Image of Deadtree. Note: This is from the old The Sims 2 on PSP UI and has slightly changed.
Deadtree is one of the places of Strangetown in The Sims 2 on PlayStation Portable. It has the Kine Dairy, the Nighthowl Saloon, the Old Library, the Cemetery and the Meetinghouse (with Ophelia Nigmos). It also leads to Division 47.
Roberta Rossum's Parts[]
This is also the place where Doctor Dominion leaves Roberta Rossum's parts. The player must then find them and return them to Isaac.
Roberta's torso is located in a chest behind Pita Florica, a local merchant. You will need to pick the lock.One of her legs can be found under a table in the Nighthowl Saloon. The other leg can be found in the right of the Cow Statue inside the Kine Dairy. One of her arms can be found inside the Old Library. To reach it you need to hack the computer on the desk and then take it. To get the other arm go to the Cemetery inside the Meetinghouse. To reach it, go past the benches, then go left, then immediate right and outside into the Cemetery. There you should find an arm. Try not to make eye contact with the zombies.
Lots in Deadtree[]
Old Library[]
The Old Library is an abandoned library. In the early stages of the game, the library is inaccessible. Later on, the player will find there is a squatter in the library who turns out to be Lincoln Broadsheet, who wears a special belt he uses to hover around, as he is disabled. In the Old Library, there is a stereo, a computer, a microwave, a television and, not surprisingly for a library, a large number of bookcases.
Ophelia's will can be found in a trashed bookcase near the back of the library.
The Meetinghouse[]
The Meetinghouse is an abandoned building. As the player enters, they can hear ghosts wailing and other supernatural noises. The Meetinghouse has a kitchen, a bathroom, many pew-like seats, a bed and an organ. Ophelia Nigmos, known in the game as Ophelia Specter, can be seen wandering around.
There is a door at the back of the Meetinghouse which connects to a graveyard. There are gravestones with various inscriptions, and four zombies wandering around. These zombies will scare the player, resulting in a loss in sanity and a decrease in the bladder and nausea urgencies.
The Kine Dairy[]
The Kine Dairy is home to the Kine Society, founded by El Toro. It appears to be converted from a barn, since straw and cows are visible. The Kine Society has a shop ran by Yeva Comonova selling various items including The Bovinonmicon (which can only be bought if the player doesn't already have one), a double bed, and a bathroom. The player can take part in the Kine Ritual, a minigame where you follow the movements of the characters, from 6am to 12pm. It will affect the bladder urgency. There is a special Kine Ritual during a mission to summon Beezlebeef and reveal the true identity of El Toro. The ritual gets more complicated as the player gets promoted, and more money will be earned.
Purchasable Items in The Kine Dairy[]
Nighthowl Saloon[]
The Nighthowl Saloon is a saloon run by Hoot Howell and his younger sister, Annie. The Nighthowl Saloon starts to lose business when the Night Beast shows up, frightening the locals of Deadtree. The Nighthowl Saloon has a standard bar set-up, with a jukebox and a piano.
Outside, Deadtree has a creepy feel to it. It is always dimly lit, and the Night Beast runs wild at night. Gimi Branko and Roland Calonzo make a reappearance. Gimi's cousin, Pita Florica runs a store, where you can buy various items including plasma, roses and rose seeds. Opposite the store is a crafting table, where you can make various potions and perks.
- Gimi Branko
- Roland Calonzo
- Pita Florica
- The Night Beast
- Betsy Shelton
- Kristina Love
- Jesse Lee Varmint
- Chet Crawley