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The Sims Wiki
The Sims Wiki
The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console) The Sims 2: Open for Business The Sims 2: Apartment Life The Sims 3: Late Night The Sims 3: Into the Future The Sims 4: City Living The Sims 4: Discover University The Sims 4: Lovestruck
OFB elevator render
Game The Sims 2: Open For Business
The Sims 2: Apartment Life
The Sims 3: Late Night
The Sims 3: Into the Future
The Sims 4: City Living
The Sims 4: Discover University
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §1250-§1400[TS2:OFB]
Size 1x1[TS3:ITF], 2x2; reserved space varies

Elevators were introduced in The Sims 2: Open for Business, The Sims 2: Apartment Life, The Sims 3: Late Night,[1] The Sims 3: Into the Future, The Sims 4: City Living, The Sims 4: Discover University and The Sims 4: Lovestruck. They allow quick travel between floors. In The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, they can also be used for WooHoo.

Elevators can be purchased in build mode for any lot.[TS2:OFB][TS2:AL][TS3:LN][TS3:ITF] With the exception of The Sims 4, only elevators added in a vertical "elevator shaft" will be usable, so all elevators in a particular shaft must be above or below the others in the same shaft.

The Urbz: Sims in the City[]

Elevators are present in Diamond Heights, Blankwood Towers, and Darius' Penthouse, although they're treated as transition points for going to other lots, rather than as objects.

The Sims 2[]

There are two elevators in Open for Business; The Ultravator by SchafftCo, for §1250, and The Going Somewhere by UppersCo, for §1400. There is also The Ultravator Shaft by SchafftCo, which is an empty elevator shaft with no doors that costs §500; it can be used if the player does not want an elevator to stop on a particular floor. These items were reintroduced in Apartment Life, along with the Multiple Multi-Purpose Elevator, which costs §950.

Elevators have a 2x2 footprint, with the two squares in front of the door being reserved. Elevator doors act like other doors—they penetrate walls, and wall coverings will wrap around them. The lowest part of an elevator must be placed on terrain or a floor; all other parts must be placed on a floor. It is possible to place flooring on the top of a door or shaft section, which allows an elevator to be built against an exterior wall. Elevator doors do not need to face the same direction on all floors; as long as the shafts align vertically, the doors can face any direction. It is also possible to omit certain floors from service by placing The Ultravator Shaft by SchafftCo instead of an elevator door on the selected floors; this allows elevators to skip floors while still servicing floors above or below it.

Unlike staircases, elevators can only be used by one Sim at a time. Sims will usually prefer taking the elevator over the stairs. A player can manually direct a Sim to use an elevator by clicking on the door and selecting "Go To This Floor". The Sim will enter the elevator and then shortly afterwards appear on the selected floor. If Pets is installed, pets can ride the elevator on their own.

Elevators can sometimes be dangerous to Sims traveling in them, especially in lower-grade, cheaper elevators. Occasionally, the cable may snap, plummeting the elevator to the lowest level, and will lower the comfort, bladder, energy, fun and hygiene motives of the Sim inside. Sims on lots with elevators may have a fear of a cable snapping. After a cable snap, the elevator will need to be repaired before it can be used. If a Sim went through a plummet in a bad mood, they might die. Pets cannot plummet in an elevator.

Players can "mix and match" Maxis door sections when building an elevator. For example, an elevator can have a "Going Somewhere" section on the bottom level, and "Ultravator" sections on upper levels. However, players may not be able to combine elevator sections made as custom content with Maxis elevator sections.

There are modified staircases, sometimes called "stealth stairs", which allow players without Open for Business or Apartment Life to simulate elevators, at least to some extent. There is at least one true elevator which was made as custom content for Open for Business (available here), but some players have reported problems with it.

List of elevators[]

The Ultravator by SchafftCo[]

The Ultravator by SchafftCo
The Ultravator by SchafftCo
Game The Sims 2: Open for Business
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §1,250
Object type(s) Environment
Size 2x2 plus 1x2 reserved space

Bored with trudging up and down ordinary stairs just because you want to go to another level in some building? Hark! Like angels' trumpet song, this handy item strikes into the fray! Shun those safe, but repetitive stairways for the excitement of a closed box dangling on a thin wire far above the bottom of a dank shaft. Comes fully equipped with doors and a button.

Environment: 3

The Going Somewhere by UppersCo[]

The Going Somewhere by UppersCo
The Going Somewhere by UppersCo
Game The Sims 2: Open for Business
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §1,400
Object type(s) Environment
Size 2x2 plus 1x2 reserved space

Is life losing its direction? Unable to find the lift you're longing for? Trapped on a stairway to nowhere? The Going Somewhere will take you to higher places... and back, without bringing you down! Whether you are rising or falling, you're on the level with The Going Somewhere. Don't just walk through life -- let UppersCo take you there!Consumer Information: The Going Somewhere elevator never fails to function in laboratory simulations.

Environment: 3

The Ultravator Shaft by SchafftCo[]

The Ultravator Shaft by SchafftCo
The Ultravator Shaft by SchafftCo
Game The Sims 2: Open for Business
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §500
Size 2x2

Elevators are great for going from floor-to-floor, but only when there's a shaft for them to travel through. Unlock the full hidden potential of your elevator by installing this industrial strength shaft extension unit. Its steel construction and standardized interlocking attachment flanges allow you to both make those upper stories accessible and maximize plummeting speeds in a snap.

Multiple Multi-Purpose Elevator[]

Multiple Multi-Purpose Elevator
Multiple Multi-Purpose Elevator
Game The Sims 2: Apartment Life
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §950
Object type(s) Environment
Size 2x2 plus 1x2 reserved space

Need a fast way to move up? You can now if you install one of these beauties on your lot. The Multiple Multi-Purpose Elevator will lift up your spirits when you are feeling down. Though beware that this elevator may cause you to feel down when you least expect it.

Environment: 2

The Sims 2: Apartment Pets[]

In The Sims 2: Apartment Pets, the main character moves into an apartment that has an elevator installed, which is used as a means of transport between the lobby and the floor they live on. Non-playable Sims also use the elevator to drop off and pick up their pets after they've been looked after.

The Sims 3[]

Elevators are included in The Sims 3: Late Night and The Sims 3: Into the Future. They can be found in the stairs, railing and elevators category of build mode. Unlike elevators in The Sims 2, there is no risk of the cable snapping.

The Sims 3: Late Night[]

Deco Elevator
The Deco Elevator was designed with design in mind! Passengers will not only arrive at their destination, but they'll arrive in style-regardless of any personal stylistic shortcomings.
Game The Sims 3: Late Night
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §1000
Size 2x2 plus 2x2 reserved space

The Deco Elevator can be found in penthouses, although they can be placed on regular residential lots as well. They have a 2x2 footprint, with a 2x2 square in front of the doors being reserved. There should be at least three additional tiles in front of this square to give Sims room to route to the elevator. Elevators need to be placed on flooring or on empty terrain, and the doors need to be placed over a wall. Like The Sims 2, elevator doors can face any direction, provided that they are all on the same shaft. Individual elevators can be recolored and retextured with the Create a Style tool. Players can use elevator shafts instead of doors to skip floors.

Elevators function similarly to those in The Sims 2, with a number of changes. Elevators can be used by multiple Sims at a time, and players can direct Sims to go to any floor from any door. When an elevator is used, it is automatically called when the Sim enters the room it is in. Elevators do not appear to have a capacity limit; Sims will simply teleport in and out of the elevator if it is crowded. Sims may get stuck between the doors while exiting; the chances of this happening are increased for Sims who have the clumsy or unlucky traits. Elevators will play neighborhood and build mode music from The Sims when used.

The Sims 3: Into the Future[]

Tube Elevator by Corebital Designs
Elevators are terribly crude if you think about it. Moving a whole room from one floor to another? Barbaric! It's much more efficient to move single Sims with anti-gravity tech.
Game The Sims 3: Into the Future
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §200
Size 1x1 plus 1x1 reserved space

Tube elevators were introduced in Into the Future. They have a 1x1 footprint, with the space in front of the tube being reserved, and can only be used by one Sim at a time. Using them increases the Advanced Technology skill, and Sims with higher Advanced Technology skill are more adept at using them.

It has been reported that pets cannot use the tube elevators.[2]

The Sims 4[]

Elevators return in The Sims 4: City Living, The Sims 4: Discover University and The Sims 4: Lovestruck. They can only be placed in penthouses, and only one can be placed per lot.[3] Unlike previous games, they do not have any unique elevator animations and are used solely to travel between floors.[4]

Elevators do not need to be surrounded by a wall, and they do not need to be placed in a shaft in order to function.[5]

If The Sims 4: Realm of Magic is installed, an elevator system can theoretically be created in any building other than those that are located on non-editable lots by using magic portals in conjunction with sliding doors and rooms that function as "elevator shafts". The magic portals can be accessed in build mode, but they are debug objects, hence the bb.showhiddenobjects, bb.showliveeditobjects, and bb.moveobjects cheats are required. For the elevator system to work, matching portal entrance and exit pairs must be placed on the first floor and the additional floors of the building; the portals must also be above or below the others in the same shaft.[6]

List of elevators[]

Up, Up... Down, Down Elevator[]

Up, Up... Down, Down Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: City Living
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Elevator Go Up... Elevator Go Down... Move a little faster with this Elevator.

Tall Up, Up... Down, Down Elevator[]

Tall Up, Up... Down, Down Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: City Living
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Elevator Go Up... Elevator Go Down... Move a little faster with this Elevator.

Grand Up, Up... Down, Down Elevator[]

Grand Up, Up... Down, Down Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: City Living
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Elevator Go Up... Elevator Go Down... Move a little faster with this Elevator.

Sleek Elevator[]

Sleek Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: City Living
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Spice up your Apartment or Penthouse with this Sleek and beautiful Elevator. Sims never moved so fast.

Tall Sleek Elevator[]

Tall Sleek Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: City Living
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Spice up your Apartment or Penthouse with this Sleek and beautiful Elevator. Sims never moved so fast.

Grand Sleek Elevator[]

Grand Sleek Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: City Living
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Spice up your Apartment or Penthouse with this Sleek and beautiful Elevator. Sims never moved so fast.

The Art Elevator[]

The Art Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: Discover University
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Inside is a portal to the artist's dream...

The Science Elevator[]

The Science Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: Discover University
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Science. It's what makes elevators run.

Eloquently Wrapped Elevator[]

Eloquently Wrapped Elevator
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
Game The Sims 4: Lovestruck
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §0
Object type(s) Penthouse Required items
Size 2x8

Ding! The elevator is here, and it has a whole new look! The elegant wire exterior near the doors adds a touch of sophistication, upscaling any space.

This elevator comes in three heights, but, unlike the City Living ones, they all have the same name.

