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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2: Open for Business
Denise Jacquet
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
With a strong sense of order, Denise likes to know what is going on. Especially in her son's life.
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Jacquet family
Parents Sabastian Jeffress, Nicole Jeffress Both Deceased
Marital status Widowed
Romances Yves Jacquet Deceased Husband
Children Gilbert Jacquet Son
Zodiac sign Virgo Virgo
Aspiration Fortune Fortune
Lifetime want Become Criminal Mastermind Become Criminal Mastermind
Turn-ons Cologne Cologne
Fatness Fatness
Turn-off Swim Wear Swim Wear
Hair color TS2 Grey Hair Grey
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Open for Business Icon The Sims 2: Open for Business
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Bluewater Village

Denise Jacquet (née Jeffress) is a pre-made playable Sim residing in Bluewater Village, the shopping district sub-neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: Open for Business. She is the mother of Gilbert, and the widow of Yves. She is an elder, and wears a blue dress. She keeps close tabs on her son and his personal life. Her mother was Nicole Jeffress and her father was Sabastian Jeffress. Their family owns a bakery that she presumably started with her husband, but since his death, her son is running the business. When the family is first played, Denise will be 11 days away from dying of old age.

Denise has a decent amount of cooking skill, but not quite enough to be able to make cheesecake. She also has a Sales talent badge. It's presumed that she sold the food while her husband made it. Now that he has died, her part in the business is up to the player. Denise has no memories of her husband's death, and will at times roll the fear of catching her late husband cheating. If she performs a romantic interaction on another Sim, she will receive a memory of cheating on Yves. To fix this, bring Yves back to life and have him die of old age again.

Examining Denise's SimDNA in SimPE shows that her hair was red before it turned grey. If her appearance is extracted to BodyShop, her facial structure will be different. This is her genetic facial structure, if she somehow has more children, she will pass down this face instead of her visible one. When viewing Denise's character file in SimPE, her zodiac sign is not recognized.


Skill Cooking Cooking 6
Skill Cooking Cooking 6

Gilbert Jacquet Gilbert Jacquet Best Friend Best Friend
Trina Dalton Trina Dalton Acquaintance Acquaintance
Gilbert Jacquet Gilbert Jacquet Best Friend Best Friend
Trina Dalton Trina Dalton Acquaintance Acquaintance

Talent Badges
Sales Sales bronze
Talent Badges
Sales Sales bronze

Sloppy 8 Neat
Shy 2 Outgoing
Lazy 8 Active
Serious 2 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Politics Politics 8
Crime Crime 6
Food Food 10
Sports Sports 5
Work Work 8
School School 8
Money Money 7
Entertainment Entertainment 4
Health Health 3
Paranormal Paranormal 6
Weather Weather 5
Toys Toys 5
Environment Environment 4
Culture Culture 3
Fashion Fashion 2
Travel Travel 0
Animals Animals 1
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 5

Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Denise Jacquet
French Denise Jacquet
German Denise Jacquet
Italian Denise Jacquet
Spanish Denise Suárez
Dutch Denise Jekker
Danish Diana Jacquet
Swedish Denise Jacquet
Norwegian Dina Jaspersen
Finnish Terhikki Janatuinen
Russian Дениза Жиллетт
Portuguese Denise Jaqueta
Japanese デニス ジャケー
Polish Dagmara Żakiet
Chinese (simplified) 丹尼斯 杰奎特
Chinese (traditional) 丹尼絲 捷克特
Thai เดนิส แจ็คเคว็ท
Korean 데니스 자크
Czech Denise Jacquetová
Hungarian Denise Sercli
Brazilian Portuguese Denise Jaqueta
The Jacquet family
Gilbert - Denise - Yves - Jerome - Suzanne