Edna Bell is one of the pre-made deceased ancestral Sims who resided during her lifetime in Desiderata Valley, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: FreeTime. She was the wife of Tobias, the mother of Bartholomew, the grandmother of Issac and the great grandmother of Daniel. She is completely resurrectable, even though she doesn't have a grave.
Edna has the Romanceaspiration and the Cancerzodiac sign. As far as personality goes, she is somewhat neat, active and nice, but she is quite shy and somewhat serious. According to Edna's SimDNA in SimPE, her hair was black before it turned grey. According to her age data, she had 13 days left in the elderlife stage when she died. Her facial structure is almost, if not completely, identical to the 22nd Maxis face template in Create a Sim.