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The Sims 3: Showtime
Evan Best
Evan Best
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Evan is a very friendly person who cares deeply for his family. His greatest goal is to "fight the good fight" so his kids can live in a crime-free city. He runs a stern household and strives to teach his children the hard working values he learned from his father, Paul. He was delighted to be invited to live with his father and moved his family back into town right away. Unfortunately, the snobby, spoiled Gooder family still lives next door, but regardless Evan still looks forward his family being closer with his father.
Education and employment
Career W law enforcement career Lieutenant
Family Best family
Parents Paul Best
Marital status Married
Romances Catherine Best Wife
Children Mandy Best Daughter Calvin Best Son Abigail Best Daughter Maria Best Daughter Unborn baby Best Child
Traits Trait Workaholic small Workaholic
Trait No Sense of Humor small No Sense of Humor
Trait Daredevil small Daredevil
Trait Family-Oriented small Family-Oriented
Trait Good small Good
Zodiac sign GeminiLN Gemini
Lifetime wish LTW International Super Spy International Super Spy
Favorites Fav Latin Latin
Fav Hot Dog Hot Dogs
Fav Blue Blue
Hair color Haircolor5-TS3 Black
Eye color Eye-green Green
Skin color Tan skin-TS3 Tan
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game TS3ST Icon The Sims 3: Showtime
Playability Playable
World Starlight Shores

Evan Best is a pre-made playable Sim residing in Starlight Shores, one of the worlds shipped with The Sims 3: Showtime. He lives with his large family, consisting of his father Paul, pregnant wife Catherine and their four children, Mandy, Calvin, Abigail and Maria. He is friends with everyone in his family and enemies with the Gooder family and Kirstin Law.

Evan is 12 days away from becoming an elder and has not learned any skills. In his inventory, he carries his police cruiser, a book and a laptop. Oddly enough, he bears a resemblance to Edward Gooder. His hair is black, but all his children have either brown or blonde hair. This may lead to some players theorizing that he dyes his hair.
