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This article is about Simology. The Sims 4
TS4 Bella Emotion Happy

Emotions are a gameplay feature introduced in The Sims 4[1] which are a core part of a Sim's simology. It is similar to mood, but is more easily affected by in-game events and social interactions with other Sims.

The current emotional state of a Sim is depicted in a pannel on the lower left corner of the screen while playing and each change in emotion is accompanied by a "mood sting" (as refered to in the game settings). A sting is a musical sound that is meant to portray/match the new emotion a sim is feeling. For the case of Anger, for example, the sound involves deep-sounding chords and drums, to imply a negative feeling.

There are several ranges of emotions. Sims may reach one stage of an emotion, and then progress to a second, more extreme stage of the same emotion. For the case of Anger, Embarrassment and Playfulness, they can then progress to the third stage (Enraged, Mortified and Hysterical, respectively), which is an even more extreme stage that can lead to emotional death. For instance, a Sim that is embarrassed may become very embarrassed, more embarrassment leads to mortified. Sims that stay in that extreme emotional state may eventually die from it.[2]

In The Sims 4, Moodlets can influence the current emotion of a Sim. A sim can have multiple moodlets active and each moodlet can have a different emotion associated to it. It is common to see a couple green (Happy) moodlets, followed by a pink (Flirty) moodlet, for example, when looking at the bottom left pannel.

It is also noted that some objects in-game can affect the emotions of some Sims,[1] though the Sim has to be already feeling in a particular way in order for an object to affect them emotionally.[3]

Emotional states[]

Emotion and info Game dialog Sources, effects, and remedies

TS4 Bella Emotion Angry

Very Angry
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Angry

TS4 Bella Emotion Enraged

Stages: Angry, Very Angry, Enraged
Infants/toddlers: Yes
  • It is difficult for Angry Sims to socialize and build skills.
Try taking a cold shower or calming down in the mirror!
  • Hot-Head: Hot-Headed Sims feel motivated to get fit when they're Angry.
Try working out or going for a run!
  • Toddlers: (Sim Name) is Angry. Try to calm him/her down.
  • Infants: (Sim Name) is Angry! A little TLC can go along way in calming him/her down.
  • Enraged: This Sim is so Angry that they're about to explode!
Try taking a cold shower or calming down in the mirror!
  • Sources: Can be received from: the Hot-Headed trait, eating Angry Flaming Spaghetti, drinking Red Hot Serum,[TS4:GTW] and receiving unpleasant interactions from other Sims, randomly from children and teens coming back from school, seeing their spouse flirting with another person.
  • Effects: Negatively affects interactions. Sims tend to be more aggressive that decreases the relationship with other Sims. Sims with the Hot-Headed trait can boost physical skills. Being enraged can cause death.
  • Remedies: A punching bag, a cold shower, kicking a garbage can, stomping in trash, or a mirror interaction called "try to calm down" can be used to relieve the Sim from the emotion. Additionally, another Sim can try to calm down an angry Sim.
TS4 Bella Emotion Asleep
Stages: Asleep
Infants/toddlers: Yes
  • A sleeping Sim has drifted off, ignoring the feelings they had during the day.
  • Toddlers: Aw. Your little wittle toddler has drifted off to sleep. Finally!
  • Infants: So precious when they're sleeping. Better try not to wake the baby.
  • Source: Received when a Sim sleeps.
  • Effect: The "Sleeping Soundly" moodlet shows 10000+ points towards the asleep emotion, overriding any other emotions except for the possessed moodlet from StrangerVille, which shows 7,548,431+ points towards it.
TS4 Bella Emotion Bored
Stages: Bored
Infants/toddlers: No
  • A Bored Sim won't feel like doing anything that isn't fun.
Try out some new fun activities!
  • Sources: Occurs during social interactions with Sims, randomly occurs when children and teens come home from school, when a secret agent Sim researches intelligence on the computer, often after the 'Fill Out Reports' action is done on the computer, when Sims are reading books whose skill are low for them, when finished searching for information on vampires, or when playing video games for a long time. It can also happen if a teen or older without the childish trait watches children's TV shows. Sims with Dance machine trait will get bored if not dancing for too long.

TS4 Bella Emotion Confident

Very Confident
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Confident

Stages: Confident, Very Confident
Infants/toddlers: No
  • A Confident Sim finds it easy to succeed at all things social.
Try building Charisma skill by socializing with others!
  • Sources: Can be received from the Self-Assured trait when waking up, sending a text message, cooking a meal, practicing speech in front of a mirror, brushing teeth, finishing a good book or painting, successfully repairing or upgrading, achieving academic performance, or when winning a fight against a Sim.
  • Effects: Helps social related performance. Increases the Charisma skill gain rate. Enables the ability to Schmooze with Boss at work, enhances work performance without lowering Fun need with a chance of embarrassed moodlet. Also enables Sims to pee like a champion.
TS4 Bella Emotion Dazed
Stages: Dazed
Infants/toddlers: No
  • A Dazed Sim is feeling a bit woozy and will have trouble doing anything significant.
Try taking a quick nap or a nice bath!
  • Sources: Can be received when losing a fight, being electrocuted, crash landing a rocket ship, being too highly caffeinated, or drinking a bottle of daze from a cowplant, or eating a grand meal. Can also received when a healthy Sim uses medicine, or after being abducted by aliens. [TS4:GTW] Can also be received by being the target of vampire powers. [TS4:V] Can also be received by using the bubble bar. [TS4:CL] Can also be received by getting sucked into a fabricator. [TS4:EL]
  • Effects: Sims cannot run when going outdoors, leveling up skills becomes slower. It also refreshes their whims.
  • Remedies: Sleeping.

TS4 Bella Emotion Embarrassed

Very Embarrassed
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Embarrassed

TS4 Bella Emotion Mortified

Stages: Embarrassed, Very Embarrassed, Mortified
Infants/toddlers: No
  • It's really hard for an Embarrassed Sim to talk to other Sims.
Try to give yourself a pep talk in the mirror or hide from everyone!
  • Mortified: This Sim is so Embarrassed, they're ready to curl up and die... literally
Try a pep talk in the mirror or hide from everyone in bed for a bit!
  • Sources: Can be received from being humiliated in a discussion while multiple Sims are present, doing boring jokes, having a bladder accident, or by walking in on another Sim bathing or on the toilet.
  • Effects: Sims appear to be awkward, socialization is more likely to fail. Being mortified can cause death.
  • Remedies: Giving a pep talk in a mirror, asking for reassurance, telling a self-deprecating joke, hiding away from everyone, sharing insecurities.

TS4 Bella Emotion Energized

Very Energized
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Energized

Stages: Energized, Very Energized
Infants/toddlers: Yes
  • An Energized Sim will tire slower and is better at physical activities!
Try working out or cleaning the house!
  • Toddlers: An Energized Toddler wants to run and play around the house! Get them moving!
  • Sources: Can be received from drinking energy drinks, drinking tea, eating a high energy protein platter prepared by energized Sims with sufficient cooking skill, jogging or taking a Brisk Shower.
  • Effects: Helps sports related progression. Makes Energy need decay slower. Enables energized sports actions and Speedy Shower.
TS4 Bella Emotion Fine
Stages: Fine
Infants/toddlers: Yes
  • A Sim that is Fine isn't feeling particularly strongly in one way or the other.
Go try some stuff and see what happens!
  • Infants: An Infant that is Fine is content and not feeling particularly strongly in one way or the other.
How long will it last?
  • Source: The default emotional state that occurs when a Sim has no moodlet or by vampires having the dampened emotions power.[TS4:V]
  • Or, in the Snowy Escape expansion pack, when a sim is doing artistic activities (playing a musical instrument for a while), or relaxing activities (reading for a few hours/sim). There are two stages of emotion, visible as a single moodlet: the first stage has no particular effect, but indicates the arrival of a second, which allows you to trigger any other emotion by clicking on the sim concerned. Another single moodlet will be used for all the emotions obtained by this method.

TS4 Bella Emotion Flirty

Very Flirty
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Flirty

Stages: Flirty, Very Flirty
Infants/toddlers: No
  • A Flirty Sim will find all kinds of success at matters of love.
Try some romantic socials with another Sim!
  • Sources: From Romantic trait, completing successful romantic interactions thus making further flirt interactions more successful, randomly gaining from coming home from school, taking a Steamy Shower, eating Flirty Heart Cookies prepared by flirty Sims with sufficient cooking skill, freshening up to the mirror, trying out outfits, drinking Steamy Ginseng Tea and Cupid's Juice, drinking Rose Serum,[TS4:GTW]researching pick-up lines on a computer, watching romantic channel and female Sims wearing the jumpsuit with palm trees. Children cannot obtain this emotion.
  • Effects: Boosts romantic interactions. Unlocks some romantic interactions and friendly interactions associated with romance.
  • Remedy: Taking a cold shower.
TS4 Bella Emotion Focused
Stages: Focused, Very Focused
Infants/toddlers: No
  • The mind of a Focused Sim is sharp and clear.
Try playing chess or practicing programming on the computer.
  • Sources: From the Genius trait, occurs when a Sim engages in mentally stimulating tasks such as practicing chess, using the telescope or microscope, reading a book, browsing Simpedia on a computer, studying fossils, studying gardening online and business career Sims arranging data. Children or teens can acquire it by getting help with homework form adults, from the Tech Guru career, and also from the science career.[TS4:GTW]
  • Effects: Boosts Logic skill gain, woodwork quality, fixing and upgrading speed. Also brings discovery in science career.[TS4:GTW]

TS4 Bella Emotion Happy

Very Happy
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Happy

Stages: Happy, Very Happy
Infants/toddlers: Yes
  • A Happy Sim is feeling great about life.
Being Happy will make any positive emotion even stronger!
  • Infants: Nothing can compare to a Happy Infant. (Sim Name) is feeling Great!
  • Sources: Can be obtained when good events happen, eating a tasty meal, having a good drink, satisfying social interactions, gaining social bonds or when all the Sim's motives are high.
  • Effects: Sim performs a happier variant of actions. Boosts social performance. Cheerful Sims will sometimes get into this state on their own upon waking. Happy Auras also boost other emotions.
TS4 Bella Emotion Inspired
Stages: Inspired, Very Inspired
Infants/toddlers: No
  • An Inspired Sim has tons of creative ideas begging to be expressed!
Try painting on the easel or playing an instrument!
  • Sources: From Creative Trait, received by taking a thoughtful shower, observing creative objects, squeezing inspiration with a musical instrument, gazing clouds and/or stars (can be duplicated), viewing artistic works online and Foodie Sims watching cooking shows for ideas.
  • Effects: Helps Sims create better paintings, books, food, drinks, and other craftable items. Also boosts painting, cooking, mixology and instrumental skills.

TS4 Bella Emotion Playful

Very Playful
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Playful

TS4 Bella Emotion Hysterical

Stages: Playful, Very Playful, Hysterical
Infants/toddlers: Yes
  • Being funny comes easy to a Playful Sim!
Try practicing some jokes on a microphone or with other Sims!
  • Toddlers: A Playful toddler wants to play and have fun! Try having them play with dolls or toys!
  • Infants: A playful Infant wants to let out lots of wiggles, giggles, and receive lots of attention!
  • Hysterical: This Sim is cracking up so much, they're about to keel over!
Try calming them down in a Mirror!
  • Sources: Can be received from using joking social commands on Sims, from watching comedy channel on TV, watching comedy online, taking a bubble bath, eating Silly Gummy Bear Pancakes made by playful Sims with sufficient cooking skills.
  • Effects: Helps with funny social interactions. Also boosts Comedy and Mischief skills, enables searching fun pictures online, playing in the bathtub, and other playful versions of actions. Being hysterical can cause death.
  • Remedy: Trying to calm oneself in a mirror.
TS4 Bella Emotion Possessed
Stages: PØŞŞ€ŞŞ€Đ[TS4:SV] (Possessed)
Infants/toddlers: No
  • Source: Received upon eating Bizzare Fruit. Eating the fruit will give the sim the "infected" trait, causing them to become possessed occasionally for a few hours at a time until they are cured.
  • Effect: The "Possessed" moodlet shows 7,548,431+ points towards the PØŞŞ€ŞŞ€Đ emotion, overriding any other emotions. Sims are greatly limited in which actions they can do, and display unnatural facial and body movements.
TS4 Servo Emotion Recharge
Stages: Recharge[TS4:DU]
Infants/toddlers: No
  • Powered down and unassuming, the events of the day go unnoticed.
  • Sources: Experienced only by Servos when they power down to recharge. Although it appears similar to Asleep, it is a distinct emotion. This is the only emotion to be exclusive to a specific life state.
  • Effects: The "Recharging Capacitors" moodlet shows +1337 points towards this emotion, overriding all emotions (except for Asleep and PØŞŞ€ŞŞ€Đ, neither of which Servos can experience through regular gameplay).

TS4 Bella Emotion Sad

Very Sad
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Sad

Stages: Sad, Very Sad
Infants/toddlers: Yes
  • It's hard for a Sad Sim to hang out with other people.
Try a pep talk in the mirror or a good cry under the covers!
  • Gloomy: Gloomy Sims get some of their best ideas when they're Sad. Try painting or writing a story!
  • Toddlers: Aw. Your toddler is sad and needs some TLC. You can comfort them or give them food to make them feel better.
  • Infants: Aw, (Sim Name) is sad and needs care. Better give him/her some extra comfort!
  • Sources: This emotion can occur when negative events happen to Sims such as losing a competition, the death of a family member, divorce, mourning at a gravestone, and having a new sibling. It can also be caused by a low social need or randomly by the Gloomy trait. Family-oriented Sims will be sad when they haven't interacted with any family members for a long time.
  • Effects: Changes how Sims approach actions and their walk style. It also boosts creativity skills for Sims with the Gloomy trait.
  • Remedy: Approach people or by dialing the sadness hotline by phone.
TS4 Bella Emotion Scared
Stages: Scared, Terrified
Infants/toddlers: Yes
  • A Scared Sim has a hard time communicating with others, and they're more prone to... uh... accidents.
Try hiding under the covers for a bit, surely that will help?
(heh heh...)
  • Infants: A Scared Infant is a sad thing to see (Sim’s name) should get lots of care and attention until the feeling passes!
  • Sources: Can be received from certain situations such as thunderstorms or a phobia. Received often by Sims on Haunted House Residential lots who are frequently around ghosts.
  • Effects: Sims with the Scared Mood will have trouble communicating with others, the urge to panic-run everywhere, and are slightly more prone to accidents.
  • Remedy: Hiding under the covers of a bed.

TS4 Bella Emotion Tense

Very Tense
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Tense

Stages: Tense, Very Tense
Infants/toddlers: No
  • A Tense Sim doesn't feel like doing much of anything.
Try taking a nice bath or relaxing in front of the TV!
  • Sources: When a Sim's fun need is low, a Geek Sim not using the computer for a while, a Nature Lover Sim not going outside for a while, a Sim doing hard work at work/school, a writing sim hitting writer's block. Also can be acquired from events at work/school. Sims reading skill-building books that are higher than their current level can also make them tense.
  • Effects: A Sim does the more stressful variants of actions.
  • Remedies: Shouting or filling the Sim's fun need.

TS4 Bella Emotion Uncomfortable

Very Uncomfortable
TS4 Bella Emotion Very Uncomfortable

Stages: Uncomfortable, Very Uncomfortable
Infants/toddlers: No
  • No Sim enjoys feeling Uncomfortable and worn out.
Make sure their Needs are in good shape!
  • Sources: This emotion occurs when a Sim has negative moodlets relating to their low needs or when sleeping in a cheap bed, using a cheap shower, or eating badly prepared food or spoiled food. Also occurs after drinking some serums or being ill. Occurs in pregnant sims experiencing morning sickness or labor. [TS4:GTW]Squeamish Sims get this after touching anything dirty, while other Sims can get this after touching poisonous fire leaves.[TS4:OR]
  • Effect: Disabling some actions.
  • Remedies: Taking a shower, filling Sim's needs.

Emotional death[]

Sims can die as a result of being in an extreme emotional state for a prolonged time. There are several emotional deaths, but not every emotional state has an associated death. Currently, the only deadly emotions are Mortified, Enraged, and Hysterical. Teens, children, vampires[TS4V], and servos[TS4DU] cannot die from emotional deaths. Teens presumably lost the ability to die from emotion after the release of The Sims 4: Parenthood to prevent them from dying during their mood swings, wherein they sometimes become Enraged or Mortified.

When a dangerous emotion level is reached, the little outline of the circle which appears on the second level of an emotion will fade in and out. After they die and become ghosts, they will, from time to time, depending on the emotion death will receive a (+2) buff. Sims within proximity of the ghost will occasionally receive Playful or Anger (+1) buff.

The corresponding cheat buffs (+500 to Playful, Embarrassed or Angry for 20 days) are no longer available due to the sims.add_buff cheat being removed along with other cheats in the June 26, 2018 patch. They can, however, be re-enabled with the mod MCCC, by Deaderpool, or TwistedMexi's "Every Cheat Mod"[1].


TS4 Bella Emotion Hysterical

A Sim with (+15) Playful moodlets (including boosts from the Happy emotion) becomes hysterical. When a Sim is in a state of hysteria, they can die of laughter if they continue performing playful actions. This can be avoided by calming down in the mirror. Cringe Sims cannot die from laughter.[TS4FR]

Sims can become hysterical by doing any of the following:

  • Drinking points that override the emotion of the Sims that is usually available in the reward shop.
  • Getting the "Death" outcome from the wishing well when wishing for happiness (+99)[TS4:RGS]
  • Being target of a vampire's influence emotion power (Burst of Playfulness) (up to +8) [TS4:V]
  • Doing playful interactions, such as:
    • Taking a Bubble Bath (+2)
    • Play in the Tub (+2) (available when already playful)
    • Drinking the corresponding Cowplant Essence)
    • Telling multiple Jokes in a row (+1)
    • Being near Playful decoration (up to +2)
    • Viewing a Playful painting (+1)
    • Being near MySims trophies (+1)
  • Having/doing things that boost the Happy emotion, such as full needs, decor, good food, new friends, drinking the Essence of Happiness and Essence of Life from the Cowplant, et cetera) while playful
  • Interacted with "Funniest Joke In The World" by another Sim (+3, said other Sim needs to have the Hilarious reward trait obtained from completing the Joke Star aspiration)
    • Often gives both Sims a bonus +1 or +2 due to usually giving them the Funny Conversation moodlet in the process
  • Persuaded to "goof off" by another Sim (+3, said other Sim needs rank 7 in the Social Media Career: Public Relations branch) [TS4:CL]


TS4 Bella Emotion Mortified

A Sim with (+8) Embarrassed moodlets becomes mortified. When a Sim is Mortified, they run the risk of dying from embarrassment after a period of time. This can be avoided by telling a self-deprecating joke or hiding from other Sims as quickly as possible. It can also be avoided by selecting "Give Yourself a Pep Talk" at a mirror.

Sims can become mortified by doing any of the following:

  • Wetting themselves by having a bladder failure (+5)
  • Farting with low bladder need (+3) [TS4:PH]
  • Failing to unlock the hidden lot in Willow Creek (+2)
  • Drinking the Essence of Embarrassment obtained from the Cowplant (+2)
  • Wearing the Hat of Shame (brightly colored, large hat available at the Costumes section in CAS) (+2)
  • Repeatedly getting rejected for flirts (+2)
  • Walking in on other Sims WooHooing, showering or going to the toilet (+1)
  • Being caught WooHooing (only for the partner who initiated it) or sitting on the toilet (+1)
  • Interacted with "Horrifying Joke" by another Sim (+1, said other Sim needs to have the Hilarious reward trait obtained from completing the Joke Star aspiration)
  • Being target of a Vampire's Influence Emotion power (Burst of Embarrassment) (up to +8) [TS4:V]
  • Getting the "Death" outcome from the wishing well when wishing for skills (+99)[TS4:RGS]


TS4 Bella Emotion Enraged

A Sim with (+7) Angry moodlets becomes Enraged. When a Sim is in the Enraged state, they can die of a cardiac explosion. This can be avoided by calming themselves down in the mirror, or venting to another Sim, though this may upset them. Werewolves frequently become enraged when rampaging and also cannot die of cardiac explosion.[TS4WW] Celebrities with the Emotion Bomb quirk[TS4GF] also cannot die from anger.

Sims can become enraged by doing any of the following:

  • Catching a spouse flirting with another Sim (+3)
  • Being Riled Up by a Sim with the Hot-Headed trait (+2)
  • Being woken up when having the Lazy trait (+2)
  • Being around a Sim with the Evil trait while having the Good trait or vice versa (+1)
  • Being the target of Voodoo (Pain) (+2)
  • Drinking the Essence of Anger obtained by the Cowplant (+2)
  • Being near multiple Angry Paintings aura (up to+3)
  • Being around an Angry Sculpture's aura (available to craft for Sims with Handiness 2 when Angry, or anytime with Sims who have Expressionistic reward trait)
  • Eating the Flaming Hot Spaghetti (+2) (available to Cooks above Level 5 when Angry)
  • Drinking the Boiler Room cocktail (+2) (available to Mixologists from Level 1 when Angry)
  • Viewing an Angry Painting (+1)
  • Interacted with "Tell a Vicious Rumor" by another Sim (+2, said other Sim needs to have the Mastermind reward trait obtained from completing the Public Enemy aspiration)
  • Being target of a Vampire's Influence Emotions Power (Burst of Anger) (up to +8) [TS4:V]
  • Having the Emotion Bomb fame quirk and getting angry (+8, Sims cannot die with this moodlet) [TS4:GF]
  • Sitting on a chair damaged by a cat scratching against it (+1)[TS4:C&D]
  • Getting the "Death" outcome from the wishing well when wishing for a promotion (+99)[TS4:RGS]
  • Werewolf temperaments.[TS4:WW]
  • Being a rampaging Werewolf.[TS4:WW]
  • Eating food made with an Obsidian Egg (+3)
  • Interacted with "Persuaded to rant" by another Sim (+3, said other Sim needs rank 7 in the Social Media Career: Public Relations branch) [TS4:CL]
  • Being ordered to clean (+1)

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Emotion colors[]

Each emotion has a color associated with it. These colors are also used in gradients on moodlets to differentiate which emotion they are associated with.

  • Red (HEX code #c3192b) - Angry
  • Orange (HEX code #e26246) - Uncomfortable
  • Light Orange (HEX code #df841c) - Tense
  • Yellow (HEX code #e1c043)- Embarrassed
  • Light Green (HEX code #9dc948) - Energized
  • Green (HEX code #28b552) - Happy
  • Turquoise Blue (HEX code #33bcc1) - Inspired
  • Light Blue (HEX code #448cc8) - Confident
  • Dark Blue (HEX code #2c44aa) - Sad
  • Violet (HEX code #7038ec) - Focused
  • Lavender Purple (HEX code #816dcc) - Dazed
  • Purple (HEX code #b646ad) - Playful
  • Pink (HEX code #ee5da5) - Flirty
  • Dark Magenta (HEX code #7e1260) - Scared
  • Gray (HEX code #818785) - Bored
  • Light Gray (HEX code #e9e9e9) - Fine
  • Night Sky Blue (HEX code #4d4d70) - Asleep / Possessed[TS4:SV] / Recharge[TS4:DU]


Sims4 emotional paintings 2

Emotional Paintings: Sad, Focused, Flirty, Angry, Confident, Playful

  • Any Sim can achieve any of these emotional states from the following methods:
    • With the MySim trophies obtained from time capsules, they can "emit" emotions that affect any Sims that enter the room, based on the color of the trophies.
    • The Sims 3, rewards lamps obtained from The Sims 4 website can also be used; these work the same as MySim trophies.
    • If a Sim survives being eaten from a cowplant, they can milk the cowplant to get a potion which gives them the emotion they had before they got eaten. If a Sim gets devoured by a cowplant, another Sim can milk the cowplant to get Essence of Life which makes the Sim instantly happy as well as adding a few days to their life.
    • Painters can paint emotional paintings based on their emotion, for example, a confident Sim can draw a Confident painting, which emits a Confident Aura, similar to The Sims 3 Rewards lamps.
    • In careers, Sims get objects of a specific emotion good for this career.
    • Sims can buy books in "Emotional" category and read it.
    • A Sim with the 'expressionistic' trait (obtained by completing the 'Painter Extraordinaire' aspiration) can paint any emotional painting no matter what their emotion is.
    • Sims can consume fruits from a Tree of Emotions in Jungle Adventure, which will change their emotion to whatever the fruit's emotional influence is (positive emotions only).


