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Neighborhood decorations examples in TS2

The lighthouse, sailboat, buoy, high-rises, rocks, and trees are all examples of neighborhood decorations in The Sims 2.

Decorations (also known as clutter items or deco) are a category of items that can be used to decorate a residential or community lot, or a neighborhood/world. Depending on the content packs a player owns, the category may include, but is not limited to, rugs, house plants, posters, paintings, sculptures and statues.

Most of these objects improve the environment in varying degrees; more expensive items usually have a higher rating. In addition, some decorative objects have useful functions. For example, the scarecrow in The Sims: Unleashed can deter garden pests, and the lightning rod in The Sims 2: Seasons reduces the chance that objects (and Sims) on a lot will be struck by lightning. Most decorative objects, however, cannot be interacted with other than simply being viewed by Sims. For example, while Sims must water indoor plants in The Sims, this requirement is not carried forward to later games, and thus indoor plants have no additional interactions. Mirrors also offer different interactions, especially in The Sims 2 and later games.

From The Sims 2 onwards, decorations are available for placement in the neighborhood/world view. These typically range from birds, flora, buildings, statues, monuments, clouds, rainbows, and even trains and aircraft. Decorations cannot be placed on top of lots or roads. They are typically purely cosmetic and cannot be interacted with by Sims.

The Sims[]

Decorative objects in The Sims raises the room score and adds to the aesthetics of any location. Sims can view most of these objects, and will typically react approvingly or disapprovingly based on their personality.[confirmation needed]

Some notable decorative objects include:

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The Sims 2[]

Indoor plants and decorations in TS2

An example of an assortment of indoor plants.

Decoration are divided into six categories in the buy mode catalog: plants, sculptures, wall hangings, mirrors, curtains, rugs, and miscellaneous. The miscellaneous category includes clutter recreational supplies,[TS2:FT][TS2:AL] wall ornaments, pipes, ventilation pieces,[TS2:AL] signs for community lots, ceiling-hung objects, and other items that do not fit in the other categories.

Oddly, some decorative objects that would realistically require a ceiling or wall to be hung on can be placed anywhere. These are likely oversights made by the developers.

Some notable decorative objects include:

Special items[]

Certain objects that are found under deco category have unique features to them.

ClubCube by Luminescent Projections[]

ClubCube by Luminescent Projections
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This simple-looking block is actually on the cutting edge of lightning technology. Use it to liven up a hoppin' dance club, or to enhance the ambience of a chill night spot. Best of all, you can stack ClubCube on top of each other, and customize the color theme with the click of a button.
Game The Sims 2: Nightlife
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §65
Object type(s) Decorative
Size 1x1

Environment: 5

Open/Closed Sign of War and Commerce[]

Open/Closed Sign of War and Commerce
OpenClosed Sign of War and Commerce
Few know the Open and Closed sign's exciting origins. During an ancient battle, the almost defeated Red Army waved a flag that read "Closed." Utterly confused, the Blue Army stopped fighting. At 9 AM the next morning, the Reds changed the banner to "Open" and went to work on their unsuspecting foes. In a world where war means business, the tradition lives on.
Game The Sims 2: Open for Business
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §20
Object type(s) Decorative
Size 1x1

With this sign, an owned business can be closed and opened at will by any member of the business owner's household or the manager. The sign can also be used to send all employees home, or call them all in to work, but cannot be used to call in individual employees.

"Gather Around" by Heated Exchange[]

"Gather Around" by Heated Exchange
There is nothing better to warm your house than radiators by Heated Exchange with the patented "Ripples of Heat" technology. These top of the line appliances will ensure that the heat created by the radiator will get evenly distributed around your house. Gather Around - your hearts will be warmed.
Game The Sims 2: Apartment Life
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §185
Object type(s) Decorative
Size 1x1

This object functions similarly to a Fireplace. Sims can turn it on, which emits heat and warms up the room temperature. Sims can "Warm Self".

Environment: 1


The Sims 3[]

Decorations in The Sims 3 function much like previous games. They're categorized by plants, wall decorations, mirrors, curtains and blinds, rugs, roof decorations, sculptures and other.

Some notable decorative objects include:

World decoration is categorized into landmarks, rocks and trees.

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The Sims 4[]

Some notable decorative objects include:

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