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Master chef
A Five-Star Chef in The Sims 3.

The culinary career is one of the basic career tracks that shipped with The Sims 2, The Sims 3, and The Sims 4. A similar career, called culinary arts, came with The Sims: Unleashed.

The Sims[]

The culinary arts career track comes with an expansion pack for The Sims, Unleashed. Like the circus career track, it has the lowest pay in the whole game at rank 1 and a strictly average pay at rank 10, and its pay curve has the dubious honor of briefly dipping below the Slacker pay curve. Out of all 20 careers in the base game, Livin' Large, and Unleashed, it offers the fourth-lowest combined pay over all ten ranks ($4045), with only circus, slacker, and education being lower, and is neither especially hard nor especially easy to climb.

Culinary Arts Career Levels
1) Dishwasher
You have to start somewhere, and in the restaurant industry, it's right at the bottom. But if you analyze the dirty dishes carefully, you'll learn EXACTLY what people like and don't like. Wash... and learn. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
06:00 - 12:00
Friend Requirement 0
2) Drive Thru Order Taker
Out of the frying pan and into the fire! You don't have to clean anymore, but dealing with hungry commuters and teen pranks will either make you or break you. You'd better study up on the industry if you want to get promoted. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
05:00 - 10:00
Friend Requirement 0
3) Fast Food Shift Manager
Surprise, surprise...instead of fixing food you now have to fix problems: tangled register tape, clogged soda drink dispensers, squabbling employees, and toilets kids repeatedly vandalize. Learn to repair or you'll be stuck here forever. Cooking 2 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 0
4) Sous Chef
OK, you got your foot in the door, now show them what you're made of. But remember, if you want to be head chef, you'll need to pepper them with charm, as well as with spices. Can you cut the mustard? Cooking 3 Mechanical 2 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 1
5) Head Chef
And you thought being head chef was about cooking! You'll need to "keep a lid on" your employees as well as your pots. Plus, deal with pushy customers when their tempers "boil over." Learn to mix people as well as you mix the spices. Cooking 6 Mechanical 2 Charisma 2
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 2
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 3
6) Restaurant Critic
This was a smart move: you can still belittle people, eat like royalty AND get paid for it! The only drawbacks are that you need a shred of creativity and have to constantly network for new gigs. At least you can sleep in late. Cooking 6 Mechanical 3 Charisma 4
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 3
15:00 - 23:00
Friend Requirement 3
7) Cookbook Author
You translated your passion as a critic into a career as an author! Everyone wants to make the recipes you dream up, no matter how obscure the ingredients or laborious the cooking. Just keep smiling and signing copies...this could lead to something BIG. Cooking 8 Mechanical 4 Charisma 5
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 4
15:00 - 23:00
Friend Requirement 5
8) Restaurateur
With your celebrity and connections as a famous author, opening your own chain of pretentious bistros was almost inevitable. Now you're competing on a national scale. Keep cooking up the next big gastrointestinal thing, and use your old critic friends to hype up your business. Cooking 8 Mechanical 4 Charisma 7
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 5
09:00 - 14:00
Friend Requirement 6
9) Celebrity Chef
The hype paid off! Restaurants only reach a few wealthy Sims, but television reaches MILLIONS! From the lost subtleties of "perfect toast," to the massive complexity of "wedding banquets in 30 minutes," your culinary cunning will have couch potatoes drooling from Rio to Reykjavik. Cooking 10 Mechanical 4 Charisma 8
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 5
15:00 - 23:00
Friend Requirement 9
10) Candy Bar Magnate
Your new candy bar lets the world know you have ARRIVED. From supermarket checkout lines, to vending machines, to your Chocolate Land theme park, the profits pour in as the corn syrup pours out! Life is SWEEEEEET! Cooking 10 Mechanical 5 Charisma 10
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 6
16:00 - 23:00
Friend Requirement 11

A Candy Bar Magnate will eventually change careers and become a Top Secret Researcher in the science career track.

Culinary Arts Chance Cards
1) Dish Washer
No chance cards for this level.
2) Drive Thru Order Taker
The speaker system breaks, and you are able to fix it without missing a single order. You gain 1 mechanical point and get a §2,000 good service award. Positive
Earned Money +§2,000 Mechanical +1
3) Fast Food Shift Manager
No chance cards for this level.
4) Sous Chef
No chance cards for this level.
5) Head Chef
The public can't seem to get enough of your special BBQ sauce. You sell the recipe to a bottling plant for §5,000. Positive
Earned Money +§5,000
6) Restaurant Critic
No chance cards for this level.
7) Cook Book Author
No chance cards for this level.
8) Restaurateur
The seafood was not as fresh as you thought. The health department fines you §7,000 and you lose 1 charisma point. Negative
Got Fined -§7,000 Charisma -1
9) Celebrity Chef
No chance cards for this level.
10) Candy Bar Magnate
While working on your latest candy bar creation, you accidentally discover a new form of hot chocolate that never gets cold. The government is extremely interested in your find, and offers you a position as a Top Secret Researcher. You are now in the Science career track. Positive
Change to the science career track as a Top Secret Researcher.

The Sims 2[]

The culinary career is one of ten basic career tracks that shipped with The Sims 2. This career focuses on building skill points in cooking, creativity and logic. The career reward for this track is the Schokolade 890 Chocolate Manufacturing Facility, which can be obtained when the Sim becomes a Prep Cook at level 6, and it can be used to make candies which can be sold if the Sim has a high cooking skill, along with increasing the skill. If The Sims 2: Apartment Life is installed, Bohemians are likely to work in this career.[TS2:AL] College majors associated with this career are philosophy and art.[TS2:U]

Sims who have the Pleasure, Popularity or Romance aspiration can have "Become Celebrity Chef" as a lifetime want.

Befriending the hobby instructor for cuisine will reduce the friend requirement for this career by one.[TS2:FT]

Culinary career Culinary Career Levels
1) Dishwasher
You have to start somewhere, and in the restaurant industry, it's right at the bottom. But if you analyze the dirty dishes carefully, you'll learn EXACTLY what people like and don't like. Wash... and learn. Creativity 0 Logic 0 Cooking 0 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §126/day
14:00 - 22:00
Pension: §45/day
Bonus: None
2) Drive Through Clerk
Out of the frying pan and into the fire! You don't have to clean anymore, but dealing with hungry commuters and teen pranks will either make you or break you. Don't forget to smile! Creativity 0 Logic 0 Cooking 0 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §168/day
17:00 - 21:00
Pension: §60/day
Bonus: §336
3) Fast Food Shift Manager
Joy of joys...instead of fixing food you now have to fix problems: tangled register tape, clogged soda drink dispensers, and squabbling underpaid employees. Be creative about your problem solving or you'll be stuck picking taco droppings out of your hair for a long, long time. Creativity 1 Logic 0 Cooking 0 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §182/day
17:00 - 22:00
Pension: §65/day
Bonus: §364
4) Host / Hostess
If you never see another burger again, it'll be too soon. Now you're out of the kitchen, seating people and managing tables in a restaurant where people expect REAL food for the prices they're paying. Keep your eyes open and your smile painted on as you start learning about the industry-it's a dog-eat-food world out there, and you'll want to be well prepared. Creativity 1 Logic 1 Cooking 0 Friend Requirement 1
S M T W T F S Wage: §242/day
10:00 - 16:00
Pension: §86/day
Bonus: §484
5) Waiter / Waitress
If you thought hosting was bad, just try waiting tables. THIS is a promotion? You'd better believe it! Be prepared to think on your feet to outwit and impress your often-crafty customers in pursuit of the Almighty Tip—all while wearing a snazzy uniform and those ubiquitous Pieces of Flair. Creativity 2 Logic 3 Cooking 0 Friend Requirement 2
S M T W T F S Wage: §308/day
14:00 - 19:00
Pension: §110/day
Bonus: §616
6) Prep Cook
You've memorized everything on the menu and managed to work your way into a position as a Prep Cook. It's not glamorous, but it's real kitchen work - and you look stylin' in that big white hat! Get comfortable with the slicing, dicing and julienne fries - you're not going to get any farther in this industry if you don't know your basic cooking inside and out. Creativity 2 Logic 3 Cooking 3 Friend Requirement 2
S >M T W T F S Wage: §469/day
09:00 - 15:00
Pension: §167/day
Bonus: §938
7) Sous Chef
It's ironic that the more accomplished you become, the less you actually touch the food. As Sous Chef you're spending most of your time as a manager and cheerleader for your kitchen staff. If you want to keep moving up, you'll have to prove you've got the eccentric creativity needed to create novel dishes. Bon appetit! Creativity 4 Logic 4 Cooking 4 Friend Requirement 3
S M T W T F S Wage: §812/day
14:00 - 21:00
Pension: §290/day
Bonus: §1,624
8) Executive Chef
Finally recognized for your creative gifts, you've been given control of your restaurant's menu in order to create completely new and exciting dishes. It's a dream come true-but you're already dreaming of more. Keep challenging yourself as you work towards a new prize: a franchise of your own! Creativity 5 Logic 6 Cooking 5 Friend Requirement 4
S M T W T F S Wage: §1,208/day
09:00 - 15:00
Pension: §345/day
Bonus: §2,416
9) Restaurateur [sic]
Everyone's clamoring for a piece of the pie - YOUR pie, that is. Now that you've developed a distinctive culinary style, it's time to milk it for everything it's worth as a national brand. Keep everyone on their toes with your creative genius and you just might become a household name! Creativity 7 Logic 7 Cooking 8 Friend Requirement 6
S M T W T F S Wage: §1,330/day
14:00 - 22:00
Pension: §380/day
Bonus: §2,660
10) Celebrity Chef
You've finally arrived, and your face is selling more cookbooks than your own food does! It's been a long road, but you've now got a TV show seen by millions, a successful restaurant chain, and a name that commands respect. Bask in your victory as you flaunt your celebrity in televised competitions and enjoy your new life as a media mogul! Creativity 10 Logic 8 Cooking 10 Friend Requirement 7
S M T W T F S Wage: §2,170/day
15:00 - 20:00
Pension: §465/day
Bonus: §4,340

Culinary career Culinary Career Levels
1) Dishwasher
You have to start somewhere, and in the restaurant industry, it's right at the bottom. But if you analyze the dirty dishes carefully, you'll learn EXACTLY what people like and don't like. Wash... and learn. Creativity 0 Logic 0 Cooking 0 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §63/day
15:00 - 18:00
Bonus: None
2) Drive Through Clerk
Out of the frying pan and into the fire! You don't have to clean anymore, but dealing with hungry commuters and teen pranks will either make you or break you. Don't forget to smile! Creativity 0 Logic 0 Cooking 1 Friend Requirement 1
S M T W T F S Wage: §84/day
17:00 - 21:00
Bonus: §168
3) Fast Food Shift Manager
Joy of joys...instead of fixing food you now have to fix problems: tangled register tape, clogged soda drink dispensers, and squabbling underpaid employees. Be creative about your problem solving or you'll be stuck picking taco droppings out of your hair for a long, long time. Creativity 1 Logic 1 Cooking 1 Friend Requirement 4
S M T W T F S Wage: §91/day
17:00 - 22:00
Bonus: §182

Culinary career Culinary Chance Cards
1) Dishwasher
It's another dreary night, and <Sim> is up to his/her elbows in slimy dishwater with an embarrassing case of dishpan hands. He/She has one last bit of cleanup to do for the night when the head chef, Lefromage, runs frantically into the kitchen, arms flailing like a dying lobster. "Mon Dieu! A critic has come, and ze staff has gone home for ze night! Can you help cook?" Can <Sim> trust himself/herself not to set the kitchen on fire, or should he/she stick to the dishpan hands? Keep Cleaning
Success: Earned Money +§150 85% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired 14% chance
Fire up the Burners!
Success: Cooking +2 14% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§126 (a day's pay) 85% chance
2) Drive Through Clerk
It's late, and <Sim> is working the drive-through all by his/her lonesome - lots of responsibility for little pay. Suddenly, the otherwise quiet night is ruined when local rich kid Mimi/Dudley Landgrabb and some of her/his hoodlum friends pull up (<Sim> recognizes them by the indecent language coming through the tiny speaker.) From what he's/she's heard from other employees, <Sim> is pretty sure they're going to drive off without paying. Should he/she fill out the order, or should he/she treat them to a bit of their own medicine? Fries with that?
Success: Earned Money +§150 15% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§100 84% chance
Teach them a Lesson!
Success: Creativity +1 84% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired 15% chance
3) Fast Food Shift Manager
The movie theater down the street just let out and <Sim>'s restaurant is PACKED. (One might think they'd be full after those absurdly sized movie drinks, but no such luck.) He's/She's barking orders left and right when suddenly the unthinkable happens: the Uberburger 3000 breaks down in an entirely ungraceful puff of smoke. Now the restaurant smells like charcoal and there isn't a burger in sight. Should he/she try to keep going without the Uberburger, or take the repair into his/her own hands? Who Needs Burgers?
Success: Promotion Promoted to Host(ess) 85% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§500 14% chance
Roll Up Those Sleeves!
Success: Earned Money +§364 Logic +1 14% chance
Failure: Demotion Demoted to Drive Through Clerk Logic -1 85% chance
4) Host(ess)
It's every restaurant's worst nightmare: the party of 25 teenagers with no reservations. They showed up on the doorstep with no warning, and they're getting rambunctious while they're waiting for a table. At this point, they're starting to annoy the other guests. <Sim> could tell them that there's no room and hope they don't make a scene, or he/she could make room for them by asking that last elderly group he's/she's waiting on to leave. (They haven't ordered anything in 40 minutes!) Who gets the boot? The Grandparents
Success: Earned Money +§400 15% chance
Failure: Demotion Demoted to Fastfood Shiftmanager 84% chance
Those Darn Kids
Success: Promotion Promoted to Waiter/Waitress 84% chance
Failure: Creativity -2 15% chance
5) Waiter/Waitress
That trail of fainting girls outside can only mean one thing - swoonworthy teen heartthrob Simon Simmy has arrived at <Sim>'s restaurant! <Sim> has been granted the dubious honor of serving Simmy, and the picky star is sure keeping his/her hands full. He's currently demanding an expensive brand of water - "Vapour" - that's only sold at one place in all of SimCity. Since the cooks are busy, it's up to <Sim> to retrieve it. Should he/she make the run and give up his/her tips at the other tables he's/she's working, or should he/she secretly substitute tap water for Simon's fancy water? Play Fetch
Success: Promotion Promoted to Prep Cook 85% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§300 14% chance
Try Tap
Success: Earned Money +§500 14% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired 85% chance
6) Prep Cook
A local society dame has contracted with <Sim>'s restaurant to cater her daughter's wedding to a local wealthy businessman. This overly extravagant affair promptly causes headaches for the entire staff: the demands range from the silly (500 miniature swans made entirely of coconut paste) to the impossible ("Can you get powder blue lettuce greens for the salads?"). The sous chef is so busy taking care of the demands that he leaves the decision about the soup ("surprise us!") entirely up to <Sim>. Should he/she make Italian wedding soup or the less traditional Louisiana Gumbo? Italian Wedding
Success: Earned Money +§2,000 Cooking +1 85% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§1,000 14% chance
Louisiana Gumbo
Success: Promotion Promoted to Sous Chef 14% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired Cooking -1 85% chance
7) Sous Chef
As <Sim> grows more skilled in his/her work, he/she also begins to host dinner parties that gain him/her respect among his/her friends. One such friend, who dabbles in publishing, suggest that <Sim> publish a cookbook to get his/her name out there, going so far to offer a nice contract. Now all that <Sim> has to decide is what type of recipes to feature. He/She could concentrate on Asian dishes, a particular passion of his/hers, or he/she could try and shoot for the growing low-carb low-sodium low-substance cookbook market. Which book should he/she write? Eastern Eats
Success: Earned Money +§10,000 85% chance
Failure: Demotion Demoted to Prep Cook Got Fined -§5,000 14% chance
No-Cal Cooking
Success: Earned Money +§3,000 Creativity +2 14% chance
Failure: Cooking -1 85% chance
8) Executive Chef
<Sim> has become quite the talk of the town lately - his/her latest menu has been praised as "a gift from the heavens" and "a miraculous delight." It's not long before entrepreneurial spirits begin to approach him/her with seeming lucrative endorsement deals. Two of them stand out from the rest - one investor offers to put his/her name on a new brand of indestructible sporks, while another proposes a branded line of combination food processor/fax machines for the busy household. Which absurd kitchen implement will <Sim> endorse? Sporks of Steel
Success: Earned Money +§20,000 50% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired 49% chance
Blend 'n' Send
Success: Got a Big Bonus +§50,000 49% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§20,000 Logic -2 50% chance
9) Restauranteur [sic]
<Sim>'s line of restaurants is doing fairly well - so well that they've saturated most of the major metropolitan areas. It's time to branch out in a creative direction if business is to be kept at a booming pace. After speaking with his/her financial advisers, <Sim> has narrowed his/her actions down to two potential expansions - establishing a partnership with several major theme park chains, or expanding into airports across the country. Where should he/she put the dough? Theme Park
Success: Promotion Promoted to Celebrity Chef 15% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§30,000 84% chance
Success: Got a Big Bonus +§55,000 Logic +1 84% chance
Failure: Demotion Demoted to Executive Chef Creativity -1 15% chance
10) Celebrity Chef
What do wealthy celebrity chefs do to ensure their continued place at the top? Why, they compete in overly complicated televised battle shows, of course! <Sim> is honored by an invitation from the #1 reality-cooking-competition show, "Steel Cuisine." He's/She's been pitted against one of the most renowned chefs in the industry, Pierre Lefromage. (That name sounds strangely familiar ...) The week before the historic competition, <Sim> receives a mysterious phone call - someone will tell him/her the secret ingredient to be used for the sum of §50,000. Is <Sim>'s victory worth the shame and risk of cheating? Stay Honest
Success: Earned Money +§25,000 85% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§35,000 14% chance
Pay the Man
Success: Got a Big Bonus +§60,000 14% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§25,000 Fired Get Fired 85% chance
For more information on Chance Cards in The Sims 2, see Chance card.


  • The host uniform at Level 4 is seemingly based off the uniform that Jennifer Aniston's character, Joanna, wears in the film Office Space, the purple uniform and the numerous badges is heavily reminiscent of the uniforms that the employees have to wear in the film.[1]
  • Level 9 is misspelt as "restauranteur", whereas the correct spelling is "restaurateur".

The Sims 3[]

Culinary is a base game career track in The Sims 3.

Work place: Diner, bistro, coffeehouse

How to apply: Directly at work place, newspaper, computer

Performance options: Business as Usual, Work Hard, Take It Easy, Hang with Co-workers, Suck Up To Boss, Sleep On Prep Table, Practice Cooking

This is the only career track that has more than one working location. However, Sims can only choose one place or the other to work at. Despite the differences in location, job rankings and pay remain the same.

Promotion Levels[]

Culinary career icon Culinary Career Levels
1) Kitchen Scullion
The life of a Kitchen Scullion is fraught with orders from snooty chefs in the midst of flame-filled kitchens. A little cooking knowledge, not to mention a warm attitude in the presence of cold patrons, will do wonders for you as an aspiring chef.

Wage: §25/hour Bonus: N/A
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §40
15:00 - 21:00
15:00 - 20:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 0-3
2) Spice Runner
The modern spice trade is here and you are at the helm. A dash of paprika, organic sea salts, and just the right amount of cayenne can change any dish for the better… or worse! It’s all about the right spice at the right time in the life of a Spice Runner.

Wage: §32/hour Bonus: §300
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §50
15:00 - 21:00
15:00 - 20:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 1-4
3) Vegetable Slicer
Slicing and dicing the freshest produce with razor sharp cutlery is dire duty, but someone has to do it. It’s time for you to warm up to the boss, because from here on out it’ll take just a pinch of schmooze to perfect the dish that is your career.

Wage: §39/hour Bonus: §384
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §60
15:00 - 21:00
15:00 - 20:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 2-6
Boss Boss
4) Ingredient Taster
Someone clearly respects your taste, which means many arduous mouthfuls to stomach the role of the Ingredient Taster. Bring the charm along with the apron, because how co-workers evaluate you will ultimately determine your role in the restaurant.

Wage: §47/hour Bonus: §468
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §70
15:00 - 21:00
15:00 - 20:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 3-7
Boss Boss Coworker Coworkers
5) Line Cook
Meals are finally being put squarely in your hopefully capable hands. As a Line Cook, you’re tasked with a dish from start to finish, and there’s nobody to blame for bad peas... but you! The heat of the kitchen has never been hotter and it’s a recipe for disaster if you aren’t careful.

Wage: §84/hour Bonus: §600
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §110
15:00 - 20:30
15:00 - 19:30
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 4-8
Boss Boss Coworker Coworkers
6) Pastry Chef
After countless recipes filled with succulent, savory tastes, it’s time to work from the sweeter side of the kitchen. Delicate, flaky desserts and scrumptiously sugared breakfast tarts are the order of the day for Pastry Chefs. Keep rolling the dough to start rolling in the dough!

Perk: Food processor
Wage: §108/hour Bonus: §1,281
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §150
15:00 - 20:30
15:00 - 19:30
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 5-9
Boss Boss Coworker Coworkers
7) Sous Chef
As a Sous Chef, you must step back from the intriguing flavors and tackle the sour issues of kitchen management. The orders now come from up top and customers waiting for their meal, so satisfy all, or go home hungry and empty handed.

Perk: Discount at workplace
Wage: §124/hour Bonus: §???
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §130
15:00 - 20:30
15:00 - 19:30
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 6-9
Boss Boss Coworker Coworkers
8) Executive Chef
Now that you’re an Executive Chef, you must constantly improve the menu, meet the special requests of special guests, and determine the course of the restaurant. Some employees might disintegrate like a poorly constructed pie crust under the pressure, but that’s just how the cookie crumbles.

Perk: Discount at all restaurants
Wage: §150/hour Bonus: §???
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §150
15:00 - 20:00
15:00 - 19:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 7-10
Boss Boss Coworker Coworkers
9) Chef de Cuisine
Every restaurant that seeks to succeed must have a vision and food that deliciously inspires it patrons. The Chef de Cuisine must cultivate these culinary tendencies and let no Sim or untoward flavor stand in their way!

Wage: §201/hour Bonus: §???
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §150
15:00 - 20:00
15:00 - 19:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 8-10
Boss Boss Coworker Coworkers
10) Five-Star Chef
Without peer, (Sim) is in charge.

As a celebrity Five-Star Chef, you are the face of the restaurant. People read your books, watch you on TV, and dream of sampling your culinary masterpieces. There isn’t a single spice, flavor, or combination of sweet and sour that you haven’t contemplated and perfected. You are the master of the kitchen!

Perk: MinusOne Kelvin Refrigerator

Wage: §350/hour Bonus: §???
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §200
15:00 - 19:00
15:00 - 18:30
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Cooking Cooking 9-10
Coworker Coworkers


From one Chef to another
[Sim], a fellow chef, would like to discuss cooking with you.
Catfish for the Chef
Location: Diner or Bistro
Reward: Cash
The Chef is experimenting with recipes involving fish. The only problem is that he doesn't have any fish. Use this cheese as bait to catch an Alley Catfish, then turn it in to the restaurant. But hurry! The Chef promises to pay top Simoleon!
Working Alongside Friends
Reward: Co-worker relationship and job performance boosts
Your boss thinks it'd benefit your personal growth and job performance if you befriended [Sim], but quickly! Meet [Sim] for a friendly chat. Who knows where the relationship will lead?
Rock and Sushi Roll
The restaurant wants to take advantage of the sushi craze that is sweeping the town. Catch two fish, then turn them in at the restaurant. The Chef guarantees you some extra money for your efforts as well as a job performance increase.
A Lot of Bad Apples
Reward: Job performance boosts
The Chef has gone a tad batty. You've been tasked with planting a Bad Apple and bringing in 10 more like it. Apparently the stew tastes better with bad apples, but it's best to bring the apples, take the performance boost, and not ask questions.
Spying on the Cuisine
Reward: Job performance boosts
Eat With Others or Alone at (one of the other restaurants)
Your rivals in the restaurant business are really doing well, and it isn't sitting well with the chef. You've been tasked to eat at one of the other restaurants in town, then return to work and report on your findings. Watch your back!
Harvesting the Best
Reward: Job performance boosts
Restaurants that cook with locally grown ingredients are really successful. The Chef has given you a Great [plant], in the hopes you can plant it and grow an Excellent [plant]. Bring it to work with you and you'll earn yourself a raise!
Appetizing Music
Patrons have been leaving the restaurant bored. To rectify the situation, the Chef wants you to bring your guitar and play at the restaurant. Hopefully the music fixes things. If not, at least you'll get paid!

The Sims 4[]

The Culinary career is one of the career tracks from The Sims 4 base game. After being promoted from level five, Sims will be able to choose one of the two career paths: Chef or mixologist. If a Sim is in the Culinary Career they will sometimes have the whim "Go to Work feeling Inspired" which will grant 40 satisfaction points if you send the Sim to work with the Inspired moodlet.

Career Levels[]

TS4 Career Culinary Culinary Career Levels
Description: "Anyone can make dinner or mix a drink at home. The Culinary career is for those who want to take it to another level and make money doing it."
Workplace: Make a Dish
1) Assistant Dishwasher
Time to do the work of a common household appliance! <sim first name> will be scrubbing plates, ensuring crystal glasses have no leftover lipstick residue, and striking up conversations with Sims who couldn't pay their tab! Wage: §15/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Daily Task:
Prepare Food/Mix Drinks
Bonus: None Pension: §51/per day
2) Head Dishwasher
As the Head Dishwasher, <sim first name> can choose which dishes he/she wants to wash. Hard to scrub pots and pans are no longer an issue, unless <sim first name> wants them to be. Only the most beautiful china are now placed in <sim first name>'s hands. Wage: §16/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 2 Cooking Skill
Daily Task:
Prepare Food/Mix Drinks
Bonus: §334; Corporate Chic Countertop Pension: Unknown
3) Caterer
Standing behind food stations unable to eat the food is never easy, but it's the new reality for <sim first name>. His/her days will now be filled with ridiculous dancing at weddings, failed team-building exercises, and really weird baby shower games. Wage: §26/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 2 Cooking Skill
Reach Level 2 Mixology Skill
Daily Task:
Prepare Food/Mix Drinks
Bonus: §368; Stainless Steel Auto-Pot Pension: Unknown
4) Mixologist
The secret to Mixology is proportion. How much sweet juice? How much sour juice? Does this troubled patron want <sim first name>'s advice, or just for someone to listen? Is this a real job, or just something people do for money until they find a real job? Wage: §35/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 3 Cooking Skill
Reach Level 3 Mixology Skill
Daily Task:
Prepare Food/Mix Drinks
Bonus: §515; Umber Kitchen Sink Pension: Unknown
5) Line Cook
<sim first name> is now a Line Cook! His/her duties include station setup, prepping food, cleaning up and stocking. Basically everything the real cooks don't want to do! Wage: §43/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 4 Cooking Skill
Reach Level 4 Mixology Skill
Daily Task:
Prepare Food/Mix Drinks
Bonus: §556; Corporate Chic Counter Island; New Clothes Pension: §843/day

TS4 Career Culinary Chef Culinary Career Levels - Chef Branch
Description: "It takes a special touch to craft exquisite food. Begin your journey of making Sims weak in the knees with a dangerously delicious dish."
Workplace: Make a Dish
6) Head Caterer
The world of private parties now belongs to <sim first name>! Forget the small-time events, now he/she gets to enjoy short-deadline corporate events, birthday parties for children with more money than he/she has, and incredibly particular brides! Wage: §52/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 3:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 6 Cooking Skill
Reach Level 2 Gourmet Cooking Skill
Daily Task:
Prepare Food
Bonus: §691; Positronic Pro Magnetic Knife Rack Pension: Unknown
7) Pastry Chef
Pastries are a tricky thing to master. They must be delicious enough to justify the calories, but also beautiful enough to catch the customer's eye. <sim first name> is branching out into real food artistry! Wage: §104/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 7 Cooking Skill
Reach Level 4 Gourmet Cooking Skill
Daily Task:
Prepare Food
Bonus: §933; Heavy Dutiest Pot Rack; Professional Ceiling-Mounted Pot Rack; Ceiling Pot Rack, Oval Pension: Unknown
8) Sous Chef
Second-in-command isn't bad at all! Now <sim first name> can do some REAL work without getting any of the credit. But hey, with a little time and a lot of effort <sim first name> will be the one running things around here! Wage: §131/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 8 Cooking Skill
Reach Level 6 Gourmet Cooking Skill
Daily Task:
Prepare Food
Bonus: §1,306; Icebox of Steel by Krampft Industries; Write Cook Book on the computer Pension: Unknown
9) Executive Chef
Congratulations to <sim first name>! He/she is now the master of the kitchen. Yelling at underlings, demanding things be re-cooked, screaming at underlings, reprimanding underlings - - it's all possible now! Wage: §253/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Max Cooking Skill to Level 10
Reach Level 8 Gourmet Cooking Skill
Daily Task:
Prepare Food
Bonus: §1,959 Pension: Unknown
10) Celebrity Chef
Some might say <sim first name> has sold out to gain mainstream status, but <sim first name> cannot hear them. He/she is relaxing in his/her private office, eating hors d’oeurves in front of the fireplace, and considering the latest contract for a new TV show, cook book, and servingware line. Wage: §410/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Daily Task:
Prepare Food
Bonus: §3,037; Discretion Stove Hood; Pro Performance Range Hood; The Obelisk; Pancake Pro Free-standing Griddle; New Clothes; unlocks "Commercial Kitchen" styled room Pension: Unknown

TS4 Career Culinary Mixologist Culinary Career Levels - Mixologist Branch
Description: "A master mixologist knows the ins and outs of various mixers and ingredients to create a drink that makes the shyest Sim sit up and notice." With Discover University, although there is no degree associated with the mixologist branch, if a student sits in 10 or more mixology skill classes, there is a chance they will be offered a job in the mixology branch.
Workplace: Make a Dish
6) Head Mixologist
A master of doling out advice and a master of mixing fruity drinks, <sim first name> is now the Head Mixologist! It might be time to start charging therapist rates... Wage: §45/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 5 Mixology Skill
Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Mix Drinks
Bonus: §691; Captain Rodrigo de Pablo Cask Pension: Unknown
7) Juice Boss
A drink specialist at a nearly divine level, <sim first name> will be helping clients pair mixed drinks with a variety of meals and desserts. They may swoon as their tastebuds are overwhelmed by a culinary WooHoo of flavors. Wage: §64/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 7:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 7 Mixology Skill
Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Mix Drinks
Bonus: §1,907 Pension: Unknown
8) Chief Drink Operator
Coordinating orders at a corporate level is no easy feat, but <sim first name> is ready to be the next big CDO. His/her high-demand drinks are now made in large batches and are then shipped out to various restaurants. Wage: §111/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 4:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 8 Mixology Skill Skill
Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill Skill
Daily Task:
Mix Drinks
Bonus: §2,559; Vinotecca Bottle Rack; Write Bar Guide on the computer Pension: Unknown
9) Drinkmaster
<sim first name> has really proven himself/herself when it comes to concocting amazing drinks. Students from all over the world will flock to his/her side, eager to learn from The Great Drinkmaster! There will be magic. Oh yes.
There will be magic.
Wage: §166/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 2:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Max Mixology Skill to Level 10
Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Mix Drinks
Bonus: §3,916; Lemonade on a Sunny Day Torchiere Pension: Unknown
10) Celebrity Mixologist
Some might say <sim first name> has sold out to gain mainstream status, but <sim first name> cannot hear them. He/she is relaxing in his/her private office, sipping an amazing drink in front of the fireplace, and considering the latest contract for a new TV show, cook book, and glassware line. Wage: §197/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Promotion Tasks:
Daily Task:
Mix Drinks
Bonus: §4,984; Bar Setters Bar; New Clothes; unlocks "Nectar Bar" styled room Pension: Unknown

Sims in the Culinary Career[]


  1. Chotchkies - Uniforms. Retrieved on 2010-03-29, 2010. Retrieved on March 29, 2010.