Utopian Future to Catch a Rainbow Snail.


Opportunity Description Reward
A Fish of Life and Death Catch a Deathfish and Deliver Deathfish at the Science Facility to earn some money. §350 + § Variable
A Plumber and Fisherman Unclog pipes at City Hall before time runs out to earn some money. §500 + 1x Random Fish
An Excellent Catch Catch an excellent fish and Sell Fish at the Supermarket to earn some money. § Variable
Aquarium Fishing Attend Fishing Competition at the Supermarket before time runs out to catch an assortment of fish. §1,000 + 5x Random Fish
Fishing for Suits Teach Fishing Seminar at the Business Office before time runs out to earn some money. § Variable
Fresh Fish Catch 3 fish, then Sell Fish at the Supermarket to earn some money. § Variable
Funny Looking Fish Catch a Tragic Clownfish at the Theatre to earn some money. §250 + § Variable
Heaps of Fresh Fish Catch 15 fish, then Sell Fish at the Supermarket to earn some money. § Variable
Lobsters in Demand! Catch a Lobster and Sell Lobster to the Supermarket to earn some money. §100 + § Variable
Lots of Fresh Fish Catch 6 fish, then Sell Fish at the Supermarket to earn some money. § Variable
Monster from the Deep Catch Behemoth at the Science Facility before time runs out to earn some money. §4,000
Piscine Perfection Catch a perfect fish and Sell Fish at the Supermarket to earn some money. § Variable
Robot Fish v2.0 Catch a Robot Fish and Sell Robot Fish at the Science Facility to earn some money. §350 + § Variable
Say Hello to My Little Fish Catch a Black Goldfish and Sell Black Goldfish at the Police Station to earn some money. §650 + § Variable


Icon Name Lifetime Happiness Description Trigger EP
W fishing skill
W learn s
Learn Fishing Skill 500 Your Sim seeks to learn something new to enrich and enlighten. Have your Sim refine a talent to perhaps pick up a new skill! &BG
TS3 Icon
W fishing skill
W learn s
Take a Class in the Fishing Skll 500 Your Sim wants to take a Fishing Skill class to learn the skill. Visit the Supermarket to enroll in the class. &BG
TS3 Icon
W fishing skill
W improve s
Improve Fishing Skill 500 Learning is an exciting pursuit many Sims enjoy. Your Sim wants to improve a skill so they can do more things with the knowledge! Practice the skill until your Sim gains a level. &BG
TS3 Icon
W fishing skill
Go Fishing 150 Local bodies of water are beckoning to your Sim. The fish are biting, your Sim just knows it! Pick a nice fishing spot and cast away! &BG
TS3 Icon
W fishing skill
W learn s
Go Fishing Before 6AM 500 The early bird catches the worm, or in this case, the early Sim brings in the big fish. Your Sims wants to wake up extra early to fish out of the calm, pre-dawn waters. &BG
TS3 Icon
W generic fish
Catch a New Type of Fish 300 The first fish caught is always the one best remembered. There's nothing like hooking a new species! Your Sim wants to catch the first of a certain type of fish. &BG
TS3 Icon
W generic fish
W number 5 s
Catch [#] New Types of Fish Varies There are only so many fish species in the water, but your Sim hopes to catch a large number of them. Catch several new types of fish to satisfy your Sim. &BG
TS3 Icon
W generic fish
Catch Every Type of Fish 7,500 Your Sim dreams of catching every fish that swims in the local bodies of water. Seek out the best fishing spots, bring some bait, and get to it! &BG
TS3 Icon
W learn s
Learn Bait for [Fish name] Varies Some fish bite more often when the correct bait is attached to the lure. Your Sim wants to learn the bait for a certain fish. Read bait books purchased from the bookstore, or experiment with different types of bait to see what works! &BG
TS3 Icon
W generic fish
Catch Something with Live Bait 300 Your Sim wants to experiment with live bait to catch something. Pick the correct bait, make sure it's wriggling, and cast away. &BG
TS3 Icon
W number 10 s
Catch [#] [Fish name] Varies Your Sim hopes to spend some time at the beach or lake with a fishing rod in hand to catch several fish. &BG
TS3 Icon
W quality perfect
Catch a Perfect [Fish name] 500 The highest quality fish are caught by the best fishermen, and only if they continue casting until quality is caught. Your Sim wants to catch a Perfect fish. &BG
TS3 Icon
W generic fish
W scale s
Catch a [#] Kilogram Fish 400 Only the biggest catches are worth mentioning. Your Sim wants to catch a certain sized fish of which to be proud. &BG
TS3 Icon
W generic fish
W scale s
Catch a Record Size Fish 300 Your Sim wants to beat a personal best and catch a record size fish. Check the skill journal to see what your Sim is up against and start casting! &BG
TS3 Icon
W fishbowl s
Put [Fish name] in Fish Bowl 250 Sims like to catch fish and put them in a fish bowl to cherish forever... assuming the fish is fed. Your Sim wants to catch a fish and put it in a fish bowl. &BG
TS3 Icon
W fishing skill
W top level s
Master the Fishing Skill 5,000 Mastering a Skill takes a great patience and dedication, but your Sim aspires to be the best. Have your Sim practice the skill and complete Opportunities, and great things will happen. &BG
TS3 Icon


Fish can be mounted on walls by clicking on a fish in a Sim's inventory and choosing "send to be mounted" and paying a small fee around 70 Simoleons. The trophy should arrive the next day in the mailbox.

Fish can also be put in fish bowls or an aquarium[TS3:HELS]. Fish bowls can be bought in buy mode. All fish fit in a bowl, one fish per bowl or six fish per tank. Fish are nameable, but must be fed each day or they will die. Fish can be scooped out of bowls, and put back in a Sim's inventory.

Stocking ponds[]



If a Sim has 10 or more fish of one type in their inventory, they can stock any pond with that fish. By stocking fish, a new type of fish is introduced in that pond. The pond will then contain an unlimited supply of that fish type for fishing.

There is no limit on how many different fish types there can be in one pond. Any type of fish or any type of pond will do, including Deathfish and ponds not on playable lots. Stocking a pond with the Deathfish (or any other fish, for that matter) will allow it to be caught at any time of the day in that pond.

A tip in obtaining better Death Fish is purchasing 10 Alley Catfish and stocking them in a pond in order to obtain a perfect Alley Catfish. Then fish 10 Angel Fish and stock them in the same pond. At midnight to 5am the angler will be able to get a very good or perfect Deathfish.

Buydebug fishing spawners[]

Main article: Fishing spawner

Fishing spots can be populated with fish by using fishing spawners. Fishing spawners can be found under the buy menu when the cheat buydebug is turned on.

Strange occurrences[]

Sometimes a Sim may catch an old box which will give them various things. The box randomly grants the Sim one object from the following list, sorted according to the rarity of the items.

Since the game's files use weightings instead of percentages for the box's items, the conversions into percentages in the table below has the percentages rounded up or down to the nearest 2 decimals.

Item Without WA With WA
Ducksworth of Bathington 17.43% 11.11%
Bubble Bath 13.95% 8.89%
Candle 13.95% 8.89%
Birthday cake 13.95% 8.89%
Garden gnome 8.71% 5.56%
Escape Dust[TS3:WA] 5.56%
Mummy snacks[TS3:WA] 5%
Liquid Courage potion[TS3:WA] 5%
Sands of Understanding[TS3:WA] 5%
Skeleton keystone[TS3:WA] 3.89%
Guitar 5.57% 3.61%
Stereo 5.57% 3.61%
Death Flower 5.22% 3.33%
Mysterious Mr. Gnome 5.22% 3.33%
Sultan Sam the Magical Gnome of Egypt 3.33%
Master Manchu the Magical Gnome of China 3.33%
Little Léon the Magical Gnome of France 3.33%
Money Tree seed 4.35% 2.78%
Flame Fruit 3.48% 2.22%
Laptop 2.6% 1.67%
Master Thief's Coin[TS3:WA] 1.11%
Eyes of Horus[TS3:WA] 0.56%

