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The Sims 3: Supernatural
DeSean Young
DeSean Young
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young Adult
Life state CAS Vampire icon Vampire
Family Young family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Daredevil small Daredevil
Trait Heavy Sleeper small Heavy Sleeper
Trait Artistic small Artistic
Hidden traits Trait Immune to Fire small Immune to Fire
Zodiac sign CancerLN Cancer
Favorites Fav Indie Indie
W bloodpack O Positive
Fav Spiceberry Spiceberry
Hair color Haircolor5-TS3 Black
Eye color Eye-grey Grey
Skin color Dark skin-TS3 Dark
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3SN Icon The Sims 3: Supernatural
Playability NPC
World Moonlight Falls

DeSean Young is a pre-made vampire firefighter who lives in the mysterious Moonlight Falls shipped with The Sims 3: Supernatural. He can be made playable by marrying him or asking him to move in. He has a random lifetime wish. His female counterpart is Maggie Donovan.

He shares his last name with Bernardo Young from Sunlit Tides, and Fred Young from Roaring Heights, although he does not appear to be related to any of them.
