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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 4
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This article or section is being considered for merging with Princess Cordelia. Reason: She appears to be the official playable version of the lore character.
Cordelia Thebe
Cordelia Thebe
Gender Female Female
Age Age yadult selected Young Adult
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
What simple description could attempt to summarize the extraordinary life of Princess Cordelia of Royal House Thebe? A poetic soul who enjoyed the ocean, the company of pirate suitors, painting, jazz, carpentry, and adventure—yet, lost the home she so loved in a terrible invasion. A woman who not only survived a Kraken attack but used its power for her own purposes. Few Sims can rival her story.
Family Thebe Family
Marital status Single
Household Princess Cordelia
Roommates Long John Buttercups, Chaz MacFreeling, Rodrigo De Pablo, Bob The Butler, Matilda The Cook
Traits Trait TS4 Child of the Ocean Child of the ocean
Trait TS4 Music Lover Music Lover
Trait TS4 Creative Creative
Trait TS4 Alluring Alluring
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Serial Romantic Serial Romantic
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Thin Average
Other information
Game TS4 Icon The Sims 4
Playability Gallery

Princess Cordelia Thebe is a Sim who is mentioned in various Build and Buy items in The Sims 4. She can be found in the Gallery with her roommates, Long John Buttercups, Chaz MacFreeling, Rodrigo De Pablo, Bob The Butler and Matilda The Cook, where they were uploaded by Maxis.[1]

Cordelia is said to be a member of Royal House Thebe, who lost her home in a terrible invasion, survived a kraken attack and used its power for her own purposes. It is also said that she enjoyed the company of pirates, possibly implying that the pirates in her household are intended to be her love interests. Bob The Butler and Matilda The Cook are most likely intended to be the butler and cook of the household, respectively.


  • Cordelia's name and appearance may be a reference to Cordelia Capp, whose father had the last name "Thebe" before he got married.
  • Despite being meant for the base game, Cordelia has the child of the ocean trait from The Sims 4: Island Living, which will be removed if the player downloads her household without that pack installed.

