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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console)
Duke Headbutt
Urb DukeHeadbutt ol
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
It's all about loyalty. Prove yourself with me, you'll have a friend for life. Cross me, and well... you're life won't be WORTH living.
Parents Unnamed Mother
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Dark Brown
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Fit Fit
Social standing
District Gasoline Row
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (console)
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Urbzville

Duke Headbutt is an Urb residing in Gasoline Row, of which he is the leader, in Urbzville from The Urbz: Sims in the City for console. He runs a chop shop/sausage grill that's infamous throughout the city. He has spent several hard years on the road and is fiercely loyal, and his philosophy is "Live, and let the rest figure it out themselves."

He likes the purr of a happy motor, Body building, and Rowdy howdies. His dislikes are butt jokes, filthy engines, and Canola Oil. Getting to know him will result in being taught the social moves: "Head Butt, Tuck N' Hug 360, and Mock".

Comix: Gasoline Row[]

In the comix the "Outlaw Angst" by Peter Bagge, Duke's patience is wearing thin due to a newcomer named Jayde arguing with two women, and although she is playing it tough, it is clear she is uneasy about her situation. However she succeeds in cooking up sausages, which Pork Chop happily consumes. But he wants to test her again with the Chop Shop section.

Jayde realizes that Duke is the leader of the group and works to gain his favor, asking for critique on her current attire, to which Duke replies "Hmm... not bad...". This causes one of the women, Sharkey Spitz, to become upset, as it appears she has a crush on Duke. Jayde defuses this situation by preforming the social move "Body Slam" on her. She gains instant favor with the group.

Duke, however, still wants to test her skills and asks her to customize a tricycle. Once again Jayde succeeds and Duke is finally impressed.


  • In the comic, it is revealed that Duke lives with his mother.

