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The Sims 4: My Wedding Stories
Faiz Jaleel
Faiz Jaleel
Gender Male Male
Age Age yadult selected Young Adult
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Faiz is a poetic, hopeless romantic living in an area that specializes in the wedding industry—a constant reminder of his single status. He spends his days in the village square, selling flowers, and daydreaming of his missing soulmate. Perhaps one day, his dreams will come true. But until then... he has a flower for everyone.
Education and employment
Career Vendor
Family Jaleel family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait TS4 Active Active
Trait TS4 Loves Outdoors Loves Outdoors
Trait TS4 Romantic Romantic
Trait TS4 Alluring Alluring
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Soulmate Soulmate
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS4 GP11 My Wedding Stories Icon The Sims 4: My Wedding Stories
Playability Townie
World Tartosa

Faiz Jaleel is a pre-made townie residing in Tartosa, the world shipped with The Sims 4: My Wedding Stories. He does not live in a house but can be found in Manage Worlds.

Faiz is a young adult, and is 26 days away from becoming an adult. He has the Soulmate aspiration, and works as an NPC, running the flower stand in Porto Luminoso, where Sims can buy wedding bouquets. He has five skill points in charisma, photography and singing and six in flower arranging.

He is close friends with Dominique Soto.


Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma 5
Skill TS4 FlowerArranging Flower arranging 6
Skill TS4 Photography Photography 5
Skill TS4 Singing Singing 5

Dominique Soto Dominique Soto Good Friend Good Friend
Dominique Soto Dominique Soto Good Friend Good Friend

Skill TS4 Gardening
Gardening Likes
Skill TS4 Video Gaming
Video Gaming Likes
TS4 Like Pink
Pink Likes
TS4 Like Pop Music
Pop Likes
TS4 Like Mixology
Mixology Dislikes
Skill TS4 Programming
Programming Dislikes


Grapevine Gossip Grapevine Gossip[]

Faiz, like other citizens of Tartosa, has a special interaction called Grapevine Gossip that reveals tidbits of lore relating to himself, his ancestry, or the town's history. Depending on your relationship level with Faiz, different secrets will be revealed.

Some of Faiz's secrets from the second tier repeat in the third tier.

0-32 Relationship Points[]

  • "Hey there! I hope you're having a lovely day. If you didn't know, I run the flower cart in the village. Feel free to come by anytime to pick out the best flowers the area has to offer, or just to say hello. I always love chatting with people."
  • "Everyone loves the fruit tarts around here, and I do too! But I also love the macarons. And the cake. Okay, maybe I just have a sweet tooth. But if you live here, it's practically a requirement. You try running a flower cart with the smell of amazing things baking nearby all the time without developing one!"

33-65 Relationship Points[]

  • "Yes, I sell flowers from my cart. But as a tip, if you need to save some money... You can always find wild flowers growing outside the village around here. They're lovely, too, and hand-picked flowers always send a special message when you give them to others."
  • "Once I picked up the book, "Pickup Lines for the Flirtatiously Inept" by Dr. Phyllis. I'm not sure it was very helpful; I much preferred "Diplomacy for Dummies" by Dimitry Hard. Of course, Dimitry tends to skimp a bit on the romance, but nobody's perfect."
  • "Most people don't know it, but I also really enjoy photography. There are some great places around here to take pictures. If you're close with Dominique, she might give you some pointers. As a painter she's already found all the best spots. Once I found her hanging upside down from the Lover's Tree to "get a new perspective" on life. Artists, eh?"
  • "Did you know I love writing poetry? Of course I do. Flowers. Romance. It speaks to my soul! I could tell you chapter and verse just about how much I love to write, well, chapter and verse!"
  • "I spend a lot of my day daydreaming—when I'm not speaking to a customer, of course. There's so much I want out of life, especially love."
  • "Do you have a favorite poet? Mine is Mabel Eloise Clift. She works with post-modern verse, and her poems are surprisingly short. Very impactful though. I like the one called Rose. I can recite it from heart. It goes like this: "Red. A rose.""

66-100 Relationship Points[]

  • "I really appreciate it when people take time out of their day to talk with me. Even though things seem a little more laid-back on Tartosa, sometimes people get so absorbed in the day-to-day that they don't stop to, well, smell the roses. Sorry, that's so corny! But I'm happy to talk with you more!"
  • (Repeated) "Yes, I sell flowers from my cart. But as a tip, if you need to save some money... You can always find wild flowers growing outside the village around here. They're lovely, too, and hand-picked flowers always send a special message when you give them to others."
  • (Repeated) "Did you know I love writing poetry? Of course I do. Flowers. Romance. It speaks to my soul! I could tell you chapter and verse just about how much I love to write, well, chapter and verse!"
  • (Repeated) "I spend a lot of my day daydreaming—when I'm not speaking to a customer, of course. There's so much I want out of life, especially love."
  • (Repeated) "Do you have a favorite poet? Mine is Mabel Eloise Clift. She works with post-modern verse, and her poems are surprisingly short. Very impactful though. I like the one called Rose. I can recite it from heart. It goes like this: "Red. A rose.""