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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console) The Urbz: Sims in the City (Handheld)
Darius (Urbz Handheld)
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Darius uses his size and cool composure to stop fights before they begin. A good guy to have in your corner.
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-dark Dark
Body shape Fat Fat
Social standing
Rep group Streetie
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis
Darius ICO
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Skin color Skin-dark Dark
Body shape Fat Fat
Social standing
District N/A
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (console)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Urbzville
As current king of the city, Darius is “the man.” For your purposes, though, he’s the guy with the Power Social objects. Meet him in a district’s VIP room when he arrives at midnight and he lays one of these powerful tools on your Urb.
—excerpt from The Urbz: Sims in the City Official Prima Guide

Darius is an Urb residing in Miniopolis from The Urbz: Sims in the City for handheld and Urbzville from The Urbz: Sims in the City for console.


The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)[]

In the handheld version of The Urbz, Darius is the leader of the Streeties and Club Xizzle's bouncer. He appears spray painted on the side of the Rep group clubhouse, in Club Xizzle, and in the artwork for most Xizzles that aren't related to a Rep group.

During None Shall Pass, Daddy Bigbucks hires Darius to try to enter the graveyard while the player is defending it. This will only happen if the player reaches 5 body skill before reaching 5 charisma skill, as Lily Gates will appear instead if the opposite is true.

Towards the end of the game, Darius will be working the door at the Cinema d'Urbania and won't let the player in unless they are wearing all black.

Gaining a certain amount of rep points with the Streeties unlocks a mission from Darius: the requirements include seriously annoying Daddy Bigbucks by lowering his relationship to -50, convincing Ewan Watahmee to join the Streeties, and getting the highest level in the Hoopz minigame. The first requirement can only be done after completing the game, however, so if you unlock this mission early, you cannot complete it until you finish the game. Fulfilling all these goals gives the player two Streetie Rep points.

The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console)[]

The player Urb first meets Darius through their friend at their new apartment, where he asks them to show him a Power Move. He is seen throughout the city on billboards and posters in Urbzville as well, though they will change to the player once they reach a certain Reputation. In each district, he will arrive at the VIP Room at approximately midnight, and if the player Urb has a high enough reputation to get past the bouncer, Darius will reward them with a power move that can be used to get rid of that district's villain.

Darius has the highest rep out of anyone in the game: before being replaced by the player, his face is seen on billboards, which reveals that he is famous on a citywide scale.

Once the player Urb has defeated all the villains in each district and collected all of the pieces of Darius's Secret Machine, a cinematic will play where Darius gives the player the key to his penthouse, unlocking it to live in. He then retires to his blimp to travel to Miniopolis (the setting of The Urbz handheld), but will still send the player messages and arrive at VIP parties.


Interest Dialogue
Urbz Interest Aliens Talk about Aliens Bring 'em on. 0
Urbz Interest Art Talk about Art Spray-cans baby. That's all I'm sayin'. +2
Urbz Interest Bayou Talk about the Bayou Phew... stanky. -2
Urbz Interest Books Talk about Books Not my thing, dawg. 0
Urbz Interest Carnival Talk about the Carnival Craziness, yo. +1
Urbz Interest Cars Talk about Cars You seen my fly ride? +2
Urbz Interest TheLounge Talk about the Lounge I Moogoo like a mad man, know what I'm sayin'? +3
Urbz Interest Miniopolis Talk about Miniopolis Where it all goes down. +2
Urbz Interest CoffeeShop Talk about the Coffee Shop Java makes me puke, dawg. -2
Urbz Interest Computers Talk about Computers I click and scroll when I can. 0
Urbz Interest Construction Talk about Construction Sometimes, yeah, for a couple extra simoleys. +2
Urbz Interest Cooking Talk about Cooking Makes my head swim. -1
Urbz Interest Cosmos Talk about Cosmos I mix a mean mac n' cheese. -1
Urbz Interest Crime Talk about Crime Don't even think about it, dawg. -3
Urbz Interest Dancing Talk about Dancing You ain't seen moves like mine. +2
Urbz Interest BadPun Tell a Bad Pun Daaaang! +3
Urbz Interest Exercize Talk about Excercise I'm all muscle and big bones. +2
Urbz Interest Market Talk about the Market If you like people's trash, sure. -2
Urbz Interest HomeDecor Talk about Home Decor I keep a clean crib. 0
Urbz Interest Games Talk about Games No snake eyes, lucky seven baby... Yeah. +2
Urbz Interest Graveyard Talk about Graveyard Why you gotta be so negative? -2
Urbz Interest Hobbies Talk about Hobbies Carving trails into the snow with my board. Aw yeah. +3
Urbz Interest Health Talk about Health I got a little cough maybe. So? 0
Urbz Interest Home Talk about Home Where I lay my head. +2
Urbz Interest Hygiene Talk about Hygiene You saying I smell funky? -3
Urbz Interest Jail Talk about Jail Nothing to do with me. +1
Urbz Interest Law Talk about the Law I'm Club Xizzle's law man. Don't cross me. +2
Urbz Interest Jobs Talk about Jobs Only two things you need to know when shooting hoops, get it? How to aim, and how to throw. Perfect that and you'll be dropping bombs all day. 0
Urbz Interest Simoleons Talk about Simoleons Weighing down my pockets, baby. +2
Urbz Interest Movies Talk about Movies I could be in movies. I got the face and the bod. +2
Urbz Interest Museum Talk about the Museum Never been. Don't plan to. -1
Urbz Interest Music Talk about Music A heavy beat chills me out. +2
Urbz Interest Nature Talk about Nature It's out there, taking up space. 0
Urbz Interest Newspaper Talk about the Newspaper Lincoln wants to do an article on Club Xizzle, but that'd blow its cover. -2
Urbz Interest Ninjas Talk about Ninjas Sure I know her... or him... can't remember which. +1
Urbz Interest Politics Talk about Politics It's all noise, yo. -2
Urbz Interest River Talk about the River The bumper boat park is the shizzle, for real. +2
Urbz Interest RepGroups Talk about Rep Groups You can call me King Streetie. +2
Urbz Interest Shopping Talk about Shopping I just buy tracksuits. Got 64 of 'em. +1
Urbz Interest Science Talk about Science Why can't they make gold weigh less? Tell me that. -1
Urbz Interest Sleep Talk about Sleeping I get my best ideas when I'm sleeping. +1
Urbz Interest Sports Talk about Sports I pick and roll like an old pro. +3
Urbz Interest Supernatural Talk about the Supernatural Do ghosts tell people stories? +1
Urbz Interest Television Talk about TV Only the biggest, only the best. +1
Urbz Interest Theatre Talk about Theatre Much rather go to a funeral. -1
Urbz Interest Travel Talk about Travel I don't got anywhere to go. -2
Urbz Interest University Talk about the University I deal with whiny college kids every dang night. -3
Urbz Interest Weather Talk about the Weather Heat? Humidity? Whatever it is, it sucks. -2
Urbz Interest Work Talk about Work You need a personal bodyguard? Only one million an hour. +2
Urbz Interest TheWorld Talk about the World It's a good place to be these days. +2
Urbz Interest Annoy Annoy Buzz off, gnat. -2
Urbz Interest Apologize Apologize No worries, yo. +2
Urbz Interest Brag Brag If wishes were Simoleons you'd have a million bounced checks. -2
Urbz Interest CallName Call Name The last person to call me that is still looking for his teeth. -5
Urbz Interest CheerUp Cheer Up You're all right. +2
Urbz Interest Complain Complain Want an elbow in your mouth? -2
Urbz Interest Compliment Compliment That's kind of you. +3
Urbz Interest Entertain Entertain You should go on tour. +2
Urbz Interest Intimidate Intimidate How 'bout I pound your face in? -4
Urbz Interest Insult Insult Now say that to my face. -4
Urbz Interest Joke Joke Ha. That's funny. 0
Urbz Interest Gossip Gossip Crystal is one crazy chick. +2
Urbz Interest GiveOpinion Give an Opinion For real? Dang. +2
Urbz Interest Secret Tell a Secret It's safe with me. +2
Urbz Interest Tease Tease Yo, I've chewed on gum tougher than you, so shut your face. -4
Urbz Interest Cry Cry That a crying crocodile I see? -2
Urbz Interest RudeGesture Rude Gesture Dang, dawg. You're running out of clever ideas. -8
Urbz Interest Flirt Flirt Are you gaming on me girl? Dang! +3
Urbz Interest JibbaJabba Jibba Jabba There you go, dawg. Now you're talking the talk. +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Reject) You're going to crease my threads, fool! -2
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Reject) Aw heck no, girl! -2
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Accept) For lizzle old mizzle? Thanks. Varies
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Reject) Keep it for your dang self, fool. N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Accept) Hey, [Player]. Take this brass ring to [Sim]. I owe them. N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Reject) I got nothing for you. N/A
Urbz Interest MoveIn Move In (Reject) Naw man. My crib's okay. N/A
Urbz Interest Other Silent Treatment Step off, punk. N/A

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown The Sim Quarter Glasstown Glasstown
1:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown The Sim Quarter Glasstown Glasstown
2:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown The Sim Quarter Glasstown Glasstown
3:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown The Sim Quarter Glasstown Glasstown
4:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown The Sim Quarter Glasstown Glasstown
5:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown
6:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown
7:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown
8:00 AM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
9:00 AM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
10:00 AM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
11:00 AM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
12:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
1:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
2:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
3:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
4:00 PM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania
5:00 PM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Glasstown Urbania
6:00 PM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Glasstown Urbania
7:00 PM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Glasstown Urbania
8:00 PM Pizza Bar Urbania Pizza Bar Pizza Bar Urbania Glasstown Pizza Bar
9:00 PM Pizza Bar Urbania Pizza Bar Pizza Bar Urbania Glasstown Pizza Bar
10:00 PM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Glasstown Urbania
11:00 PM Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Urbania Glasstown Urbania

Gift Items
Book of Poetry
Book of Poetry
Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates
Comic Book
Comic Book
Reject Reject Accept Accept
Gold Ring
Gold Ring
Jailhouse Teddy
Jailhouse Teddy
Olde Salty Action Figure
Olde Salty Action Figure
Red Rose
Red Rose
Accept Reject Accept Reject
Rep Items
Artsie Trade Magazine
Artsie Magazine
Richie Trade Magazine
Richie Magazine
Streetie Trade Magazine
Streetie Magazine
Nerdie Trade Magazine
Nerdie Magazine
Reject Reject Accept Reject
Artsie Trophy
Artsie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Reject Reject Accept Reject
Other Giftable Items
Personal Painting
Personal Painting
Accept Reject Accept



  • In the console version, Darius will stay at the VIP parties until 3-4 am.
  • If the door to the VIP area is blocked, he will teleport into the room with a special animation.
  • According to the Prima Guide, Darius is the one that sends reminder messages to your XAM to warn you that the rent is due soon.
  • In an early screenshot for The Urbz for the Game Boy Advance, Darius' name is shown as 'Darius Peacock'.
    • This is also his name in the Spanish and Italian translation of the handheld version.
    • Also, in a dialogue from Mission 3 None Shall Pass, Darius says he is "so tough people call him the D-Bomb." But no character refers to him that way, so it could be hot air.
  • According to an old promotional video, Darius is twenty-one years old.
  • He is the only character to appear in both the handheld and console versions of The Urbz.
  • The Urbz Comix reveals the person behind the Club Xizzle door is Darius.

Other languages[]

Language The Urbz: Sims in the City
English Darius
French Darius
German Darius
Italian Darius Peacock (for handheld) Darius (for console)
Spanish Darius Peacock (for handheld) Darius (for console)