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The Sims 3: Late Night
Deidre Littler
Deidre Littler
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Deidre has always looked up to her mother; now more than ever. However that doesn't mean she's the little angel her mother thinks she is. Plus, she knows a big secret about her daddy.
Family Littler family
Parents Renee Littler, Reuben Littler
Siblings Tiara Angelista Half-sister, Bronson Littler Older brother
Traits Trait Bookworm small Bookworm
Trait Grumpy small Grumpy
Trait Ambitious small Ambitious
Zodiac sign ScorpioLN Scorpio
Favorites Fav Pop Pop
Fav Cookies Cookies
Fav Pink Pink
Hair color Haircolor5-TS3 Black
Eye color Eye-green Green
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3LN Icon The Sims 3: Late Night
Playability Playable
World Bridgeport

Deidre Littler is the daughter of Renee and Reuben Littler. She lives in Bridgeport's hill area with her family and Odine Perry, who is said to be the family's live-in nanny. She is best friends with Odine Perry, but enemies with her father. Perhaps this is because she discovered about his affair with Odine. Their poor relationship could also be down to the fact her father dislikes children. She is also enemies with her older brother Bronson and the newspaper delivery girl Seraphina Prattle. She is friends with her mother.

She is unaware of the existence of her half-sister Tiara Angelista, the daughter of her father and Lala Angelista, who was his previous girlfriend. She appears to be precocious, as she has 5 skill points in logic and 4 skill points in writing. She is one of the few Sims to have freckles. Some others are Claire Ursine, Darlene Bunch and Tiara Angelista. Because she and her half-sister Tiara are among the few Sims to have freckles, it could be a recessive genetic trait on her father's side.


Logic skill icon Logic 5
W writing skill Writing 4
Logic skill icon Logic 5
W writing skill Writing 4

